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特聘講座/特聘研究員   |   Distinguished Chair and Distinguished Research Fellows

                                                                                                                                      	 ● Honorary	Chair	Professor,	National	Taiwan	University	of	Science	and	  	 ƒ Humboldt	Ambassador	Scientist,	Alexander	von	Humboldt	Founda-
                                                                                                                                       Technology	(2009	~)
                                                                                                                                                                                            tion,	Germany	(2010)
                                                          李德財 Der-Tsai Lee                                                            	 ● Distinguished	Research	Chair	Professor,	CSIE,	National	Taiwan	Uni-  	 ƒ Member,	The	Academy	of	Sciences	for	the	Developing	World	(2008)
                                                                                                                                       versity	(2008	~	)	                                 	 ƒ Humboldt	Research	Award,	Germany	(2007)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Chair	Professor,	National	Chiao-Tung	University,	(2008	~	)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Computer	Science	Chair	Professor,	National	Chung-Hsing	University
                                                          特聘研究員 Distinguished Research Fellow                                          (2008	~	)
                                                          Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign         	 ● Executive	Director,	Taiwan	Information	Security	Center,	Research
                                                          Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	2209                                              Center	for	Information	Technology	Innovation,	(2007	~	)
                                                          Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814                                                       	 ● Distinguished	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1998	~	)
                                                          Email:                                              	 ● Director,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	Academia	Sinica

                                                                                                                                     代表著作 Publications

                                                                                                                                     Journals:                                               Aligner: An Algorithm  for Aligning  Pairwise  Genomic  Sequences
                                                                                                                                                                                             Containing Rearrangement Events,” Bioinformatics, June 2009.
           研究簡介                                           Research Description                                                       1.   Y. W. Huang, C. H. Tsai, T. P. Lin, S. K. Huang, D. T. Lee and S.   15.  M. J. Kao, C. S. Liao and D. T. Lee, “Capacitated Domination Prob-
                                                                                                                                        Y. Kuo, “A Testing Framework for Web Application Security Assess-
                                                                                                                                        ment,” Journal of Computer Networks, Vol.48, No. 5, pp. 739-761,   lem,” Algorithmica, 2009.
        我們的研究著重在演算法的設計、幾何計算、超大型積                       Our	research	is	concerned	with	the	design	and	analysis	of	algorithms,	algorithm	  June 2005.                                      16.  T.-C. Lin and D. T. Lee, “Efficient Algorithms for the Sum Selection
        體電路的設計及應用、分散式演算法、演算法視覺化、                       visualization,	 geometric	 computing,	 distributed	 computing,	 web-based	 comput-  2.   T. Y. Ho, Y. W. Chang, S. J. Chen and D. T. Lee, “Crosstalk- and   Problem and k Maximum Sums Problem,” Theoretical Comput. Sci.,
        網際網路協力計算、網路應用軟體安全與弱點偵測、個                       ing,	software	security	and	vulnerability,	and	digital	library	technologies.	In	the	ar-  performance-driven multilevel full-chip routing,” IEEE Trans. Com-  Vol.411, No.7-9 pp. 986-994, Feb. 2010.
        人資料保護與安全傳輸機制之設計以及數位圖書館資訊                       eas	of	graph	algorithms	and	geometric	computing,	we	consider	geometric	network	  puter-Aided Design, Vol.24, No.6, pp. 869-878, June 2005.  Conferences:
        系統之開發。在圖論與幾何計算方面,探討網路設計與                       design	problems,	which	arise	in	many	fields,	such	as	VLSI	design,	wireless	sensor	  3.   T. L. Huang and D. T. Lee, “Comments and an Improvement on ‘A   17.  C. S. Liao and D. T. Lee, “Power domination problem in graphs,”
        架構連結問題,涵括許多不同領域內的核心議題,例如                       network,	 communication	 networks,	 etc.,	 and	 which	 are	 concerned	 with	 network	  Distributed Algorithm of Delay-bounded Multicast Routing for Mul-  Eleventh  International  Computing  and  Combinatorics  Conference
                                                                                                                                        timedia Applications  in Wide Area  Networks’,”  IEEE/ACM  Trans.
