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Distinguished Chair and Distinguished Research Fellows  特聘講座/特聘研究員


                                                 Wen-Tsuen Chen

                                                                                                                                      Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext.2211
                                                 Distinguished Research Fellow                                                        Fax: + 886-2-2782-4814
                                                 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley

             Research Description                                                                                                     Publications
             研究介紹                                                                                                                     代表著作

             My early research works were on software engineering. There   On parallel computing, my research team designed the first   1.  C. V. Ramamoorthy, S. F. Ho, and W. T. Chen, “On the Automated Genera-
             was  no  systematic  approach  to  software  testing  in  early   parallel processing system in Taiwan in late 1980s, with its   tion of Program Test Data,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
             1970s. I had done works on software testing design, auto-  parallel processor designed with state-of-the-art IC technol-    vol. SE-2, no. 4, December 1976, pp. 293-300. First published as an invited
             mated software testing, and software instrumentation in   ogy.  We discovered that an optimal mesh with broadcast           paper “Toward Automation of Test Data Generation,” (with C. V. Rama-
             mid-1970s. My research results have been used in automated   capability is a rectangular instead of a square one for many   moorthy) in Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium 1975,
                                                                                                                                         Taipei, Taiwan, August 1975, pp. 229-235.
             software testing systems designed for NASA and other insti-  parallel algorithms and generalized the result to multidimen-
             tutions in USA and incorporated in modern CASE (Computer   sional mesh. This result has been widely adopted by other     2.  W. T. Chen and N. F. Huang, “The Strongly Connecting Problem on Multi-    ● Taylor L. Booth Education Award, IEEE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Computer Society, 2011
             Aided Software Engineering) tools. I had helped develop the   researchers to reduce computational complexities of many      hop Packet Radio Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.
             software engineering program of the Institute for Informa-  well-known optimal mesh algorithms with fewer processors.       COM-37, no. 3, March 1989, pp. 293-295.                             ● Lifelong National Chair, Ministry of
             tion Industry since its founding in 1979 by serving as a tech-  We also proposed a constant-time sorting k-dimensional par-  3.  G. H. Chiou and W. T. Chen, “Secure Broadcasting Using the Secure Lock,”   Education, 2004
             nical advisor for more than 10 years.               allel architecture with the least number of processors n k/(k-1)        IEEE  Transactions  on Software  Engineering, vol.  SE-15,  no. 8,  August     ● Medal of Honor, Institute of Informa-
                                                                 that approaches the theoretical lower bound n for larger k.             1989, pp. 929-934.                                                 tion and Computing Machinery, 2003
             My research team designed the first computer resource   Other notable works of my research team include image se-        4.  Y. C. Chen, W. T. Chen, G. H. Chen, and J. P. Sheu, “Designing Efficient

             sharing network in Taiwan in early 1980s that enabled pre-  quence coding, high-speed packet switching networks, verti-     Parallel Algorithms on Mesh-Connected Computers with Multiple Broad-    ● Pan Wen Yuan Outstanding Research
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Award, Pan Wen Yuan Foundation,
             cious computing resource sharing at a time when budget   cal handoff in heterogeneous wireless networks, and wireless       casting,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 1, no.   2000
             for universities was insufficient. We were probably the first to   sensor networks.                                         2, April 1990, pp. 241-246.
             recognize the efficiency problem of secure broadcasting in                                                               5.  R.  F.  Chang  and  W.  T.  Chen,  “Image  Coding  Using  Variable-Rate  Side-    ● Technical Achievement Award, IEEE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Computer Society, 1999
             networks of broadcast type, such as Ethernet, packet radio,   For the next few years, my research team will focus on re-    Match Finite-State Vector Quantization,” IEEE Transactions on Image Pro-
             and satellite. We proposed an efficient approach to securely   searches  on  intelligent  sensing  and  mobile  networking   cessing, vol. 2, no. 1, January 1993, pp. 104-108.                 ● Outstanding Scholarship Chair,
             encrypting a message based on Chinese Remainder Theo-  technologies and their applications. Emerging technologies                                                                              Foundation for the Advancement of

