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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Postdoctoral	Fellow,	University	of	Tokyo,	Japan	(2003/06	-	2006/01)  Partial	Evaluation	and	Program	Manipulation	(PEPM	‘09),Savannah,
 穆信成 Shin-Cheng Mu  	 ● D.Phil,	Computing	Laboratory,	University	of	Oxford,	UK	(1999/08	-	  Georgia,	USA(2008/10~2008/11)
                2003/05)                                           	 ƒ Program	Committee	Member,The	Ninth	International	Conference	on
               	 ● B.S.,	Computer	and	Information	Science,	National	Chiao-Tung	Uni-  Mathematics	of	Program	Construction	(MPC	‘08)	(2007/09	-	2008/03)
                versity,		Taiwan	(1992/09	-	1996/07)               	 ƒ Program	Committee	Member,The	Fifth	ASIAN	Symposium	on	Pro-
 助研究員 Assistant Research Fellow   	 ƒ Program	Committee	Member,	The	Tenth	International	Conference	  gramming	Language	and	Systems	(APLAS	2007)	(2007/01	-	2007/08)
 D.Phil, Computing Laboratory, University of Oxford  on	Mathematics	of	Program	Construction	(MPC	‘10),Manoir,	St-  	 ƒ Program	Committee	Member,2006	Haskell	Workshop	(2005/12	-
                Castin,	Quebec,	Canada(2009/12~2010/02)              2006/07)
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1730  	 ƒ Program	Committee	Member,	The	14th	ACM	SIGPLAN	International
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814  Conference	on	Functional	Programming	(ICFP	‘09),Edinburgh,
 Email:  United	Kingdom(2009/03~2009/05)  	 ƒ Program	Committee	Member,ACM	SIGPLAN	2009	Workshop	on

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   T-R. Chuang and S-C. Mu, Out-of-core functional programming with   16.  S-C. Mu, Z. Hu and M. Takeichi, Bidirectionalizing Tree Transforma-
                 type-based primitives. In 2  International Workshop on Practical As-  tion Languages: A Case Study. JSSST Computer Software, Vol. 23(3),
 研究簡介  Research Description  pects of Declarative Languages, January 2000.  May 2006.
              2.   S. Seres and S-C. Mu, Optimisation problems in logic programming:   17.  Z. Hu, S-C. Mu and M. Takeichi, A programmable editor for devel-
 我的主要研究興趣包括程式語言與函數語言,尤其是代  My	main	interest	includes	programming	languages	and	functional	programming,	  an algebraic approach. In Proceedings of LPSE’00, July 2000.  oping structured documents based on bidirectional transformations.
 數式、關係式的程式推導。細目包括  especially	algebraic	and	relational	approaches	to	program	derivation.	More	specific	  3.   S-C. Mu and R. S. Bird, On building trees with minimum height, re-  Higher-Order  and  Symbolic  Computation  Special  Issue  for  PEPM
                                                                      2004. Vol. 21(1-2), pp 89-118, May 2008..
 research	topics	include:				  lationally. In First Asian Workshop on Programming Languages and
 程式推導:由系統規格推演出程式的方法。通常我們把  Systems, Singapore, December 2000.     18.  K. Nakano and S-C. Mu. A pushdown machine for recursive XML
 系統規格寫成一個二元關係	(binary	relation),然後經過  Program derivation. The	art	of	deriving	a	program	from	its	specification.	A	problem	  4.   R. S. Bird and S-C. Mu, Inverting the Burrows-Wheeler Transform.   processing. In The Fourth Asian Symposium on Programming Lan-
 一系列的推演,轉化成一個函數語言程式。如此產生  specification,	written	as	a	relation,	is	subsequently	refined	in	many	step	into	a	func-  In  ACM SIGPLAN 2001 Haskell Workshop, Firenze, Italy, September   guage and Systems, LNCS 4279, pp. 340-356, November 2006.
 出的程式可確保是正確的。我同時也對使用最弱前提  tional	program.	The	program	thus	constructed	is	therefore	correct	by	construction.	  2001.  19.  S-C. Mu. Maximum segment sum is back: deriving algorithms for two
 (weakest	precondition)	的程序式語言程式推導有興趣。  I	am	also	interested	in	derivation	of	procedural	programs	basing	on	the	weakest-  5.   S-C. Mu and R. S. Bird, Quantum functional programming. In 2    segment problems with bounded lengths. In Partial Evaluation and
 precondition	calculus.  Asian Workshop on Programming Languages and Systems, KAIST,   Program Manipulation (PEPM ‘08), pp 31-39. January 2008.
