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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2002	-	)  	 ƒ Technical	Paper	Award,	The	Chinese	Institute	of	Engineers	(1995)
 王新民 Hsin-Min Wang  	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1996	-	2002)  	 ƒ Editorial	board	member,	International	Journal	of	Computational
               	 ● Postdoctoral	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1995	-	1996)  Linguistics	and	Chinese	Language	Processing	(2004	-	)
               	 ● Ph.D.,	EE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1995)
               	 ● B.S.,	EE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1989)
 副研究員 Associate Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1714
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   H. M. Wang, T. H. Ho, R. C. Yang, J. L. Shen, B. R. Bai, J. C. Hong,   2004(17), pp. 2626-2639, December 2004.
                 W. P. Chen, T. L. Yu, and L. S. Lee, “Complete recognition of continu-  16.  H. M. Wang, B. Chen, J. W. Kuo, and S. S. Cheng, “MATBN: A Man-
 研究簡介  Research Description  ous Mandarin speech for Chinese language with very large vocabu-  darin Chinese broadcast news corpus,” International Journal of Com-
                 lary using limited training data,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio
                 Processing, 5(2), pp. 195-200, March 1997.           putational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 10(2), pp.
                                                                      219-236, June 2005.
 我們的研究興趣包括語音處理、自然語言處理、多媒體  Our	research	interests	include	speech	processing,	natural	language	processing,	mul-  2.   H. M. Wang, “Statistical analysis of Mandarin acoustic units and au-
 資訊檢索及模型識別。  timedia	information	retrieval,	and	pattern	recognition.	  tomatic extraction of phonetically rich sentences based upon a very   17.  W. H. Tsai and H. M. Wang, “On the extraction of vocal-related in-
                                                                      formation to facilitate the management of popular music collections,”
                 large Chinese text corpus,” International Journal of Computational   IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL2005), Den-
 發展人機語音介面是人類自電腦發明以來的夢想,數十  Communicating	with	computers	using	speech	has	been	a	dream	of	many	people	  Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 3(2), pp. 93-114, Au-  ver, USA, June 2005.
 年來,從語音指令、語音輸入及語音合成,到簡單的口  since	the	invention	of	computers.	Progress	towards	realizing	this	dream	has	been	  gust 1998.  18.  C. Y. Tseng, S. H. Pin, Y. Lee, H. M. Wang, Y. C. Chen, “Fluent speech
 語交談系統,這個夢想正緩慢地逐步實現。語音辨識、  slow	but	steady	through	the	development	of	systems	supporting	voice	commands,	  3.   J. L. Shen, H. M. Wang, R. Y. Lyu, and L. S. Lee, “Automatic selec-  prosody: framework and modeling,” Speech Communication, 46(3-4),
                 tion of phonetically distributed sentence sets for speaker adaptation
 語音合成、語言了解及交談管理等技術是發展人機語音  dictation,	text-to-speech	synthesis,	and	human-computer	spoken	dialogue.	Speech	  with application to large vocabulary Mandarin speech recognition,”   pp. 284-309, July 2005.
 介面不可或缺的要件。我們目前的研究主要著重在語音  recognition,	speech	synthesis,	language	understanding,	dialogue	management,	etc.	  Computer Speech and Language, 13(1), pp. 79-97, January 1999.  19.  W. H. Tsai and H. M. Wang, “Automatic singer recognition of popular
 辨識、語音合成及語者辨識。新近的研究成果包括應用  are	crucial	to	the	development	of	human-computer	speech	interface.	Our	research	  4.   L. F. Chien, H. M. Wang, B. R. Bai and S. C. Lin, “A spoken access   music recordings via estimation and modeling of singer vocal signal,”
                                                                      IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 14(1), pp.
