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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

                                                                                                                                      	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2000	-	)	  	 ƒ Best	Paper	Award	Nomination,	ACM/IEEE	International	Symposium
                                                          吳真貞 Jan-Jan Wu                                                              	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1996	-	2000)  on	Parallel	and	Distributed	Processing	and	Applications,	Dec.	2004.
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Ph.D.,	CS,	Yale	University	(1995)               	 ƒ Guest	Editor	for	the	International	Journal	of	Grid	and	High	Perform-
                                                                                                                                      	 ● M.S.,	CS,	Yale	University	(1991)                  ance	Computing	on	the	special	issue	“Advances	in	Grid	and	Peer-to-
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Software	Engineer,	Institute	for	Information	Industry	(1987-1989)  Peer	Communications	and	Applications”.
                                                          副研究員 Associate Research Fellow                                              	 ● M.S.,	CSIE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1987)   	 ƒ Guest	Editor	for	the	Journal	of	Pervasive	Computing	and	Compu-
                                                                                                                                                                                            tation	on	the	special	issue	“Towards	merging	Grid	and	Pervasive
                                                                                                                                      	 ● B.S.,	CSIE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1985)
                                                          Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University                                    	 ƒ Best	Paper	Award,	the	10th	International	Symposium	on	Pervasive	  Computing”.
                                                                                                                                       Systems,	Algorithms	and	Networks,	Dec.	2009.
                                                          Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1610                                             	 ƒ Best	Paper	Award,	International	Conference	on	Grid	and	Pervasive
                                                          Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814                                                        Computing,	May	2007.
                                                          Email:                                                	 ƒ Best	Paper	Award	Nomination,	International	Conference	on	Grid	and
                                                                                       Pervasive	Computing,	May	2007.

