Page 7 - profile2012.indd
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Director’s Message  所長的話

 所長的話      Director’s Message

 fellows with about 30 post-doctoral researchers, and   ging, which is available at  Our research in bioinformatics has also flourished.  We
 slightly more than 300 full-time research associates and   caCorpus. More than 130 licenses have been issued to   lead the world in the prediction accuracy of membrane
 specialists. Many of them have received distinguished   major research groups and companies around the world,   protein structure, and structure similarity of proteins. We
 awards and honors both nationally and internationally.   including Yahoo and Apple. Our intelligent Chinese input   have produced a complete suite of mass spectrometry
 We are especially happy that Prof.  Wen-Tsuen Chen, a   system, “GOING”, has been used by more than a million   data analysis tools. We  have studied several important
 former President of Tsing Hua University, joined us as a   people in Taiwan. We have also developed Chinese word   issues on plant photosynthesis and microRNA biology
 Distinguished Research Fellow this year.  segment system ( that   and published the results on top biological journals. In
           has processed more than a million documents. In addi-  gene regulation, we have successfully developed com-
 Many research fellows supervise or co-supervise MS and   tion, we have developed Chinese question answering   putational approaches to identify the function and bind-
 PhD students in top-ranked Computer Science depart-  system that has won major international competition.   ing sites of transcription factors. Our colleagues have
 ments in Taiwan, and collaborate very closely with their   Currently, the group is developing sophisticated Chinese   received the World Cloud Research Collaboration Project
 faculty members. In 2003, a PHD program was estab-  natural language tools combining pattern matching and   awarded by Microsoft Research. Finally, IIS has produced
 lished in Bioinformatics under the auspices of the Tai-  machine learning techniques to provide more concise   the first semantic role-labeling system for biomedical lit-
 wan International Graduate Program (TIGP) in Academia   and accurate results to users.    erature and developed literature mining techniques that
 Sinica. It has enrolled about 34 students over the past        could provide highly accurate gene and protein name
 eight years, which has benefited the biological research   In early 2008, our colleagues developed a “people count-  identification, which can save tremendous amount of
 a  great  deal  in Academia  Sinica.  Many  of  our  research   ing’’ system which can effectively count the number of   time for biomedical researchers.
 fellows hold joint faculty appointments at top universi-  people who have watched advertisements in front of a
 ties in Taiwan, which has played a very significant role in   TV wall during a period of time.  This product won the   Many of our research  efforts have significant practical
 training and fostering advanced research talents in the IT   15th small business innovative research award sponsored   implications, which  could generate potential commer-
 industry and academia in Taiwan.   by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the best choice   cial opportunities. In addition, many of our application-
           award of 2009 Computex Taipei.  In 2010, we developed a   oriented and development-intensive projects require
 As the IT industry has long been the crown jewel of Tai-  blur license plate image recognition system, which is the   different specialists to maintain and support application
 wan’s economic miracle and the envy of the world, IIS   first in the world that could solve the blur license plate   software and interact with large user communities. To fa-
 strives to play a unique role in this major endeavor. It   image recognition problem in a systematic manner. We   cilitate such efforts, the Research Center for Information
 has  always focused  on  fundamental  and long-term  re-  have  also  successfully transferred  our  technologies  on   Technology Innovation (CITI) was established in 2007 to
 search to further Taiwan’s competitive edge and sustain   online game traffic and user behavior analysis to Gama-  work synergistically with IIS.
 the growth of this strategic enterprise. At the same time,   nia Inc., one of the biggest game companies in Taiwan.
 Welcome to the Institute of Information Science   the Institute manages a research portfolio that includes   Our technology has helped them reduce the frequency   These are exciting and challenging times for IT research
 (IIS) at Academia Sinica.  cutting-edge, application-oriented information tech-  of network lags and game cheating incidents. IIS built an   and the IT industry in Taiwan. Many emerging technolo-
 nologies that are unique to Taiwan’s society and culture.   efficient agent-based simulation system, which has been   gies and opportunities are on the horizon. IIS, in working
 Since the established of the Institute of Information Sci-  Our main research areas cover a wide spectrum of fields   used by CDC, Taiwan since 2010 in preparation to deal   with the newly established CITI, looks forward to a con-
 ence (IIS) in 1982, at the dawn of the information technol-  in both computer and information science. Many are   with the H1N1 pandemic flu outbreak. Finally, the Insti-  certed effort in leading the fundamental and practical
 ogy (IT) revolution in Taiwan, it has experienced very rap-  cross-disciplinary and require close collaboration with   tute conducts research in complexity theory, with the fo-  research in this important field.
 id growth in less than three decades. Since its inception,   researchers in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, lib-  cus on the construction of various randomness extractors
 IIS has emerged as one of the leading research institutes   eral arts and other major fields.  that could be used in cryptography to derive extremely
 in both computer and information science and related   secure encryption schemes, an increasingly critical tech-
 technologies in Taiwan. Currently, we have 38 research   We lead a major research effort in Chinese language pro-  nology for on-line transactions and communications. The
 cessing. IIS developed the first balanced Sinica Corpus   above projects are just a small sample of many highly vis-
 with more than 5 million words and part-of-speech tag-  ible research projects being conducted in IIS.

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