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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Adjunct	Assistant	Research	Fellow,	Division	of	Biostatistics	and	Bioin-
 林仲彥 Chung-Yen Lin  formatics,	National	Health	Research	Institutes	(2005/10-	)
               	 ● Adjunct	Assistant	Professor,	Institute	of	Fishery	Science,	College	of
                Life	Science,	National	Taiwan	University	(2005/08-	)
               	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	Division	of	Biostatistics	and	Bioinformat-
 助研究員 Assistant Research Fellow  ics,	National	Health	Research	Institutes	(2004/01-	2005/10)
 Ph.D., Zoology, National Taiwan University  	 ● PhD,	National	Taiwan	University	(1999)
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1704
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

 方式建構複雜的親緣分析關係	(PALM,,	PLoS	ONE,	2009)。  Recently,	we	have	published	our	work	to	select	the	best	model	automati-  of	massive	amounts	of	sequence	data,	several	interesting	computational
              cally,	and	help	several	biomedical	research	groups	to	conquer	the	recon-  problems	have	arisen	from	WGS	sequencing	by	communities.	Issues	like
 (3)	多源基因體學	(Metagenomics)  struction	of	phylogenetic	tree	with	large	dataset	(PALM,	http://palm.iis.  how	to	compare	communities,	how	to	separate	sequences	from	differ-
 由於近年來定序技術的大幅進步,以往耗時數月整年的定序工作,可以在數天內完,	PLoS	ONE,	2009).	  ent	organisms	in	silico,	and	how	to	model	population	structures	using
 成,這樣的技術,開啟了新一代的研究領域,也就是多源基因體學,又稱環境基  (3) Metagenomics            WGS	assembly	statistics,	will	present	new	challenges	in	the	field	of	bio-
 因體學	(Environmental	Genomics),生態基因體學	(Ecogenomics),群體基因體學         informatics.	Our	approach	involves	integrating	various	databases,	gene
 (Community	Genomics)。這一類的研究,除了快速大規模定序外,就必須依賴生物  Because	 of	 the	 advances	 in	 sequencing	 technology,	 a	 large	 genome,	  expression	analysis,	proteomic	results	and	phylogenetic	reconstruction
 研究簡介  資訊學的協助,來對解析出來的序列進行快速的序列比對、功能註解與建置資料庫  such	as	the	human	genome,	can	be	sequenced	in	a	matter	of	weeks	or	  to	achieve	a	comprehensive	view	of	microbial	communities.
 平台,進而找出其存在可能的物種與其所具備的功能。為了了解這些微生物間在不  even	days,	rather	than	several	months	or	years.	Following	the	generation
 目前本研究團隊,現階段主要的研究方向可分為(1)網路生  同棲息環境的消長與互動,本研究團隊將整合與建置自動化分析平台,來剖析巨量
 物及系統生物學研究(2)生物資訊加值資料庫與應用系統之  資料中,所代表的複雜的群聚交互作用與預測環境變動後的微生物組成。
              代表著作 Publications
 為了解析人類成癌過程與病原致病機轉之蛋白質交互網路,  Research Description  1.   Lin, C. Y.*, Chen, S. H, Lo, C.Z., Cho, C.S., Hsiung, C. A., “Primer   W. H. Cheng, C. H., Lin, C. Y., Liu, S. M. Chang, C. C. Chaw, S. M.,
 我們透過比較蛋白質體學	 (Comparative	 Proteomics)	 的方  Design Assistant (PDA): a Web-based Primer Design Tool.,” Nucleic   “The Chloroplast Genome of Phalaenopsis aphrodite (Orchidaceae):
