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Research Faculty  研究人員

                                                 研究員                                                                                  副研究員
                                                        王大為 Da-Wei Wang                                                                        王建民 Chien-Min Wang

                                                 Research Fellow                                                                      Associate Research Fellow
                                                 Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University                                             Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

                                                 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1729            Fax: +886-2-2782-4814                     Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1703             Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
                                                 Email:                                                         Email:

                ● Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia     ● Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Aca-    ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1996 - )    ● Best paper award at the 2006 International Conference on Grid
               Sinica, Taiwan (2007/5–present)                      demia Sinica, Taiwan (1992/12–2000/3)                                ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1991 - 1995)  and Pervasive Computing.
                ● Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science,                                                           ● Ph.D., EE, National Taiwan University (1991)
               Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2000/3–2007/5)                                                                                   ● B.S., EE, National Taiwan University (1987)

             Research Description                                Publications                                                         Research Description                                Publications

             My research interest is in the theoretical foundation of   1.  Meng-Tsung Tsai, Tsurng-Chen Chern, Jen-Hsiang Chuang,    My research interest is in the area of parallel and distrib-  1.  Y. Hou, Chien-Min Wang, C.-Y. Ku, and L.-H. Hsu, “Optimal
             computer science and in applying fundamental tools to   Chih-Wen Hsueh, Hsu-Sung Kuo, Churn-Jung Liau, Steven            uted computing with the emphasis on software supports   Processor Mapping for Linear-Complement Communication
             various areas. To understand the structure of the objects   Riley, Bing-Jie Shen, Chih-Hao Shen, Da-Wei Wang, Tsan-      and optimization techniques for data-intensive applica-  on Hypercubes,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distrib-

                                                                     Sheng Hsu, “Efficient simulation of the spatial transmission
             to be manipulated computationally, to classify the re-  dynamics of influenza,” PLoS ONE, November 2010.                  tions on parallel and distributed systems.  We have ad-  uted Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 514-527, May 2001.

             sources needed for various computational problems and   2.  Kung Chen, Yuan-Chun Chang, Da-Wei Wang, “Aspect-ori-        dressed replica and server placement problems in various   2.  T.-R. Chuang, Y.-S. Kuo, and Chien-Min Wang, “Non-intru-
             to   nd more e cient algorithms interest me the most. In   ented design and implementation of adaptable access control   cluster and Grid environments to improve reliability and   sive Object Introspection in C++,” Software: Practice and Ex-

                                                                                                                                                                                              perience, No. 32, Vol. 2, pp. 191-207, February 2002.
             the application area, I am interested in information pri-  for Electronic Medical  Records,”  International  Journal of   performance of the systems. We have studied replication
             vacy, security and medical informatics. Lately, I have also   Medical Informatics, volume 79, number 3, pages 181-203,   transition problems so that the replica placement can   3.  Yi-Fang Lin, Chien-Min Wang, and Jan-Jan Wu, “Optimizing
                                                                     March 2010.
             been involved in information privacy protection mecha-                                                                   adapt to new user preference and system con guration.   I/O Server Placement for Parallel I/O on Switch-Based Irregu-

                                                                                                                                                                                              lar Networks,” The Journal of Supercomputing, pp. 201-217,
             nism design and the development of privacy regulations   3.  Jan-Jan Wu, Yi-Fang Lin, Da-Wei Wang, Chien-Min Wang,       With multiple servers in the systems, we have proposed   Vo. 36, No. 3, June 2006.
                                                                     “Optimizing  Server Placement  for Parallel  I/O in Switch-

             in medical research. The goal is to clarify the privacy pro-  Based Clusters,”  Journal of Parallel and Distributed Com-  e cient algorithms to improve the aggregate bandwidth   4.  Chien-Min  Wang, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu,  Hsi-Min

             tection problem and to design and construct a practical   puting, volume 69, number 3, pages 266-281, March 2009,        and reliability of data transfers. Based on the above results,   Chen, and Jan-Jan Wu, “Optimizing Server Placement in Hier-
             protection mechanism so that information can be shared   doi:10.1016/j.jpdc.2008.10.001                                  we have designed and implemented a high-performance     archical Grid Environments,” The Journal of Supercomputing,

             e ciently and personal privacy can be protected at the   4.  Ting-Ting Liu, You-Hsuan Lin, Chia-Sui Hung, Tian-Jiun Liu,   virtual storage system for Taiwan UniGrid. We have also   pp. 267-282, Vo. 42, No. 3, December 2007.

             same time. Over the past few years, we developed a pro-  Yu Chen, Yung-Ching Huang, Tsung-Heng Tsai, Huai-Hsien          investigated resource management problems and pro-  5.  Chun-Chen Hsu, Chien-Min Wang, and Pangfeng Liu, “Op-
                                                                     Wang,  Da-Wei  Wang,  Juen-Kai  Wang,  Yuh-Lin  Wang,  and
             totype system CellSecu to safe guard personal privacy.   Chi-Hung Lin,  “A high speed detection  platform  based on      posed bidding-based mechanisms for resource selection   timal  Replication  Transition  Strategy  in  Distributed  Hierar-
             The system will check if datasets to be released leak too   surface-enhanced Raman scattering for monitoring antibiotic-  in distributed environments.                           chical Systems,” Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International
             much personal information.  We discovered appropriate   induced chemical changes in bacteria cell wall,” PloS ONE,       Recently, we focused our attention on distributed  le sys-  Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Miami, Flor-

