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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

                                                                                                                                      	 ● Research	Fellow,	Academia	Sinica,	Taiwan	(1998-present)
                                                          李丕榮 PeiZong Lee                                                             	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	Academia	Sinica,	Taiwan	(1989-1998)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Research	Engineer,	Institute	of	Information	Industry,	Taiwan	(1984-
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Ph.D.	,	Computer	Science	,	Courant	Institute	of	Mathematical	Sci-
                                                          研究員 Research Fellow                                                          ences,	New	York	University,	United	States	(1989)
                                                          Ph.D., Computer Science, New York University                                	 ● M.S.	,	Computer	and	Decision	Sciences	,	National	Tsing	Hua	Univer-
                                                                                                                                       sity,	Taiwan	(1984)
                                                          Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1812                                             	 ● B.S.	,	Mathematics	,	National	Taiwan	University,	Taiwan	(1979)
                                                          Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

                                                                                                                                     代表著作 Publications

                                                                                                                                     1.   PeiZong and Zvi M. Kedem, “Synthesizing Linear-Array Algorithms   ume 35, number 2, pages 61--73, February 2004, (Elsevier Science
                                                                                                                                         from Nested For Loop Algorithms,” IEEE Transactions on Comput-  B. V.)
           研究簡介                                           Research Description                                                           ers: Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, volume   14.  PeiZong Lee and Chih-Hao Chang, “Unstructured Mesh Generation
                                                                                                                                         C--37, number 12, pages 1578--1598, December 1988.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Using Automatic Point Insertion and Local Refinement,” Proc. Na-
        理想中,平行處理編譯器應該能將循序式程式自動編譯                       My	research	interests	are	in	compilers	for	scientific	applications,	parallel	algorithm	  2.   PeiZong Lee and Zvi M. Kedem, “Mapping Nested Loop Algorithms   tional  Computer  Symposium,  pages  B-550--B-557, Taipei, Taiwan,
        成相對的平行處理電腦的執行碼,但是許多刻骨銘心的                       design,	computer	architectures,	and	the	interplay	among	architectures,	algorithms,	  into Multidimensional Systolic Arrays,” IEEE Transactions on Paral-  December 1999.
                                                                                                                                         lel and Distributed Systems, volume 1, number 1, pages 64--76, Janu-
        經驗說明要達到自動產生有效率的執行碼,尚待努力。                       and	compilers.		The	design	of	parallel	architectures	represents	cost-effective	trade-  ary 1990.                                  15.  PeiZong Lee, Chih-Hao Chang, and Maw-Jyi Chao, “A Parallel Euler
        這些原因包括:一個有效率的循序式演算法,可能並無                       offs.	 	 A	 general	 purpose	 machine	 requires	 complex	 interconnection	 networks,	  3.   PeiZong Lee and Zvi M. Kedem, “On High-Speed Computing with   Solver on Unstructured Mesh,” Proc. ISCA 13  International Confer-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ence on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-2000),
        法直接轉換並編譯成一個相對地有效率的平行程式碼。                       multi-level	memory	hierarchies,	powerful	control	units,	and	optimized	schemes	for	  a Programmable Linear Array,” Journal of Supercomputing, volume   pages 171--177, Las Vegas, Nevada, August 2000.
        因為必須整體考慮在整個應用程式中由開始至結尾各個                       allocation	of	machine	resources.		In	contrast,	to	solve	a	class	of	problems	from	an	  4, number 3, pages 223--249, September 1990, (Kluwer Academic   16.  PeiZong Lee, Chih-Hao Chang, and Jan-Jan Wu, “Parallel Implicit
        使用到的演算法其分別的資料分割及分佈,資料傳送,                       application	domain	or	to	share	a	common	mathematical	structure,	it	may	be	possi-  Publishers)                                         Euler Solver on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Computing En-
        及執行排程的整體最佳化。                                   ble	to	design	a	special	purpose	machine	with	elementary	interconnecting	networks	  4.   PeiZong Lee and Fang-Yu Huang, “Restructured Recursive DCT and   vironments,” 15  AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference,
                                                       and	elementary	control	units.		Such	a	machine	may	also	be	able	to	solve	this	class	  DST Algorithms,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume   Anaheim, CA., June 2001, AIAA paper 2001-2588
        對於規則的應用程式,目前已經能夠自動分析整個應用                       of	problems	faster.                                                               42, number 7, pages 1600--1609, July 1994.