 反函數:許多問題都能描述成尋找某些常見函數的反  Dajeaon, Korea, December 17-18, 2001.   20.  S-C. Mu, T-C. Tsai, and K. Nakano. XML stream processing using a
 函數。我的早期研究提及如何將反函數描述成一個「摺  Program inversion.	Many	problems	can	be	specified	as	the	inverse	of	some	well-  6.   R. S. Bird, J. Gibbons and S-C. Mu, Algebraic methods for optimisa-  lazy concurrent language. In Programming Language Techniques for
 (fold)」。我們同時也正研究如何把反函數應用在	XML	編  known	function.	The	converse-of-a-function	theorem,	originally	proposed	by	Oege,	  tion problems. In Algebraic and Coalgebraic Methods in the Math-  XML (PLAN-X 2008). January 2008.
 輯與處理之上。  describes	how	to	construct	the	inverse	of	a	function	as	a	fold.	We	need	more	experi-  ematics of Program Construction, LNCS 2297, pp. 281-307, January   21.  S-C. Mu, H-S.Ko, and P. Jansson. Algebra of programming in Agda:
 ence	to	deal	with	the	calculations	involved	and	are	keen	to	see	more	of	its	applica-  2002.  a case study. In Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2008),
 雙向更新:假設有些原始資料經某函數轉換成另一種可  tions.	We	are	also	seeking	possibility	to	exploit	program	inversion	techniques	for	  LNCS 5133. July 2008.
 顯示給使用者看的資料結構,使用者可修改、編輯之。  XML	editing	and	processing.  7.   S-C. Mu and R. S. Bird, Inverting functions as folds. In Sixth Inter-  22.  S-C. Mu, H-S. Ko, and P. Jansson, “Algebra of programming in Agda:
                 national Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction, Dag-
 「雙向更新」問題則是如何把使用者的編輯動作反映到  stuhl, Germany, July 2002                  dependent types for relational program derivation,” Journal of Func-
 原始資料上。我在東京大學的研究即嘗試運用反函數處  Bi-directional updating.	Consider	this	scenario:	some	source	data,	usually	a	tree,	  8.   S-C.  Mu,  A  Calculational Approach  to  Program  Inversion.  D.Phil   tional Programming, volume 19, number 5, pages 545-579, Septem-
 理雙向更新問題。  a	list,	or	other	data	structure,	is	transformed	to	a	view	by	a	function	and	displayed	  Thesis. Oxford University Computing Laboratory. March 2003  ber 2009.
 to	the	user,	and	the	user	is	allowed	to	edit	and	alter	the	view.	The	task	is	to	reflect	  23.  Kazutaka  Matsuda,  Shin-Cheng  Mu,  Zhenjiang  Hu,  and  Masato
 依值型別:近代程式語言使用表達力高的型別系統確  the	changes	on	the	view	back	to	the	source	data.	In	my	previous	work	in	University	  9.   S-C. Mu and R. S. Bird, Rebuilding a tree from its traversals: a case   Takeichi, “A grammar-based approach to invertible programs,” In 19
 保一些可由編譯器驗證的性質。依值型別	 (dependent	  of	Tokyo,	we	developed	a	programming	language,	based	on	injective	functions,	to	  study of program inversion. In The First Asian Symposium on Pro-  European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2010), LNCS 6012,
 types)	是一種表達力極高的型態系統。近年來,許多學  ease	the	task	of	bi-directional	updating.  gramming Languages and Systems, LNCS 2895, pp. 265-282, Bejing,   pp.448-467, March 2010.
 式設計感到有興趣。  Dependent Types.	Modern	programming	languages	deploy	expressive	type	sys-  10.  S-C. Mu and R. S. Bird, Theory and applications of inverting func-
                 tions as folds. In Science of Computer Programming Vol. 51 Special
 tems	to	guarantee	compiler-verifiable	properties.	There	has	been	a	trend	to	explore	  Issue  for  Mathematics  of  Program  Construction  2002,  pp.  87-116,
 the	expressiveness	of	dependent	types,	which	opens	a	whole	new	world	of	type-lev-  2003.
 el	programming	techniques.	I	am	interested	to	know	how	to	use	dependent	types	in	  11.  S-C. Mu, Z. Hu and M. Takeichi, An injective language for reversible
 practical	programming	languages.  computation. In Mathematics of Program Construction 2004, LNCS
                 3125, pp. 289-313, July 2004.
              12.  Z. Hu, S-C. Mu and M. Takeichi, A programmable editor for develop-
                 ing structured documents based on bidirectional transformations. In
                 Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation, pp.
                 178-189. August 2004.
              13.  S-C. Mu, Z. Hu and M. Takeichi, An algebraic approach to bidirec-
                 tional updating. In The Second Asian Symposium on Programming
                 Language and Systems, pp. 2-18. November 2004.
              14.  R. S. Bird and S-C. Mu, Inverting the Burrows-Wheeler transform.
                 Journal of Functional Programming Vol. 14(6) Special Issue on Func-
                 tional Pearls, pp. 603-612, Novermber 2004.
              15.  R. S. Bird and S-C. Mu, Countdown: a case study in origami program-
                 ming. Journal of Functional Programming, Vol 15(6), pp. 679-702,
                 November 2005.

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