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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1996	-	)  	 ƒ Best	paper	award	at	the	2006	International	Conference	on	Grid	and
 王建民 Chien-Min Wang  	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1991	-	1995)  Pervasive	Computing.
               	 ● Ph.D.,	EE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1991)    	 ƒ Member	of	the	Guest	Editorial	Board	of	the	International	Journal	of
               	 ● B.S.,	EE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1987)       Grid	and	High	Performance	Computing.
 副研究員 Associate Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1703
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   C.-M. Wang  and  S.-D. Wang,  “Structured  Partitioning  of  Concurrent  Pro-  17.  C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, H.-M. Chen and J.-J. Wu, “Efficient Multi-Source
                 grams for Execution on Multiprocessors,” Parallel Computing, Vol. 16, No.   Data Transfer in Data Grids,” Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Sym-
                 1, pp. 41-57, November 1990.                         posium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, pp. 421-424, Singapore, May
 研究簡介  Research Description  2.   S.-D. Wang and C.-M. Wang, “Compiler Techniques for Extracting Loop-  2006.
                 Level Parallelism,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 7,   18.  Y.-F. Lin, C.-M. Wang and Jan-Jan Wu, “Optimizing I/O Server Placement for
 我的研究方向主要在平行與分散式計算領域,特別著重  My	research	interests	lie	in	the	area	of	parallel	and	distributed	computing	with	the	  No. 4, pp. 543-563, December 1991.  Parallel I/O on Switch-Based Irregular Networks,” The Journal of Supercom-
                                                                      puting, pp. 201-217, Vo. 36, No. 3, June 2006.
 於大量資料的應用在平行與分散式系統上所需的軟體支  emphasis	on	software	supports	and	optimization	techniques	for	data-intensive	ap-  3.   C.-M. Wang and S.-D. Wang, “Efficient Processor Assignment Algorithms
                 and Loop Transformations for Executing Nested Parallel Loops on Multiproc-  19.  D.-R. Chen, C.-C. Hsu and C.-M. Wang, “Scheduling Real-Time Multi-Proc-
 援和最佳化技術。我們探討各種電腦叢集和網格環境下  plications	on	parallel	and	distributed	systems.	We	have	addressed	replica	and	server	  essors,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 3, No.   essor Systems with Distance-Constrained Tasks Using the Early-Release-Fair
 的資料複本和伺服器的安置問題,並且處理複本安置之  placement	problems	in	various	cluster	and	Grid	environments	to	improve	reliability	  1, pp. 71-82, January 1992.  Model,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communica-
 間的轉變問題。我們也研究高效率的演算法,以利用多  and	performance	of	the	systems.	We	have	studied	replication	transition	problems	so	  4.   C.-M. Wang and S.-D. Wang, “A Hybrid Scheme for Efficiently Executing   tions and Computer Sciences, pp. 3260-3271, Vol. E89-A, No. 11, 2006.
 個資料複本和伺服器,來提昇資料傳輸的速度和可靠  that	the	replica	placement	can	adapt	to	new	user	preference	and	system	configura-  Nested Loops on Multiprocessors,” Parallel Computing, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp.   20.  C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Chang and J.-J. Wu, “A High-Performance
 度。藉由這些研究成果,我們設計並實作	Taiwan	UniGrid  tion.	With	multiple	servers	in	the	systems,	we	have	proposed	efficient	algorithms	  625-637, June 1992.  Virtual Storage System for Taiwan UniGrid,” Proceedings of the 2007 In-
                                                                      ternational Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, pp. 27-38, Paris,
 上的高效能虛擬儲存系統。同時我們也進行網格環境下  to	improve	the	aggregate	bandwidth	and	reliability	of	data	transfers.	Based	on	the	  5.   C.-M. Wang, “A New Routing Algorithm for Cyclic Shifts on BRGC Hyper-  France, May 2007.
                 cubes,” Information Processing Letters, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 165-169, February
 資源管理問題的研究,並且提出以競標為基底的資源選  above	results,	we	have	designed	and	implemented	a	high-performance	virtual	stor-  1994.  21.  C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu, H.-M. Chen and J.-J. Wu, “Optimizing Server
 擇策略。  age	system	for	Taiwan	UniGrid.	We	have	also	investigated	resource	management	  6.   Y.-S. Chen, S.-D. Wang and C.-M. Wang, “Tiling Nested Loops into Maximal   Placement in Hierarchical Grid Environments,” The Journal of Supercomput-
 problems	and	proposed	bidding	based	mechanisms	for	resource	selection.  Rectangular Blocks,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol.   ing, pp. 267-282, Vo. 42, No. 3, December 2007.