        超大型積體電路設計、無線傳感器網路及通訊網路等。                       construction	of	a	collection	of	sites,	subject	to	various	requirements.	We	will	con-  Networking, Vol.13, No.6, pp.1410-1411, Dec. 2005.  2005, Kunming, Yunnan, China, Aug. 2005.
        我們從演算法設計的角度,研究在單一或多重網路品質                       sider	 the	 construction	 and	 evaluation	 of	 networks	 under	 one	 or	 more	 objective	  4.   J. Ho, W. L. Hwang, H. H. S. Lu and D. T. Lee, “Gridding Spot Cent-  18  M. H. Tsai, J. D. Wei, J. H. Huang and D. T. Lee, “A Portable Geomet-
        的評量標的下	(Multi-criteria	optimization)	的網路建構問    functions,	 so-called	 multi-criteria	 network	 optimization.	We	 focus	 on	 several	 im-  ers of Smoothly Distorted Microarray Images,” IEEE Transactions on   ric Algorithm Visualization System with Dynamic Camera Position-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ing for Tracking 3D Objects,” Proc. 22  Annual ACM Symp. Compu-
        題,包括網路的權重(所有邊的總和長度)、直徑(任兩                      portant	measures	to	evaluate	the	quality	of	the	network,	including	weight	(total	  Image Processing, Vol.15, No.2, pp. 342-353, Feb. 2006.  tational Geometry, pp. 479-480, Sedona, Arizona, June 2006.
        點間最長的網路傳輸距離)、膨脹係數(任兩點間網路距                      length	of	all	edges),	diameter	(longest	path	between	any	two	nodes),	dilation	(larg-  5.   A. C. C. Shih, D. T. Lee, L. Lin, C. L. Peng, S. H. Chen, C. Y. Wong,   19.  M. Y. Chen, J. D. Wei, J. H. Huang and D. T. Lee, “Design and Ap-
        離對最短直線距離之最大比值)、傳輸成本(任兩點間網                      est	ratio	of	network	distance	to	Euclidean	distance),	routing	cost	(total	sum	over	  M. Y. Chou, T. C. Shiao, M. F. Hsieh and Y. W. Wu, “SinicView: A   plications  of  an Algorithm  Benchmark  System  in  a  Computational
        路距離的總和)、瓶頸頻寬或流量等等。針對這類計算                       the	network	distances	between	all	vertex	pairs),	bottleneck	bandwidth	or	capacity,	  Visualization Environment for Comparisons of Multiple Nucleotide   Problem Solving,” Proc. 11  Annual Conference on Innovation and
        難題	 (Computationally	 intractable),我們將探討其深層    etc.	We	will	also	address	issues	about	fault	tolerance	and	dynamic	maintenance	of	  Sequence Alignment Tools,” BMC Bioinformatics, Vol. 7, No.103, pp.   Technology in Computer Science Education, pp. 123-127, Bologna,
                                                                                                                                        1471-2105, March 2006.
        架構,嘗試發掘各種特性,進而設計近似最佳的演算法                       networks	under	node/link-transient	failures.	Most	of	these	problems	are	known	to	  6.   T. L. Huang and D. T. Lee, “An Iterative Distributed Algorithm for   Italy, June 2006.
