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Research Laboratories  研究群


                Programming Languages

                                  and Formal Methods                                                                                  Laboratory

          Research Faculty
          Research Faculty

             Bow-Yaw Wang              Yu-Fang Chen             Tyng-Ruey Chuang          Shin-Cheng Mu
             Associate Research Fellow  Assistant Research Fellow  Associate Research Fellow  Assistant Research Fellow

               Group Profile

             The Programming Languages and Formal Methods research   “Session type” is a type system for message-passing concurrent   all design behaviors. For concurrent systems, the number of design behaviors
             group develops techniques for ensuring program correctness.   programs that ensures that communication between threads   grows exponentially in the number of design components. This is the infa-
             Our researches in programming languages focus on the syntac-  follow certain protocol. More advanced variations also guaran-  mous state explosion problem. Local reasoning is a compositional technique
             tic, semantic, and pragmatic issues in the development of cor-  tee deadlock-freeness. Some efforts were made to implement   for alleviating the state explosion problem in the verification of concurrent
             rect programs. The researches in formal methods emphasize on   session type systems by embedding them to existing languag-  programs. Instead of exploring global states, the compositional technique   In order to help developers
             the algorithmic, computational, practical aspects in the analy-  es. Those implemented, however, are still far behind those ex-  synthesizes local properties and verifies these properties on design compo-
             sis of realistic programs.  We apply mathematical and formal   isting on paper, due to inexpressiveness of the type system in   nents. In addition to classical finite concurrent programs, local reasoning has   exploit the computational
             techniques in the investigation of our research problems. We   the host language. We plan to embed session type into Agda,   been used to analyze parametric systems as well.
             also aim to develop tools and methodologies to help develop-  a language with an expressive dependent type system, hoping   Local property synthesis is the key to the success of local reasoning. Tradi-  power in parallel processors,
             ers writing correct codes.                          to build an integrated environment in which programmers may          tionally, local properties are obtained by fixed point computation. The itera-
                                                                 program in Agda/Haskell, and use the type system to guaran-                                                                              we are working on language
             Multi-core processors are now widely used in desktop comput-                                                             tive computation however can be unnecessarily expensive. We plan to apply
             ers, notebooks, and even smart-                     tee correctness and termination.                                     algorithmic learning to the synthesis problem in local reasoning. When there   and verification techniques
             phones.  Developers  certainly                                         We also plan to investigate the                   are lots of feasible local properties, algorithmic learning allows to infer one
             would like to exploit concurrency                                      “proofs-as-programs” approach to                  of them efficiently. Learning-based synthesis algorithms moreover give us   for concurrent programs.
             to improve the efficiency of appli-                                    program correctness as embodied in                more flexibility in the forms of inferred properties. Such flexibility will help us
             cations. Yet concurrent program-                                       proof assistants such as Coq and their            understand local properties about programs.
             ming is known to be difficult.                                         program extraction mechanisms,
             Even experienced developers may                                        and to familiarize ourselves with the             For average developers, applying formal techniques may be impractical due
             make mistakes in writing concur-                                       details of these tools so as to under-            to the lack of training. Yet more and more concurrent programs are being
             rent programs. Subsequently,                                           stand their capacities and limitations.           written by average developers. Verification tools for concurrent programs
             there are still a very limited num-                                    We have selected three application                will undoubtedly help such developers improve their productivity. A large
             ber  of  concurrent  programs  de-                                     domains to work on: 1) Derivatives                portions of existing concurrent programs are written by modern program-
             spite of the prevalence of concur-                                     of regular expressions, 2) Transforma-            ming languages such as C++ and JAVA. For those existing codes, we also plan
             rent computer systems. In order                                        tions of  structural contents, and  3)            to develop automatic verification approaches that can ensure their correct-
             to help developers exploit the                                         Interactions of software components.              ness. Precisely, we plan to develop concurrent software model checking ap-
             computational power in modern                                          The problems dealt with in the above              proaches. The core technique of model checking is efficient exploration of
             processors, the Programming                                            three domains  can often  be related              the entire state spaces of the program to be verified.
             Languages and Formal Methods research group are currently   to those encountered in general application development. For   For concurrent program, the state space has to be explored is normally ex-
             working on language and verification techniques for concur-  example, Web application scripts shall process all user inputs   tremely large due to the interleaving of behaviors of each individual thread.
             rent programs.                                      correctly (and avoiding common security pitfalls e.g. those          In order to efficiently explore the state space, the use of abstraction tech-
                                                                 caused by SQL Injection) and shall always produce correct out-       nique is a must. We plan to combine existing abstraction techniques for con-
             Type systems are widely deployed in modern programming   puts (such as generating only valid XML documents). These is-
             languages to ensure type safety. For example an ill-typed ex-  sues fall into domains 1 and 2 above. How these scripts interact   current programs. For example, we might use thread modular abstraction for
             pression may add the number 0 to a character ‘0’ and evaluate   with one another is also a major research issue (domain 3). We   the control part and predicate abstraction for data part. The goal is scale up
             to an incorrect result. Type systems allow developers to identify   want to certify, by formal proofs, that the scripts for these ap-  concurrent software model checking approach to programs that cannot be
             such type errors at the compile time. Concurrent programming   plications will have the required behaviors before they are de-  handled by existing approaches.
             is known to be error-prone, and the challenge of programmers   ployed. These application domains will provide many interest-  In addition to our research activities, we also dedicate significant resources
             is even made harder when a modern program often consists   ing and important problems for our investigation in program   to education. In order to introduce our researches to students, we have or-
             of hundreds or even thousands of threads communicating to   constructions with formal proofs.                            ganized the yearly Formosan Summer School on Logic, Language, and  Com-
             each other. Modern programming languages adopt expressive                                                                putation (FLOLAC) since 2007. Through FLOLAC, more and more students in
             type systems to guarantee certain properties of programs.  Model checking is a technique to identify errors in program de-  Taiwan have been encouraged to study and conduct research in program-
                                                                 signs. Given an intended property about the design, a model          ming languages and formal methods.
                                                                 checker verifies the given property conclusively by exploring

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