 法,將現有已知的蛋白質交互作用關係,轉化為序列模組與  In	recent	years,	my	research	has	focused	on	following	important	issues:	  Acids Res., volume 31, pages 3751-3754, July 2003, (SCI/ 7.62) (Ac-  Comparative Analysis of Evolutionary Rate with That of Grasses and
 模組之間的關係,藉此建立統計模型,來預測可能存在的蛋  cess URL :    Its Phylogenetic Implications.,” Mol. Bio. Evol, volume 23, pages 279
 白質交互網路架構,再加上與代謝途徑、基因分類與時空背  (1) Network analysis of human protein interactions for Tumorigenesis and in-  2.   Li, L.H., Li, J. C., Lin, Y. F., Lin, C. Y., Chen, C.Y., Tsai, S. F., “Ge-  - 291, April 2006, (SCI/ 6.355)
 景等相關的註解,便可以協助我們瞭解在不同的發育階段、  fectious diseases in systems biology   nomic  Shotgun Array: A  Procedure  Linking  Large-Scale  DNA  Se-  11.  Huang, T. W., Lin, C. Y.*, and Kao, C. Y.*, “Reconstruction of human
 癌細胞生成轉移及病原感染之際,可能的產生蛋白質網路。  In	our	current	work,	we	are	constructing	eukaryotic	protein-protein	interaction	net-  quencing  with  Regional Transcript  Mapping.,”  Nucleic Acids  Res.,   protein  interolog  network  using  evolutionary  conserved  network,”
 另外,與胃部疾病具有高度相關的幽門桿菌	(http://dpi.nhri.  works	from	recently	high	though-put	interactome	studies	of	various	species.	Mean-  volume 32, number 3, pages 27-35, February 2004, (SCI/ 7.62)    BMC Bioinformatics, volume 8, number 152, pages 1-14, May 2007,
                                                                      (SCI/4.96)(*: Corresponding Authors),與模式生物果蠅	 (的  while	we	have	also	integrated	a	statistical	model	into	our	protein	interaction	data-  3.   Lin, C. Y.*, Lin, F.K., Lin, C.H., Lai, L.W., Hsu, S.J., Chen, S.H., Hsi-
 蛋白質交互網路,也於分別於	Bioinformatics	(2005)	及BMC	  base	for	validation	of	two-hybrid	assays	of	Helicobacter pylori,	and	the	prediction	of	  ung, C. A., “POWER: PhylOgenetic WEb Repeater - An integrated   12.  Chen, S.H., Lo, C.Z., Tsai, M. C., Hsiung C.A., Lin, C.Y.*, “Unique
 Bioinformatics	(2007)	 刊出。目前的研究重點放在不同物種  putative	protein	interactions	not	yet	discovered	experimentally	(hp-DPI,	http://dpi.  and user-optimized framework for bio-molecular phylogenetic analy-  Probe Selector (UPS): A Comprehensive Web Service for Probe De-
                                                                      sign and Oligo Nucleotide Arrays,” BMC Bioinformatics, volume 8,
                 sis.,” Nucleic Acids Res., volume 33, pages 553-556, July 2005, (SCI/
 品系的交互網路與致病性之研究,並試著解析病原與宿主,	Bioinformatics	2005).	Using	a	more	sophisticated	statistical	method	  7.62) (Access URL :    number 10, pages S8, January 2008, (URL:
 間可能產生的交互作用。目前已建置拓樸理論	(Topology)與  with	expression	profile,	we	integrated	a	database	called	flydpi	for	the	interactome	  tw/ups)
 圖學	(Graph	Theory)	等網路生物學	(Network	Biology)	的分析  of	 Drosophila Melanogaster	 (,	 BMC	 Bioinfo,	 2006).	 And	 we	  4.   Chen, S. H., Lin, C. Y. and Kuo, C. M., “In silico Analysis of the   13.  Lin, C. Y.*, Chin, C. H., Wu, H. H., Chen, S. H., Ho, C. W.,* Ko, M.
