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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

                                                                                                                                      	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(July	2002	-	March
                                                          施純傑 Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih                                                   2008)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Postdoctoral	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(Oct.	1998-	Mar.	2001	and
                                                                                                                                       Mar.	2002	-	July	2002)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Postdoctoral	Fellow,	Ecology	and	Evolution,	The	University	of	Chi-
                                                          副研究員 Associate Research Fellow                                               cago	(Apr.	2001	-	Feb.	2002)
                                                          Ph.D., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Central University
                                                          Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1719
                                                          Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

                                                       李文雄院士主持的	C4	稻米改造計畫,專注於尋找在	C3	和	C4	植物光合作用調                                     experiment	and	provided	strong	evidence	that	our	predicted	microRNA	  cardiac	hypertrophy.	Moreover,	we	have	joined	a	C4	rice	project,	hosted
                                                       控路徑中的重要因子。另外在研究微型核糖核酸的演化部分,我們剛發展一個                                            and	their	targets	are	indeed	the	direct	targets.	The	paper	has	been	pub-  by	Academician	Dr.	Wen-Hsiung	Li,	in	2010	and	focus	on	identifying	im-
                                                       具有生物意義的計算方法來尋找在演化距離甚遠的基因組中的同源微型核糖核                                            lished	in	PNAS	2008	and	highlighted	by	Nature	Biotechnology	and	Na-  portant	factors	involved	in	C3	and	C4	plant	photosynthesis	pathways.	In
                                                       酸。我們預期新的成果將會增加我們對於微RNA演化的瞭解。特別是在人類、                                           ture	SciBX	as	well.                                 the	study	of	microRNA	evolution,	we	have	been	developing	a	compu-
                                                       果蠅和線蟲間,微	RNA	擴增在基因調控演化中所扮演的角色。                                                                                                    tational	method	to	search	and	identify	homologous	miRNAs	in	distant
                                                                                                                                     Currently,	we	work	on	developing	a	systemic	approach	which	can	inte-  genomes.	We	expect	that	the	new	generated	data	can	provide	us	more
                                                                                                                                     grate	 high-throughput	 next	 generation	 sequencing	 and	 other	 experi-  details	on	how	the	role	of	miRNAs	in	gene	regulation	has	been	expanded
           研究簡介                                           Research Description                                                       mental	data	to	uncover	microRNA	regulatory	pathways	in	breast	cancer	  in	evolution,	especially	in	the	lineage	leading	to	human.
                                                                                                                                     metastasis,	B-cell	differentiation,	and	T-type	Ca 	channels	involved	in
        我的研究主題包含生物資訊和生物問題的探討兩部分。                       My	 major	 research	 topics	 focus	 on	 bioinformatics	 and	 biological	 problem	 study.
        目前的研究工作,不僅是在發展生物資訊的工具和方法                       What	I	have	been	doing	is	to	develop	useful	bioinformatics	tools	and	novel	meth-
        論,提供生物學家使用,同時也參與研究生物方面的                        odologies	not	only	for	service	to	a	wide	range	of	biologists	but	also	for	ourselves
        重要議題。在生物資訊工具的開發,在2006、2007和                    to	study	important	biological	problems	as	well	as	to	answer	interesting	biological	  代表著作 Publications
        2009我們分別已經發展兩個視覺化的工具	(SinicView	和              questions.	Although	I	am	a	computer	scientist	by	training,	I	firmly	believe	that	stud-
        Phylo-mLogo),提供比較基因體學和流感病毒演化等相                 ying	biological	problems	and	questions	through	collaboration	with	biologists	can	  Bioinformatics or biological journals          10.  Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih and Wen-Hsiung Li (2003). GS-Aligner: a
        關研究使用和一個可以用來排整重組過的基因序列演算                       definitely	enhance	our	understanding	of	what	problems	and	questions	are	impor-                                                        novel tool for aligning genomic sequences using bit-level operations.
        法及工具	(GR-Aligner)。因為	Phylo-mLogo	可以協助使用        tant	and	interesting	to	the	biology	community	and	what	kinds	of	new	bioinformat-  1.   Te-Chin Chu, Tsunglin Liu, D.T. Lee, Greg C. Lee, and Arthur Chun-  Molecular Biology and Evolution 20, 1299-1309.