        程式的資料流程,並且可以產生有效率的執行碼。但是                                                                                                     5.   PeiZong  Lee  and  Fang-Yu  Huang,  “An  Efficient  Prime-Factor Al-  17.  PeiZong Lee, Jan-Jan Wu, and Chih-Hao Chang, “Partitioning Un-
                                                                                                                                                                                             structured  Meshes  for  Homogeneous  and  Heterogeneous  Parallel
        對於不規則的應用程式,由於使用到間接位址,尚未有                       In	the	context	of	parallel	algorithms,	several	paradigms	and	techniques,	 such	as	  gorithm for the Discrete Cosine Transform and Its Hardware Imple-  Computing Environments,” Proc. International Conference on Paral-
        較有效率的最佳化資料分析技術。目前較可行的方法包                       divide	and	conquer,	dynamic	programming,	domain	decomposition,	and	program	       mentations,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 42,   lel Processing, pages 315--322, Vancouver, British Columbia, August
        括由程式語言提供工作元層面的指令集,並且由程式員                       transformation,	have	been	studied.		By	using	these	paradigms,	it	is	possible	to	de-  number 8, pages 1996--2005, August 1994.         2002.
        提供應用問題層面的大區塊領域分割演算法,編譯器再                       sign	efficient	parallel	algorithms,	at	least	in	theory.		Their	practical	utilization	requires	  6.   PeiZong Lee, “Mapping Nested-Loop Algorithms into Grid-Connect-  18.  PeiZong Lee, Chih-Hsueh Yang, and Jeng-Renn Yang, “Repartition-
        將領域分割演算法編譯至平行處理器上執行。由於實用                       appropriate	architectural	and	software	support,	techniques	for	proving	the	correct-  ed Systolic Arrays without Data Collisions in the Data Links,” ISCA   ing Unstructured Meshes for the Parallel Solution of Engine Combus-
        的平行處理電腦未來的趨勢是收歛至網格狀的大量平行                       ness	and	efficiency	of	implementation,	and	suitable	programming	environments.     International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, volume   tion,” Supercomputing’2003, Phoenix, AZ, November 2003.
        處理器或由網路連接的叢集多處理器電腦工作站,未來                       The	design	of	parallel	architectures	influences	the	design	of	parallel	algorithms,	and	  2, number 2, pages 72--85, August 1995, (International Society for   19.  PeiZong  Lee,  Chien-Min  Wang,  and  Jan-Jan  Wu.  Compiler  and
                                                                                                                                         Computers and Their Applications)
        平行處理的成功與否將僅決定在是否能整合平行演算法                       vice	versa.		Compilers	act	as	bridges	connecting	algorithms	and	architectures.		I	am	                                                 Run-time Parallelization Techniques for Scientific Computations on
        及編譯器至此兩大類平行處理電腦上。                                                                                                            7.   PeiZong Lee, “Parallel Matrix Multiplication Algorithms on Hyper-  Distributed Memory Parallel Computers. In book High Performance
                                                       interested	in	studying	this	interdependence.		I	have	studied	various	compilation	is-  cube Multicomputers,” International Journal of High Speed Comput-  Computing:  Paradigm  and  Infrastructure,  Laurence  T.  Yang  and
        在未來的研究方面,我將致力於發展一個數值風洞模擬                       sues	on	regular	parallel	architectures,	focusing	on	formal	techniques,	simulations,	  ing, volume 7, number 3, pages 391--406, September 1995, (Kluwer   Minyi Guo, editor, pages 135--181, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.