        或啟發式演算法。除了演算法等基礎理論之研究,我們                       be	computationally	intractable.	Thus,	we	will	explore	the	underlying	structures	or	  Multi-constraint  Multicast  Routing,”  Computer  Communications,   20.  J. D. Wei and D. T. Lee, “Priority-based Genetic Local Search and
                                                                                                                                                                                             its Application to the Traveling Salesman Problem,” Proc. Sixth Int’l
        也注重應用系統之研發。我們建構了一個幾何計算及圖                       properties,	and	attempt	to	obtain	heuristics	or	suitable	approximation	solutions.	In	  Vol.29, No.17, pp. 3647-3661, Nov. 2006.       Conference  on  Simulated  Evolution  and  Learning  (SEAL’06),  pp.
        論演算法的開發環境	(Geometric	Algorithm	Development	    addition	to	theoretical	studies,	we	are	interested	in	applications	software	develop-  7.   A. C. C. Shih, D. T. Lee, C. L. Peng and Y. W. Wu, “Phylo-mLogo:   424-432, Hefei, China, Oct. 2006.
        Environment,	 GeoADE),支援計算幾何相關的視覺化演            ment.	Expanding	on	OpenCPS,	a	web-based	collaborative	problem-solving	environ-   An Interactive and Hierarchical Multiple-logo Visualization Tool for   21.  J. D. Wei, T. Y. Chen, T. Y. Tung and D. T. Lee, “A Visualization Tool
        算法的開發,發展解題及改善研究環境之應用軟體,內                       ment	(,	we	have	built	a	geometric	algorithm	development	  Alignment  of  Numerous  Sequences,”  BMC  Bioinformatics,  Vol.8,   to Construct the Reference-Based Relation Map for Group Knowl-
        容與知識管理以及演算效能評比系統。GeoADE以開放                     environment	(GeoADE)	to	better	support	the	implementation	and	visualization	of	  No.63, Feb. 2007.                                    edge of a Knowledge Portal,” Proc. 2007 Int’l Conference on Infor-
        式開發環境	Eclipse/CDT	為基礎支援	C/C++	的程式設計,           algorithms	for	geometric	problems	and	provide	a	platform	for	benchmarking	algo-  8.   C.N.Hsu, J.M.Lai, C.H.Liu, H.H.Tseng, C.Y.Lin, K.T.Lin, H.H.Yeh,   mation and  Knowledge Engineering (IKE’07),  Las Vegas, Nevada,
                                                                                                                                                                                             June 2007.
        並整合自行開發的視覺化幾何元件程式庫	GeoLEDA	及互                  rithm	performance.	GeoADE	is	based	on	an	open	source	application	development	    T.Y.Sung, W.L.Hsu, L.J.Su, S.A.Lee, C.H.Chen, G..C.Lee, D.T.Lee,
                                                                                                                                        Y.L.Shiue, C.W.Yeh, C.H.Chang, C.Y.Kao, C.Y.F.Huang, “Detection
        動式元件視覺化幾何元件操作視窗	Geometry	Viewer,也              environment	Eclipse/CDT	that	supports	C/C++	programming	and	is	integrated	with	  of the Inferred Interaction Network in Hepatocellular Carcinoma from   22.  C. M. Yu, C. C. Li, C. S. Lu, D. T. Lee and S. Y. Kuo, “Attack Prob-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ability Based Deterministic Key Predistribution Mechanism for Non-
        提供演算法評比擴充插件,以連接	OpenCPS	知識管理環                  GeoLEDA,	a	geometric	object	library	for	visualization,	and	Geometry	Viewer,	an	in-  EHCO (Encyclopedia of Hepatocellular Carcinoma genes Online),”   Uniform Sensor Deployment,” Fourth Workshop on Wireless Ad hoc
        境所延伸的線上演算法評比服務。我們計畫將演算法評                       teractive	component	for	algorithm	visualization	at	run	time.	GeoADE	also	provides	  BMC Bioinformatics, Vol.8, No.66, Feb. 2007.      and  Sensor  Networks  (WWASN  2007), Toronto,  ON,  Canada,  June
        比架構進一步擴充應用到不同的演算法應用領域。並探                       plug-ins	for	on-line	algorithm	benchmarking	service,	an	extension	of	the	OpenCPS	  9.   D. T. Lee, S. J. Shiah, C. M. Lee and Y. C. Wang, “State of Charge Es-  2007.