                                                                                                                                                                                              ida, USA, April 2008.

             logic model for the problem and quanti ed the privacy   volume 4, pages e5470-1 ~ e5470-10, 2009.                        tems for clouds and virtualization for multi-cores. Cloud
             leakage with information theory and economic models.   5.  Pang-Feng Liu, May-Chen Kuo, and Da-Wei Wang, “An Ap-         computing  is  a new  and  promising  paradigm  in  which   6.  Jan-Jan  Wu,  Yi-Fang Lin,  Da-Wei  Wang, and Chien-Min
                                                                     proximation Algorithm  and  Dynamic  Programming  for Re-
             Secure Multiparty Protocol can be applied to tackle the   duction in Heterogeneous Environments,” Algorithmica, vol-     dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are   Wang, “Optimizing  Server Placement for Parallel  I/O in
                                                                                                                                                                                              Switch-based Clusters,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed
             problem that some important information can be com-     ume 53, number 3, pages 425-453, 2009.                           provided as a service over the Internet. It provides many   Computing, Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 266-281, March 2009.
             puted while the data owners do not have to reveal their   6.  Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “An      advantages, such as resource sharing and scaling, reduced   7.  Chien-Min Wang, Hsi-Min Chen, Chun-Chen Hsu, and Jona-
             data. Although there are beautiful theoretical solutions,   Epistemic  Framework for Privacy Protection  in Database     capital expenditure, simpli ed IT management, higher    than Lee, “Dynamic Resource Selection Heuristics for a Non-

             they are not suitable for problems involving large dataset.   Linking,”  Data and Knowledge Engineering, volume 61,      resource utilization, and better reliability. Distributed  le   reserved Bidding-based Grid Environment,” Future Genera-

             We try to quantify the information leakage in this setting   number 1, pages 176-205, April 2007.                        systems for clouds integrate a large number of storage de-  tion Computer Systems, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 183-197, 2010.
             with an information theoretical framework, so that trade-  7.  Da-Wei  Wang, Churn-Jung Liau,  Tsan-sheng Hsu, Jeremy    vices and provide users a virtualized huge storage space.   8.  Jan-Jan Wu, Shu-Fan Shih, Hsiangkai Wang, Pangfeng Liu,

             o  between the computational resources needed and the   K.-P Chen, “Value versus damage of information release: A        The research e ort focuses on challenging issues such as   and Chien-Min  Wang, “QoS-aware Replica  Placement  for
                                                                     data privacy perspective,” International Journal of Approxi-

             level of privacy protection achieved becomes possible.  mate Reasoning, 2006.                                                                                                    Grid Computing,”  Concurrency  and Computation: Practice
                                                                                                                                      fault-tolerant  service  management,  QoS-supported  re-  and Experience, pp. 193-213, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2011.
                                                                 8.  Da-Wei Wang, C. J. Liau, and T.-S. Hsu, “Medical Privacy         source  management,  and  energy-conservative  storage
                                                                     Protection Based on Granular Computing,”  Artifi cial  Intel-     management. Virtualization is a very important technol-  9.  Chien-Ming Wang, Chi-Chang Huang, and Huan-Ming Liang,
                                                                     ligence in Medicine, volume 32, number 2, pages 137-149,                                                                 “ASDF: An Autonomous and Scalable Distributed File Sys-
                                                                     2004.                                                            ogy for multi-cores and clouds. It allows applications run-  tem,” Proceedings of the 11th IEEE/ACM International Sym-
                                                                                                                                      ning on such systems to be agnostic about the underlying   posium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, pp. 485-493,
                                                                 9.  Yu-Cheng Chiang,  Tsan-Sheng Hsu, Sun Kuo, Churn-Jung                                                                    Los Angeles, USA, May 2011.

                                                                     Liau  and  Dai-Wei Wang,  “Preserving  Confidentiality When       platforms. This research e ort focuses on the core tech-

                                                                     Sharing Medical Database with the Cellsecu System,” Inter-       nologies such as dynamic compilation techniques for bi-  10.  Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu,  Chien-Min  Wang, Jan-Jan
                                                                     national  Journal  of  Medical  Informatics,  volume  71,  pages   nary translation, binary optimization targeting multi-core   Wu, Ding-Yong Hong, Pen-Chung Yew, and Wei-Chung Hsu,
                                                                     17-23, January 2003.                                                                                                     “LnQ: Building High Performance Dynamic Binary Transla-

                                                                                                                                      systems, and e cient runtime support for system-mode
                                                                 10.  Kuo-Hui  Tsai, Da-Wei  Wang, and Frank Hwang, “Lower            virtualization.                                         tors with Existing Compiler Backends,” Proceedings of the
                                                                     Bounds for Nonblocking  Clos Network,”  Theoretical  Com-                                                                40th International Conference on Parallel Processing, pp.
                                                                     puter Science, volume 261, pages 323-328, January 2001.                                                                  226-234, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 2011.
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