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研究群   |   Research Laboratories

                                             Computation Theory and

                                             Algorithms Laboratory

          Research Faculty                      Group Profile

           Ming-Tat	Ko                       1. Graph Theory and Algorithms                                                            optimization	problems.	Most	of	these	problems	have	been	shown	to	  erlasting	security.	We	will	extend	the	scope	of	extractors	to	consider
           Research	Fellow                                                                                                             be	computationally	intractable.	Thus,	we	will	explore	the	underlying	  the	possibility	of	extracting	randomness	from	sources	that	only	look
           Computer	Science	,	National	Tsing-Hua	University  Graphs	are	used	to	model	many	important	applications	and	are	a	main	tool	for	solving	many	  structures	 or	 properties	 of	 these	 problems,	 and	 attempt	 to	 obtain	  somewhat	random	to	computationally-bounded	observers,	but	con-
                                                theoretical	problems.	We	often	start	with	probing	fundamental	theoretical	problems	such	as	  suitable	approximation	solutions	or	heuristics	that	are	practically	ac-  tain	no	randomness	at	all	in	a	statistical	sense.
           Tsan-sheng	Hsu                       the	structure	of	graphs	with	certain	properties.	With	these	properties,	we	then	design	efficient	  ceptable	for	the	situation	under	consideration.
           Research	Fellow                      solutions	to	them.	We	work	on	algorithmic	graph	problems	arisen	from	real-world	applications.	                                           6. Cryptography
           Computer	Sciences	,	University	of	Texas	at	Austin  From	phylogenetics,	we	work	on	two	basic	problems,	the	Steiner	root	problem	and	the	super-  4. Data intensive computation: theory   Efficient  Cryptography  and  CHES  (Crypto  Hardware  and  Em-
                                                tree	construction	problem.		For	a	set	of	taxa	with	similarity	relations	represented	by	a	graph,	                                            ●
           Der-Tsai	Lee                         the	Steiner	root	problem	is	to	find	a	phylogenetic	tree	of	these	taxa	whose	power	is	exactly	the	  Logic	and	knowledge	representation	for	massive	data:	Much	infor-  bedded Systems):
           Distinguished	Research	Fellow        graph.		The	supertree	construction	problem	is	to	yield	a	phylogenetic	tree	from	a	set	of	small	  mation	and	knowledge	are	implicit	in	massive	data.	In	recent	years,	  Some	situations	call	for	the	utmost	effort	in	optimization.	Here,	it	is
           Computer	Science	,	University	of	Illinois	at	Urbana-  phylogenetic	trees	with	different	but	overlapped	taxa	sets.		Though	there	exist	many	supertree	  intelligent	agent	systems	with	learning	and	reasoning	ability	have
           Champaign                                                                                                                   received	much	attention.	We	want	to	study	the	knowledge	represen-  not	just	cryptanalytic	efforts	that	require	the	highest	efficiency,	in
                                                construction	algorithms,	biologists	still	desire	an	efficient	algorithm	providing	comprehensive	                                             many	cases	so	does	encryption.	Sometimes	it	is	because	resources
           Churn-Jung	Liau                      information	of	phylogenetic	relation	among	taxa.		We	also	study	fundamental	algorithms	aris-  tation	and	inference	problems	relevant	to	intelligent	agent	systems	  are	limited:	It	seems	that	computers	are	ubiquitous,	and	will	soon	be
                                                                                                                                       based	on	formal	logics.	We	will	study	methods	to	inductively	produce
           Research	Fellow                      en	from	applications	with	massive	data.	One	of	the	areas	involves	augmentation	algorithms	  useful	rules	and	knowledge	with	special	attention	provided	to	the	  working	invisibly	and	seamlessly	in	many	ways;	hence,	security	and
           CSIE	,	National	Taiwan	University    on	graphs	with	partition	constraints.	This	stems	from	data	privacy	protection	problems,	and	                                                 privacy	are	becoming	pressing	issues.		RSA	may	lose	its	dominance
                                                has	applications	in	various	fault	tolerant	designs.	One	other	area	of	our	research	concerns	  representation	problem	of	such	extracted	knowledge.	With	a	proper	  within	5-10	years,	even	without	quantum	computers,	because	it	is
           Jing-Sin	Liu                         algorithms	for	finding	the	tree	editing	distance	when	the	distance	has	a	limited	bound.	This	  knowledge	representation	framework,	derived	knowledge	can	serve	  too	heavy-weight	for	low-resource	use.	Indeed,	because	of	the	need
           Associate	Research	Fellow            problem	has	applications	in	comparing	large	trees,	which	are	models	for	many	applications	  as	the	basis	for	further	reasoning	and	decision	making	of	the	intel-  for	better	security	in	pervasive	or	ubiquitous	computing,	NATO	is
           EE	,	National	Taiwan	University      including	several	problems	in	the	area	of	bioinformatics.	                             ligent	agent	systems.	Different	agent	systems	can	exchange	knowl-  planning	to	adopt	ECC	(ECIES,	ECDSA)	as	its	next	standard.		In	the
           Chi-Jen	Lu                        2. Geometric Computing                                                                    edge	based	on	the	common	representation,	and	agent	systems	can	  opposite	direction,	higher	efficiency	in	encryption	algorithms	can
                                                                                                                                       produce	even	more	complex	knowledge	by	invoking	a	proper	fusion
           Research	Fellow                                                                                                             mechanism	to	incorporate	knowledge	from	various	sources.	The	fully	  result	in	higher	security	levels,	or	cheaper	components	for	the	same
           Computer	Science	,	University	of	Massachusetts	at	  The	Voronoi	diagram	is	a	very	versatile	and	well-studied	geometric	construct	in	geometric	  distributed	 yet	 coordinated	 knowledge	 extraction	 and	 processing	  security.