                                                                                                                                     代表著作 Publications

                                                                                                                                     1.   W.-C. Liao and Jan-Jan Wu, “Replica-Aware Job Scheduling in Dis-  14.  Y.-M. Chung, P. Liu and Jan-Jan Wu, “Server Placement in the Pres-
                                                                                                                                        tributed Systems”, International Conference on Grid and Pervasive   ence of Competition,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances
           研究簡介                                           Research Description                                                          Computing, May 2010.                                 in Grid and Pervasive Computing, Second International Conference
                                                                                                                                     2.   H.-J. Chang, Jan-Jan Wu, P. Liu, “Job scheduling techniques for dis-  on Grid and Pervasive Computing, vol. 4459, pp.124-135, 2007.
        我的主要研究興趣包括:                                    My	current	research	focuses	on	resource	allocation	and	job	scheduling	for	data-in-  tributed systems with heterogeneous processor cardinality”, Interna-  15.  C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu, D.-W. Wang, and Jan-Jan Wu, “Generalized Edge
                                                       tensive	computation,	in-memory	and	real-time	data	management	for	highly	inter-   tional Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks,   Coloring  for  Channel Assignment  in Wireless  Networks”,  Interna-
        (1)	資料密集計算之資源配置與工作排程,                                                                                                           Dec. 2009. (Best Paper, 1/96 accepted papers)        tional Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Ohio, USA, Au-
                                                       active	Cloud	applications,	and	distributed	data	management	for	Cloud	computing.	                                                      gust, 2006.
        (2)	 支援即時互動式雲端運算應用之資料庫設計、動態資                   I	believe	the	performance	of	data-intensive	applications	can	be	improved	in	three	  3.   D.-Y. Chen, Jan-Jan Wu, P. Liu, “Data bandwidth-aware job schedul-  16.  H.-K. Wang, P. Liu and Jan-Jan Wu, “A QoS-Aware Heuristic Algo-
                                                                                                                                        ing in Grid and Cluster environments”, International Conference on
           料分割與複製技術,                                                                                                                    Parallel and Distributed Systems, Dec. 2009.         rithm for Replica Placement”, Grid’2006, Australia, Sept. 2006. (ac-
                                                       ways:	(1)	proper	allocation	of	resources	(data	servers,	data	replicas	and	I/O	devices)
        (3)	雲端運算之資料管理技術,                               to	increase	availability,	scalability	and	efficiency	of	resource	use,	(2)	efficient	data	  4.   Jan-Jan Wu, Yi.-Fang. Lin, Da.-Wei. Wang, and Chien.-Min. Wang,   ceptance rate 18%)
                                                       transfer	between	data	site	and	computing	site,	and	(3)	smart	data-aware	job	sched-  “Optimizing Server Placement for Parallel I/O in Switch-based Clus-  17.  Y.-F. Lin, Z.-H. Kang, P. Liu and Jan-Jan Wu, “An optimal schedul-
        (4)	平行與分散式計算,                                                                                                                   ters”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol.69,   ing algorithm for an agent-based multicast strategy on irregular net-
                                                       uling	to	overlap	computation	with	data	transfer.
                                                                                                                                        No.3, pp. 266-281, March 2009. (SCI)                 works,” International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing),
        (5)	多核平台之虛擬化技術。                                                                                                                                                                      LNCS 3947, Taiwan, May 2006. (acceptance rate 24%, Best Paper
                                                       In	a	joint	effort	with	my	colleagues,	we	are	developing	a	resource	efficient	cloud	  5.   Jan-Jan Wu, E.-J. Chou and P. Liu, “Computation and Communica-
                                                       middleware	for	highly-interactive	networked	virtual	environments,	with	the	goal	to	  tion  Schedule  Optimization  for  Data-sharing Tasks  on  Uni-Proces-  Nomination)
                                                       support	massive	multiplayer	online	games,	save	investment	on	servers	and	power	  sors”,  Journal  of  Systems Architecture  (JSA), Vol.  55,  pp.363-372,   18.  P. Liu and Jan-Jan Wu, “Optimal replica placement strategy for hi-
                                                       usage,	 and	 guarantee	 real-time	 interactivity.	 This	 demands	 innovative	 solutions	  June, 2009 (SCI)                            erarchical  data  grid  systems,”  International  Conference  on  Cluster
                                                                                                                                                                                             Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), Singapore, May 2006.
                                                       to	a	number	of	challenging	issues,	including			in-memory	database	management,	  6.   L.-W. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, Y.-C. Wang, Da.-Wei. Wang, and Jan.-Jan.
                                                       dynamic	data	partitioning	and	localization,	and	efficient	management	of	common	  Wu, “Exploiting Spectral Reuse in Routing, Resource Allocation, and   19.  Jan-Jan Wu and Yih-Fang Lin, “Efficient Distributed Algorithms for
                                                                                                                                        Scheduling for IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Ve-
                                                                                                                                                                                             Parallel I/O Scheduling”, IEEE International Conference on Parallel
                                                       data	queries	and	updates.	                                                       hicular Technology, Vol.58, No.1, pp.301-313, Jan. 2009. (SCI)  and Distributed Systems, Fukuoka, Japan, July, 2005
                                                       In	another	collaborative	effort,	Taiwan	UniCloud,	I	am	studying	Cloud	data	manage-  7.   H.-L. Chen, P. Liu, and Jan-Jan Wu, “A Hybrid Scheduling Algorithm   20.  G-S Hsu, P. Liu and Jan-Jan Wu, “I/O Processor Allocation for Mesh
                                                       ment	that	satisfies	the	following	properties:	efficiency,	scalability,	fault	tolerance,	  for Independent Tasks with Unknown Execution Time”, International   Cluster Computers”, IEEE International Conference on Parallel and
                                                       ability	to	run	in	a	heterogeneous	environment,	and	ability	to	interface	with	existing	  Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region   Distributed Systems, Fukuoka, Japan, July, 2005.
                                                                                                                                        (HPC Asia), March, 2009.
                                                       database	management	and	data	analysis	tools.	                                                                                     21.  Jan-Jan Wu and P. Liu, “Distributed scheduling of parallel I/O in the
                                                                                                                                     8.   Jan-Jan Wu, Yi.-Fang Lin and P. Liu, “Optimal Replica Placement in   presence of data replication”, ACM/IEEE International Parallel and
                                                                                                                                        Data Grid Environments with Locality Assurance”, Journal of Par-  Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), April, 2005.
                                                                                                                                        allel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol.68, No.12, pp. 1517-  22.  Y.-F. Lin, C-.M. Wang, and Jan-Jan Wu, “Optimizing Server Place-
                                                                                                                                        1538, Dec, 2008. (SCI)
                                                                                                                                                                                             ment for Parallel I/O on Switch-Based Irregular Networks”, ACM/
                                                                                                                                     9.   Y.-F. Lin and Jan-Jan Wu, “A List-based Strategy for Optimal Replica   IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Process-
                                                                                                                                        Placement in Data Grid Systems”, the International Conference on   ing and Applications, LNCS 3358, Hong Kong, Dec. 2004. (accept-
                                                                                                                                        Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2008. (acceptance rate 31%)  ance rate 21%,  Best Paper Nomination)
                                                                                                                                     10.  L.-Y. Ho, P. Liu, C.-M. Wang and Jan-Jan Wu, “The Development of   23.  M.-B.  Chen,  T.-R.  Chuang,  Jan-Jan  Wu,  “Efficient  Parallel  Im-
                                                                                                                                        a Drug Discovery Virtual Screening Application on Taiwan Unigrid”,   plementations  of  Near-Delaunay  triangulation  with  High  Per-
                                                                                                                                        International  Conference  on  Grid  and  Pervasive  Computing,  May,   formance  Fortran”,  Concurrency  and  Computation:  Practice  and
                                                                                                                                        2008. (acceptance rate 24%.)                         Experience(CP&E), Vol. 16, No. 6, June 2004.
                                                                                                                                     11.  C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu, H-M. Chen, and Jan-Jan Wu,, “Op-  24.  Jan-Jan Wu, S.-H. Yeh, and P. Liu, “Efficient Multiple Multicast on
                                                                                                                                        timizing  Server  Placement  for  QoS  Requirements  in  Hierarchical   Heterogeneous Network of Workstations”, Journal of Supercomput-
                                                                                                                                        Grid Environments,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances   ing, Vol. 29, pp. 59-88, 2004.
                                                                                                                                        in Grid and Pervasive Computing, Second International Conference
                                                                                                                                        on Grid and Pervasive Computing, vol. 4459, pp.181-192, May 2007.
                                                                                                                                        (acceptance rate 26%,  Best Paper )
                                                                                                                                     12.  Y.-F.  Lin,  C.-M.  Wang,  and  Jan-Jan  Wu,  “Optimizing  I/O  Server
                                                                                                                                        Placement for Parallel I/O on Switch-Based Irregular Networks”, The
                                                                                                                                        Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 36, no. 3, pp.201-217, June, 2006.
                                                                                                                                     13.  M.-B. Chen, T.-R. Chuang, and Jan-Jan Wu, “ Parallel Divide-and-
                                                                                                                                        Conquer Scheme for 2D Delaunay triangulation”, Concurrency and
                                                                                                                                        Computation:  Practice  and  Experience(CP&E),  18(12):1595-1612,
                                                                                                                                        Oct. 2006.

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