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所長   |   Director

                                                                                                                                     Director’s Message

                                                                                                                                     Welcome	to	the	Institute	of	Information	Science	(IIS)	at	Academia	Sinica.  ly	restored	and	enhanced	many	of	those	archives	with	good	visual	details
                                                                                                                                                                                         and	greatly	improved	quality.	These	are	some	of	the	key	technologies
                                                                                                                                     Since	the	established	of	the	Institute	of	Information	Science	(IIS)	in	1982,	  and	research	efforts	that	enable	IIS	to	play	a	leading	role	in	the	National
                                                                                                                                     at	the	dawn	of	the	information	technology	(IT)	revolution	in	Taiwan,	it	  Digital	Archives	Program	-	a	10-year	national	program	supported	by	sev-
                                                                                                                                     has	experienced	very	rapid	growth	in	less	than	three	decades.	Since	its	  eral	government	agencies	with	a	substantial	funding	level	and	a	wide
                                                                                                                                     inception,	IIS	has	emerged	as	one	of	the	leading	research	institutes	in	  spectrum	of	applications	that	involve	maps,	pictures,	documents,	and
                                                                                                                                     both	computer	and	information	science	and	related	technologies	in	Tai-  audio	and	video	data	obtained	and	maintained	by	many	academic,	gov-
                                                                                                                                     wan.	It	has	grown	from	a	handful	of	people	to	the	current	38	research	  ernment,	and	private	organizations.
                                                                                                                                     fellows	with	about	30	post-doctoral	researchers,	and	slightly	more	than
          所長的話                                                                                                                       300	full-time	research	associates	and	specialists.	Almost	two-thirds	of	the	  There	are	many	other	research	projects	in	IIS,	including	research	in	spa-
                                                                                                                                                                                         tial	information	processing	systems	to	develop	standard	data	schema
                                                                                                                                     research	fellows	received	their	PhD	degrees	from	major	universities	in
                                                                                                                                     the	USA	or	Europe,	and	another	third	from	the	top	universities	in	Taiwan.	  and	 efficient	 conversion	 techniques	 for	 geographical	 information	 sys-
                                                                                                                                     Many	of	them	have	also	received	distinguished	awards	and	honors	both	  tems	(GIS)	that	could	facilitate	the	sharing	of	spatial	data	across	a	va-
          自資訊科學研究所1982年成立以來所內同仁兢兢業業、努力耕耘,                     資訊所其他重要研究領域包括多媒體影像處理,尤其針對無法重拍                                          nationally	and	internationally.	                    riety	 of	 different	 GIS	 systems;	 research	 in	 computer	 networking	 that
          使本所在資訊科學的基礎研究上取得許多豐碩的成果。本所同仁多                       之老舊照片以及類似的數位多媒體影像提供色調重現的技術,使其                                          Although	IIS	is	not	a	degree-granting	academic	institute,	nearly	all	the	  designs	self-configurable,	self-healing,	and	self-protecting	mechanisms
          年不斷致力高度前瞻性的資訊科學研究,開發關鍵性的資訊系統,                       風華再現,2007年9月透過國科會所召開之記者會正式介紹給一般                                        research	fellows	supervise	or	co-supervise	MS	and	PhD	students	in	top-  to	support	effective	data	transmission	in	opportunistic	ad	hoc	wireless
          並努力延攬及訓練有關資訊科技的高級研發人才,因此資訊所成長                       民眾,此一核心技術亦已於國家型典藏計劃中供大量影像資料處理                                          ranked	Computer	Science	departments	in	Taiwan,	and	collaborate	very	  networks,	such	as	those	needed	in	a	disaster	area	in	which	all	the	main
          飛速,目前所內有38位資深研究人員,30位博士後研究學者,以及                     使用;近年來本所亦發展地理資訊系統(GIS),成功開發了一套軟體                                       closely	with	their	faculty	members.	One	exception	is	the	international	  communication	infrastructures	were	destroyed	by	an	earthquake	or	a	ty-
          300多位碩士級的專任及兼任研究助理與技術人員。                            系統,可將現有利用「基本地形圖資料庫標準交換格式」的台灣地                                          graduate	program	in	Bioinformatics	under	the	auspices	of	the	Taiwan	  phoon		-	common	occurrences	in	Taiwan;	research	in	bio-informatics	that
