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研究技師人員   |   Technical Faculty

               	 ● Assistant	Research	Engineer,	Institute	of	Information	Science,
 莊德明 Der-Ming Juang  Academia	Sinica	(2004/7	-	)
               	 ● Research	Assistant,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	Academia	Sinica
                (1992/10	-	2004/6)
               	 ● Technician,	Chung-shan	Institute	of	Science	and	Technology.	Arma-
 研究助技師 Assistant Research Engineer  ments	Bureau.	M.N.D.(1986/10	–	1992/10)
 M.S., The Institute of Computer Management, National Tsing Hua University  	 ● M.S.,	The	Institute	of	Computer	Management,	National	Tsing	Hua
                University	(1986)
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	2407  	 ● B.S.,	Information	Science,	National	Chiao	Tung	University	(1984).
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

 Research Description  代表著作 Publications
 From	the	time	of	Oracle	Bone	Inscriptions	in	the	Shang	Dynasty,	Chinese	characters
 have	been	in	use	for	about	3,400	years,	but	the	computer	and	internet	just	began	  1.   謝清俊、莊德明、張翠玲、許婉蓉,中文字形資料庫的設計與
 to	play	an	important	role	over	the	past	two	decades.	Today,	these	Chinese	charac-  應用,第六屆中國文字學全國學術研討會,台中,1995年4月
 研究簡介  ters	showed	on	the	computer	system	are	just	basic	ones,	it	still	need	urgent	efforts	  2.   莊德明,以《心經》為例說明如何利用計算機處理佛經的多版
 for	computer	scientists	to	improve	Chinese	characters	knowledge	in	serious	short.	  本,第六屆佛學論文聯合發表會,台北,1995年8月。
 Therefore,	our	researches	aim	to	create	a	database	of	Chinese	characters	knowledge
 從殷商的甲骨文算起,漢字的使用已達三千四百年之  3.   謝清俊、莊德明,古籍校讀工具「中文文獻處理系統」的設
 久;然而電腦及網路科技的蓬勃發展,只不過是近幾十  to	be	compatible	with	computer	systems;	and	further,	to	lift	ability	of	Chinese	char-  計,中國古籍整理研究出版現代化國際會議,北京,1995年7月
 acter	processing	techniques	through	these	knowledge.
 年來的事。今天漢字與電腦的適應,應該說只是基本  4.   莊德明、謝清俊、林晰,中央研究院古籍全文資料庫解決缺
 的,還不完善,其最根本的問題為電腦中的漢字知識嚴  Generally	speaking,	Chinese	character	is	composed	of	three	parts:	glyph,	sound	and	  字問題的方法,第二次兩岸古籍整理研究學術研討會,北
 重不足。我們的研究重心在於利用電腦建立漢字的知識  meaning.	In	the	aspect	of	glyph,	we	constructed	a	Chinese	Glyph	Structure	Data-  京,1998年5月。
 庫,同時透過這些知識提升電腦處理漢字的能力。  base	and	have	carried	out	the	latest	edition	of	2.61	in	March,	2010.		In	this	edition,	  5.   莊德明,中文電腦缺字解決方案,第一屆中國文字學國際學術
 it	 collects	 130,675	 ancient	 and	 modern	 Chinese	 characters,	 including	 characters	  研討會,天津,2001年8月
 漢字有形、音、義三要素。在字形方面,我們已於2010  of	76,324	Standard	Scripts,	11,100	Small	Seal	Scripts	and	repeated	variants,	21,413
 年3月推出漢字構形資料庫2.61版,這個版本收錄古今  Bronze	Inscriptions,	19,138	Chu	Bamboo	Slips,	and	2,700	Oracle	Bone	Inscriptions.	  6.   莊德明、許永成、謝清俊,如何使用電腦處理古今文字的銜
 漢字130,675個;其中楷書字形76,324個,小篆及重文  Chinese	Glyph	Structure	Database	is	designed	to	record	the	knowledge	of	Chinese	  雄,2003年3月。
 11,100個,金文21,413個,楚系簡帛文字19,138個,甲骨  characters’	 glyphs,	 including	 time-variant	 shapes,	 structures	 and	 the	 relationship	  7.   莊德明、謝清俊,漢字構形資料庫的建置與應用,漢字與全球
 文2,700個。這個資料庫的主要特色如下:一、銜接古今  across	variants	in	practical	usage.	The	database	has	following	features:  化國際學術研討會,台北,2005年1月。
 文字以反映字形源流演變。二、收錄不同歷史時期的異  8.   Der-Ming Juang, Jenq-Haur Wang, Chen-Yu Lai, Ching-Chun Hsieh,
 體字表,以表達不同漢字在各個歷史層面的使用關係。  1.	It	reflects	the	evolution	 of	 Chinese	characters	 by	 connecting	 those	 characters	  Lee-Feng Chien, and Jan-Ming Ho, Resolving the Unencoded Char-
 from	ancient	times	to	the	present.
 三、記錄不同歷史時期的文字結構,以呈現漢字因義構  acter Problem for Chinese Digital Libraries, Joint Conference on Dig-
 形的特點。四、使用構字式及風格碼來解決古今文字的  2.	 It	 expresses	 the	 cross-era	 relationship	 among	 Chinese	 characters	 variants	 by	  ital Libraries 2005, Denver,Colorado,USA, June 7-11, 2005
 編碼問題。我們已利用漢字構形資料庫開發漢字部件檢  means	of	collecting	the	variant	tables	of	each	era.	  9.   莊德明,如何利用風格碼解決古漢字的編碼問題,第三屆中國
 字系統,並用來解決缺字問題。  文字學國際學術研討會,河南開封,2006年8月
 3.	It	demonstrates	an	exclusive	shape-by-definition	feature	of	Chinese	characters	by
 為了建立包含形、音、義的漢字知識庫,我們正在籌建  means	of	collecting	the	structures	of	Chinese	characters	across	eras.  10.  莊德明,漢字數位化的困境及因應:談如何建立漢字構形資
 文字學知識的整合及應用平台,其特色如下:一、提供  4.	It	uses	“glyph	expressions”	and	“style	codes”	to	solve	the	problem	of	Chinese	char-  北,2007年10月
 字形、字音等多樣的檢字方式。。二、處理缺字的應用  acter	encoding,	especially	of	those	ancient	characters.  11.  莊德明、鄧賢瑛,文字學入口網站的規畫,第四屆中國文字學
 需求,包括缺字的呈現、檢索、輸入、登錄及列印。  國際學術研討會,山東煙台,2008年8月
 三、連結平台內外的文字知識網站。四、提供客製化設  In	order	to	found	a	database	which	includes	the	whole	knowledge	of	Chinese	char-
 定以符合個人需求。  acters’	glyphs,	sounds	and	meanings,	we’re	now	establishing	a	platform	to	integrate
 these	knowledge	with	features	listed	below:
 1.	It	has	miscellaneous	means	to	retrieve	Chinese	characters,	such	as	by	glyph	struc-
 tures	and	by	pronunciations.
 2.	It	addresses	the	issues	of	the	unencoded	Chinese	characters,	including	displaying,
 retrieval,	input,	registration,	printing,	and	so	on.
 3.	It	organizes	information	about	Chinese	characters	by	systematically	referring	to
 related	sites.
 4.	It	allows	customization	to	meet	personal	preference.

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