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Distinguished Chair and Distinguished Research Fellows  特聘講座/特聘研究員


                                                 Der-Tsai Lee
                                                                                                                                      Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 2209
                                                                                                                                      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
                                                 Distinguished Research Fellow                                                        Email:
                                                 Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign        

             Research Description                                                                                                     Publications
             研究介紹                                                                                                                     代表著作

             Our research is concerned with the design and analysis   the hazard of data leakage and infectious propagation of        1.  T. Y. Ho, Y. W. Chang, S. J. Chen and D. T. Lee, “Crosstalk- and Perfor-
             of algorithms, algorithm visualization, geometric com-  user’s data.  For delivery of messages containing sensi-            mance-Driven Multilevel Full-chip Routing,” IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided
             puting, distributed computing, cloud computing, soft-  tive personal information in a mobile environment, we                Design, Vol.24, No.6, pp. 869-878, June 2005.
             ware security and vulnerability, and digital library tech-  propose Pandora Messaging, an enhanced secure instant        2.  Y. W. Huang, C. H. Tsai, T. P. Lin, S. K. Huang, D. T. Lee and S. Y. Kuo, “A
             nologies. In graph algorithms and geometric computing,   messaging architecture, equipped with a self-message-              Testing Framework for Web Application Security Assessment,” Computer
             we consider geometric network design problems, which   destructing feature. We design the Pandora Message En-               Networks, Vol.48, No.5, pp. 739-761, June 2005.
             arise in many fields, such as VLSI design, wireless sensor   cryption and Exchange Scheme and the format of a self-      3.  J. Ho, W. L. Hwang, H. H. S. Lu and D. T. Lee, “Gridding Spot Centers of     ● President & Computer Science Chair
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Professor, National Chung Hsing Univer-
             network, communication networks, etc., and which are   destructible message to show how to exchange these                   Smoothly Distorted Microarray Images,” IEEE Transactions on Image Pro-  sity, Taichung, Taiwan (2011-)
             concerned with network construction of a collection of   messages atop the existing instant messaging service               cessing, Vol.15, No.2, pp. 342-353, Feb. 2006.
             sites, subject to various requirements. We consider the   architecture e.g., XMPP, EXtensible Messaging and Pres-        4.  A. C. C. Shih, D. T. Lee, C. L. Peng and Y. W. Wu, “Phylo-mLogo: An In-    ● Humboldt Research Award (2007),
             construction and evaluation of networks under one or   ence Protocol.  The Pandora Messaging-based system                   teractive and Hierarchical Multiple-logo Visualization Tool for Alignment of   Ambassador Scientist, Alexander von
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Humboldt Foundation, Germany (2010)
             more objective functions, so-called multi-criteria net-  enables senders to set time, frequency, and location con-          Numerous Sequences,” BMC Bioinformatics, Vol.8, No.63, Feb. 2007.
             work optimization. We focus on several important meas-  straints. These conditions determine when the transmit-          5.  D. T. Lee, S. J. Shiah, C. M. Lee and Y. C. Wang, “State of Charge Estima-    ● Member, The Academy of Sciences for
             ures to evaluate the quality of the network design, includ-  ted messages could be accessed and destructed, making          tion for Electric Scooters by Using Learning Mechanisms,” IEEE Trans. Ve-  the Developing World (TWAS) (2008)
             ing weight (total length of all edges), diameter (longest   them unreadable for receivers. A simple messenger ap-           hicular Technology, Vol.56, No.2, pp. 544-556, March 2007.          ● Academician, Academia Sinica (2004)
             path between any two nodes), dilation (largest ratio of   plication on the Android platform has been implement-                                                                                 ● Distinguished Research Fellow (1998- )
             network distance to Euclidean distance), routing cost   ed and its performance evaluated for its practicality and        6.  T. C. Lin and D. T. Lee, “Randomized Algorithm for the Sum Selection Prob-  & Director, Institute of Information Sci-
                                                                                                                                         lem,” Theoretical Comput. Sci., Vol.377, No.1-3, pp. 151-156, May 2007.
             (total sum over the network distances between all ver-  feasibility. We are also interested in applications software                                                                           ence, Academia Sinica (1998 - 2008)
             tex pairs), bottleneck bandwidth or capacity, etc. We also   development. Expanding on OpenCPS, a web-based col-         7.  T. L. Huang and D. T. Lee, “A Distributed Multicast Routing Algorithm for     ● Assistant Professor (1978), Associate
             address issues about fault tolerance and dynamic main-  laborative problem-solving environment (http://www.                 Real-Time Applications in Wide Area Networks,” Journal Parallel and Dis-  Professor (1981), Professor (1986-99),
                                                                                                                                         tributed Computing, Vol.67, No.5, pp. 516-530, May 2007.
             tenance of networks under node/link-transient failures., we have built a geometric algorithm de-                                                                                EECS, Northwestern University.
             Most of these problems are known to be computational-  velopment environment (GeoADE) to better support the              8.  D. T. Lee, T. C. Lin and H. I. Lu, “Fast Algorithms for the Density Finding     ● Program Director, Div. of Computer and
             ly intractable. Thus, we will explore the underlying struc-  implementation and visualization of algorithms for geo-        Problem,” Algorithmica, Vol.53, No.3, pp. 298-313, Feb., 2009.     Computation Research, National Sci-
             tures or properties, and attempt to obtain heuristics or   metric problems and provide a platform for benchmark-         9.  J. D. Wei, M. H. Tsai, G. C. Lee, J. H. Huang and D. T. Lee, “GeoBuilder: A   ence Foundation (1989 - 90)
             suitable approximation solutions. In the area of informa-  ing algorithm performance. GeoADE is based on an open            Geometric Algorithm Visualization and Debugging System for 2D and 3D
             tion security, we consider secure message delivery prob-  source application development environment Eclipse/               Geometric Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer     ● Fellow, Association for Computing
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Machinery (1997), Institute of Electrical
             lems.  We propose a secure message delivery scheme for   CDT that supports C/C++ programming and is integrated              Graphics, Vol.15, No.2, pp. 234-248, March 2009.                   and Electronic Engineers (1992)
             email delivery, dubbed NapaMail scheme, which aims to   with GeoLEDA, a geometric object library for visualiza-          10.  T. C. Chu, Tsunglin Liu, D.T. Lee, G. C. Lee, and A. C-C. Shih, “GR-Align-
             extend and improve granular control for delivering sen-  tion, and Geometry Viewer, an interactive component for            er: An Algorithm for Aligning Pairwise Genomic Sequences Containing Re-    ● Editor, Algoritmica, Int’l Journal of Com-
             sitive email messages. In particular, we adopt a scheme   algorithm visualization at run time. GeoADE also provides         arrangement Events,” Bioinformatics, June 2009.                    putational Geometry & Applications,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            The ACM Journal on Computing and
             that replaces the traditional push-by-default email deliv-  plug-ins for on-line algorithm benchmarking service, an      11.  T.-C. Lin and D. T. Lee, “Efficient Algorithms for the Sum Selection Prob-  Cultural Heritage, Int’l J. of Information

