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研究群   |   Research Laboratories

                                             Network System and Service


            tion	and	reconnection	are	frequent,	and	link	performance	is	highly	  Network	coding	Network	coding	can	increase	the	throughput	of	a	  cal	framework,	build	theoretical	models,	and	conduct	lab	and	field	ex-  correlation	between	the	OBD-II	sensing	data	of	vehicles	and	the	G-
            variable	and	poor.	We	tackle	this	problem	from	both	the	network-  capacitated	network	with	multicast.	Most	works	on	network	coding	  periments.	Our	research	covers	the	following	topics:	contract	design	  sensor	 readings,	 we	 model	 users’	 driving	 behavior	 and	 infer	 their
            ing	side	and	the	sensing	side.	Regarding	the	networking	aspect,	we	  typically	 leverage	 network	 coding	 to	 solve	 various	 network	 prob-  and	clearing	rules,	trading	mechanisms,	pricing,	multi-dimensional,	  eco-friendliness.	Using	emerging	social	network	platforms,	we	allow
            model	and	analyze	network	mobility	and	design	effective	schemes	  lems.	The	resulting	solutions	are	not	viable,	however,	because	of	their	  conditional	contracts,	contract	clearing	methods	for	preference	con-  users	to	share	their	driving	experience,	compare	their	carbon	foot-
            for	network	data	dissemination.	Regarding	the	sensing	aspect,	we	in-  incompatibility	with	current	Internet	standards	and	routers.	Our	re-  tracts,	trader	information,	trader	behavior	and	market	efficiency,	trad-  prints,	find	the	most	comfortable	route,	and	learn	how	to	drive	more
            vestigate	fault-tolerant	mechanisms	to	facilitate	the	reliable	harvest-  search	regards	network	coding	in	a	different	perspective.	Our	objec-  er	risk	attitude	and	behavioral	analysis,	market	manipulations,	price	  eco-friendly	with	their	friends.	Moreover,	by	analysis	and	statistics	of
            ing	of	sensing	data	in	challenged	environments,	and	develop	energy	  tive	is	to	leverage	the	user	access	patterns	in	a	client-server	model	to	  spreads	 and	 market	 efficiency,	 correlation	 between	 market	 prices	  the	collected	data,	the	VProbe	can	identify	the	most	uncomfortable
            efficiency	mechanisms	to	prolong	the	lifespan	of	sensor	nodes.	  minimize	the	resource	consumption	in	the	server	with	network	cod-  and	news	events,	and	trader	geo-location	analysis.  road	segments,	find	most	energy-saving	route,	and	detect	abnormal
                                                                ing.	We	proved	that	the	problem	of	finding	optimal	network	coding	is	                                                       driving	behavior.	Therefore,	it	shows	premises	in	facilitating	transpor-
            In	addition	to	theoretical	study,	we	prototyped	our	research	results	  NP-hard	in	this	case	and	then	designed	an	approximation	algorithm	    ●   Open Geospatial Information Processing  tation	planning,	route	planning,	traffic	event	detection,	and	future
            and	 developed	 real-world	 systems	 to	 provide	 networked	 sensing	  with	guaranteed	performance	bounds	for	all	instances.	We	also	ad-                                        cyber-physical	social	network	systems.
            services.	As	an	example,	we	have	implemented	a	delay-tolerant	sens-  dressed	the	decoding	cost,	and	devised	an	algorithm	that	obtained	  Geo-information	is	abundant	on	the	Web:	place	names,	GPS	traces,
            ing	system,	called	YushanNet,	for	mountaineering	applications.	The	  the	optimal	decoding	cost	for	clients.	Our	algorithm	requires	no	mod-  maps,	and	photos,	just	to	name	a	few	examples.	As	web	services	are	  4. Quality of Experience
            system	employs	light-weight	devices	with	low-power,	short-range	ra-  ification	of	Internet	standards	and	existing	routers.  increasingly	driven	by	user-generated	content	and	are	often	created
            dio,	which	then	exploit	opportunistic	hiker	encounters	to	record	and	                                                      on	end-user	devices,	we	are	dealing	with	more	and	more	user-gener-  In	the	design	of	computer	systems,	user	satisfaction	is	an	important
            disseminate	hikers’	whereabouts	in	the	mountains.	The	system	has	  3. Social Computing Research                            ated	geospatial	information.	Our	research	focuses	on	the	use	of	se-  factor	(if	not	the	most	important	one)	in	determining	the	merits	of
            been	approved	to	be	deployed	on	the	Yushan	Peak	Trail,	and	it	will	                                                        mantic	web	technologies,	web	standards,	and	open	source	software	  a	system.	No	matter	how	good	the	system-level	performance	met-
            soon	become	a	regular	service	of	the	national	park	to	provide	hiker	  Our	research	in	the	area	of	social	computing	includes	prediction	mar-  tools	in	building	new	geospatial	applications.	We	emphasize	the	use	  rics	of	a	system	are,	the	system	cannot	be	considered	good	from	its
            tracking,	environment	monitoring,	and	other	advanced	e-services	to	  kets,	open	geospatial	information	processing,	and	human	computa-  of	open	standards,	such	as	RDF/OWL,	GML/KML,	and	SVG,	for	repre-  end-users’	point	of	view	if	its	users	feel	dissatisfied	or	frustrated	when
            tourists.                                           tion	and	social	sensing	applications.                                  senting	geospatial	knowledge	in	ways	that	are	easy	to	discuss,	reuse,	  using	 the	 system.	 However,	 user	 satisfaction	 is	 an	 abstract	 feeling
                                                                                                                                       and	remix.