 於自動音素分段的最小邊界誤差鑑別式聲學模型訓練與  has	 been	 focused	 mainly	 on	 speech	 recognition,	 speech	 synthesis,	 and	 speaker	  approach for Chinese text and speech information retrieval,” Journal   330-341, January 2006.
                 of the American Society for Infomration Science, 51(4), pp. 313-323,
 搜尋架構及以核心鑑別分析改良替代假說特性描述之語  recognition.	The	 recent	 achievements	 include	 a	 minimum-boundary-error-based	  February 2000.  20.  W. H. Tsai and H. M. Wang, “Speech utterance clustering based on the
 者確認技術等。我們參與	ISCSLP2006	舉辦的語者確認評  discriminative	 acoustic	 model	 training	 and	 decoding	 framework	 for	 automatic	  5.   B. R. Bai, B. Chen, and H. M. Wang, “Syllable-based Chinese text/  maximization of within-cluster homogeneity of speaker voice charac-
 比,在六個參賽系統中名列第二。  phoneme	segmentation,	a	novel	characterization	of	the	alternative	hypothesis	us-  spoken document retrieval using text/speech queries,” International   teristics,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120(3),
                                                                      pp. 1631-1645, September 2006.
 ing	kernel	discriminant	analysis	for	LLR-based	speaker	verification,	etc.	Our	speaker	  Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 14(5), pp.
 近年來,隨著網路和多媒體技術的發展,影音數位博物  verification	system	was	ranked	2nd	out	of	6	participants	in	the	ISCSLP2006	speaker	  603-616, August 2000.  21.  W. H. Tsai, S. S. Cheng, and H. M. Wang, “Automatic speaker cluster-
 館的建立成為各國數位博物館計畫的重點工作。這幾  recognition	evaluation.  6.   H. M. Wang, “Experiments in syllable-based retrieval of broadcast   ing using a voice characteristic reference space and maximum purity
                                                                      estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Process-
 年,我們針對廣播、電視新聞開發音訊分段、分群、語  news speech in Mandarin Chinese,” Speech Communication, 32(1-2),   ing, 15(4), pp. 1461-1474, May 2007.
                 pp. 49-60, September 2000.
 音辨識、自動摘要、索引及檢索技術,已累積相當經  Due	to	the	rapid	advance	of	multimedia	and	internet	technology,	there	are	many	  22.  W. H. Tsai and H. M. Wang, “Automatic identification of the sung lan-
 驗,並建構完成雛型檢索系統。新近的研究成果包括基  digital	library	projects	worldwide	on	how	multimedia	digital	libraries	can	be	estab-  7.   H. M. Wang and B. Chen, “Content-based language models for spo-  guage in popular music recordings,” Journal of New Music Research,
                 ken document retrieval,” International Journal of Computer Process-
 於貝氏資訊準則距離估算及分治法的自動音訊分段技  lished	and	used.	We	have	been	studying	audio	segmentation,	clustering,	automatic	  ing of Oriental Languages, 14(2), pp. 193-209, June 2001.   36(2), pp. 105 - 114, June 2007.
 術、基於語音特徵空間與最大群內純度估算的語者分群  speech	recognition,	summarization,	indexing,	and	retrieval	of	Mandarin	broadcast	  8.   B. S. Lin, H. M. Wang, and L. S. Lee, “A distributed agent architecture   23.  Y. H. Chao, W. H. Tsai, H. M. Wang, and R. C. Chang, “Using ker-
 技術及基於機率統計的語音文件摘要技術等。另外,我  news	for	several	years	and	have	developed	several	basic	technologies	as	well	as	pro-  for intelligent multi-domain spoken dialogue systems,” IEICE Trans.   nel discriminant analysis to improve the characterization of the al-
                                                                      ternative hypothesis for speaker verification,” IEEE Trans. on Audio,
 們也投入音樂內涵分析及檢索研究,主要著重在以哼唱  totype	retrieval	systems.	Our	recent	achievements	include	a	new	divide-and-con-  on  Information  and  Systems,  E84-D(9),  pp.  1217-1230,  September   Speech and Language Processing, 16(8), pp. 1675-1684, November
 方式查詢歌曲及歌聲信號模型評估。未來幾年,多媒體  quer	BIC-based	method	for	audio	segmentation,	a	new	method	based	on	a	voice	  9.   B. S. Lin, B. Chen, H. M. Wang, and L. S. Lee, “A hierarchical tag-  2008.
