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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

                                                                                                                                      	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2003/10	-	2008/11)
                                                          呂及人 Chi-Jen Lu                                                              	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1999/8	-	2003/10)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Assistant	Professor,	CSIE,	National	Chi-Nan	University	(1999/2	-
                                                                                                                                      	 ● M.S.,	CSIE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1990)
                                                          研究員 Research Fellow                                                         	 ● B.S.,	CSIE,	National	Taiwan	University	(1988)
                                                          Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
                                                          Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1820
                                                          Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

                                                          Research Description                                                       代表著作 Publications
                                                       Randomness	has	become	a	valuable	resource	in	computation.	For	many	computa-
                                                       tional	problems,	randomized	algorithms	are	simpler,	more	natural,	or	more	efficient
                                                       than	existing	deterministic	algorithms.	However,	randomized	algorithms	typically	  1.   David A.  Mix  Barrington,  Chi-Jen  Lu,  Peter  Bro  Miltersen,  Sven   17.  Chia-Jung Lee, Chi-Jen Lu, and Shi-Chun Tsai. Deterministic extrac-
                                                                                                                                        Skyum. Searching constant width mazes captures the AC  hierarchy.
                                                                                                                                                                                             tors for independent-symbol sources. In Proceedings of the 33  In-
                                                       depend	on	the	availability	of	a	perfect	random	source,	the	existence	of	which	even
           研究簡介                                        in	Nature	is	debatable.	One	approach	then	is	to	study	whether	or	not	randomized	  Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of   ternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
                                                                                                                                        Computer Science (STACS), pp. 73-83, 1998.
                                                                                                                                                                                             (ICALP), pp. 84-95, 2006.
                                                       algorithms	 can	 be	 derandomized	 into	 deterministic	 ones	 without	 sacrificing	 the
        亂數在計算上,已成為一個有用的資源。對於許多計算                       performance	too	much.	The	other	approach	is	to	design	procedures,	called	extrac-  2.   Chi-Jen Lu. A deterministic approximation algorithm for a minmax   18.  Chi-Jen Lu. On the complexity of parallel hardness amplification for
        問題,隨機演算法提供了最自然、最簡單、或最有效率                       tors,	which	can	extract	almost	perfect	randomness	from	slightly	random	sources.	  integer programming problem. In Proceedings of the 10  ACM-SIAM   one-way functions. In Proceedings of the 3  Theory of Cryptography
        的解決方法。然而一般隨機演算法的設計,均假設有完                       We	have	conducted	some	research	on	both	approaches,	which	we	describe	in	the	    Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pp. 663-668, 1999.  Conference (TCC), pp. 462-481, 2006.
        美的亂數供其使用。但是電腦如何能產生完美的亂數?                       following.                                                                    3.   David A. Mix Barrington, Chi-Jen Lu, Peter Bro Miltersen, Sven Sky-  19.  Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, and Hsin-Lung Wu. Improved hardness
        就連自然界是否存在完美的亂數源,也是一個值得爭議                       One	 standard	 approach	 to	 derandomization	 relies	 on	 constructing	 the	 so-called	  um. On monotone planar circuits. In Proceedings of the 14  Annual   amplification in NP. Theoretical Computer Science, 370, pp. 293-298,
        的問題。解決此困境的第一種方法,乃是研究如何將隨                       pseudorandom	generators	(PRG),	which	stretch	a	short	random	seed	into	a	long	    IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC), pp. 24-31,   2007.
        機式演算法轉化成確定式演算法,而不至於大為降低其                       pseudorandom	string	that	looks	random	to	circuits	of	polynomial	size.	So	far,	all	  1999.                                         20.  Chun-Yuan Hsiao and Chi-Jen Lu and Leonid Reyzin. Conditional
        效率。第二種方法,乃是設計所謂的亂度淬取程序,來                       known	 constructions	 of	 PRG	 have	 been	 based	 on	 unproven	 assumptions	 of	 the	  4.   Chi-Jen  Lu.  An  exact  characterization  of  symmetric  functions  in   computational  entropy,  or  toward  separating  pseudoentropy  from
        由稍具亂度的弱亂數源中,淬取近乎完美的亂數,以供                       nature	that	certain	functions	are	hard	to	compute.	To	obtain	a	stronger	result,	we	  qAC [2]. Theoretical Computer Science, 261(2), pp. 297-303, 2001.  compressibility.  Advances  in  Cryptology  -  EUROCRYPT  2007,  pp.
