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΁΁ʈЪ ˀ݈ІҢ                                                                                                                Distinguished Journal Publication Award from NSC
                                                                ΁΁ʈЪ ˀ݈ІҢ
                                                                ɭ຾Ң˓ ̀މԳЪ                                                                     Introduction                               in the past few years, and has been included in the
                                                                ɭ຾Ң˓ ̀މԳЪ
                                                                                                                                                                                         SCI Expanded list since 1998. In collaboration with
                                                                                                                                                                                         IICM, IIS intends to make this domestic flagship
                                                                Every job is a self-portrait of those who did it;
                                                                Every job is a self-portrait of those who did it;                         Academia Sinica is the highest government-     journal in computer science an international one and
                                                                autograph your work with quality                                        sponsored academic research institution in Taiwan.   gain recognition worldwide.
                                                                autograph your work with quality
                                                                                                                                        It is headed by Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee, Nobel Laureate
                                                                                                                                        in Chemistry, and supports research activities in   Not only do we do quality basic research, we
                                                                      ͉ה̈وٙᕐ˜̊Journal of Information                                    a wide variety of disciplines, ranging from math-  also devote our efforts to multi-disciplinary and
                                                                                                                                        ematical and physical sciences, to life sciences, and   cross-disciplinary projects. Our researchers will   Introduction
                                                                  Science and Engineering ݊਷ʫ༟ৃჯਹ˴ࠅٙ                                                                                     interact very closely with the “InfoComm Research
                                                                                                                                        to humanities and social sciences. The Institute of
                                                                  ኪஔಂ̊dІ2005ϋ7˜ৎၾʕശ͏਷༟ৃኪ                                                Information Science (IIS) was formally established   Center” (tentative name), Academia Sinica, whose
                                                                  ึΥЪ̈̊f༈ಂ̊ᐏ੻਷߅ึኪஔಂ̊ᎴԄ                                                  in September 1982 after a five-year preparation   primary mission is to conduct multi-disciplinary
                                                                                                                                        period, and is one of the ten institutes and research   research and development based heavily on the
                                                                  ᆤe௫̈ᆤdԨІ1998ϋৎϗ፽׵SCI Expanded                                                                                          Information and Communications Technology
                                                                                                                                        centers within the Division of Mathematical and
                      ͉ ה ᔊ ʧ
                      ͉הᔊʧ                                        ͦ፽dಃ਷ყʷಂ̊ͦᅺᒕආf͉ה՘п͉৫                                                  Physical Sciences. IIS presently has 35 full-time   (ICT).  Within InfoComm there are a few thematic
                                                                                                                                                                                         centers, in which IIS faculty members have strong
                                                                  ᘪண˜༟ஷ޼Ӻʕː™€Τ၈ᅲࠈd݊˸༟                                                  research fellows, 22 postdoctoral research fellows
                                                                                                                                        and over 300 full-time information technology spe-  presence. For instance, the “Digital Content and
                                                                  ৃஷৃҦஔމਿᓾd੽ԫ༨ჯਹٙ޼ӺdՉʕ                                                                                                   Technology Center” fosters research in digital con-