                                                              形圖資料,自動轉換成較新的	XML	文件,使這些地理資料能方便的                                       International	Graduate	Program	(TIGP)	in	Academia	Sinica.	The	PhD	pro-  studies	protein	structures	and	predicts	protein-protein	interaction	with
          歷年來所內同仁榮獲各種國內外知名獎項及榮銜,其中包含國科會                       在全球資訊網使用;在生物文獻探勘方面,我們建立了世界第一個                                                                                              enhanced	accuracy.	It	has	also	produced	the	first	semantic	role-labeling
          傑出特約研究員獎、傑出研究獎、吳大猷先生紀念獎,中央研究院                       生醫文句的語意角色標註系統;在複雜度理論與密碼學的基礎研究                                          gram	was	established	in	2002,	and	has	enrolled	about	31	students	over	  system	for	biomedical	literature	and	developed	literature	mining	tech-
          深耕獎,中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎,中華民國十大傑出女青                       方面,我們發展各種亂度淬取程序以建立具有永久性的加密系統等                                          the	last	seven	years.	Many	of	our	research	fellows	hold	joint	faculty	ap-  niques	that	could	provide	highly	accurate	gene	and	protein	name	iden-
                                                                                                                                     pointments	at	top	universities	in	Taiwan.	This	factor	has	played	a	very
          年獎,經濟部國家發明創作獎,中華民國資訊學會李國鼎穿石獎與                       等。這些都是資訊所同仁在諸多資訊研究領域中少數的幾個實例。                                          significant	role	in	training	and	fostering	advanced	research	talents	in	the	  tification,	currently	an	extremely	tedious	and	time	consuming	process.
          資訊榮譽獎章,ACM	台北/台灣分會李國鼎青年研究獎,潘文淵文                                                                                            IT	industry	and	academia	in	Taiwan.	                Finally,	the	Institute	conducts	research	into	complexity	theory,	with	the
          教基金會研究傑出獎等。                                         本所許多研究成果均具有極高的資訊產品化潛力,此外,很多比較                                                                                              focus	on	the	construction	of	various	randomness	extractors	that	could
                                                              具有實用性及跨領域之研究項目,其研究發展的實驗平台需要非研                                          As	the	IT	industry	has	long	been	the	crown	jewel	of	Taiwan’s	economic	  be	used	in	cryptography	to	derive	extremely	secure	encryption	schemes,
          所內資深研究人員皆指導或共同指導來自全國各地頂尖大學之碩、                       究之專業人員去維護,以便在平台開放後能有後續的支持,以利推                                          miracle	and	the	envy	of	the	world,	IIS	strives	to	play	a	unique	role	in	this	  an	increasingly	critical	technology	for	on-line	transactions	and	commu-
          博士生,並與這些大學保持緊密的研究關係及合作計劃,與國內外                       廣使用。因此,在2007年成立一個新的「資訊科技創新研究中心」                                        major	endeavor.	It	has	always	focused	on	fundamental	and	long-term	  nications.	The	above	projects	are	just	a	small	sample	of	many	highly	vis-
          資訊業界亦有極為良好之互動關係。本所積極鼓勵跨領域之研究,                       (簡稱資創中心)。資訊所內幾個計畫,例如國家典藏計畫、網格計                                         research	to	further	Taiwan’s	competitive	edge	and	sustain	the	growth	  ible	research	projects	being	conducted	in	IIS.
          現有之研究計劃均包含許多生醫科學、社會科學、人文科學,以及                       畫以及台灣的網絡資訊安全計畫、健康銀髮族計畫等均已交由資創                                          of	this	strategic	enterprise..	At	the	same	time,	the	Institute	/manages	a
          其他相關重要領域之研究人員直接或間接參與,並已產生許多實際                       中心繼續研發及執行。許多資訊所研究人員均接受資創中心合聘,                                          research	portfolio	that	includes	cutting-edge,	application-oriented	infor-  Many	of	our	research	efforts	have	significant	practical	implications	and
                                                                                                                                                                                         may	 even	 generate	 potential	 commercial	 opportunities.	 In	 addition,
          的研究成果。本所並於2002年配合中研院國際研究生院	(TIGP),開                 以利更緊密之合作。                                                              mation	technologies	that	are	unique	to	Taiwan’s	society	and	culture.	Our	  many	of	our	application-oriented	and	development-intensive	projects
          始招收生物資訊學程博士班,致力延攬及培訓此一新領域之國際人                                                                                              main	research	areas	cover	a	wide	spectrum	of	fields	in	both	computer	  require	 different	 specialists	 to	 maintain	 and	 support	 application	 soft-
          材,目前已有31名學生,對生物資訊的研究有很大的助益。                         台灣資訊科技研究及產業正面臨許多令人期待又充滿挑戰的時刻,                                          and	information	science.	Many	are	cross-disciplinary	and	require	close	  ware	and	interact	with	large	user	communities.	To	facilitate	such	efforts,
                                                              許多具有極大潛力的新興資訊科技正在萌芽,資訊所的同仁將秉承                                          collaboration	with	researchers	in	bio-medical	sciences,	social	sciences,
          所裡的同仁多年來全力發展中文語言及多媒體中文資訊處理技術,                       過去的傳統,繼續朝著進昇為國際前列研究機構的方向努力。                                            liberal	arts	and	other	major	fields.                the	Research	Center	for	Information	Technology	Innovation	(CITI)	was
