Page 43 - profile2014.indd
P. 43

big data available through the Internet. We are also interested   such that certain requirements are met. Topics in network de-
                in investigating various subjects beyond computer science   sign arise as central issues in diverse areas, such as VLSI design,
                through a “cryptographic lens”, casting new light on these top-  wireless sensor networks, bioinformatics, and communication
                ics.                                                 networks. With respect to different applications, these issues
                                                                     manifest themselves in different forms, with subtle similarities
               •  Quantum  Cryptography:  A  major  goal  in  quantum  cryptog-  via various quality measurements and constraints in practice.
                raphy is to exploit the power of quantum mechanics to real-
                ize cryptographic tasks that are impossible through classical   • Geometric Computing: The Voronoi diagram is a highly versa-
                means. We are particularly interested in the field of device-  tile and well-studied geometric construct in geometric com-
                independent quantum cryptography, which assumes that the   puting. The properties, complexity, and computation of the
                only quantum power comes from untrusted quantum devices   Voronoi diagram are among the fundamental problems under
                that may be prepared by adversaries. This minimizes the trust   study. By introducing different metrics, such as time-distance,
                on quantum operations and hence provides the strongest   the diagram will change. In general, we plan to study how the
                form of security. We explore tasks achievable in this setting,   properties of the  Voronoi diagram vary with the metric se-
                such  as  device-independent  quantum  key  distribution  (DI-  lected, and how to make use of the properties of the selected
                QKD) and physical randomness extractors (PRE).       metric, if any, to construct the diagram.

               (2) Massive Data                                     (4) Robotics

               • Logic and Knowledge Representation for Massive Data: Con-  The development of intelligent robotic systems to ensure the
                siderable amounts of information and knowledge are implicit   safety and comfort of human-robot interactions is of para-
                in massive data. We intend to study the related knowledge   mount importance for current and near-future robotics re-
                representation  and  reasoning  problems,  based  on formal   search. Ensuring that robots are good partners and helpers for
                logics. With a proper representation framework, knowledge   human beings requires the theory and technology for sensing,
                discovered from massive data can be used in intelligent data-  planning and control, as well as their integration. Within the
                intensive computational systems.                    context of robotics research, we are conducting simulations
                                                                    and experiments on autonomous navigation based on 3D map
               •  Efficient  Data  Intensive  Algorithms: With  the  rapid  develop-  building, smooth path planning using soft computing, and ro-
                ment of computer and communication technology, it has be-  bot-assisted sensor networks.
                come much easier to access or store massive amounts of data
                electronically. We are nterested in the research problems con-
                cerning efficient computation of massive data, which include
                data privacy, issues in large scale social networks, and classical
                computer games.

               (3) Graph Theory and Algorithms

               •  Foundation:  Graphs  are  used  to  model  many  important  ap-
                plications and are the main tool for solving many theoretical
                problems. We often start by probing fundamental theoretical
                problems, such as the structures of graphs, with certain prop-
                erties.  With these properties, we then design efficient solu-
                tions to them. We work on algorithmic graph problems that
                arise from real-world applications.

               • Network Design and Analysis: The network design problem
                considers how to connect a collection of sites by a network

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