             rem, so that only one copy of the message needs to be sent   and applications for Internet of Things (IoT) have progressed   6.  Y.  C.  Chen  and  W.  T.  Chen,  “Constant  Time  Sorting  on  Reconfigurable   Outstanding Scholarship, 1996 – 2001
             for secure broadcasting. With recent proliferation of wireless   tremendously in recent years. IoT is considered as one of the   Meshes,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 43, no. 6, June 1994, pp.     ● Academic Award, Ministry of Educa-
             networks  such  as  WiFi,  WiMAX,  LTE,  and  mobile  networks,   most important components of future Internet. Things will                                                                    tion, 1994
             design of efficient secure broadcasting becomes even more   be given computation and communication capabilities to       7.  W. T. Chen and L. C. Huang, “RSVP Mobility Support: A Signaling Protocol     ● IEEE Fellow, 1994
             important.                                          enable intelligent interactions between human and things,               for Integrated Services Internet with Mobile Hosts,” in Proceedings of IN-
                                                                 among themselves, and to autonomously take safe and ur-                 FOCOM 2000 - the Conference on Computer Communications, vol. 3, April     ● Outstanding Research Awards, Na-
             With the trend of integration of telecommunications net-  gent actions according to environmental changes. A new age        2000, pp. 1283-1292.                                               tional Science Council, 1990 –1996
             works, Internet, and media broadcasting networks, provision-  of  applications  with  efficiency, safety,  and  sustainability is   8.  W. T. Chen, C.F. Huang, Y. L. Chang, and W. Y. Hwang, “An Efficient Cell     ● Distinguished Research Fellow, IIS,

             ing  of QoS  (Quality-of-Service) becomes  ever  important in   coming with the aids of comprehensive sensing from intelli-  Scheduling Algorithm for Multicast ATM Switching Systems,” IEEE/ACM   Academia Sinica, 2012 –
             future networks. My research team has done works on provi-  gent sensors, intelligent computation from cloud computing,     Transactions on Networking, vol. 8, no. 4, August 2000, pp. 517-525.    ● S&T Advisor, Director of the Advisory
             sioning of QoS in mobile and wireless networks. We proposed   and ubiquitous communications from mobile networks. My     9.  S. C. Lo, G. Lee, W. T. Chen, and J. C. Liu, “Architecture for Mobility and   O ce, Ministry of Education, 1988 –

             a signaling protocol for mobile hosts to reserve resources in   research team aims to developing the enabling key technolo-  QoS Support in All-IP Wireless Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas   1996
             the integrated services Internet.  The mobility impacts on   gies for IoT, including fusion of intelligent sensing technolo-  in Communications, Special Issue on ALL-IP Wireless Networks, vol. 22, no.     ● Distinguished Chair Professor, College
             packet delay, bandwidth utilization and packet loss rate are   gies, efficient and energy-saving transmission mechanisms in   4, May 2004, pp. 691-705.                                        Dean, President of National Tsing Hua
             minimized. We have extended the concept to All-IP (Internet   wireless sensor networks, resource allocation and scheduling   10.  W. T. Chen, J. C. Liu, and H. K. Huang, “An Adaptive Scheme for Vertical   University, 1976 – 2012
             Protocol) wireless networks by integrating mobility manage-  schemes in next-generation mobile networks, and design of      Handoff in Wireless Overlay Networks,” in Proceedings of ICPADS 2004 -
             ment and QoS provisioning in a proposed hierarchical sys-  common service middleware and platform. Intelligent home,        IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, July     ● Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Computer Sciences, University of
             tem  architecture  design. All-IP wireless networks  with  QoS   healthcare, and crowdsourcing-based monitoring are chosen   2004, pp. 541-548.                                                California, Berkeley, 1976
             provisioning are considered as the next generation wireless   to demonstrate the technologies that are developed in my   11.  W. T. Chen and Y. Y. Shu, “Active Application Oriented Vertical Handoff in
             networks to provide seamless access for mobile applications.   research team. We intend to extensively collaborate with re-  Next-Generation Wireless Networks,” in Proceedings of WCNC 2005 - the     ● M.S., Electrical Engineering and Com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            puter Sciences, University of Califor-
             These works are expected to contribute to the design of the   searchers in universities and industries. We expect that our   IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, vol. 3, March   nia, Berkeley, 1973
             future generation All-IP mobile Internet networks.  research results will contribute to the national project “Intel-        2005, pp. 1383-1388.
                                                                 ligent Taiwan,” and increase competitiveness of related indus-       12.  P. Y. Chen, W. T. Chen, Y. C. Tseng, and C. F. Huang, “Providing Group     ● B.S., Nuclear Engineering, National
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tsing Hua University, 1970
                                                                 tries.                                                                  Tour Guide by RFIDs and Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Transactions
                                                                                                                                         on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 5, May 2009, pp. 3059-3067.

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