          並發展許多關鍵性之中文語料庫及資料庫,例如「中央研究院中文                                                                                                                                                  established	in	2007	to	work	synergistically	with	IIS.	Since	the	establish-
          平衡語料庫(簡稱	 Sinica	 Corpus)」目前全球已有超過130個研究單                                                                                  For	 example,	 we	 lead	 a	 major	 research	 effort	 in	 Chinese	 language	  ment	of	CITI,	IIS	has	transferred	several	large	projects	that	are	heavily
          位授權使用中,其中包括	Yahoo	及	Apple	等大的多媒體公司。此外                                                                                      processing	and	its	related	technologies	for	knowledge	extraction	and	ac-  application	oriented	and	have	significant	developmental	components
          本所同仁積極發展具有新詞辨識能力之中文斷詞系統,在網上開放                       我們竭誠歡迎大家至資訊所參觀並給予誠摯的指教。                                                quisition.	Many	indispensible	tools	and	infrastructures	used	for	research	  to	CITI.	They	include	the	above-mentioned	National	Digital	Archives	Pro-
          使用(,目前已有超過一百萬以上之                                                                         in	this	field	today	were	developed	at	IIS,	including	the	first	balanced	Chi-  gram;	the	Grid	and	Scientific	Computing	Program,	which	supports	grid
          文件使用,其他如漢字構形資料庫之建立,以提供漢字缺字服務以                                                                                              nese	corpus	(known	as	Sinica	Corpus).	It	contains	more	than	5	million	  computing	by	physicists;	and	the	Taiwan	Information	Security	Program,
          及中文句結構資料庫等亦都於網路開放使用。這些皆為中文電子資                                                                                              words	with	part-of-speech	tagging,	and	is	available	at	http://www.sinica.  which	focuses	on	the	training	and	recruitment	of	advanced	information
                                                                                                                                                                                         security	talents	in	Taiwan.	There	are	also	several	projects,	such	as	Free
          訊處理及研究不可或缺之寶貴資源。我們更積極發展中文的搜尋引                                                                                    	The	project	has	already	issued	more	than	130	li-  and	Open	Source	Software,	Sensor	Information	Systems	for	Active	Reti-
          擎,運用機器學習與法則式的技巧,提供中文用戶更精準的答案與                                                                                              censes	to	major	research	groups	around	the	world,	as	well	as	major	com-  rees	and	Assisted	Living	(SISARL)	and	some	components	in	Bioinformat-
                                                                                                                                     mercial	enterprises	like	Yahoo	and	Apple.	The	group	has	also	developed
                                                                                                                                     knowledge	acquisition	techniques	for	Chinese	language-based	informa-  ics.	We	look	forward	to	working	closely	with	CITI.
                                                                                                                                     tion	to	construct	ontology	structures	as	well	as	linguistic	and	common	  These	are	exciting	and	challenging	times	for	IT	research	and	the	IT	indus-
                                                                                                                                     knowledge	databases	for	information	processing	and	logical	inference.	  try	in	Taiwan.	Many	emerging	technologies	and	opportunities	are	on	the
                                                                                                                                     Currently,	the	group	is	developing	sophisticated	Chinese	search	engines	  horizon.	IIS,	in	working	with	the	newly	established	CITI,	looks	forward	to
                                                                                                                                     that	combine	machine	learning	techniques	to	provide	more	concise	and	  a	concerted	effort	in	leading	the	fundamental	and	practical	research	in
                                                                                                                                     accurate	results	to	users.
                                                                                                                                                                                         this	important	field.
                                                                                                                                     In	multi-media	research,	a	group	has	been	focusing	on	the	restoration
                                                                                                                                     and	enhancement	of	digitized	multi-media	materials	from	archived	old
                                                                                                                                     and	rare	pictures	and	films	of	extremely	poor	quality,	many	with	histori-
                                                                                                                                     cal	significance.	It	developed	advanced	techniques	that	have	successful-

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