           Amherst                              computing.	The	properties,	complexity,	and	computation	of	Voronoi	diagram	are	among	the	  mechanism	can	derive	useful	knowledge	for	decision	making	from	a
                                                fundamental	problems	to	study.	By	introducing	different	metrics,	such	as	time-distance,	the	                                                 In	this	area,	we	study	topics	ranging	from	restricted	linear	algebra
           Da-Wei	Wang                          diagram	will	change.	In	general,	we	plan	to	study	how	the	properties	of	the	Voronoi	diagram	  massive	data	set.	This	can	effectively	mitigate	the	information	explo-  and	 resource-limited	 arithmetic,	 to	 fast	 arithmetic	 and	 efficient
           Research	Fellow                      vary	with	the	metric	selected,	and	how	we	make	use	of	the	properties	of	the	selected	metric,	  sion	problem	for	decision	makers.		           primitives.		We	are	known	for	designing	cryptographical	approach-
           Computer	Science	,	Yale	University                                                                                                                                                es	for	specialized	hardware,	including	implementing	cryptographi-
                                                if	any,	to	construct	the	diagram.	Other	problems	such	as	Map	Labeling,	i.e.,	how	to	label	given	  Algorithms	 and	 protocols	 for	 privacy	 enhancing	 technology	 with	  cal	 algorithms	 on	 vector	 units	 in	 CPUs,	 FPGAs,	 ASICs,	 and	 GPU
           Bo-Yin	Yang                          features	of	a	map	so	that	these	labels	do	not	overlap,	and	Defensive	Competitive	Facility	Loca-  massive	data:	In	recent	years,	many	institutions	have	collected	mas-  (graphic	processing	units).		One	of	our	record-breaking	results	is
           Associate	Research	Fellow            tion,	i.e.,	finding	the	location	of	a	facility	so	that	the	gain	of	prospective	competitors	is	mini-  sive	 and	 comprehensive	 individual	 data	 for	 various	 purposes.	 To	  using	GPUs	to	assist	cryptanalytic	computations.		We	also	study	the
           Mathematics	(Applied)	,	Massachusetts	Institute	of	  mized	according	to	certain	rules	of	competition,	are	also	of	interest.	In	biological	computing	  share	those	data	can	be	beneficial	to	society,	but	it	also	poses	a	great	  implementation	of	practical	information	security	algorithms,	such
           Technology                           we	use	some	important	techniques,	such	as	random	sampling,	parametric	search,	geometric	  threat	to	individual	privacy.	How	to	share	the	data	and	keep	indi-  as	using	intelligent	agents	to	assist	server-less	authenticated	infor-
                                                cutting,	expander	graph,	matrix	searching,	etc.	to	tackle	certain	subsequence	problems	in	a	  vidual	privacy	intact	is	the	topic	we	are	interested	in.	We	proposed
                                                given	DNA	or	arbitrary	sequence,	e.g.,	finding	a	maximum	density	subsequence	or	a	maxi-  a	logic	framework	to	study	risks	to	privacy	when	publishing	micro-  mation	exchanges.
