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見網址                in 1993. We have applied our natural language under-
                 Director's Message
 htm。我們也研發新的機器學習方法並且使用  Director's Message                      standing model to Internet intelligent agents. With in-
 這些方法來改進文件影像分析與辨識的功能,                                           telligent and friendly human-computer interfaces, these
                                                                software agents can play the roles of spokesperson for
                 Welcome you all to the Institute of Information Sci-  companies on the Internet. These interface agents will
               ence, Academia Sinica. As of July 1, 2006 it will mark   become indispensable in the semantic search engine
 析等等。機器學習的方法可以應用於其他的研  the beginning of the ninth and final year of my last   and the electronic commerce on the Internet. We have
 究領域,有些應用技術也已經技轉至業界。此  term as Director. The Institute has risen to its current   developed a screen recording and broadcasting system
 外,除了早年設計並廣泛為民間及官方使用的  state through considerable effort put forth by its faculty   to record lectures held at IIS, which has evolved into
 智慧型『自然輸入法』,讓國人注音輸入幾乎  members and research engineers under the auspices of   a P2P version to facilitate group collaborations across
 不需要選字,提供中文便捷的輸入方式。我們  the distinguished members of its Advisory Committee   Internet; a prototype of a digital library and a scalable
               and continuous support from the Academia Sinica. We   full-text search engine and an Internet advertisement
               conduct basic research in the core areas of information   service system which delivers more than 10,000,000   Director's Message
 用網路上的「資訊經紀人」軟體,可以整合機  science as well as develop cutting-edge information   banner advertisements per day (,
 構內各種重要資訊,在網際網路建立一個服務  technologies and advanced application-driven informa-  and an automatic Internet document classification and
 台,自動回答使用者提出有關該機構各式各樣  tion systems. We adhere to quality, take great pride in   management prototype. The application software has
 的問題。在網路應用方面,本所自行建構即時  our work and emphasize teamwork spirit in our work-  been in operation and some of them successfully trans-
               ing environment. I had the honor of getting elected     ferred to industry. A web-based collaboratory (http://
               Member of the Academia Sinica in 2004, joining this that supports different lev-
 會演講實況即時傳送至網際網路上,供學術界  elite group of distinguished scholars in Taiwan and   els of collaboration is developed by incorporating the
 ה ڗ ٙ ༑
 הڗٙ༑  同步收視;網際網路協同合作聯盟網,提供網  abroad. Our faculty members have won recognitions   Zope/Plone shareware with clustering and mirroring
                                                                                                                  Director's Message
 際網路的視訊會議,協同開發應用程式、線上  such as the Fellow of ACM, Fellow of IEEE, Aca-  features. The ShareTone Web Allies is used not only
 編輯文件等功能,整合成一套網際協力解題環  demia Sinica Long-Term Researcher Award, Academia   as an excellent knowledge management portal with the
                                                                support of an ontology, but also as an online commu-
 今(2006)年7月開始,是本人接任所長職  境,並以自由軟體模式釋出提供各界使用;開  Sinica Outstanding Young Investigator Award, NSC   nication vehicle with a tele-conferencing system, and
               Meritorious Research Fellow Award, NSC Outstanding
 務的第九年也是任期的最後一年。任期期間受  發了網頁檢索與自動分類系統及電子地圖,並  Research Award, Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, ACM   for synchronous collaboration with a suite of CSCW
 到院方的大力支持,還有本所學術諮詢委員的  已技轉給民間業者使用中。為了因應資訊數位  Taipei/Taiwan Chapter Kuo-Ting Li Young Researcher   applications. To help protect intellectual property
 指導與鞭策,加上本所全體同仁共同的努力,  化的趨勢以及數位媒體含音訊、影像及視訊,  Award, Information Science Honorary Medal, Ten   rights of digital media we have developed a digital wa-
 使本所不斷地提升,蒸蒸日上。同仁專注於資  在網際網路上傳輸的日益增加,我們研發了最  Most Outstanding Young Women Award, Outstanding   termarking technique and a digital rights management
                                                                system. The watermarking technology, which won the
 訊科學的基礎研究,開發有前瞻性之尖端資訊  新之數位浮水印技術與智慧財產權管理系統,  Research Award of Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation, Na-  2004 National Innovative Invention Award, has been
               tional Innovative Invention Award, etc. Let me give a
 科技,發展以應用為導向的最先進系統。全體  以保護在網路傳輸媒體之數位財產權,此浮水  brief account of what we have accomplished to date.  granted US, Canada and Taiwan patents. We have also
 同仁一致秉持「品質第一,敬業樂群」的工作  印技術已經獲得美國、加拿大與台灣的專利,  We have developed over the years an infrastruc-  developed an augmented panorama system that allows
 理念與互助合作的團隊精神,除了與國內各大  並獲得2004年國家發明創作獎,也技轉給民間  ture for Chinese language processing which includes   for integration of image-based objects into panoramas,
 學合作外,還與業界有良好的互動,並且獲得  業者使用。另外,我們發展了可逼真整合環場  part-of-speech tagged corpora, tree-banks, Chinese   and successfully transferred to the National Palace
                                                                Museum and used for virtual exhibition of 3D artifacts.