        討使用者及服務請求規模擴大時演算法評比服務的品質                       algorithmic	 knowledge	 management	 environment.	We	 plan	 to	 extend	 the	 algo-  timation for Electric Scooters by Using Learning Mechanisms,” IEEE   23.  J. D. Wei, T. Y. Tung, T. Y. Chen and D. T. Lee, “Integration of Knowl-
        如何定義及確保之問題。                                    rithm	benchmarking	service	to	other	domains	and	also	investigate	issues	as	to	how	  Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.56, No.2, pp. 544-556, March 2007.  edge  Management  and  E-Learning  --  An  Implementation  towards
                                                       to	ensure	this	service’s	scalability	and	reliability	when	it	experiences	a	spike	of	users	  10.  T. C. Lin and D. T. Lee, “Randomized Algorithm for the Sum Selec-  Learning by Teaching,” Proc. 2007 Int’l Conference on Information
                                                                                                                                                                                             and  Knowledge  Engineering  (IKE’07),  Las  Vegas,  Nevada,  June
                                                                                                                                        tion Problem,” Theoretical Comput. Sci., Vol.377, No.1-3, pp. 151-
                                                       and/or		service	requests.	We	hope	to	make	GeoADE	along	with	OpenCPS,	a	useful	   156, May 2007.                                       2007.
                                                       aid	for	interactive	algorithm	teaching,	and	an	integrated	environment	for	algorith-  11.  T. L. Huang and D. T. Lee, “A Distributed Multicast Routing Algo-  24.  T. K. Yu and D. T. Lee, “Time Convex Hull with a Highway,” Proc.
                                                       mic	knowledge	management.                                                        rithm for Real-Time Applications in Wide Area Networks,” Journal   4  ISVD Int’l Symp. Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering
                                                                                                                                        Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol.67, No.5, pp. 516-530, May   (ISVD 2007), Wales, UK, July 2007.
                                                                                                                                        2007.                                            25.  K. L. Yu, C. S. Liao and D. T. Lee., “Maximizing the Number of In-
                                                                                                                                     12.  D. T. Lee, T. C. Lin and H. I. Lu, “Fast Algorithms for the Density   dependent Labels in the Plane,” Proc. Int’l Frontiers of Algorithmics
                                                                                                                                        Finding  Problem,”  Algorithmica,  Vol.53,  No.3,  pp.  298-313,  Feb.,   WorkShop, Lanzhou, China, Aug. 2007.
                                                                                                                                        2009.                                            26.  D. Y. Seo, D. T. Lee and T.-C. Lin, “Geometric Minimum Diameter
                                                                                                                                     13.  J. D. Wei, M. H. Tsai, G. C. Lee, J. H. Huang and D. T. Lee, “Ge-  Minimum Cost Spanning Problem,” Proc. 20  Int’l Symp. Algorithms
                                                                                                                                        oBuilder: A Geometric Algorithm Visualization and Debugging Sys-  and Computation (ISAAC 2009), pp. 283-292, Hawaii, Dec. 2009.
                                                                                                                                        tem for 2D and 3D Geometric Computing,” IEEE Transactions on   27.  T.-C.  Lin  and  D. T.  Lee,  “Optimal  Randomized Algorithm  for  the
                                                                                                                                        Visualization  and  Computer  Graphics,  Vol.15,  No.2,  pp.  234-248,   Density Selection Problem,” Proc. 20  Int’l Symp. Algorithms and
                                                                                                                                        March 2009.                                          Computation (ISAAC 2009), pp. 1004-1013, Hawaii, Dec. 2009.
                                                                                                                                     14.  T. C. Chu, Tsunglin Liu, D.T. Lee, G. C. Lee, and A. C-C. Shih, “GR-
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