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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2007	-	)
 王大為 Da-Wei Wang  	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2000	–	2007)
               	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1993	-	2000)
               	 ● Ph.D.,	Computer	Science,	Yale	Univeristy	(1992)
               	 ● M.S.,	CSIE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1987)
 研究員 Research Fellow  	 ● B.S.,	CSIE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1985)
 Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1729
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              Journal Publicatons:                                Refereed Conference Publications:

 研究簡介  Research Description  1.   Kuo-Hui Tsai, Da-Wei Wang, Frank Hwang “Lower bounds for wide-  11.  Yi-Ting  Chiang,  Da-Wei  Wang,  Churn-Jung  Liau  and  Tsan-sheng
                                                                      Hsu, “Secrecy of Two-Party Secure Computation”, Proc. 19th Annual
                 sense nonblocking Clos network.” Theoretical Computer Science vol.
                 261 pages 323-328, 2001                              IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Secu-
 我的研究興趣為計算機科學的理論基礎以及如何將基  My	research	interest	is	in	the	theoretical	foundation	of	computer	science	and	in	ap-  2.   Y.-c. Chiang, T.-s. Hsu, S. Kuo, and D.-W. Wang.  “Preserving confi-  rity, Aug. 7-10. LNCS 3654, Jajodia, Sushil; Wijesekera, Duminda
 礎的理論工具應用在不同的領域中。了解計算對象的  plying	fundamental	tools	to	various	areas.	To	understand	the	structure	of	the	ob-  dentiality when sharing medical database with the Cellsecu system”     (Eds.), pages 114-123, 2005.
 結構,分類計算問題所需的資源以及尋找更快速有效  jects	to	be	manipulated	computationally,	to	classify	the	resources	needed	for	vari-  International Journal of Medical Informatics, volume 71, pages 17-  12.  Da-Wei  Wang,  Churn-Jung  Liau,  Yi-Ting  Chiang,  and  Tsan-sheng
 的演算方法是我的興趣所在,而在應用部分我對資訊隱  ous	computational	problems	and	to	find	more	efficient	algorithms	interest	me	the	  23, 2003  Hsu,  “Information Theoretical Analysis  of Two-Party  Secret  Com-
 私與安全以及醫療資訊很有興趣,近來因為對資訊隱私  most.	In	the	application	area,	I	am	interested	in	information	privacy,	security	and	  3.   Da-Wai Wang, Churn-Jung Liau and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Medical Pri-  putation,” Proc. 20th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on
                                                                      Data and Applications Security, Springer-Verlag LNCS 4127, pages
 的研究,也參與了資訊隱私保護機制與規範的研究,努  medical	informatics.		Lately,	I	have	also	been	involved	in	information	privacy	pro-  vacy Protection Based on     Granular Computing,” Artificial Intel-  310--317, 2006.
 力的目標是希望能問題釐清且設計與建構實用的機制來  tection	mechanism	design	and	the	development	of	privacy	regulations	in	medical	  ligence in Medicine (AIM),  vol. 32, no. 2, pages 137-149, 2004
 使得資訊的流通更有效率卻又同時能保障個人的隱私。  research.	The	goal	is	to	clarify	the	privacy	protection	problem	and	to	design	and	  4.   Tsan-sheng Hsu, Kuo-Hui Tsai, Da-Wei Wang and D.T. Lee, “Two   13.  Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “A GrC-based
                                                                      Approach to Social Network Data Protection, Springer-Verlag LNCS/
 近兩年,我們發展了一個雛形系統	 CellSecu	 可以在資料  construct	a	practical	protection	mechanism	so	that	information	can	be	shared	ef-  Variations of the Minimum Steiner Problem,” Journal of Combinato-  AI 4259, pages 438--447, 2006.