 相當豐碩的成果。本人很榮幸於2004年7月獲選  影像及環物影片之編輯與瀏覽技術,應用到故  lexical database, Chinese grammars, InfoMap, word
 為中央研究院院士,而同仁歷年來也獲得中央  宮3D器物及虛擬展場之多媒體展示系統。  identification systems, sentence parsers, etc. The in-  We actively engage in cross-disciplinary research
               frastructure provides a suite of indispensable tools   such as bioinformatics, and digital libraries, archives
 研究院深耕獎,中央研究院年輕學者研究著作  本所積極投入跨領域之研發,結合資訊科  for automatic language understanding and knowledge   and museums, and in national-scale projects such as
 獎,國科會傑出特約研究員獎、傑出研究獎、  技與生命科學,社會及人文科學,從事生物資  extraction. These linguistic resources and processing   Open Source Software Foundry (OSSF), and Tai-
 吳大猷先生紀念獎,ACM台北/台灣分會李國  訊研究與數位典藏技術研發,成果豐碩;執行  technologies are open to the public and well known   wan Information Security Center (TWISC). Through
 鼎青年研究獎,中華民國資訊學會李國鼎穿石  國家層級之自由軟體鑄造場計畫,將提供本國  worldwide. For instance, the Academia Sinica Bal-  OSSF we hope to provide a common ground to foster
 獎與資訊榮譽獎章,中華民國十大傑出女青年  自由軟體孕育園地,促進軟體開發社群與產業  anced Corpus containing five million words, which is   development of free and open source software, pro-
                                                                mote interaction and collaboration between software
 獎,潘文淵文教基金會研究傑出獎、經濟部國  之互動,以創造無障礙軟體開發與自由共享互  the first balanced Chinese corpus with part-of-speech   development communities and private sector, create
               tagging, is available to the research community at
 家發明創作獎等獎項之肯定。現就本所的研發  惠之空間,透過產、官、學、研以及社群的參 The detailed   a free software sharing environment of benefit to all,
 成果略述於后。       descriptions for other resources can be found at http://  and establish a solid foundation for free software de-
      We have also obtained   velopment in Taiwan. TWISC on the other hand is an
 本所同仁在中文多媒體資訊處理有多年  學合作,成立台灣資通安全研究與教學中心,  new machine learning methods and applied them to   integrated effort, collaborating with research universi-
 研究,成果豐碩為國際肯定。所建立的中文處  從事資通安全研究,強化資安技術能量;發展  improve various aspects of document analysis and   ties, to boost research and development activities in
 理研究基礎環境,成為國際上中文研究不可或  資安學程,以提升全民資安認知。  recognition, including video caption recognition, hand-  information security, to promote public awareness and
 缺的資源。此基礎建設包含標記語料庫、句結  將資訊所塑造成一國際知名的研究機構,  written character recognition, binarization of docu-  foster partnership among government, academia and
                                                                private sector in information security.
 構樹資料庫、詞彙庫、中文語法、知識地圖、  並將學術研究成果貢獻於社會及全人類是本所  ment images with non-uniform luminance, document   We envision ourselves to be in a forefront position
               layout analysis, etc. The machine learning methods
 中文字構形資料庫、詞彙分析系統及句剖析器  研究人員最大的共同願望。我們竭誠歡迎大家  can be used in other research areas and some of these   in information science both in Taiwan and abroad, and
 等。此中文知識架構與技術已經成為語言理解  前來參觀並提供您寶貴的意見。  techniques have been transferred to business sector.   we all share a common goal of making substantial im-
 及知識抽取自動化的必要利器。這些研究成果  Our Chinese input system--GOING, which automati-  pacts and contributions to the society and mankind for
 皆對外開放,供全球學術界使用。例如「中央  cally translates a sequence of phonetic symbols into   all. We would welcome your visit and appreciate your
               characters with a hit ratio close to 96%, is widely used   comments and suggestions.
 研究院平衡語料庫」(簡稱Sinica Corpus: http://  in Taiwan. This system, which has basically solved the,其3.0 版包  ҽᅃৌ  problem of typing Chinese on the computer, received
 含五百萬目詞的帶詞類標記;其他研究成果詳  民國九十五年六月  the Distinguished Chinese Information Product Award       Der-Tsai Lee
                                                                                               June 2006

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