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                                                      王大為 Da-Wei Wang

                                               Research Fellow
                                               Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University
                                               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1729            Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  ● Research Fellow, Institute of   Research Description
                 Information Science, Academia
                 Sinica, Taiwan (2007/5–present)
                                               My research interests are in the theoretical foundation of computer science and in applying
                  ● Associate Research Fellow,   fundamental tools to various areas. I am most interested in understanding the structure of
                 Institute of Information Sci-  the objects to be manipulated computationally, classifying the resources needed for vari-
                 ence, Academia Sinica, Taiwan   ous computational problems, and identifying more e cient algorithms. In the application


                                                eld, I am interested in information privacy, security, and medical informatics. Lately, I have
                  ● Assistant Research Fellow,   also been involved in information privacy protection mechanism design and the develop-
                 Institute of Information Sci-  ment of privacy regulations in medical research. The goal is to clarify the privacy protection
                 ence, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
                 (1992/12–2000/3)              problem and to design and construct a practical protection mechanism so that information

                                               can be shared e ciently and personal privacy can be protected at the same time. Over the
                                               past few years, we developed a prototype system, CellSecu, to safeguard personal privacy.
                                               The system will check if datasets to be released leak too much personal information. We

              discovered an appropriate logic model for the problem and quanti ed the privacy leakage with information theory and economic
              models. Secure Multiparty Protocol can be applied to allow some important information to be computed while the data owners do not
              have to reveal their data. Although there are beautiful theoretical solutions, they are not suitable for problems involving large datasets.

              We try to quantify the information leakage in this setting with an information theoretical framework, so that the trade-o  between the
              computational resources needed and the level of privacy protection achieved becomes appropriate.

              1.  Chia-Tung Kuo, Da-Wei Wang and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Simple   6.  Meng-Tsung Tsai, Tsurng-Chen Chern, Jen-Hsiang Chuang,

                 and efficient algorithms to get finer resolution in a stochastic   Chih-Wen Hsueh, Hsu-Sung Kuo, Churn-Jung Liau, Steven
                 discrete time agent-based simulation,” Simulation and Mode-  Riley, Bing-Jie Shen, Chih-Hao Shen, Da-Wei Wang, Tsan-
                 ling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications Advances   Sheng Hsu, “Efficient simulation of the spatial transmission
                 in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 256, 2014, pp   dynamics of influenza,” PLoS ONE, November 2010.
                                                                  7.  Kung Chen, Yuan-Chun Chang, Da-Wei Wang, “Aspect-ori-
              2.  Y.-C. Liu,  Y.-T. Chiang,  T.-s. Hsu, C.-J. Liau, and D.-W.   ented design and implementation of adaptable access control
                 Wang,  “Floating  point  arithmetic  protocols  for  constructing   for Electronic Medical  Records,”  International  Journal of
                 secure data analysis application,” Proceeedings of the 17  In-  Medical Informatics, volume 79, number 3, pages 181-203,
                 ternational Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent   March 2010.
                 Information & Engineering Systems (KES), volume 22, pages
                 152-161, September 2013.                         8.  Jan-Jan Wu, Yi-Fang Lin, Da-Wei Wang, Chien-Min Wang,
                                                                      “Optimizing  Server Placement  for Parallel  I/O in Switch-
              3.  Ting-Yu  Liu, Yu  Chen,  Huai-Hsien  Wang, Yen-Lin  Huang,   Based Clusters,”  Journal of Parallel and Distributed Com-
                 Yuan-Chun Chao, Kun-Tong Tsai, Wei-Chih Cheng, Chih-Yu-  puting, volume 69, number 3, pages 266-281, March 2009,
                 an Chuang, Yi-Ho Tsai, Chung-Yueh Huang, Da-Wei Wang,   doi:10.1016/j.jpdc.2008.10.001
                 Chi-Hung Lin, Juen-Kai Wang, and Yuh-Lin Wang, “Differ-  9.  Ting-Ting Liu, You-Hsuan Lin, Chia-Sui Hung, Tian-Jiun Liu,
                 entiation of Bacteria Cell Wall Using Raman Scattering En-  Yu Chen, Yung-Ching Huang, Tsung-Heng Tsai, Huai-Hsien
                 hanced by Nanoparticle Array,” Journal of Nanoscience and   Wang,  Da-Wei  Wang,  Juen-Kai  Wang,  Yuh-Lin  Wang,  and
                 Nanotechnology, volume 12, number 6, pages 5004-5008,   Chi-Hung Lin,  “A high speed detection  platform  based on
                 June 2012.
                                                                      surface-enhanced Raman scattering for monitoring antibiotic-
              4.  Yang-chih  Fu, Da-Wei  Wang,  Jen-Hsiang Chuang,  “Repre-  induced chemical changes in bacteria cell wall,” PloS ONE,
                 sentative Contact Diaries for Modeling the Spread of Infec-  volume 4, pages e5470-1 ~ e5470-10, 2009.
                 tious Diseases in Taiwan,” PLoS ONE, volume 7, number 10,
                                                                  10.  Pang-Feng Liu, May-Chen Kuo, and Da-Wei  Wang, “An
                 pages e45113, October 2012
                                                                      Ap- proximation Algorithm and Dynamic Programming for
              5.  Te-Kang Jan, Da-Wei Wang, Chi-Hung Lin and Hsuan-Tien   Re- duction in Heterogeneous Environments,” Algorithmica,

                 Lin, “A Simple Methodology of Soft Cost-sensitive Classifi-  vol- ume 53, number 3, pages 425-453, 2009.
                 cation,” ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowl-
                 edge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM KDD), August 2012.

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