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研究群   |   Research Laboratories

 Multimedia Technologies Laboratory

 Research Faculty  Group Profile

 Hong-Yuan	Mark	Liao  Multimedia	research	covers	a	broad	scope	of	techniques	and	rich	applications,	including	works	on	  3. Lighting Normalization  gle-pixel	camera,	compressive	sensing	(CS)	has	been	able	to	directly
 Research	Fellow  text,	music,	video,	images,	and	3-D	animation.	Its	rapid	progress	has	now	become	one	of	the	piv-  capture	compressed	image	data	efficiently.	The	compressed	image
 Electrical	Engineering	,	Northwestern	University  otal	factors	affecting	our	daily	life.	Together	with	Biotechnology	and	Nanotechnology,	Multimedia	  Lighting	variation	has	long	been	a	fundamentally	important	problem	  can	 be	 reconstructed	 using	 some	 CS	 reconstruction	 algorithms	 at
 Chu-Song	Chen  is	considered	as	one	of	the	three	most	promising	industries	of	the	twenty-first	century.	  in	video	content	understanding.	To	deal	with	this	problem,	previous	  the	decoder	if	the	image	has	sparse	representation	(compressible)	in
                research	includes	training-based	approaches	that	employ	a	large	col-
 Research	Fellow  The	Multimedia	group	currently	focuses	its	research	efforts	on	two	main	areas:	1)	multimedia	  lection	of	images	for	finding	invariance,	and	decomposition-based	  some	domain	(e.g.,	DCT	or	DWT).	By	integrating	the	respective	char-
 Computer	Science	and	Information	Engineering	,	                     acteristics	of	DVC	and	CS,	we		will	investigate	a	distributed	compres-
 National	Taiwan	University  signal	processing,	and	2)	multimedia	applications.	For	the	past	decade,	we	have	already	accom-  approaches	 that	 employ	 the	 intrinsic	 properties	 of	 images	 for	 de-  sive	video	sensing	(DCVS)	framework	to	directly	capture	compressed
 plished	several	significant	results	and	developed	various	effective	techniques	for	image	process-  lighting.	In	the	past,	we	have	developed	a	training-based	approach
 Wen-Liang	Hwang  ing,	 computer	 vision,	 computer	 graphics,	 video	 processing,	 multimedia	 security,	 and	 machine	  for	moving	cast	shadow	removal.	However,	this	method	requires	a	  video	data	efficiently,	where	almost	all	computation	burdens	can	be
 Research	Fellow  learning.	Some	of	these	results	have	also	been	successfully	introduced	into	their	related	industries	  period	of	training	time	for	finding	stable	features.	In	the	future,	we	  shifted	to	the	decoder,	resulting	in	a	very	low-complexity	encoder.
 Computer	Science	,	New	York	University
 via	technology	transfers.	In	the	next	few	years,	we	will	continue	to	devote	our	research	efforts	  will	investigate	variational	approaches	for	image	decomposition.	By
 Tyng-Luh	Liu  in	advancing	key	fields	in	multimedia,	including	video	forensics,	video	content	analysis	and	un-  separating	an	image	into	different	types	of	signals,	we	seek	to	find	  7. Game-theoretical Approach on Computing and Com-
 Research	Fellow  derstanding,	 lighting	 normalization,	 common	 pattern	 discovery,	 multiclass	 object	 recognition,	  more	stable	features	for	variable	lighting	conditions.  munication Resource Allocations
 Computer	Science	,	New	York	University	  distributed	compressive	video	sensing,	game	theory	for	computing	resource	allocation,	image
 Chun-Shien	Lu  de-noising	and	de-blurring,	and	confocal	microscope	image	stitching.	We	describe	in	detail	some	  Because	 of	 the	 rapid	 development	 of	 Internet	 techniques	 that	 al-
 Associate	Research	Fellow  of	these	fields,	below.  4. Common Pattern Discovery  low	many	computational	tasks	to	be	handled	by	an	Internet-based
 Electrical	Engineering	,	National	Cheng-Kung	                       infrastructure	“in	a	cloud,”	most	future	computing	functions	are	being
 University     We	will	study	the	problem	of	finding	common	patterns	in	multiple	  shifted	away	from	actual	end	users	devices.	Meanwhile,	the	evolu-
 1.Video Forensics  images	or	a	sequence	of	images.	In	this	area,	we	seek	to	find	impor-  tion	of	embedded	and	ubiquitous	computing	technologies	means
                tant	common	features	based	on	un-supervised	learning.	Unlike	exist-  that	personal	computing	devices	will	become	smaller	and	smarter.
 Video	forensics	is	one	of	the	most	attractive	research	fields	in	recent	years.		Due	to	the	rich	  ing	methods	that	usually	deal	with	only	a	single	common	pattern,	  In	other	words,	cloud	computing	will	take	over	much	of	the	com-
 amount	of	information	that	a	video	camcorder	can	record,	police	departments	frequently	use	  we	will	investigate	a	more	general	problem,	when	there	are	multiple	  putational	 load	 of	 personal	 devices,	 but	 the	 devices	 will	 need	 to
 video	when	performing	crime	scene	investigations.		Collecting	evidence	from	video	is	very	  common	patterns	or	even	no	common	patterns	occurring	within	the	  do	more	in	terms	of	computation	capability.	One	can	envision	that
 different	from	collecting	evidence	with	simple	images.		The	former	is	much	more	difficult	than	  images.  a	tremendous	number	of	users	will	compete	for	Internet	resources
 the	latter,	because	it	has	to	deal	with	spatial-temporal	problems.		A	number	of	critical	issues	  and,	as	a	consequence,	generate	many	conflicts	of	interest	(called	re-
