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Research Laboratories  研究群


                                  Computation Theory

                                                     and Algorithms                                                                   Laboratory

          Research Faculty
          Research Faculty

             Tsan-sheng Hsu            Ming-Tat Ko              Der-Tsai Lee              Churn-Jung Liau                             Jing-Sin Liu             Chi-Jen Lu                Da-Wei Wang               Bo-Yin Yang
             Research Fellow           Research Fellow          Distinguished Research Fellow  Research Fellow                        Associate Research Fellow  Research Fellow         Research Fellow           Associate Research Fellow

               Group Profile
             (1) Graph Theory and Algorithms                                                                                          first approach is to study whether or not randomized algorithms can be effi-
                                                                                                                                      ciently converted into deterministic ones. We show how this can be achieved
             Fundation: Graphs are used to model many important applica-                                                              under reasonable assumptions, and we also study its potential limitation.
             tions and are a main tool for solving many theoretical problems.                                                         The second approach is to design procedures, called extractors, which can
             We often start with probing fundamental theoretical problems                                                             extract almost perfect randomness from slightly random sources. We pro-
             such as the structure of graphs with certain properties. With                                                            vide an optimal construction of extractors, and we also find applications of   Computation theory and
             these properties, we then design efficient solutions to them.                                                            extractors in cryptography.
             We work on algorithmic graph problems arisen from real-world                                                                                                                                 algorithms is the foundation
             applications.                                                                                                            (6) Cryptography                                                    of Computer Science with
             Network Design and Analysis:  The network design problem                                                                 Efficient Cryptography and CHES (Crypto Hardware and Embedded Systems):   studies of power and limits
             considers  how  to  connect  a  collection  of  sites  by  a  network                                                    We are working on designing cryptographical approaches for specialized
             such that certain requirements are met. Topics in network de-                                                            hardware, including implementing cryptographical algorithms on vector   of computing problems.
             sign arise as central issues in wide areas, such as VLSI design,                                                         units in CPUs, FPGAs, ASICs, and GPU (graphic processing units). One of our
             wireless sensor network, bioinformatics, and communication                                                               record-breaking results is using GPUs to assist cryptanalytic computations.
             networks. With respect to different applications, these issues                                                           We also study the implementation of practical information security algo-
             demonstrate themselves in different forms, with subtle simi-                                                             rithms, such as using intelligent agents to assist server-less authenticated
             larities via various quality measurements and constraints in                                                             information exchanges.
                                                                 mous navigation based on 3D map building, smooth path plan-          Post-Quantum Cryptography: We work on MPKCs (Multivariate Public-Key
             (2) Geometric Computing                             ning using soft computing and robot-assisted sensor network.         Cryptosystems) that has advanced the understanding of the field from both
                                                                                                                                      theoretical and practical viewpoints. MPKCs operate on a vector of variables
             The Voronoi diagram is a very versatile and well-studied geo-  (4) Data-Intensive Computation                            over a small field, instead of on an element in a huge algebraic structure (as
             metric construct in geometric computing.  The properties,                                                                in RSA or ECC). This key characteristic makes MPKCs faster while maintaining
             complexity, and computation of Voronoi diagram are among   Logic and knowledge representation: Much information and      comparable design security; hence, they are useful for low-resource environ-
             the fundamental problems to study. By introducing different   knowledge are implicit in massive data. Wewant to study the   ments, such as embedded systems and smart cards.
             metrics, such as time-distance, the diagram will change. In   related knowledge representation and reasoning problems
             general, we plan to study how the properties of the Voronoi   based on formal logics. With a proper representation frame-  Algebraic Cryptanalysis: We work on faster implementations and additional
             diagram vary with the metric selected, and how we make use   work, knowledge discovered from massive data can be used in   theory behind such system-solvers. This work also relates to the previously
             of the properties of the selected metric, if any, to construct the   intelligent data-intensive computational systems.   mentioned area above, since an attack on an MPKC is equivalent to solving
             diagram.                                                                                                                 an instance of the multivariate quadratic systems (MQ) or the extended iso-
                                                                 Efficient algorithms: With the rapid development of computer         morphism of polynomials (EIP) problems.
             (3) Robtics                                         and communication technology, it has become much easier to
                                                                 access or store massive amounts of data electronically. We are
             The development of intelligent robotic systems to ensure the   interested in the research problems concerning efficient com-
             safety and comfort of human-robot interaction is of paramount   putation of massive data which include data privacy, issues in
             importance in current and near future robotics research.  To   large scale social networks and classical computer games.
             make robots as good partner and good helper of human be-
             ings requires the theory and technology of sensing, planning   (5) Complexity Theory
             and control and their integration. Along the line of robotics
             research, we conduct simulations and experiments on autono-  Randomness has become a valuable resource in computation,
                                                                 as randomized algorithms have provided the most efficient so-
                                                                 lutions for many important computational problems. However,
                                                                 randomized algorithms typically depend on the availability of
                                                                 a perfect random source, whose existence even in the nature is
                                                                 debatable. There are two approaches to resolve this issue. The

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