        者比較和分析大數量序列間單點突變在不同的子集間的                       ics	tools	are	urgently	needed	for	biologists.	                                   Chieh Shih* (2009). GR-Aligner: an algorithm for aligning pairwise
                                                                                                                                        genomic sequences containing rearrangement events. Bioinformatics
        差異,這個工具已經成為在台灣疾病管制局的專家,用                                                                                                        25, 2188-2193.                                   Computer Science Journals
        來檢驗	WHO	所推薦的流感疫苗株在台灣及世界各地流                     In	the	bioinformatics	tool	development	in	2006,	2007,	and	2009,	we	have	developed
        行的病毒株是否有差異,對於下一個流感流行季節的流                       two	visualization	tools,	SinicView	and	Phylo-mLogo,	for	the	usage	of	comparative	  2.   Li-Ching  Hsieh1,  Shu-I  Lin,  Arthur  Chun-Chieh  Shih,  June-Wei   11.  Jung-Shiong Chang, Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, Hsiao-Rong Tyan and
                                                                                                                                        Chen, Wei-Yi Lin, Ching-Ying Tseng, Su-Fen Chiang, Wen-Hsiung
        行病毒群是否會繼續有效等問題。                                genomics	and	influenza	virus	evolution	and	an	alignment	tool,	GR-Aligner,	for	align-  Li, and Tzyy-Jen Chiou (2009). Uncovering small RNA-mediated re-  Wen-Hsien Fang (2009). Principal Component Analysis-based Mesh
                                                                                                                                                                                             Decomposition. Journal of Information Science and Engineering 25,
                                                       ing	pairwise	genomic	sequences	containing	rearrangement	events.	Because	Phylo-   sponses to phosphate deficiency in Arabidopsis by deep sequencing.   971-987.
        在研究生物問題方面,我主要有興趣的課題不只在分子                                                                                                        Plant Physiology 151, 2120-2132.
        演化相關議題,包含流感病毒的演化、植物粒腺體及葉                       mLogo	can	assist	users	to	compare	and	visualize	the	changes	of	polymorphisms	and	                                                 12.  Yu-Ming Liang, Sheng-Wen Shih, Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, Hong-
        綠素演化、和微型核糖核酸	(microRNAs)	演化問題,而                indel	events	across	different	clades	or	subtypes	in	the	alignment	of	a	large	number	  3.   Yao-Ming Chang, Hsueh-Fen Juan, Tzu-Ying Lee, Ya-Ya Chang, Yao-  Yuan  Mark  Liao,  and  Cheng-Chung  Lin  (2009).  Learning Atomic
                                                                                                                                        Ming Yeh, Wen-Hsiung Li*, and Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih* (2008).
        且也在功能基因學和基因體學的相關議題,這部分包                        of	sequences,	this	tool	has	become	one	of	the	major	tools	for	the	CDC	(Center	for	  Prediction  of  human  miRNAs  using  tissue-selective  motifs  in  3’   Human Actions Using Variable-length Markov Model. IEEE Trans-
        含:微型核糖核酸和其目標基因在癌症和心臟調控路徑                       Disease	Control,	Taiwan)	specialists	to	examine	whether	the	recommended	vaccine	  UTRs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 105,   actions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 39,
        的預測、新一代短	 RNA	 定序分析和生質能及植物光合                   strains	currently	in	Taiwan	and	worldwide	circulation	will	continue	to	dominate	in	  17061-17066.
        作用路徑的預測。與我們合作的學者來自中研院基因體                       the	next	epidemic	season	in	maintaining	its	effectiveness.                    4.   Shu-Miaw Chaw, Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, Daryi Wang, Yu-Wei Wu,   13.  Arthur  Chun-Chieh  Shih,  Hong-Yaun  Mark  Liao,  and  Chun-Shieh
                                                                                                                                                                                             Lu  (2003).  Dyadic Wavelet-based  Nonlinear  Conduction  Equation:
        中心、生物多樣性中心及生醫所和國內其他大學。我們                       In	the	study	of	biological	problems,	the	major	topics	I	am	interested	not	only	in	  Shu-Mei Liu, and The-Yuan Chou (2008). The mitochondrial genome   Theory  and Applications.  IEEE  Transactions  on  Image  Processing
        已經發表一些生物方面的國際期刊。下述兩個重要的發                       molecular	evolution,	including	influenza	virus	evolution,	plant	mitochondria	and	  of  the  gymnosperm  Cycas  taitungensis  contains  a  novel  family  of   12, 466-476.
        現結果:                                                                                                                            short interspersed elements, Bpu sequences, and abundant RNA edit-
                                                       chloroplast	evolution,	and	microRNA	evolution,	but	also	in	functional	genetics	and	  ing sites. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25, 603-615.
        在流感病毒演化的問題,我們利用群體基因學的概念發                       genomics,	including	microRNAs	and	their	regulatory	pathway	prediction	in	cancer	                                                  (Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih is as known as Chun-Chieh Shih and Chwen-Jye
        展一個新的計算的方法,分析許多	H3N2	HA1	的序列,                  and	 cardiac	 diseases,	 next-generation	 small	 RNA	 sequencing	 analysis,	 and	 plant	  5.   Chi-Fang Chin, Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, and Kuo-Chin Fan (2007).   Sze)
                                                                                                                                        Influence of mRNA decay rates on the computational prediction of
        發現正向天擇的影響是一直持續不斷的,而非分散的;                       photosynthesis	regulatory	pathway	prediction.	The	collaborators	are	from	different	  transcription rate profiles from gene expression profiles. Journal of   14.  Lian-Hua  Chen,  Chih-Wen  Su,  Hong-Yuan  Liao,  and  Chun-Chieh
        在抗原位點的正向多重突變的累積增強抗原的飄移顯                        institutes	of	life	science	division	in	Academia	Sinica,	including	Genomics	Research	  Biosciences 32, 1251-1262.                      Shih  (2003).  On  the  Preview  of  Digital  Movies.  Journal  of  Visual
        示,抗原的變化並不像來其他文獻提到是間斷式的變                        Center,	Biodiversity	Research	Center,	and	Institute	of	Biomedical	Science,	and	other	  6.   Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, Tze-Chang Shiao, Mei-Shang Ho, and Wen-  Communication and Image Representation 14, 358-368.