                 Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone Family,” Mar. Biotech., volume
 平台	(Hubba,,	NAR,	2008,	HUNTER,	  also	constructed	a	topological	analyzer	to	extract	hubs	and	motifs	from	complex	  7, number 3, pages 193-206, June 2005, (SCI/ 2.54)    T.*, “Hubba: Hub Objects Analyzer : A Framework of Interactome,	BMC	Bioinformatics,	2010)  network	named	as	Hubba	and	HUNTER	(,	NAR,	2008,	  5.   Lin, C. Y.*, Chen C.L., Cho, C.S., Wang L.M., Chang C. M., Chen P.   Hubs Identification for Network Biology,” Nucleic Acids Research,
 ,預先解析整個蛋白質交互作用網路的整體概況,篩選出關,	BMC	Bioinformatics,	2010,	respectively).	Objec-  Y., Lo, C.Z., Hsiung, C. A., “hp-DPI: Helicobacter pylori Database of   volume 36, number 2008 Web application Issue, pages W438-W443,
 鍵的蛋白質,進而協助新型藥物的開發與治療技術的突破。  tives	of	our	work	are	to	improve	understanding	of	the	puzzle	during	development	  Protein Interactomes, A Combined Experimental and Inferring Inter-  July 2008 ( (SCI/6.94)
 stage,	carcinogenesis	and	infectious	mechanism,	and	to	furthermore	introduce	a	  actions,” Bioinformatics, volume 21, pages 1288-1290, April 2005,   14.  Chen, S.H., Su,S. Y., Lo, C. Z., Huang, T. J., Kuo, B. H., Lin, C. Y.*,
 (2)在生物資訊加值資料庫與應用系統之建置方面:   new	paradigm	for	the	diagnosis	and	treatment	of	human	disease	to	revolutionize	  (SCI/ 6.701)(   “Phylogenetic reconstruction by Automatic Likelihood Model Selec-
 current	medical	services	delivered.	                                 tor (PALM) : A Framework for Phylogenetic Analysis with the Best
 Primer	Design	Assistant	(PDA)	(NAR,	2003,  6.   Pan W. H., Lynn K. S., Chen C. H., Wu Y. L., Lin C. Y., Chang H.Y.,
 tw/primer/),大規模	PCR	核酸引子設計線上輔助系統,截自  (2) Developing value-added databases and web applications for biomedical   “Using endophenotypes for pathway clusters to map complex disease   Substitution Model,” PLoS ONE, volume 4, number 12, pages e8116,
                                                                      December 2009,
 2010年三月,共有來自全球各地約十六萬人次上線使用,共  research communities   genes.,” Genetic Epidemiology, volume 30, number 2, pages 143-154,
 已處理超過八十八萬條序列,除了協助衛生署疾病管制局發  We	have	developed	several	web	applications	and	databases	related	to	bioinformat-  March 2006, (SCI/ 5.42)  15.  Chin, C. H., Chen, S. H., Ho, C. W., Ko, M. T.* Lin, C. Y.*, “A hub-
 展快速診斷試劑之外,相關的研究也取得多項專利。結合熱  ics	for	the	biomedical	research	community.	For	example,	the	web	application	Primer	  7.   Lin C.Y.* , Chen S. H., Cho C. S., Chen C. L., Lin F. K., Lin C. H.,   attachment based method to detect functional  modules from  confi-
                                                                      dence-scored protein interactions and expression profiles,” BMC Bio-
 力學與實驗室經驗,研究團隊也發展出一套可作為基因晶片  Design	 Assistant	 (PDA,	 can	 be	 helpful	 for	 large	  Chen P. Y., Lo C. Z., and Hsiung C.A., “Fly-DPI: Database of Protein   informatics, volume 11, number S1, pages S25, January 2010, http://
