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支援部門   |   Supporting Departments

                                             資 訊 室 Computer Center

                       資訊室位於資訊所新館  308  室,主要任務有:(1)研究與行政業務資訊系統開發(2)全所主要伺服設備安裝與維護(3)
                       全所相關之伺服主機機房及網路設備置於新館	 301	 室,設有防火牆、虛擬私人網路伺服主機、檔案伺服主機、網域名
                       稱伺服主機、電子郵件伺服主機、所內外	 WWW	 伺服主機、身份認證	 CA	 伺服主機、門禁卡機伺服主機、監控伺服主
                       機、會議實況錄製系統。新館	 301	 室機房門外備有網路印表機、掃描器等公用設備供全所同仁使用。新館	 302	 室及舊
                       館	402	室則是各實驗室的伺服主機機房。
                                                                                                                                     The	computing	center	is	located	in	Room	308	of	the	new	Institute	of	Information	Science	(IIS)	building.	The	center	is	responsible	for
                                                                                                                                     supporting	research	activities,	administrative	affairs,	and	library	management	at	the	Institute.	With	the	steady	expansion	that	IIS	has
                                                                                                                                     experienced	in	recent	years,	new	hardware	and	software	are	being	introduced	and	integrated	every	day.	In	such	a	dynamic	and	de-
                                                                                                                                     manding	environment,	we	now	have	six	staff	members	dedicated	to	maintaining	the	availability	and	reliability	of	computing	resources
                                                                                                                                     throughout	the	Institute,	including	our	FireWall,	VPN	Server,	CA	Server,	Email	Server,	WWW	Server,	and	so	on.
                       分配管理系統,個人電話、印表紙張使用量之統計,網路電話等等。專屬研究人員的系統有:重要學術會議資料彙                                                            In	order	to	further	improve	productivity,	we	have	built	intranet	systems	as	communication	bridges	between	faculty	and	staff	mem-
                       整、訪問學人邀請與審核、考績評量、院外計畫管理與審核、研究經費申請與評估核定、老師經費執行狀況、預算管                                                           bers,	research	assistants,	and	engineers.	Services	provided	include	PC	maintenance	requests,	work	attendance	logs,	file	and	bulletin
                       理系統、人薪系統整合、門禁安全管控與考勤之整合系統。新近開發的有(1)請購系統及零用金系統、會計系統的整                                                          management	systems,	facility	requests,	conference	room	reservations,	IP	management,	and	Employee	White	Pages.	Furthermore,	we
                       合,(2)智慧型預約與案件申請系統,(3)概算申請與審核系統,(4)會議室動態。                                                                      have	systems	specifically	dedicated	to	faculty	members,	such	as	travel	requests,	research	project	management,	visiting	scholar	invita-
                                                                                                                                     tions,	annual	performance	evaluations,	and	budget	requests	and	allocations.	Lastly,	we	have	also	integrated	portions	of	the	workflow
                                                                                                                                     between	our	human	resources	and	accounting	branches,	such	as	attendance	record	keeping.
                                                                                                                                     We	currently	have	a	long	list	of	ongoing	projects	designed	to	help	improve	the	efficiency	and	quality	of	our	services.	Examples	include
                                                                                                                                     (1)	integrating	our	purchasing,	discretionary	funding,	and	accounting	systems;	(2)	computerizing	the	applications	for	English	editing
                                                                                                                                     assistance	and	office	hour	reservations	for	our	English	Editing	Service;	(3)	developing	a	system	for	requesting	and	approving	budget
                                                                                                                                     proposals	for	Academia	Sinica;	(4)	developing	a	method	for	instantly	supplying	information	on	conference	room	availability.

                                                                                                                                     In	addition	to	these	projects,	we	also	provide	conference	management	services.	For	all	national	and	international	conferences,	our	on-
                                                                                                                                     line	conference	management	system	allows	users	to	submit	manuscripts,	transfer	files,	submit	papers	to	referees,	manage	registration
                                                                                                                                     and	online	payments,	and	various	other	data	management	and	on-site	registration	tasks.

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