 庫回傳資料給使用者之前,檢查回傳之資料集是否洩露  ficiently	and	personal	privacy	can	be	protected	at	the	same	time.	Over	the	past	few	  rial Optimization, vol. 9, no. 1, pages 101-120, 2005.  14.  Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Granulation
 過多的個人隱私。我們提出了適當的邏輯模式,並以資  years,	we	developed	a	prototype	system	CellSecu	to	safe	guard	personal	privacy.	 	  5.   Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Jeremy K.-P Chen   as a Privacy Protection Mechanism,” LNCS Transactions on Rough
 訊理論及經濟模式來量化隱私揭露之程度。多方私密計  The	system	will	check	if	datasets	to	be	released	leak	too	much	personal	information.	  “Value versus damage of information release: A data privacy perspec-  Sets VII, pages 256--273, 2007. (LNCS # 4400 Journal Subline)
                 tive,” International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, pages 179 –
 算	 (Secure	 Multiparty	 Protocol),可進一步解決許多需要  We	discovered	appropriate	logic	model	for	the	problem	and	quantified	the	privacy	  201, 2006.  15.  Chih-Hao Shen, Justin Zhan, Tsan-Sheng Hsu, Churn-Jung Liau, and
 利用私密資料計算出重要結果,但同時不危及資料之隱  leakage	with	information	theory	and	economic	models.	Secure	Multiparty	Protocol	  6.   Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, and Tsan-sheng Hsu,”An Epistemic   Da-Wei  Wang,  “Scalar-product  Based  Secure  Two-party  Computa-
 私性,雖然在理論上這些個問題已有許多的成果,但要  can	be	applied	to	tackle	the	problem	that	some	important	information	can	be	com-  Framework for Privacy Protection in Database Linking”, Data and   tion,” The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Granular Comput-
 直接引用理論結果,到巨量資料的實務應用還有一段距  puted	while	the	data	owners	do	not	have	to	reveal	their	data.	Although	there	are	  Knowledge Engineering, pages 176--205, 2007.  ing (GRC2008), Aug. 2008.
 離。我們研究如何量化資訊揭露程度,並期望設計出可  beautiful	theoretical	solutions,	they	are	not	suitable	for	problems	involving	large	  7.   I-Cheng Wang, Chih-Hao Shen, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Churn-Jung Liau,   16.  I-Cheng Wang, Chih-Hao Shen, Tsan-Sheng Hsu, Churn-Chung Liao,
 以在計算複雜度以及資訊揭露程度間權衡並找出平衡點  dataset.	We	try	to	quantify	the	information	leakage	in	this	setting	with	an	informa-  Da-Wei Wang, and Justin Zhan, “Towards Empirical Aspects of Se-  Da-Wei Wang, Justin Zhan, “Towards Empirical Aspects of Secure
                                                                      Scalar  Product,”  Information  Security  and Assurance,  2008,  pages
 的務實解決方案。  tion	theoretical	framework,	so	that	tradeoff	between	the	computational	resources	  cure Scalar Product,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cy-  573-578, April 2008.
 needed	and	the	level	of	privacy	protection	achieved	becomes	possible.  bernetics, volume 39, pages440-447, July 2009.
              8.   Jan-Jan Wu, Yi-Fang Lin, Da-Wei Wang, Chien-Min Wang, “Optimiz-  17.  Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Logical De-
                 ing Server Placement for Parallel I/O in Switch-Based Clusters,” Jour-  finability in Social Position Analysis,” Proc. 2008 IEEE International
                 nal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), volume 69, number   Conference on Granular Computing, pages 35--38, 2008.
                 3, pages 266-281, March 2009, doi:10.1016/j.jpdc.2008.10.001   18.  I-Cheng  Wang,  Chih-Hao  Sheny,  Kung  Chenz,  Tsan-sheng  Hsu,
                                                                      Churn-Jung Liau, and Da-Wei Wang, “An Empirical Study on Pri-
              9.   Lien-Wu Chen, Yu-Chee Tseng, You-Chiun Wang, Da-Wei Wang and
                 Jan-Jan Wu, “Exploiting Spectral Reuse in Touting, Resource Alloca-  vacy  and  Secure  Multi-party  Computation  using  Exponentiation,”
                 tion, and Scheduling for IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks,” IEEE Trans-  The  2009  International  Symposium  on  Secure  Computing  (Se-
                 actions on Vehicular Technology, volume 58, number 1, pages 301-  cureCom-09), pages 182-188, 2009.
                 313, January 2009.                               19.  Tsung-Heng  Tsai,  Da-Wei  Wang,  Ting-Ting  Liu,  You-Hsuan  Lin,
                                                                      Yung-Ching Huang, Tian-Jiun Liu, Yu Chen, Chi-Hung Lin, Juen-Kai
              10.   Pang-Feng Liu, May-Chen Kuo, and Da-Wei Wang, “An Approxima-
                 tion Algorithm and Dynamic Programming for Reduction in Hetero-  Wang and Yuh-Lin Wang, “Multiscale Peak Identification for Bacte-
                 geneous Environments,” Algorithmica, volume 53, number 3, pages   rial SERS Spectra,” The 3rd International Conference on Bioinfor-
                 425-453, 2009.                                       matics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2009), 2009.

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