        隨機演算法使用。我們對這兩種方法皆有探討。                          would	like	to	start	from	a	function	that	is	only	slightly	hard	to	compute	and	convert	  5.   Chi-Jen  Lu  and  Shi-Chun Tsai, A  note  on  iterating  an  α-ary  Gray   169-186, 2007.
                                                       it	into	a	much	harder	one,	before	using	it	to	construct	a	PRG.	This	task,	known	as	  code. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 14 (2), pp. 237-239,   21.  Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, and Hsin-Lung Wu. On the complexity of
        一種解除隨機性的常用方法,乃是藉由所謂虛擬亂數產                       hardness	amplification,	plays	a	crucial	role	in	the	study	of	pseudo-randomness.	Un-  2001.                                            hard-core set constructions. In Proceedings of the 34  International
        生器,來產生一長串看似亂數的虛擬亂數。目前已知的                       fortunately,	all	previous	constructions	of	hardness	amplification	procedures	leave	                                                   Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), pp.
        虛擬亂數產生器,其安全性都植基於某些函數難以計算                       some	unpleasant	issues.	The	first	is	that	when	one	wants	to	amplify	the	hardness	  6.   F. Thomson  Leighton,  Chi-Jen  Lu,  Satish  Rao,  and Aravind  Srini-  183-194, 2007.
        的假設。為了得到更強的結果,人們想從稍具難度的函                       substantially,	all	the	amplification	procedures	require	a	high	computational	com-  vasan. New algorithmic aspects of the local lemma with applications   22.  Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, and Hsin-Lung Wu. Impossibility results
                                                                                                                                        to routing and partitioning. SIAM Journal on Computing, 31(2), pp.
        數出發,將其轉化為一個具有很高難度的函數,再用以                       plexity.	The	second	issue	is	that	hardness	amplification	typically	involves	non-uni-  626-641, 2001.                                  on weakly black-box hardness amplification. In Proceedings of the
        建構虛擬亂數產器。這樣的難度放大程序,在虛擬亂數                       formity	in	the	sense	that	hardness	is	measured	against	non-uniform	circuits.	Many	                                                    16  International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation The-
        的研究中,扮演了極重要的角色。然而已知的所有難度                       researchers	have	tried	to	resolve	these	issues,	but	progress	has	been	very	limited.	  7.   Chi-Jen Lu. Derandomizing Arthur-Merlin games under uniform as-  ory (FCT), pp. 400-411, 2007.
        放大程序,都有兩個令人不滿意的問題。首先是這些程                       We	observe	that	almost	all	previous	hardness	amplification	procedures	were	imple-  sumptions. Computational Complexity, 10, pp. 247-259, 2001.   23.  Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, and Hsin-Lung Wu. On the complexity
        序皆需要很高的計算複雜度,其次是難度的衡量都是相                       mented	in	a	certain	black-box	way;	and	we	show	that	when	hardness	amplification	  8.   Chi-Jen  Lu.  Improved  pseudorandom  generators  for  combinatorial   of hardness amplification. IEEE Transaction on Information Theory,
        對於非一致性的計算模式。雖然許多研究人員努力嘗試                       is	performed	in	this	way,	both	issues	are	in	fact	unavoidable.	                  rectangles. Combinatorica, 22(3), pp. 417-434, 2002.  54(10), pp. 4575-4586, 2008.
        解決這些問題,但是始終沒有好的進展。我們發現幾乎                       Extractors	are	functions	that	extract	almost	uniform	bits	from	sources	of	biased	and	  9.   Chi-Jen Lu, Omer Reingold, Salil Vadhan, and Avi Wigderson. Ex-
        所有已知的難度放大程序都是以某種黑盒模式進行,而                       correlated	bits,	usually	with	the	help	of	an	additional	short	random	seed	as	a	cata-  tractors: optimal up to constant factors. Proceedings of the 35  ACM   24.  Feng-Hao Liu, Chi-Jen Lu, and Bo-Yin Yang. Secure PRNGs from
                                                                                                                                                                                             specialized polynomial maps over any GF(q). In Proceedings of the
        我們進而證明,若難度放大程序以此類黑盒模式進行,                       lyst.	In	addition	to	extracting	randomness	for	randomized	algorithms	to	use,	extrac-  Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), pp. 602-611, 2003.  2  international Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography, pp. 181-
                                                       tors	have	found	a	wide	range	of	applications	in	various	fields	and	have	played	a	fun-  10.  Chi-Jen Lu. Encryption against storage-bounded adversaries from on-  202, 2008.