 近來我們的研究方向著重在雲端計算。雲端計算是一個  35, No. 2, pp. 123-132, June 1996.     22.  P.-C. Shih, H.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Chung, C.-M. Wang, R.-S. Chang, C.-H. Hsu,
 擁有遠大前景的新資訊計算典範,將動態可擴展和虛擬  Recently,	we	focused	our	attention	on	cloud	computing.	Cloud	computing	is	a	new	  K.-C. Huang, and C.-T. Yang, “Middleware of Taiwan UniGrid,” Proceedings
              7.   C.-C. Hsu, C.-M. Wang and J.-F. Lin, “Efficient Loop Allocation Based on
 化的資源,以網際網路服務的方式提供給使用者。雲端  and	promising	paradigm	in	which	dynamically	scalable	and	often	virtualized	re-  the Analysis of Processor Requirement of Loops with Equivalent Completion   of the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 489-493,
                                                                      Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, March 2008.
 計算擁有許多的優點,例如:資源分享和可擴展性,減  sources	are	provided	as	a	service	over	the	Internet.	It	provides	many	advantages,	  Times,” Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 53-
                 60, January 1997.                                23.  C.-C. Hsu, C.-M. Wang, and P. Liu, “Optimal Replication Transition Strategy
 少資本支出,簡化資訊系統管理,提高資源利用率以及  such	 as	 resource	 sharing	 and	 scaling,	 reduced	 capital	 expenditure,	 simplified	 IT	  in Distributed Hierarchical Systems,” Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Interna-
 較高的可靠度。然而雲端計算仍有許多極具挑戰性的問  management,	higher	resource	utilization,	and	better	reliability.	However,	there	are	  8.   C.-M. Wang, Y. Hou and C.-Y. Ku, “Compiler Techniques for Minimizing   tional Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Miami, Florida, USA,
                 Link Contention of Linear-Constant Communication on k-ary n-cubes,” Jour-
 題亟待解決。我們正在進行的研究包括雲端計算的分散  still	many	challenging	issues	needs	to	be	explored.	Now	we	are	investigating	dis-  nal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 53-78, March   April 2008.
 式檔案系統以及高度互動應用服務的雲端中介軟體。在  tributed	file	systems	for	cloud	computing	and	cloud	middleware	for	highly	interac-  1998.  24.  C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu, and C.-M. Wang, “Heuristic Algorithms for Replication
                                                                      Transition Problem in the Grid Systems,” Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Inter-
 雲端計算的分散式檔案系統方面,由於	 GFS	 的成功,  tive	application	services.	The	success	of	GFS	motivates	us	to	explore	adaptive	data	  9.   T.-R. Chuang, Y.-S. Kuo and C.-M. Wang, “Non-Intrusive Object Introspec-  national Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, pp.492-499, Lyon,
 促使我們思考是否針對不同的工作負載和技術環境,採  and	storage	management	for	different	workloads	and	technological	environments.	  tion in C++ -- Architecture and Application,” Proceedings of the 20th Interna-  France, May 2008.
                 tional Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 312-321, Kyoto, Japan, April
 用不同的資料和儲存管理策略。我們將探討的許多充滿  This	demands	innovative	solutions	to	challenging	issues,	such	as	workload	profiling	  1998.  25.  L.-Y. Ho, P. Liu, C.-M. Wang and J.-J. Wu, “The Development of a Drug
 挑戰性的研究課題,例如:工作負載的分析和分群,跨  and	clustering,	inter-file	association,	environment	benchmarking,	data	and	storage	  Discovery Virtual Screening Application on Taiwan Unigrid,” Proceedings
              10.  Y. Hou, C.-M. Wang, C.-Y. Ku and L.-H. Hsu, “Optimal Processor Mapping
 文件的關聯性分析,技術環境效能的量測,各種的工作  management	strategies	for	different	workloads	and	environments,	on-line	monitor-  for Linear-Complement Communication on Hypercubes,” IEEE Transactions   of the 2008 International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, pp.
                                                                      38-47, Kunming, China, May 2008.
