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                       呂及人 Chi-Jen Lu

               Research Fellow
               Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1820      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  Research Description                                                      ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS,
                                                                                           Academia Sinica (2003/10 -
               Many situations in daily life require us to make repeated decisions before knowing the   2008/11)
               resulting outcomes. This motivates the study of the so-called online decision problem, in     ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Ac-
               which one must iteratively choose an action and then receive some corresponding loss for   ademia Sinica (1999/8 - 2003/10)
               a number of rounds. It is a fundamental problem in the area of machine learning, and it has     ● Assistant Professor, CSIE, National
               found surprising applications in several other areas as well. For this problem, we obtained   Chi-Nan University (1999/2 -
               the following results.                                                      1999/7)
                                                                                            ● M.S., CSIE, National Taiwan Uni-
               First, we identi ed natural scenarios in which online algorithms with better performances   versity (1990)

               can be designed. Second, we transformed the powerful boosting algorithm in machine
               learning from the traditional batch setting into this online setting. Finally, we discovered     ● B.S., CSIE, National Taiwan Univer-
               new applications of this problem in other areas, such as game theory and complexity theo-  sity (1988)
               ry, which again demonstrate the importance of this problem.



               1.  Shang-Tse Chen, Hsuan-Tien Lin, and Chi-Jen Lu. Boosting   7.  Chia-Jung Lee,  Chi-Jen Lu  and Shi-Chun  Tsai. Extracting
                   with online binary learners for the multiclass bandit problem.   computational  entropy and learning  noisy linear  functions.
                   In Proceedings of the 31  International Conference on Ma-  IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, 57(8), pp. 5485-
                   chine Learning (ICML), 2014.                        5496, 2011.
               2.  Po-An Chen  and Chi-Jen Lu. Generalized  mirror  descents   8.  Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, and Hsin-Lung Wu. Complexity

                   in congestion games with splittable flows. In proceedings of   of hard-core set proofs. Computational Complexity, 20(1), pp.
                   the 13  International Conference on Autonomous Agents and   145 – 171, 2011.
                   Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2014.
                                                                    9.  Chi-Jen Lu and  Wei-Fu Lu. Making online  decisions  with
               3.  Chao-Kai Chiang, Chia-Jung Lee, and Chi-Jen Lu. Beating   bounded memory. In  Proceedings of the 22  International
                   bandits in gradually evolving worlds. In Proceedings of the   Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), 2011.
                   26  Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2013.
                                                                    10.  Chia-Jung Lee, Chi-Jen Lu, and Shi-Chun Tsai. Deterministic
               4.  Shang-Tse Chen, Hsuan-Tien Lin, and Chi-Jen Lu. An online   extractors for independent-symbol sources. IEEE Transaction

                   boosting algorithm with theoretical justifications. In Proceed-  on Information Theory, 56(12), pp. 6501 – 6512, 2010.
                   ings of the 29  International Conference on Machine Learning
                   (ICML), 2012.
               5.  Chao-Kai  Chiang,  Tianbao  Yang,  Chia-Jung  Lee,  Mehrdad
                   Mahdavi, Chi-Jen Lu, Rong Jin and Shenghuo Zhu. Online
                   optimization  with gradual variations. In  Proceedings of the
                   25  Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2012.
               6.  Chi-Jen Lu. Hitting set generators for sparse polynomials over

                   any finite fields. In Proceedings of the 27  Annual IEEE Con-

                   ference on Computational Complexity (CCC), 2012.

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