                     ʕ̯޼Ӻ৫̨݊ᝄ௰৷ٙኪஔ޼Ӻዚ࿴f                                                                                                 cialists and part-time research assistants supporting
                                                                  ˜ᅰЗՊᔛʫ࢙ၾҦஔ™ਖ਼ᕚʕːdл͜΋ආ                                                  research and development of information science   tent development in the area of social sciences and
                 ͦۃίፕԎဧʷኪᆤ੻˴ҽჃࡪ௹ɻჯኬʘ                                                                                                                                                     humanities using ICT, and carries out the National
                                                                  ٙ༟ৃҦஔၾɛ˖߅ኪഐΥdܔ࿴ᅰЗՊᔛٙ                                                  and engineering. All members of IIS prescribe to the
                 ɨdߧɢ׵ᅰଣ߅ኪe͛ն߅ኪʿɛ˖ၾٟึ                                                                                                   motto, "Every job is a self-portrait of those who did   Digital Archives Program whose aim is to build an
                                                                  ኪஔ޼ӺᏐ͜ၾʹݴᐑྤd౤Զ਷ɛ΍Ԯi                                                                                                    environment for creating digital collections and for
                 ߅ኪɧ˙ࠦʘਿᓾ߅ኪ޼Ӻf༟ৃ߅ኪ޼Ӻה                                                                                                   it; autograph your work with quality," emphasizing
                                                                  ˜͛يࠇၑ™ਖ਼ᕚʕːۆ݊ഐΥ༟ৃe୕ࠇၾ                                                  excellence and synergistic teamwork effort.      preserving and presenting our national treasures; the
                 ׵1977ϋක֐ணͭᘪ௪ஈdዝ຾ʞϋᘪ௪d׵                                                                                                                                                  “Biological Computing Center” conducts research
                                                                  ͛ն߅ኪd੽ԫ͛ي༟ৃ޴ᗫჯਹʘ޼೯i                                                     The mission of IIS is to conduct quality funda-
                 1982ϋ9˜͍όϓͭ޼Ӻהd݊ʕ̯޼Ӻ৫ᅰ                                                                                                                                                  in bioinformatics, computational biology and re-
                                                                  ˜І͟ழ᜗™ਖ਼ᕚʕːdਗ਼༶͜༟ৃၾၣ༩Ҧ                                                  mental research in information science, develop   lated areas, with collaborating researchers from IIS,
                 ଣଡ଼ɤࡈఊЗʘɓfͦۃᇜՓʫϞ35  З޼Ӻ                                                                                                 cutting edge technologies applicable to advanced
                                                                  ஔd຾ᐄɓࡈᜫІ͟ழ᜗໊ٟ΍Ν௴Ъdϓ؈                                                                                                   Institute of Statistical Sciences (ISI), and Institute of
                 ɛࡰd̤̮Ϟ22 З௹ɻܝ޼Ӻኪ٫d ਗ਼ڐ300                                                                                               information systems, and improve our national    Biomedical Sciences (IBMS); the “Free and Open
                                                                  ΍Ԯٙʮ΍෤ήdኑၳ਷ʫၾ਷ყІ͟ழ᜗ٟ                                                  competitiveness in information technology, and in-
                 Зਖ਼΂ʘ༟ৃҦஔɛࡰၾڢΌࣛʘ޼Ӻпଣd                                                                                                                                                    Source Software Center” will build an Open Source
                                                                  ໊ٙ຾᜕ၾٝᗆdጐ฽ڮϓପe֜eኪe޼ഃ                                                  ternational visibility. Being a member of the highest   Software Foundry (OSSF), which provides an in-
                 ˕౪༟ৃჯਹʘ޼Ӻၾӻ୕ʘක೯f˜΁΁ʈ                                                                                                   research institution in Taiwan, IIS is obligated to
                                                                  ΢ޢdᙑ׳ழ᜗ࡡᇁd՘пִ݁ၾΆุᄿع௴                                                                                                   frastructure and a common platform to foster open
                 Ъdˀ݈ІҢdɭ຾Ң˓d̀މԳЪ™݊Ό᜗                                                                                                   assuming the leadership role in the area of informa-  source software (OSS) projects, and allow OSS de-
                                                                  อᏐ͜І͟ழ᜗ପۜʿක೯˙όdቩո༟ৃٟ                                                  tion science and engineering, and aims to establish
                 Νʠɓߧ٢ܵٙʈЪڦׂdɓΣࠠൖʈЪʘՙ                                                                                                                                                    velopers to interact among people in the community
                                                                  ึٙ͑ᚃ຾ᐄdආϾᒕɝ˰ޢ༟ৃٟึ˴ݴi                                                  itself as one of the fi rst-class research institutions in   and the private sector, strengthening collaborative
                 ൳ۜሯd೯౨௰Գၝࣖʘྠඟၚग़f                                                                                                       the world.
