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研究群   |   Research Laboratories

 Information Processing and

 Discovery (iPAD) Laboratory

 Research Faculty  Group Profile

 Meng-Chang	Chen  The	Information	Processing	and	Discovery	(iPAD)	group	of	IIS	focuses	its	research	on	(1)	massive	  ●  Large graph access   research	topics:	databases	delivered	as	a	service	and	data	mining
 Research	Fellow	  data	computation	and	(2)	data	mining	technologies	and	applications.	For	massive	data	mining,	  as	a	service.
 Computer	Science	,	University	of	California,	Los	  there	are	several	ongoing	research	projects,	including	knowledge	representation	and	inference,	  Graphs	serve	as	the	basic	model	for	many	applications,	such	as	so-
 Angles	         cial	networks,	games,	or	disease	spreading.	For	some	real	applica-  We	want	to	design	online	databases	for	multi-groups	of	multi-users.
 privacy	risk,	and	large	graph	access.	 For	 data	 mining,	 current	 interests	 include	 uncertain	 data
 Ming-Syan	Chen  processing,	social	network	mining,	data	mining	in	the	cloud,	data	streaming	mining	and	multi-  tions,	a	basic	graph	model	is	too	large	to	be	stored	entirely	within	  The	size	and	power	of	each	database	is	allocated	on	demand.	With
 Distinguished	Research	Fellow  mode	mining.  the	main	memory	with	current	technology.	Here,	good	examples	  a	new	way	of	organizing	data	(e.g.,	relational	v.s.	map/reduce),	cor-
 Computer,	Information	and	Control	Engineering	,	  include	 graphs	 for	 the	 Chinese	 version	 of	 chess,	 and	 individual-  responding	indexing	methods,	concurrency	control,	privacy	pres-
 The	University	of	Michigan	at	Ann	Arbor
                 based	disease	spreading	graphs.	In	order	to	handle	such	massive	  ervation,	and	OLTP/OLAP	services	should	all	be	developed.	We	also
 Tsan-sheng	Hsu  1. Massive Data Computation   graphs	we	must	modify	original	algorithms	or	develop	new	algo-  would	like	to	design	a	framework	that	provides	data	mining	appli-
 Research	Fellow  rithms	 specifically	 tailored	 for	 this	 challenge.	 Currently,	 we	 have	  cations	on	demand.	By	extending	traditional	parallel	and	distrib-
 Computer	Sciences	,	University	of	Texas	at	Austin
 ●  Agent based knowledge representation and inference   some	interesting	results	for	the	Chinese	end-game	graphs	and	the	  uted	mining	techniques,	we	will	develop	methods	that	deal	with
 Hong-Yuan	Mark	Liao  models	of	disease,	and	we	plan	to	further	our	understanding	of	this	  input	data	from	multiple	sources,	utilize	cloud	resources	efficiently,
 Research	Fellow  A	great	deal	of	information	and	knowledge	is	implicit	within	massive	amounts	of	data.	An	  problem’s	 underlining	 algorithmic	 issues	 while	 also	 seeking	 new	  and	report	the	final	mining	results	to	multiple	subscribers.
 Electrical	Engineering	,	Northwestern	University  important	issue	is	to	study	the	knowledge	representation	and	inference	problems	relevant	  applications	for	our	methods.
 Churn-Jung	Liau  to	intelligent	agent	systems	based	on	formal	logics.	We	study	methods	to	inductively	pro-
 Research	Fellow  duce	useful	rules	and	knowledge,	with	special	attention	to	the	representation	problems	of	  ●  Data Stream Management and Mining
 CSIE	,	National	Taiwan	University  such	 extracted	 knowledge.	With	 a	 proper	 knowledge	 representation	 framework,	 derived	  2. Data Mining Technologies and Applications
 Da-Wei	Wang  knowledge	can	serve	as	the	basis	for	further	reasoning	and	decision	making	within	intel-  More	and	more	applications	are	now	dealing	with	data	in	a	form
 Research	Fellow  ligent	agent	systems.	Different	agent	systems	can	exchange	knowledge	based	on	common	  ●  Uncertain Data Mining and Query Processing  of	quickly	growing	streams.	Examples	include	stock	market	trading,
 Computer	Science	,	Yale	University	  representation,	and	agent	systems	can	produce	even	more	complex	knowledge	by	invoking	  In	 order	 to	 protect	 privacy,	 people	 deliberately	 introduce	 distur-  sensor	 network	 data	 analysis,	 weather	 forecast	 applications,	 and
 Mi-Yen	Yeh  proper	fusion	mechanisms	to	incorporate	knowledge	from	various	sources.	Fully	distributed	  bances	 to	 their	 confidential	 data	 before	 further	 processing.	 As	  video	surveillance.	The	data	streams	in	these	applications	usually
 Assistant	Research	Fellow  yet	coordinated	knowledge	extraction	and	processing	mechanisms	can	derive	useful	knowl-  involve	huge	volumes	of	data	that	are	constantly	arriving	at	fast