                                                                                                                                                                                            that	cannot	be	observed	or	measured	directly.	For	this	reason,	how
               ●    Multicasting                                   ●   Prediction markets                                              Currently	 we	 are	 investigating	 research	 possibilities	 in	 folk	 knowl-  to	ensure	that	a	computer	system	will	satisfy	users	under	all	kinds	of
            Distributed	resource	allocation	of	heterogeneous	wireless	networks	  Information	markets	are	an	emerging	research	area	for	information	  edge	about	places	(i.e.,	places	where	peoples	live,	or	once	lived)	and	  conditions	is	still	an	open	problem.	The	problem	can	be	divided	to
                                                                                                                                                                                            three	sub-problems:	1)	how	to	measure	user	satisfaction	systemati-
            Although	finding	the	shortest	path	in	a	distributed	manner	is	achiev-  retrieval	 and	 the	 aggregation	 of	 interactive	 trading.	 Participants	  the	associated	information	technologies	needed	for	the	processing	  cally	and	efficiently;	2)	how	to	model	the	relationship	between	user
            able	in	polynomial	time,	multicast	routing	in	heterogeneous	wireless	  of	information	markets	trade	for	the	outcomes	of	future	events,	of-  of	such	knowledge.	We	are	especially	interested	in	geospatial	knowl-  satisfaction	and	system-level	performance	metrics;	and	3)	how	to	ad-
            networks	is	a	difficult	problem	because	it	becomes	NP-hard	in	this	  ten	 called	 contracts,	 a	 term	 borrowed	 from	 financial	 markets.	The	  edge	about	aboriginal	settlements,	and	are	developing	the	necessary	  just	system	parameters	systematically	to	achieve	the	desired	tradeoff
            case.	Here,	we	devised	a	distributed	algorithm	based	on	optimization	  clearing	prices	of	contracts	are	decided	by	the	actual	outcomes	of	  ontologies	to	help	collect	and	integrate	information	sources	related	  along	multiple	dimensions	of	user	satisfaction.
            techniques	and	derived	a	lower	bound	on	the	optimal	solution.	Our	  underlining	events,	or	by	the	intentions	of	the	majority	participants	  to	aboriginal	settlement	migrations	in	Taiwan.	As	such,	this	is	an	inter-
            algorithm	enables	more	mobile	hosts	to	cluster	together	and	leads	to	  if	the	events	do	not	have	any	definite	outcomes	(such	as	“What	are	  disciplinary	 project	 involving	Taiwan	 aboriginal	 studies,	 geospatial	  We	have	proposed	a	novel	experimental	framework	that	can	solve
            the	use	of	fewer	cells	to	save	scarce	wireless	bandwidth	than	those	  the	most	influential	techniques	in	2009?”).	Information	markets	have	  data,	ethnographies	and	gazetteers,	ontology,	knowledge	represen-  the	first	problem.	By	using	paired	comparison	and	an	algorithm	to
            appeared	in	literature.	Additionally,	the	paths	in	the	multicast	tree	  been	 used	 to	 predict	 elections,	 movie	 box	 offices,	 product	 sales,	  tation	and	reasoning,	and	Web	technologies	in	general.  verify	 the	 consistency	 of	 each	 participant’s	 input,	 the	 proposed
            connecting	to	the	selected	cells	share	more	common	links,	helping	  project	schedules,	macroeconomic	indicators,	and	even	international	                                        framework	 reduces	 the	 difficulty	 of	 obtaining	 quality	 judgments,
            save	wire-line	bandwidth.	The	algorithm	can	be	implemented	in	mo-  political	and	economic	risks.	Many	multinational	corporations,	such	    ●   Human Computation                and	enables	researchers	to	invite	Internet	users	to	participate	in	their
            bile	handsets,	and	requires	no	modification	for	use	with	current	In-  as	Google,	Microsoft,	Intel,	Hewlett-Packard,	Archelor	and	BP-Amaco,	  The	 rationale	 behind	 human	 computation	 is	 to	 outsource	 certain	  quality	assessment	experiments.	The	evaluation	results	demonstrate
            ternet	standards.	It	is	therefore	compatible	with	existing	commercial	  have	started	to	apply	the	techniques	of	information	markets	for	fore-  steps	of	the	computational	process	to	humans	and	let	them	solve	the	  that	the	proposed	framework	enables	researchers	to	outsource	their
            products	and	can	be	directly	implemented	on	mobile	handsets	for	  casting	and	monitoring	project	schedules,	facilitating	new	product	  problems	that	are	intuitive	to	humans,	but	that	computer	technolo-  experiments	to	an	Internet	crowd	without	risking	the	quality	of	the
            ISPs.                                               development,	and	managing	demand	risk.	Preliminary	results	in	this	    gies	cannot	solve	completely.	Examples	of	such	problems	are	image	  results,	while	at	the	same	time	obtaining	a	higher	level	of	participant
                                                                area	are	quite	promising,	because	the	predictive	accuracy	of	informa-                                                       diversity	at	a	lower	monetary	cost.