                                                                  ˜༟ஷτΌ޼Ӻၾ઺ኪ޼Ӻ™ਖ਼ᕚʕːdਗ਼ၾ                                                                                                   development of software and building a long-term
                     ͉הٙ޼Ӻࠠᓃ̍ўʕ˖༟ৃஈଣeІ                            ΢ɽኪ੽ԫ༟τჯਹ޼Ӻʘኪ٫ΥЪd˸዆Υ                                                    Current research areas include: Chinese language   software repository to be shared and utilized by all;
                                                                                                                                        and information processing, computer communica-  the “Taiwan Information Security Center (TWISC)”
                 ್ႧԊଣ༆e˖΁ʱؓၾ፫ᗆeཥ໘ஷৃၾၣ                             ɢඎආБ΋ආ༟τ߅Ҧ޴ᗫჯਹʘ޼Ӻၾ೯                                                                                                    represents an integrated effort, consolidating re-
                                                                                                                                        tion and networking, computer graphics, computer
                 ༩eཥ໘ྡኪeεద᜗ӻ୕e౽ᅆ˾ଣɛeཥ                             ࢝d੶ʷҢ਷༟ஷτΌʘҦஔঐඎd౤؁Ό͏                                                  vision and image processing, design and analysis   searchers in information security and related areas
                 ໘ൖᙂeᅂ྅ஈଣʿྡҖᗆйeစၑجணࠇၾ                             ༟ஷτΌႩٝdԨܔͭପe֜eኪe޼ٙΥЪ                                                  of algorithms, document analysis and recognition,   from across Taiwan by establishing three regional
                                                                                                                                        formal verification, Internet intelligent agents,   centers at National Taiwan University of Science
                 ʱؓe̻Бʿʱ౳ό༶ၑeၣ༩ࠇၑᐑྤeၣ                             ၍༸i˜ၣࣸၾ߅ኪࠇၑ™ਖ਼ᕚʕːdഐΥ༟                                                                                                   and Technology, at National Chiao-Tung University
                                                                                                                                        multimedia, natural language understanding, net-
                 ༩ʫ࢙၍ଣၾXMLeၣ༩ၾழ᜗τΌe͍஝᜕                            ৃeيଣe͛يᔼኪჯਹd੽ԫ৷ࣖঐe̶ඎ                                                  work and software security, parallel and distributed   and at the National Cheng-Kung University; fi nally
                 ᗇeዚኜɛኪഃiৰə੽ԫ༟ৃ߅ኪჯਹٙਿ                             ༟ࣘ༶ၑၾᎷπഃᏐ͜޼ӺٙΝʠΥЪක೯ٙ                                                  computing, robotics, web-based computing and     the “Grid and Scientific Computing Center”, will
                                                                                                                                        eXtensible Markup Language technology. Research   provide computing, networking and ultra-capacity
                 ᓾ޼Ӻʘ̮d͵˸ක೯Ոۃᓼ׌ʘφ၌Ҧஔၾ                             ᐑྤfவԬਖ਼ᕚʕːٙ޼೯˴ᕚၾʈЪʫ࢙ਗ਼                                                                                                   storage resources for researchers at IIS, ISI, IBMS
                                                                                                                                        funding of IIS is primarily from the Academia Si-
                 ೯࢝˸Ꮠ͜މኬΣٙ௰΋ආӻ୕މᔖқfԒஈ                             ၾ͉הΝʠٙ޼ӺϞܘၡ੗ٙᗫڷf                                                      nica, the National Science Council (NSC), Ministry   and Institute of Physics in the areas of bio-comput-
                 ኪஔࠠᕄd͉הϞப΂ί਷ʫ༟ৃჯਹٲࠋৎ                                                                                                   of Education, Department of Health, and other gov-  ing, high energy physics, scientifi c computing, etc.
                                                                      ν૧ආɓӉᐝ༆͉הʘ΢ධݺਗdᛇڎɪ                                                ernment agencies, and some from the private sector.   To find more information about IIS please consult
                 ኪஔჯኬήЗd౤ʺ͉਷༟ৃ߅Ҧ˥๟dԨᚕ                                                                                                                                                    our web page at or con-
                                                                  ၣݟ༔͉הၣࠫא                                 Researchers of IIS collaborate with local industries
                 Ԓ਷ყɓݴኪஔ޼ӺఊЗf͉הٙ޼Ӻ຾൬d                                                                                                   and universities, as well as overseas institutions.   tact us for a complimentary copy of the DVD title “A
                                                                  ԸՌе൬॰՟͉ה˜0ၾ1ٙ޼೯˰ޢ™ٙDVD                                                                                                 research and development world of 0’s and 1’s”.
                 ˴ࠅԸ๕݊ʕ̯޼Ӻ৫d਷߅ึd઺ԃ௅dሊ                                                                                                     IIS publishes a bimonthly journal, the Journal of
                 ͛໇d˸ʿՉ˼ִ݁א͏ගৌྠجɛഃఊЗd                                                                                                   Information Science and Engineering (JISE). Begin-
                                                                                            ҽᅃৌ                                         and by the Institute of Information and Computing
                 ͵ટա਷ʫ༟ৃุޢ։ৄࠇ೥dܔͭၾ਷ʫኪ                                                                                                   ning in July 2005, JISE is jointly published by IIS
                 ஔe޼ӺఊЗʿପุޢٙΥЪᗫڷdɰᛇڎ༨                                                                                                                                                                               Der-Tsai Lee
                                                                                            民國九十五年六月                                    Machinery (IICM), which is the largest associa-
                 ਷ٙኪஔΥЪၾʹݴf                                                                                                             tion in computing in Taiwan. JISE has received the                             June 2006

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