 Electrical	Engineering	,	National	Taiwan	University  edge	for	decision	making	from	massive	data	sets.	This	can	effectively	mitigate	the	informa-  a	result,	this	data	is	no	longer	deterministic,	and	instead	is	better	  incoming	speeds.	With	limited	computing	resources	and	storage,
 tion	explosion	problem	for	decision	makers.		  described	as	random	variables	with	unknown	probability	distribu-  we	need	to	design	real-time	and	approximate	algorithms	that	can
                 tions,	called	uncertain	data.	In	contrast	to	deterministic	data,	new	  accommodate	the	speed	and	massive	size	of	these	data	streams.	In
                 probabilistic	data	models	and	distance	metrics	for	uncertain	data	  the	data	stream	environment,	our	research	can	be	divided	in	two
                 should	be	designed	to	deal	with	the	errors	caused	by	this	uncer-
 ●  Privacy risk and threat                                           aspects:	 1)	 design	 data	 summarization	 techniques	 and	 synopsis
                 tainty.	 Moreover,	 we	 want	 to	 design	 probabilistic	 query	 process-  structures;	2)	design	mining	algorithms	under	different	data	stream
 Many	institutions	collected	massive	and	comprehensive	individual	data	for	various	purposes,	  ing	 methods	 for	 uncertain	 data.	 Our	 research	 results	 will	 be	 fur-  models.	In	addition,	we	will	also	ensure	that	the	approximated	re-
 and	sharing	this	data	poses	a	great	threat	to	individual	privacy.	In	the	past,	we	proposed	a	  ther	extended	to	query	processing	in	mobile	applications,	such	as	  sults	still	meet	the	quality	requirements	for	applications	that	need
 logic	framework	to	study	the	risks	to	privacy	when	publishing	micro-data,	and	a	quantitative	  location-based	services	where	the	positions	of	objects	are	usually	  real-time	decisions.
 measurement	of	this	privacy	threat.	Based	on	the	proposed	measurement,	we	designed	and	  estimated	with	uncertainty.
 developed	a	gatekeeper	system,	CellSecu.	In	the	future,	we	plan	to	study	a	more	challenging
 issue:	the	database	linkage	problem—how	to	get	the	intended	final	answers	without	really	  ●  Multi-Mode Mining
 linking	the	databases.	In	doing	so	we	can	apply	multiparty	privacy	computation	techniques	  ●  Social Network Mining
 and	we	plan	to	use	secure	scalar	products	as	a	building	block	to	construct	basic	functions	  Multi-mode	mining	are	emerging	for	the	novel	applications	that	re-
 so	as	to	construct	various	application	systems.	The	ultimate	goal	is	to	develop	a	complete	  As	 growth	 in	 social	 networking	 applications	 explodes,	 large	  quire	the	distinguished	knowledge	discovered	from	multi-sources
 system,	in	which	users	can	write	their	program	in	certain	high	level	languages	and	then	have	  amounts	of	rich	types	of	data	have	rapidly	emerged.	A	great	deal	of	  and	understand	their	association	and	influence.	A	typical	example
 it	translated	into	secure	multiparty	codes	automatically.	  interesting	information	is	hidden	within	these	new	types	of	data.	We	  is	 stock	 market	 prediction	 application	 which	 may	 need	 to	 mine
                 intend	to	discover	useful	knowledge	from	analyzing	social	network	  trading	behavior	from	data	stream	of	trading	system	as	well	as	news
                 data,	and	then	use	this	information	to	further	develop	innovative	  events	from	news	articles.	The	fusion	of	discovered	knowledge	form
                 applications	and	services.	Our	research	topics	include	establishing	  multiple	sources	are	difficult	as	they	are	in	different	forms	and	with
                 a	systematic	data	collection	module,	investigating	new	algorithms	  incompatible	semantics	and	timing.	In	this	study,	we	will	use	pre-
                 for	 significant	 node	 identifications	 and	 community	 detections	 in	  diction	market	as	our	research	context	to	investigate	multi-mode
                 social	networks,	and	designing	progressive	and	incremental	algo-  mining	issue.
                 rithms	to	adapt	to	the	dynamic	properties	of	social	networks.

                ●  Data Management and Mining in the Cloud Environment

                 Cloud	 computing	 is	 now	 listed	 as	 one	 of	 the	 major	 important
                 emerging	industries	in	the	country.	In	this	new	computing	environ-
                 ment,	where	the	concepts	of	Software	as	a	Service	(SaaS)	and	Plat-
                 form	as	a	Service	(PaaS)	are	realized,	we	have	the	following	possible
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