        化。我們已經將研究成果發表在2007年的美國國家科學                     domestic	universities.	We	have	published	several	journal	papers	in	biology.	Two	ma-  Hsiung Li (2007). Simultaneous amino acid substitutions at antigenic   15.  C. H. Wang, H. C. Lin, C. C. Shih, H. R. Tyan, C. F. Lin, and H. Y.
        院期刊	(PNAS)。另外微型核糖核酸在基因後轉譯調控及                   jor	biological	discoveries	are	described	below.                                  sites drive influenza A hemagglutinin evolution. Proceedings of the   Mark Liao (2003). Querying Image Database by Video Content. Jour-
        疾病上扮演相當重要的角色。我們利用先尋找可能的目                                                                                                        National Academy of Sciences U S A 104, 6283-6288.   nal of Information Science and Engineering 19, 967-987.
        標基因,然後來預測人類微型核糖核酸基因的概念,發                       Antigenic	drift	in	circulating	influenza	viruses	is	a	major	process	of	accumulating	  7.   Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, D.T. Lee, Chin-Lin Peng , and Yu-Wei Wu   16.  Chwen-Jye Sze, Hong-Yaun Mark Liao, and Kuo-Chin Fan (2001). A
        展一套「逆向尋找」的計算方法。在人類基因組中,我                       mutations	at	the	antibody	binding	sites	in	hemagglutinin	(HA)	that	evade	recog-  (2007). Phylo-mLogo: an interactive and hierarchical multiple-logo   New Image Flux Conduction Model and It’s Application to Selective
        們找到許多已知和未知的微型核糖核酸。而且利用實驗                       nition	by	host’s	antibodies.	In	2007,	we	have	introduced	a	new	approach	to	ana-  visualization tool for alignment of many sequences. BMC Bioinfor-  Image Smoothing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10, 296-
        的方式,證明我們一些預測的新微型核糖核酸真的會在                       lyze	the	HA	sequences	and	identified	many	substitutions	under	positive	selection.	  matics 8, 63.                                     306.
        細胞株表現,而且目標基因也和我們預測一致。這篇論                       Our	results	suggest	that	positive	selection	has	been	ongoing	most	of	the	time,	not	  8.   Daryi Wang, Yu-Wei Wu, Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, Chung-Shien Wu,   17.  Chwen-Jye Sze, Hong-Yaun Mark Liao, Hai-Lung Hung, Kuo-Chin
        文發表在	PNAS	2008	而且	Nature	Biotechnology	和	Nature	  sporadic,	and	antigenic	change	is	less	punctuated	than	recently	proposed.	We	have	  Ya-Nan Wang, Shu-Miaw Chaw (2007). Transfer of chloroplast ge-  Fan, and Jun-Wei Hsieh (1998). Multiscale Edge Detection on Range
        SciBX	也報導過我們發表的成果。                             published	these	results	in	Proceedings	of	the	National	Academy	of	Sciences	(PNAS)	  nomic DNA to mitochondrial genome occurred at least 300 MYA.   Images via Normal Changes. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Sys-
                                                                                                                                        Molecular Biology and Evolution 24, 2040-2048.
                                                                                                                                                                                             tems II, Special issue on Multirate Systems, Filter Banks, Wavelets,
        目前,我們正在發展一套系統化的方式,藉由整合新一                       2007.                                                                         9.   Arthur  Chun-Chieh  Shih,  D.T.  Lee,  Laurent  Lin,  Chin-Lin  Peng  ,   and Applications 45, 1087-1092.
        代高速定序短序和其他實驗資料,來尋找微型核糖核酸                       MicroRNAs	play	an	important	role	in	posttranscriptional	regulation	of	genes	and	  Shiang-Heng Chen, Yu-Wei Wu, Chun-Yi Wong, Meng-Yuan Chou,   18.  Chwen-Jye Sze, Hong-Yaun Mark Liao, Kuo-Chin Fan, Ming-Yang
        在乳癌轉移、B	細胞的分化和T型態鈣離子通道在心室肥                     diseases.	In	2008,	we	developed	a	novel	method	and	predicted	dozens	of	new	hu-   Tze-Chang Shiao, and Mu-Fen Hsieh (2006). SinicView: a visuali-  Chern,  and  Chen-Kuo  Tsao  (1996).  Fractal  image  coding  system
        大的調控路徑。除此之外在2010年,我們也開始參與由                                                                                                      zation environment for comparisons of multiple nucleotide sequence   based on an adaptive side-coupling quadtree structure. Image and Vi-
                                                       man	miRNA	genes.	Some	of	them	and	their	target	genes	have	been	validated	by
                                                                                                                                        alignment tools. BMC Bioinformatics 7, 103.          sion Computing 14, 401-415.
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