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研究群   |   Research Laboratories

                                                                                                                                 Programming Languages and Formal Methods


            研究人員                               研究群介紹                                                                                   Group Profile

           莊庭瑞 Tyng-Ruey	Chuang              程式語言研究形式語言使用於計算表達以及程式設計時的各種議題;形式方法泛指用於規                                                 Research	in	programming	languages	investigates	the	syntactic,	seman-
           Associate	Research	Fellow         範、發展、及驗證軟體或硬體系統的數學方法與技術。兩者都強調其所使用方法的嚴謹性,                                                tic,	and	pragmatic	issues	in	the	use	of	formal	languages	for	expressing
           Computer	Science,	New	York	University
                                             以及所使用的方法是否可落實為軟體工具,被普遍使用。                                                               computations	 and	 in	 programming	 machines.	 Formal	 methods	 are
           王柏堯 Bow-Yaw	Wang                                                                                                          mathematically	 based	 techniques	 for	 the	 specification,	 development,
           Associate	Research	Fellow         軟體系統在模組性與擴充性的研究議題,目前非常受到重視。一般認為,於程式設計或編                                                 and	verification	of	software	and	hardware	systems.	Formal	methods	and
           Computer	Science	,	University	of	Pennsylvania  譯時,若可以提早找出軟體於執行時可能發生的缺失,將可以大幅降低因軟體出錯而導致                                    programming	 languages	 both	 emphasize	 the	 rigidity	 of	 the	 methods
           陳郁方 Yu-Fang	Chen                                                                                                          that	are	used.	It	is	important	that	the	methods	are	realized	as	software
           Assistant	Research	Fellow         用在含有巨量程式碼的軟體系統上,也依靠此軟體的模組化特性,以及軟體所使用語言的                                                 tools	 that	 can	 be	 systematically	 applied.	 The	 two	 research	 areas	 are
           Information	Management	,	National	Taiwan	  模組性建構。                                                                         closely	related;	they	cross-fertilize	each	other.
           穆信成 Shin-Cheng	Mu                 程式性質規範。目前的研究重點在於:一、以自動機為基礎的模型驗證;二、ML	程式語言                                               Our	 contributions	 to	 this	 area	 include	 developing	 new	 program	 con-
           Assistant	Research	Fellow                                                                                                 struction	and	verification	techniques,	building	practical	software	tools,
           Computing	Laboratory	,	University	of	Oxford  的模組化驗證;三、模組化、可擴充之依賴型態程式設計典範;四、關於直觀規則語言之                                      and	exploring	new	research	directions.	The	two	main	thrusts	of	our	re-
                                             組合式分析。為此目的,我們與國內外的著名研究機構保持聯繫與合作。此外,為培育新                                                 search	are:	1)	the	interplay	of	model	checking	and	theorem	proving	tech-
                                             世代的研究人才,我們也持續辦理一年一度的「邏輯、語言與計算」暑期研習營	(Formosan	                                          niques	in	formal	verification,	especially	in	the	development	of	effective
                                             Summer	School	on	Logic,	Language,	and	Computation;。
                                                                                                                                     methods	that	combine	the	strengths	of	the	two	techniques;	2)	program-
                                                                                                                                     ming	language	based	approaches	to	software	correctness,	in	particular
                                                                                                                                     in	the	use	of	expressive	type	systems	and	high-level	module	constructs
                                                                                                                                     to	assure	desirable	program	properties.
                                                                                                                                     Currently,	our	research	focuses	on	the	following:	automated	composi-
                                                                                                                                     tional	 verification	 and	 automata-based	 model	 checking,	 module-level
                                                                                                                                     verification	for	ML-like	languages,	modular	and	extensible	paradigms	for
                                                                                                                                     dependent	type	programming,	and	compositional	reasoning	with	intui-
                                                                                                                                     tionistic	regular	languages.
                                                                                                                                     The	following	are	specific	examples	of	our	research.	First,	we	have	pro-
                                                                                                                                     posed	 several	 approaches	 to	 improving	 automated	 compositional
                                                                                                                                     verification,	such	as	extending	it	to	allow	the	verification	of	the	liveness
                                                                                                                                     property	and	proposing	a	new	algorithm	that	guarantees	finding	the
                                                                                                                                     minimal	contextual	assumption	of	an	assume-guarantee	rule.		Second-
                                                                                                                                     ly,	we	have	used	program	derivation	techniques	to	solve	optimization
                                                                                                                                     problems	(finding,	for	example,	the	maximum	density	segments),	as	well
                                                                                                                                     as	developed	a	library	encoding	program	derivation	in	dependent	types,
                                                                                                                                     which	allows	one	to	prove	properties	in	an	algebraic	way	and	have	these
                                                                                                                                     properties	verified	by	the	type	checker.	Lastly,	we	have	shown	how	ML-
                                                                                                                                     like	modules	can	be	used	to	construct	a	class	of	extensible	membership
                                                                                                                                     functions	for	regular	languages	that	are	correct	by	design.
                                                                                                                                     In	addition	to	our	research	endeavors,	a	significant	portion	of	our	re-
                                                                                                                                     sources	are	dedicated	to	community	outreach.	We	maintain	close	con-
                                                                                                                                     tacts	with	several	well-known	research	groups	abroad.	In	addition,	we
                                                                                                                                     have	organized	the	yearly	Formosan	Summer	School	on	Logic,	Language,
                                                                                                                                     and	Computation	(FLOLAC)	since	2007	(for	the	2010	edition,	please	see
                                                                                                                           	 Because	 of	 FLOLAC,	 more	 and
                                                                                                                                     more	students	in	Taiwan	have	been	encouraged	to	study	and	conduct
                                                                                                                                     research	in	programming	languages	and	formal	methods.

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