 that	one	may	need	to	face	include:	low-resolution	problems,	motion	across	temporal	axis,	and	  source	conflicts).	This	problem	raises	several	challenges	for	the	signal
 illumination	changes	across	consecutive	frames.		We	plan	to	devote	part	of	our	research	ef-  5. Multi-class Object Categorization  processing	community,	as	new	technologies	must	be	developed	to
 forts	on	video	forensics	in	the	next	few	years.		The	issues	we	would	like	to	address	include:	  resolve	such	conflicts.	To	this	end,	we	propose	using	a	game-theoret-
 (1)	video	enhancing,	and	(2)	video	authentication.		The	sub-topics	related	to	video	enhancing	  One	 major	 obstacle	 hindering	 advances	 in	 developing	 object	 rec-  ical-based	approach.
 are:	motion	de-blurring,	and	video	stabilization	and	illumination	stabilization	across	temporal	  ognition	techniques	has	to	do	with	the	large	intraclass	feature	varia-
 axis.		For	video	authentication,	we	shall	deal	with	the	issues	of	video	inpainting	and	video	copy	  tions	caused	by	issues	such	as	ambiguities	from	clutter	background,
 detection.     various	poses,	different	lighting	conditions,	possible	occlusion,	etc.	  8. Image Noise Reduction and Blur Removal Algorithms
                Another	difficulty	in	addressing	object	recognition	is	that	its	current
                application	often	deals	with	a	large	number	of	categories.	While	de-  Reducing	noise	and	removing	blurring	from	images	are	important
 2. Video Content Analysis and Understanding  signing	more	robust	visual	features	and	their	corresponding	similarity	  fundamental	 problems	 in	 image	 processing.	 Although	 there	 are
                measures	has	progressed	significantly,	the	general	conclusion	is	that	  many	methods	to	recover	noisy	and	blurred	images,	the	solutions	are
 Video	content	analysis	and	understanding	is	also	a	very	hot	research	area,	with	significant	in-  no	single	feature	is	sufficient	for	handling	diverse	objects	of	broad	  still	not	fully	satisfying.	For	the	noise	reduction	problem,	could	we
 vestments	from	major	technology	players	such	as	Google,	Microsoft,	yahoo,	and	IBM.		In	the	  categories.	Taking	into	account	these	foregoing	considerations,	we	  propose	a	new	model	to	obtain	a	higher	PSNR	denoised	image?	For
 next	couple	of	years,	we	will	focus	our	emphasis	on	several	basic	issues.		For	video	content	  aim	to	establish	a	general	framework	for	addressing	object	recogni-  the	issue	of	de-blurring,	because	cameras	are	becoming	smaller	and
 analysis,	we	will	cover	issues	related	to	spatial-temporal	content	extraction	and	analysis,	and	  tion	over	large	and	broad	categories.	In	our	previous	research	efforts	  lighter	the	solution	to	the	problem	is	even	more	challenging.	We	are
 heterogeneous	features	extraction	and	fusion	for	compact	video	representation.		As	for	video	  on	object	recognition,	we	introduced	a	local	learning	approach	to	  interested	in	solving	these	problems	by	proposing	novel	ideas.
 retrieval,	we	will	address	issues	related	to	the	design	of	efficient	representation	schemes	and	  designing	 ensemble	 kernel	 machines	 with	 proper	 localization	 and
 the	design	of	valid	metrics	for	performing	video	retrieval.  regularization.	Our	use	of	ensemble	kernels	has	been	shown	to	be
                an	effective	way	of	fusing	various	informative	kernels	resulting	from	  9. Confocal Microscope Image Mosaicing
                assorted	 visual	 features	 and	 distance	 functions,	 and	 has	 a	 marked
                impact	on	succeeding	related	approaches.	However,	the	proposed	  Confocal	microscopes	have	been	widely	used	in	biological	imaging
                technique	is	still	far	from	satisfactory.	Our	research	efforts	will	con-  because	of	the	recent	development	of	fluorescent	probes	and	high-
                tinue	to	better	address	a	number	of	key	issues,	and	consider	informa-  resolution	 imaging	 techniques.	 Biologists	 now	 depend	 more	 and
                tion	fusion	in	a	broader	sense	(not	just	at	the	feature	level),	in	order	  more	 on	 two	 or	 three	 dimensional	 images	 to	 visualize	 subcellular
                to	more	effectively	tackle	the	high	complexity	of	multi-class	object	  components	in	vivo.	Because	the	very	large	size	of	microscope	data
                categorization.                                      requires	 post-processing	 for	 their	 interpretation,	 this	 creates	 new
                                                                     challenges	for	today’s	image	processing	techniques.	Due	to	the	fact
                                                                     that	the	optical	resolution	of	a	microscope	is	often	limited,	especially
              6. Distributed Compressive Video Sensing               in	the	axial	(i.e.	z),	and	fluorescence	microscopy	can	image	living	cells
                                                                     that	move	over	time,	the	registration	of	two	2D	image	stacks	become
                Current	low-complexity	video	codecs	(including	DVC)	are	usually	de-  very	difficult	and	is	almost	never	perfect.	We	are	currently	studying
                signed	to	reduce	encoding	complexity	to	the	order	of	that	for	still	  solutions	for	this	problem.
                image/intraframe	video	encoding.	Recently,	with	the	advent	of	a	sin-
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