        亂度淬取程序能由稍具亂度的弱亂數源中,淬取近乎完                       damental	and	unifying	role	in	the	theory	of	pseudo-randomness.	We	provided	the	  line strong extractors. Journal of Cryptology, 17(1), pp. 27-42, 2004.  25.  Chi-Yuan Chan, Shan-Chyun Ku, Chi-Jen Lu, and Biing-Feng Wang.
        美的亂數。除了供隨機演算法使用之外,亂度淬取程序                       first	explicit	construction	of	extractors	which	are	simultaneously	optimal	(up	to	con-  11.  Fu Chang, Chun-Jen Chen, and Chi-Jen Lu. A linear-time component-  Efficient  algorithms  for  two  generalized  2-median  problems  and
        亦在其他許多領域有意想不到的應用,因此其研究受到                       stant	factors)	in	both	seed	length	and	the	number	of	bits	extracted,	settling	an	open	  labeling algorithm using contour tracing technique. Computer Vision   the group median problem on trees. Theoretical Computer Science,
        廣泛的重視。我們建構出目前已知最佳的亂度淬取程                        problem	that	had	been	studied	extensively	for	more	than	a	decade.	In	addition,	we	  and Image Understanding, 93(2), pp. 206-220, 2004.  410(8-10), pp. 867-876, 2009.
                                                       study	the	possibility	of	constructing	extractors	that	do	not	need	an	additional	seed,
        序,從而解決了計算理論中一個具有多年歷史的難題。                       and	we	have	identified	a	general	class	of	sources	on	which	seedless	extraction	can	  12.  Chi-Jen Lu. Deterministic hypergraph coloring and its applications.   26.  Chia-Jung  Lee,  Chi-Jen  Lu  and  Shi-Chun Tsai.  Extracting  compu-
        亂度淬取程序常會使用一個非常短的亂數來催化淬取過                       be	achieved.	We	also	consider	sources	that	are	not	at	all	random	in	the	traditional,	  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 18(2), pp. 320-331, 2004.   tational entropy and learning noisy linear functions. In Proceedings
        程,有時這會造成不便,因此我們也研究何時可以不需                       statistical	 setting	 but	 look	 slightly	 random	 to	 computationally-bound	 observers,	  13.  Yan-Cheng Chang and Chi-Jen Lu. Oblivious polynomial evaluation   of the 15  International Computing and Combinatorics Conference
        使用這個額外的亂數。我們也研究如何由不具統計亂度                       and	we	show	how	to	extract	randomness	from	such	sources.	Apart	from	construct-   and oblivious neural learning. Theoretical Computer Science, 341(1-  (COCOON), pp. 338-347, 2009.
        但卻看似具有亂度(相對於計算能力受限的觀察者)的分                      ing	extractors,	we	have	found	a	surprising	application	of	extractors	in	cryptography.	  3), pp. 39-54, 2005.                      27.  Chi-Jen Lu. On the security loss in cryptographic reductions. Advanc-
        佈中,淬取近乎完美的亂數。此外,我們也將亂度淬取                       In	particular,	we	use	extractors	to	build	an	encryption	scheme	with	everlasting	secu-  14.  Chia-Jung  Lee,  Chi-Jen  Lu,  Shi-Chun Tsai,  and Wen-Guey Tzeng.   es in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2009, pp. 72-87.
        程序應用於密碼學,而建構出具有永久安全性的加密系                       rity,	which	will	remain	secure	forever	even	against	future	attacks	of	any	kind.  Extracting  randomness  from  multiple  independent  sources.  IEEE   28.  Chao-Kai Chiang and Chi-Jen Lu. Online Learning with Queries. In
        統。                                                                                                                              Transactions on Information Theory, 51(6), pp. 2224-2227, 2005.   Proceedings  of  the  21   ACM-SIAM  Symposium  on  Discrete  Algo-
                                                                                                                                                                                             rithms (SODA), pp. 616-629, 2010.
                                                                                                                                     15.  Fu Chang, Chin-Chin Lin, and Chi-Jen Lu. Adaptive prototype learn-
                                                                                                                                        ing algorithms: theoretical and experimental studies. Journal of Ma-  29.  Jen-Hou Chou and Chi-Jen Lu. Communication requirements for sta-
                                                                                                                                        chine Learning Research, 7, pp. 2125-2148, 2006.     ble marriages. In Proceedings of the 7  International Conference on
                                                                                                                                                                                             Algorithms and Complexity, 2010.
                                                                                                                                     16.  Yan-Cheng Chang, Chun-Yun Hsiao, and Chi-Jen Lu. The impossibil-
                                                                                                                                        ity of basing one-way permutations on central cryptographic primi-
                                                                                                                                        tives. Journal of Cryptology, 19(1), pp. 97-114, 2006.
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