 與雜合探針設計的自動化流程,Unique	Probe	Selector	(UPS,	  scale	PCR	in	high	throughput	experiments,	such	as	microarray	experiments.	From	  Interactomes for D. melanogaster in the Approach of Systems Biol-,	 BMC	 Bioinformatics,	 2008)  July	2003	to	Oct	2008,	the	numbers	of	accumulated	website	visits	and	processed	  ogy.,” BMC Bioinformatics, volume 7, number 5, pages S18, Decem-  16.  Shiao, Y.M., Lee, C. C., Hsu, Y. H., Huang, S. F., Lin, C. Y., Li, L. H.,
                 ber 2006, (SCI/4.96) (URL:
 ,經實驗證實可提昇實驗精準度與減低雜訊,提供更穩定  sequences	were	more	than	160,000	and	880,000,	respectively.	In	addition	to	its	use	  Fann, C. S. J., Tsai, C. Y., Tsai, S. F., Chiu, H. C., “Ectopic and High
 可靠的基因表現概況。本研究室亦於2005年七月在	Nucleic	  by	research	groups,	PDA	has	been	used	to	develop	several	diagnostic	kits	and	get	  8.   Jiang S. S., Chang I. S., Huang L. W., Chen P. C., Wen C. C., Liu S.   CXCL13 Chemokine Expression in Myasthenia Gravis with Thymic
                 C., Chien L. C., Lin C. Y., Hsiung C. A., Juang J. L., “Temporal Tran-
 Acid	 Research,發表一個生物巨分子序列親源關係的分析  patents.	For	example,	in	2004,	the	Center	for	Disease	Control	(CDC),	Taiwan	used	  scription Program of Recombinant Autographa californica Multiple   Lymphoid Hyperplasia,” Journal of Neuroimmunology, March 2010,
 架構自動化平台,POWER:	PhylOgenetic	WEb	Repeater	-	An	  PDA	to	develop	a	rapid	diagnostic	kit	for	SARS.	Based	on	a	similar	idea,	we	have	  Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus.,” Journal of Virology, volume 80, pages   Collaborated works with wet lab teams in NHRI and YM University,
 integrated	and	user-optimized	framework	for	bio-molecular	  developed	 a	 platform	 called	“Unique	 Probe	 Selector”	 (UPS)	 (http://array.iis.sinica.  8989-8999, July 2006, (SCI/ 5.178)    Available online 11 March 2010.
 phylogenetic	 analysis	 (,獲多個生,	BMC	Bioinformatics	2008)	with	various	uses	in	hybridization,	such	as	  9.   Wen, C. C., Wu, Y. J., Huang, Y. H., Chen, W. C., Liu, S. C., Jiang, S.   17.  Leu, J. H., Chen, S. H., Wang, Y. B., Chen, Y. C., Su, S. Y., Lin, C. Y*.,
 物資訊網站推薦使用,如歐洲重要生物資訊網站	Expasy	將	  microarrays	and	blots.	Arrays	designed	by	UPS	were	validated	by	experiments	for	  S., Juang, J. L., Lin, C. Y., Fang, W. T., Hsiung, C. A., Chang, I. S., “A   Ho, J. M*., Lo, C. F*., “A review of the major penaeid shrimp EST
 POWER	列入	Life	Science	Directory	中。目前研究團隊已完成  specificity	and	sensitivity.	  Bayes Regression Approach to Array-CGH Data,” Statistical Applica-  studies and the construction of a shrimp transcriptome database based
                                                                      on the ESTs from four penaeid shrimp,” Marine Biotechnology, April
 新一代系統的開發,解決親源樹建置過程裡,最佳親緣演化  In	2005,	we	implemented	a	phylogenetic	platform,	called	POWER	(http://power.nhri.  tions in Genetics and Molecular Biology, volume 5, number 1, May   2010, Invited Review, ref website:
 統計模型選取的問題,並協助多個國際研究團隊,以簡明的  2006, (, (Medline In-,	Nucleic	Acid	Research,	2005),	for	topology	construction	and	visualization.	  dex)
              10.  Chang, C. C., Lin, H. C., Lin, I. P., Chang, T. Y., Chen, H. H., Chen,
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