            Multicast	network	planning	of	LEO	satellite	network.	The	problem	of	  tion	markets	continues	to	exceed	traditional	opinion	polls.	Scholars	  annotation	and	commonsense	reasoning.
            multicast	network	planning	in	LEO	satellite	networks	is	to	find	a	Recti-  of	politics,	economics,	sociology,	psychology,	finance,	public	policy,	  Among	various	human	computation	systems,	we	tackle	`Games	with	  To	solve	the	second	question,	we	proposed	to	measure	user	satisfac-
            linear	Steiner	Tree	(RST)	for	each	multicast	stream.	We	took	advantage	  and	information/computer	science	all	began	to	investigate	its	theo-  a	Purpose’	(GWAP)	systems.	These	systems	take	advantage	of	people’s	  tion	based	on	the	large-scale,	passive	measurement	of	user	behavior
            of	the	fact	that	each	LEO	satellite	network	includes	at	most	a	few	hun-  rems,	models,	and	empirical	evidence.	            desire	to	be	entertained,	and	produce	useful	metadata	as	a	by-prod-  in	real	life.	Our	method	models	the	relationship	between	user	satis-
            dred	satellites	and	proposed	a	novel	integer	linear	programming	for-                                                       uct.	We	argue	that	in	order	to	collect	human	intelligence	more	effi-  faction	and	system-level	performance	metrics,	such	as	network	de-
            mulation.	Based	on	this	formulation,	our	solution	is	at	least	10	times	  This	 project	 focuses	 on	 the	 efficiency	 and	 efficacy	 of	 information	  ciently,	GWAP	systems	must	be	designed	and	played	with	strategies.	  lay,	processing	delay,	and	bandwidth,	by	statistical	methods.	Because
            faster	than	existing	solutions	within	the	literature.	Multicast	streams	  markets	in	both	controlled	and	open	environments.	Specifically,	we	  We	developed	a	generic	analysis	framework	to	investigate	intrinsic	  it	enables	arithmetic	computation	and	even	the	prediction	of	user
            are	usually	dynamically	added	to	networks	for	new	applications	and	  approach	the	study	of	information	markets	from	the	perspective	of	  properties	of	GWAP	systems,	and	conducted	a	set	of	design	strategies	  satisfaction,	it	opens	up	a	novel	approach	for	user	satisfaction	mod-
            services.	Having	a	10	times	faster	solution	means	significant	reduc-  information	science,	and	emphasize	the	applicability	of	information	  to	improve	the	performance	of	GWAP	systems	in	terms	of	efficiency	  eling.	In	addition,	we	explored	the	third	question	(i.e.,	how	to	adjust
            tion	in	network	planning	time	whenever	new	streams	are	added.	  markets	in	event	predictions	and	market	preference	surveys	based	on	  and	 quality.	 Moreover,	 we	 have	 implemented	 and	 verified	 the	 de-  system	parameters	systematically	to	maintain	user	satisfaction).	We
                                                                information	retrieval	and	aggregation.	We	aim	to	develop	a	theoreti-
                                                                                                                                       signed	strategies	in	real-world	GWAP	systems	and	have	released	the	  took	Voice	over	IP	(Internet	Telephony)	as	an	example,	and	proposed
                                                                                                                                       source	code	and	game	traces	to	the	research	community.  an	efficient	algorithm	based	on	a	statistical	regression	approach	to
                                                                                                                                                                                            adjust	 multi-dimensional	 system	 parameters.	 The	 reported	 results
                                                                                                                                          ●   Social Sensing Applications                   demonstrate	 that	 the	 proposed	 algorithm	 can	 provide	 users	 with
                                                                                                                                       Our	research	on	social	sensing	systems	aims	to	exploit	the	synergic	  good	VoIP	experience	in	all	cases	by	adjusting	the	system	parameters
                                                                                                                                       use	of	sensing	systems	and	social	networks.	A	device	that	integrates	  automatically.
                                                                                                                                       sensing	systems	and	social	networks	is	in	essence	a	cyber-physical
                                                                                                                                       social	network	system.
                                                                                                                                       For	the	sake	of	proof	of	concept,	we	implement	the	VProbe	system
                                                                                                                                       that	employs	modern	smart	phones	to	collect	GPS	trajectories	and
                                                                                                                                       G-sensor	readings	in	users’	daily	transportation.	By	investigating	the
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