                                                mum	sum	subsequence.	We	hope	to	use	geometric	techniques	to	solve	additional	problems	  data,	and	a	quantitative	measurement	for	the	privacy	threat.	We	are	  ●  Post-Quantum Cryptography:
                                                in	biological	computing,	and	moreover,	apply	them	to	problems	in	pattern	recognition,	image	  working	on	a	more	challenging	issue	involving	the	database	linkage
                                                processing,	data	mining,	and	so	on.	                                                   problem:	how	to	get	the	intended	final	answers	without	really	linking	  This	term	has	two	major	meanings.	One	is	the	study	of	cryptosys-
                                             3. Network Design and Analysis                                                            the	databases.		Multiparty	privacy	computation	can	be	applied	and	  tems	using	quantum	effects	to	establish	security	and	privacy,	such
                                                                                                                                                                                             as	the	famous	BB84	protocol.	The	other	is	the	study	of	cryptography
                                                                                                                                       we	plan	to	use	secure	scalar	product	as	a	building	block	to	construct
                                                The	network	design	problem	considers	how	to	connect	a	collection	of	sites	by	a	network	such	  basic	functions	which	in	turn	can	be	used	to	build	various	application	  that	does	not	fall	with	the	advent	of	quantum	computers,	which
                                                that	certain	requirements	are	met.	Topics	in	network	design	arise	as	central	issues	in	wide	are-  systems.	The	ultimate	goal	is	to	develop	a	complete	system,	in	which	  are	expected	to	become	a	reality	within	two	decades.		Our	research
                                                as,	such	as	VLSI	design,	wireless	sensor	network,	bioinformatics,	and	communication	networks.	  users	can	write	their	program	in	certain	high	level	languages	and	the	  on	 MPKCs	 (Multivariate	 Public-Key	 Cryptosystems)	 has	 advanced
                                                With	respect	to	different	applications,	these	issues	demonstrate	themselves	in	different	forms,	  code	will	be	automatically	translated	into	a	secure	multiparty	code	  the	understanding	of	the	field	from	both	theoretical	and	practical
                                                with	subtle	similarities	via	various	quality	measurements	and	constraints	in	practice.	From	an	  by	a	compiler.                              viewpoints.		MPKCs	operate	on	a	vector	of	variables	over	a	small
                                                algorithmic	point	of	view,	we	consider	the	construction	and	evaluation	of	networks	under	one	  5. Computational Complexity                   field,	 instead	 of	 on	 an	 element	 in	 a	 huge	 algebraic	 structure	 (as
                                                or	more	objective	functions.	We	focus	on	several	important	measures	to	evaluate	the	quality	                                                 in	RSA	or	ECC).		This	key	characteristic	makes	MPKCs	faster	while
                                                of	networks,	including	weight	(total	length	of	all	edges),	diameter	(longest	path	between	any	  Randomness	 has	 become	 a	 valuable	 resource	 in	 computation.	 For	  maintaining	comparable	design	security;	hence,	they	are	useful	for
                                                two	nodes),	dilation	(largest	ratio	of	network	distance	to	Euclidean	distance),	routing	cost	(total	  many	computational	problems,	randomized	algorithms	are	simpler,	  low-resource	environments,	such	as	embedded	systems	and	smart
                                                sum	over	the	network	distances	between	all	vertex	pairs),	bottleneck	bandwidth	or	capacity,	  more	natural,	or	more	efficient	than	the	deterministic	algorithms	cur-  cards.		Recently,	we	have	conducted	several	analyses	and	proposed
                                                etc.	We	will	also	address	issues	about	fault	tolerance	and	dynamic	maintenance	of	networks	  rently	known.	However,	randomized	algorithms	typically	depend	on	  improvements	to	the	design	of	such	primitives.	Today	we	have	one
                                                under	node/link-transient	failures.	We	will	extend	our	research	to	related	multi-criteria	network	  the	availability	of	a	perfect	random	source,	whose	existence	even	in	  of	the	leading	research	teams	in	multivariate	cryptosystems.
                                                                                                                                       the	nature	is	debatable.	There	are	two	approaches	to	resolve	this	is-  ●  Algebraic Cryptanalysis:
                                                                                                                                       sue.	One	approach	is	to	study	whether	or	not	randomized	algorithms
                                                                                                                                       can	be	derandomized	into	deterministic	ones	without	sacrificing	the	  We	 have	 made	 practical	 advances	 in	 equation-solving	 and	 alge-
                                                                                                                                       performance	too	much.	We	show	how	such	derandomization	can	be	  braic	cryptanalysis,	especially	in	Groebner	Bases	and	the	related	XL
                                                                                                                                       achieved	under	reasonable	assumptions,	and	we	also	study	its	po-  (eXtended	Linearization)	method	and	its	variants.		These	system-
                                                                                                                                       tential	limitation.	We	will	study	how	to	derandomize	special	classes	  solving	methods	have	shaken	the	field	of	stream	ciphers,	and	re-
                                                                                                                                       of	randomized	algorithms,	such	as	those	using	logarithmic	space	or	  searchers	are	still	looking	for	a	replacement	to	the	venerable	RC4
                                                                                                                                       constant	parallel	time,	without	relying	on	any	assumption.	The	other	  cipher.		We	are	still	working	on	faster	implementations	and	addi-
                                                                                                                                       approach	is	to	design	procedures,	called	extractors,	which	can	extract	  tional	theory	behind	such	system-solvers.	This	work	also	relates	to
                                                                                                                                       almost	perfect	randomness	from	slightly	random	sources.	We	provide	  the	previously	mentioned	area	above,	since	an	attack	on	an	MPKC
                                                                                                                                       an	optimal	construction	of	extractors,	which	settles	a	long-standing	  is	equivalent	to	solving	an	instance	of	the	multivariate	quadratic
                                                                                                                                       open	problem,	and	we	also	find	a	surprising	application	of	extrac-  systems	 (MQ)	 or	 the	 extended	 isomorphism	 of	 polynomials	 (EIP)
                                                                                                                                       tors	in	cryptography,	for	building	an	encryption	scheme	with	an	ev-  problems.
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