 負載和技術環境下的資料和儲存管理策略,線上監測和  ing	and	workload	classification,	and	management	strategy	selection.	The	popularity	  on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 514-527, May 2001.
 工作負載分類,以及管理策略的選擇。在高度互動應用  of	networked	virtual	environments	demands	resource-efficient	cloud	middleware	  11.  T.-R. Chuang, Y.-S. Kuo and C.-M. Wang, “Non-intrusive Object Introspec-  26.  C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Hsu and J. Lee, “Resource Selection Strat-
                                                                      egies for a CNP-based Resource Management Model,” Proceedings of the
 服務的雲端中介軟體方面,由於網路虛擬環境的廣受歡  for	highly-interactive	application	services,	with	the	goal	to	support	massive	mul-  tion in C++,” Software: Practice and Experience, No. 32, Vol. 2, pp. 191-207,   2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, pp. 458-463, Yilan,
                 February 2002.
 迎,我們極需能支援大量使用者高度互動的雲端中介軟  tiplayer	NVEs,	improve	efficiency	and	power	usage	on	servers,	and	guarantee	real-  Taiwan, December 2008.
              12.  W.-C. Fang, C.-C. Hsu and C.-M. Wang, “On the Fault-Tolerant Embeddings
 體,同時兼顧提高機器效率、改善功率消耗,以及保證  time	interactivity.	This	demands	innovative	solutions	to	challenging	issues,	such	as	  of Complete Binary Trees in the Mesh Interconnection Networks,” Informa-  27.  J.-J. Wu, Y.-F. Lin, D.-W. Wang and C.-M. Wang, “Optimizing Server Place-
 即時互動。其中充滿挑戰性的研究課題包括虛擬機器的  performance	assurance	and	fairness	in	virtualization,	power/resource	management,	  tion Sciences, Vol. 151, pp. 51-70, May 2003.  ment for Parallel I/O in Switch-based Clusters,” Journal of Parallel and Dis-
                                                                      tributed Computing, Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 266-281, March 2009.
 效能保證和公平性,功率消耗和資源管理,工作負載預  workload	prediction,	fast	live	migration,	failure	handling,	in-memory	database	de-  13.  C.-M. Wang, S.-T. Wang, S.-F. Hong and H.-M. Chen, “Experiences in Im-  28.  C.-M. Wang, X.-W. Huang and C.-C. Hsu, “Bi-objective Optimization: An
 測,虛擬機器的快速遷移,故障處理,記憶體內的資料  sign,	and	dynamic	data	partitioning/replication/localization.  plementing a Java Collaborative IDE over the Internet,” Journal of Internet   Online Algorithm  for  Job Assignment,”  Proceedings  of  the  2009  Interna-
                 Technology, pp. 427-436, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2005.
 庫設計,以及動態數據分割/複製/本地化等。                                                tional Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, pp. 223-234, Geneva,
              14.  P. Lee, C.-M. Wang and J.-J. Wu, “Compiler and Run-time Parallelization   Switzerland, May 2009.
                 Techniques  for  Scientific  Computations  on  Distributed  Memory  Parallel   29.  C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen and C.-C. Hsu, “Online Metatask Scheduling Heu-
                 Computers,” chapter 8 in High Performance Computing: Paradigm and In-  ristics for a Bidding-based Distributed System,” Proceedings of the 11th IEEE
                 frastructure, edited by Laurence T. Yang and Minyi Guo, John Wiley & Sons,   International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communica-
                 Inc., pp. 135-182, 2005.
                                                                      tions, pp. 11-19, Seoul, Korea, June 2009.
              15.  C.-M. Wang, S.-F. Hong, S.-T. Wang and H.-M Chen, “A Dual-mode Exer-  30.  C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Hsu and J. Lee, “Dynamic Resource Selec-
                 ciser for a Collaborative Computing Environment,” Journal of Internet Tech-  tion Heuristics for a Non-reserved Bidding-based Grid Environment,” Future
                 nology, pp. 13-21, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2006.
                                                                      Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 183-197, 2010.
              16.  C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu, H.-M. Chen and J.-J. Wu, “Optimizing Server
                 Placement  in  Hierarchical  Grid  Environments,”  Proceedings  of  the  2006
                 International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, pp. 1-11, Tai-
                 chung, Taiwan, May 2006. Among 267 paper submissions, our paper was
                 selected as one of the four best paper award winners.
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