             ery model, e.g. SMTP. The user’s data will not be ‘pushed’   extension of the OpenCPS algorithmic knowledge man-            lem and k Maximum Sums Problem,” Theoretical Comput. Sci., Vol.411,   and Computer Security; Series Editor,
             automatically, but instead, will be pulled with recipient’s   agement environment. We plan to extend the algorithm          No.7-9 pp. 986-994, Feb. 2010.                                     Lecture Notes Series on Computing,
             consent.  At present, once an SMTP email is sent, it is not   benchmarking service to other domains and also inves-      12.  M. J. Kao, C. S. Liao and D. T. Lee, “Capacitated Domination Problem,”   World Scienti c Publishing Co., Inc.

             retractable in most cases.  We would like to provide more   tigate issues as to how to ensure this service’s scalability    Algorithmica, Vol.60, No.2, pp. 274-300, July 2011.                 ● Ph.D. (1978), M.S. (1976), CS, University
             fine-grained power to better control the delivery of their   and reliability when it experiences a spike of users and/   13.  M. J. Kao, B. Katz, M. Krug, D.T. Lee, I. Rutter, D. Wagner, “The Density   of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, B.S.,
             precious data or sensitive emails in the hope to mitigate   or service requests. We hope to make GeoADE along with          Maximization Problem in Graphs,” 17  Int’l Comput. and Combinatorics   EE, National Taiwan University (1971)
                                                                 OpenCPS, a useful aid for interactive algorithm teaching,               Conf. (COCOON), Dallas, TX, pp. 25-36, Aug. 2011.
                                                                 and an integrated environment for algorithmic knowl-
                                                                 edge management.                                                     14.  C. H. Liu, E. Papadopoulou and D. T. Lee, “An Output-Sensitive Approach
                                                                                                                                         for the L1/L∞ k Nearest Neighbor Voronoi Diagram,” 19  European Symp.
                                                                                                                                         Algorithms (ESA), Saarbrücken, Germany, pp. 70-81, Sept. 2011.
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