 聲音資訊分析、辨識、擷取及檢索仍是我們的重點研究  characteristic	reference	space	and	maximum	purity	estimation	for	speaker	cluster-  graph  search  scheme  with  layered  grammar  rules  for  spontaneous   24.  H. M. Yu, W. H. Tsai, and H. M. Wang, “A query-by-singing system
 項目。  ing,	a	probabilistic	generative	framework	for	extractive	spoken	document	summa-  speech understanding,” Pattern Recognition Letters, 23(7), pp. 819-  for retrieving karaoke music,” IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 10(8), pp.
                                                                      1626-1637, December 2008.
 rization,	etc.	More	recently,	we	have	extended	our	studies	to	music	content	analysis	  831, May 2002.  25.  Y. T. Chen, B. Chen, and H. M. Wang, “A probabilistic generative
 and	information	retrieval.	Our	research	has	been	focused	mainly	on	query	by	sing-  10.  B. Chen, H. M. Wang, and L. S. Lee, “Discriminating capabilities   framework  for  extractive  broadcast  news  speech  summarization,”
 ing/humming	and	solo	vocal	modeling.	Our	future	plans	include	further	improve-  of syllable-based features and approaches of utilizing them for voice   IEEE  Trans.  on  Audio,  Speech  and  Language  Processing,  17(1),
                 retrieval of speech information in Mandarin Chinese,” IEEE Trans. on
 ment	of	the	speech	and	music	information	retrieval	technology.  Speech and Audio Processing, 10(5), pp. 303-314, July 2002.  pp.95-106, January 2009.
              11.  H. Meng, B. Chen, S. Khudanpur, G. A. Levow, W. K. Lo, D. Oard,   26.  W. H. Tsai and H. M. Wang, “Evolutionary minimization of the rand
                 P. Schone, K. Tang, H. M. Wang, and J. Q. Wang, “Mandarin English   index for speaker clustering,” Computer Speech and Language, 23(2),
                 Information (MEI): Investigating translingual speech retrieval,” Com-  pp.165-175, April 2009.
                 puter Speech and Language, 18(2), pp. 163-179, April 2004.  27.  S. S. Cheng, H. C. Fu, and H. M. Wang, “Model-based clustering by
                                                                      probabilistic self-organizing maps,” IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks,
              12.  H.  M.  Wang,  S.  S.  Cheng,  Y.  C.  Chen,  “The  SoVideo  Mandarin   20(5), pp. 805-826, May 2009.
                 Chinese broadcast news retrieval system,” International Journal of
                 Speech Technology, 7(2-3), pp. 189-202, April-July 2004.  28.  Y. H. Chao, W. H. Tsai, H. M. Wang, and R. C. Chang, “Improving the
                                                                      characterization of the alternative hypothesis via minimum verifica-
              13.  B.  Chen,  H.  M. Wang,  and  L.  S.  Lee,  “A  discriminative  HMM/n-  tion error training with applications to speaker verification,” Pattern
                 gram-based  retrieval  approach  for  Mandarin  spoken  documents,”   Recognition, 42(7), pp. 1351-1360, July 2009.
                 ACM  Trans.  on Asian  Language  Information  Processing,  3(2),  pp.
                 128-145, June 2004.                              29.  Y. H. Chao, W. H. Tsai, and H. M. Wang, “Improving GMM-UBM
                                                                      speaker verification using discriminative feedback adaptation,” Com-
              14.  W. H. Tsai, D. Rodgers, and H. M. Wang, “Blind clustering of popular   puter Speech and Language, 23(3), pp. 376-388, July 2009.
                 music  recordings  based  on  singer  voice  characteristics,”  Computer
                 Music Journal, 28(3), pp. 68-78, Fall 2004.      30.  S. S. Cheng, H. M. Wang, and H. C. Fu, “BIC-based speaker segmen-
              15.  S. S. Cheng, H. M. Wang, and H. C. Fu, “A model-selection-based   tation using divide-and-conquer strategies with application to speaker
                 self-splitting Gaussian mixture learning with application to speaker   diarization,” IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Process-
                 identification,”  EURASIP  Journal  on  Applied  Signal  Processing,   ing, 18(1), pp. 141-157, January 2010.
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