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                                                        張韻詩 Jane W. S. Liu

                                               Visiting Distinguished Research Fellow
                                               Sc.D. EE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                                               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1807            Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  ● Taiwan Linux Consortium, Linux   Research Description
                 Golden Penguin Award (2009)
                  ● Honor Medal, Taiwan Institute   My research focus has been on theories, algorithms, architectures, and tools for building
                 of Information and Computing   real-time and embedded systems. The past three decades have ushered in tremendous
                 Machinery (2008)
                                               advances in the technologies needed to ensure predictable timing behavior, and enable
                  ● Technical Achievement Award,   rigorous validation of real-time systems built from commodity hardware and software
                 IEEE Computer Society, TC on
                 Real-Time Systems (2005)      components. My students and I have contributed our fair share. Our results were used ex-
                                               tensively in PERTS (Prototyping Environment for Real-Time Systems), a system of sched-
                  ● Distinguished Visiting Research
                 Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica   ulers and tools that we built in the mid 90’s. PERTS puts important scheduling, resource
                 (2004+)                       management, and validation theorems and algorithms in a form ready for use by develop-
                  ● William Bentor Honorary Chair   ers to validate, simulate, and evaluate design alternatives for systems with critical timing
                 Professor, CS, National Tsing-Hua   requirements. PERTS was distributed to numerous universities and research laboratories
                 University, (2004+)           worldwide, and has since been enhanced and commercialized.
                  ● Software Architect, OS Core
                 Technology, Windows, Microsoft
                                               In the late 90’s, my students and I developed the underlying principle of open architec-
                  ● Professor of Computer Science,   ture for real-time applications. Many existing real-time techniques and standards assume
                 University of Illinois at Urbana-  that the system is closed. To determine whether an application can meet its timing require-
                 Champaign , United States
                 (1981-2000)                   ments, one must analyze detailed timing attributes and resource usages of all applications
                                               that share the platform. The need for detailed information prohibits independent devel-
                  ● ScD, EE, Massachusetts Institute

                 of Technology (1968)          opment of components and invariably limits the con gurability of real-time systems. Our
                  ● M.S., EE, Massachusetts Institute   open real-time system principle makes it possible to tune and validate the timing behavior
                 of Technology (1966)          of a real-time component in an open environment, independently of other components
                  ● B.S., EE, Cleveland State Univer-  running on the same platform.
                 sity (1959)
                  ● Fellow of IEEE
                                               Since I joined the Institute in 2004, one of my objectives has been to advance the tech-

                                               nology for building high-quality and a ordable human-centric automation and assistive
                                               devices and services. Some of these devices are designed to enhance the quality of life
                                               and self-reliance of their users, which include elderly individuals and people with chronic
                                               conditions or functional limitations. Others are automation tools designed for improving
                                               quality of care in hospitals. All of these devices are used at their users’ discretion, often for
                                               the purpose of complementing and compensating for the users’ skills and weaknesses, re-

                                               spectively. Such a device should be easy to use and easily con gurable, customizable, and
                                               maintained. The device should be incapable of harm even when misused. A major thrust
                                               of our research has been directed towards developing models, architecture, middleware,
                                               and tools that support model- and component-based design, development, and quality
                                               assurance of such devices and services. Results of this work and links to our open source
                                               software prototypes can be found at the SISARL homepage

          48    特聘講座/特聘研究員 Distinguished Chair and Distinguished Research Fellows
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