                                                                                                                                         Academic Publishers)
        全機流場的軟體環境平台以及一個模擬引擎燃燒反應流                       and	the	development	of	programming	environments.		The	results	obtained	can	be	                                                    20.  Chih-Hung Hsu and PeiZong Lee. “Study of Flow Caculations at All
        的軟體環境平台。我希望能暸解平行演算法,編譯器,                       used	both	to	compile	algorithms	on	such	regular	parallel	architectures	and	to	study	  8.   PeiZong Lee, “Techniques for Compiling Programs on Distributed   Speeds on Unstructured Grids,” the 14  National Computational Flu-
                                                                                                                                                                                             id Dynamics Conference, Nantou, Taiwan, Aug. 16-18, 2007.
                                                                                                                                         Memory Multicomputers,” Parallel Computing, volume 21, number
        以及大型不規則科學計算應用問題三者之間的互動關                        the	importance	of	various	architectural	features.		Current	effort	also	has	extended	  12, pages 1895--1923, December 1995, (Elsevier Science B. V.)
        係。                                             this	approach	to	the	compilation	of	large	scientific	applications	for	modern	general-                                             21.  Chih-Hsueh Yang, PeiZong Lee, Yeh-Ching Chung, “Improving Stat-
                                                       purpose	regular	architectures.                                                9.   PeiZong Lee and Gau-Shin Liu, “An Efficient Algorithm for the 2-D   ic Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Computing
                                                                                                                                         Discrete Cosine Transform,” Signal Processing, volume 55, number   Systems,”  Proc.  International  Conference  on  Parallel  Processing,
                                                       I	am	currently	also	participating	in	a	scientific	computation	project,	in	which	some	  2, pages 221--239, December 1996, (Elsevier Science B. V.)  ICPP paper 2007-45, Xi-An, China, September 10-14, 2007.
                                                       colleagues	 and	 I	 have	 to	 conquer	 researches	 for	 unstructured	 mesh	 generation,	  10.  PeiZong Lee, “Efficient Algorithms for Data Distribution on Distrib-  22.  Chih-Hung Hsu, PeiZong Lee, Juan-Hong Hong, Yu-Ting Deng, and
                                                       unstructured	 mesh	 partition,	 Euler	 equation	 and	 Navier-Stokes	 equation	 solvers	  uted Memory Parallel Computers,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel   Keh-Chin Chang. “Simulation on Rapid Expansion of Supercritical
                                                       for	a	numerical	wind	tunnel	platform,	an	engine	combustion	platform	for	comput-   and Distributed Systems, volume 8, number 8, pages 825--839, Au-  Carbon Dioxide,” 16  National Computational Fluid Dynamics Con-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ference, Yilan, Taiwan, July30 -- Aug. 1, 2009.
                                                                                                                                         gust 1997.
                                                       ing	reactive	flows,	visualization,	and	the	challenge	of	using	MPI	on	workstation/PC
                                                       clusters	to	accelerate	irregular	computation.		One	of	my	goals	is	to	understand	the	  11.  PeiZong Lee and Zvi M. Kedem, “Automatic Data and Computation
                                                                                                                                         Decomposition on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers,” ACM
                                                       techniques	for	compiling	irregular	computation.                                   Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, volume 24,
                                                                                                                                         number 1, pages 1--50, January 2002.
                                                                                                                                     12.  PeiZong Lee and Wen-Yao Chen, “Generating Communication Sets
                                                                                                                                         of  Array  Assignment  Statements  for  Block-cyclic  Distribution  on
                                                                                                                                         Distributed Memory Parallel Computers,” Parallel Computing, vol-
                                                                                                                                         ume 28, number 9, pages 1329--1368, September 2002, (Elsevier Sci-
                                                                                                                                         ence B. V.)
                                                                                                                                     13.  PeiZong Lee, Chih-Hsueh Yang, and Jeng-Renn Yang, “Fast Algo-
                                                                                                                                         rithms for Computing Self-Avoiding Walks and Mesh Intersections
                                                                                                                                         over Unstructured Meshes,” Advances in Engineering Software, vol-

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