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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

                                                                                                                                      	 ● Director,	Computing	Center,	Academia	Sinica	(February	15,	2008-)  Taiwan	University	(1985)
                                                          徐讚昇 Tsan-sheng Hsu                                                          	 ● Research	Fellow,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	Academia	Sinica	  	 ƒ Managing	Editor,	Journal	of	Information	Science	and	Engineering
                                                                                                                                       (June	2003-)		                                       (January	2007-December	2009)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Deputy	Director,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	Academia	Sinica	  	 ƒ Associative	Editor,	Journal	of	Information	Science	and	Engineering
                                                                                                                                       (August	2002-June	2004)                              (August	2005-)
                                                          研究員 Research Fellow                                                         	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	  	 ƒ Academia	Sinica	Research	Award	for	Junior	Research	Investigators
                                                          Ph.D., Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin                      Academia	Sinica	(March	1997-June	2003)               (2003)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	Institute	of	Information	Science,
                                                          Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1701                                              Academia	Sinica	(October	1993-	March1997)
                                                          Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814                                                       	 ● Ph.D.,	Computer	Sciences,	University	of	Texas	at	Austin	(1993)
                                                          Email:                                              	 ● M.S.,	Computer	Sciences,	University	of	Texas	at	Austin	(1990)
                                                                                    	 ● B.S.,	Computer	Science	and	Information	Engineering,	National

                                                                                                                                     代表著作 Publications
                                                                                                                                     Selected Publicatons:                               16.  Tsan-sheng Hsu, Churn-Jung Liau, Da-Wai Wang and Jeremy K.-P.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Chen, Quantifying privacy leakage through answering database que-
           研究簡介                                           Research Description                                                       1.   Tsan-sheng Hsu and Vijaya Ramachandran, A linear time algorithm   ries, Proc. 5th Information Security Conference (ISC), Springer-Ver-
                                                                                                                                        for triconnectivity augmentation, Proc. 32  Annual IEEE Symp. on
                                                                                                                                                                                             lag LNCS# 2433, pages 162-175, 2002.
                                                                                                                                        Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), pages 548-559, 1991.
        我目前的研究工作,著重在圖論基礎性質及相關應用的                       My	current	work	concerns	graph	theory	and	its	applications,	the	design,	analysis,	  2.   Tsan-sheng Hsu and Vijaya Ramachandran, on finding a smallest aug-  17.  Tsan-sheng  Hsu,  Simpler  and  faster  biconnectivity  augmentation,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Journal of Algorithms, volume 45, number 1, pages 55-71, 2002.
        研究、演算法的設計、分析、實作與效率評估和巨量資                       implementation	 and	 performance	 evaluation	 of	 algorithms,	 and	 data-intensive	  mentation to biconnect a graph, SIAM J. on Computing, Vol. 22, pages
        料的運算與管理。                                       computation.                                                                     889-912, 1993.                                   18.  Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ping-Yi Liu, Verification of endgame databases,
                                                                                                                                                                                             International Computer Game Association (ICGA) Journal, volume
        在圖論方面,眾所皆知圖可以解決許多實際應用問題,                       Graph theory and its applications:                                            3.   Tsan-sheng  Hsu,  Vijaya  Ramachandran,  and  Nathaniel  Dean,  Im-  25, number 3, pages 132-144, 2002.
                                                                                                                                        plementation of parallel graph algorithms on the MasPar, DIMACS
        而且也是從事很多理論研究的工具。我們通常先由基礎                       Graphs	model	many	important	applications	and	are	also	tools	to	solve	many	other	  Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,   19.  Yu-cheng Chiang, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Sun Kuo, Churn-Jung Liau and
        圖論性質的研究著手,然後藉由新性質的發現,設計高                       theoretical	problems.		We	often	start	with	probing	fundamental	theoretical	prob-  volume 15, pages 165-198, American Mathematical Society, 1994.  Dai-Wei Wang, Preserving confidentiality when sharing medical da-
                                                                                                                                                                                             tabase  with  the  Cellsecu  system,  International  Journal  of  Medical
        效率演算,再進一步探討理論突破後,可能有的應用價                       lems	such	as	the	structures	of	graphs	with	certain	properties.	With	these	properties,	  4.   Tsan-sheng Hsu and Vijaya Ramachandran, Efficient massively par-  Informatics, volume 71, pages 17-23, 2003.
        值。舉例而言,現階段研究課題之一為網路增強問題。                       we	then	usually	design	efficient	algorithms	and	solve	applications.		One	example	we	  allel implementation of some combinatorial algorithms, Theoretical   20.  Da-Wai Wang, Churn-Jung Liau and Tsan-sheng Hsu, Medical pri-
                                                                                                                                        Computer Science, volume 162, pages 297-322, 1996.
        在此我們想要在一現存的圖中加入最少的邊,使得圖上                       are	working	on	is	the	graph	connectivity	augmentation	problem.		In	this	problem,	                                                     vacy protection based on granular computing, Artificial Intelligence
        的連接度增高。這一個問題理論上的突破,可以用以解                       a	minimum	set	of	edges	are	required	to	add	to	a	graph	such	that	the	connectivity	  5.   Tsan-sheng Hsu and Dian Rae Lopez, Bounds and algorithms for a   in Medicine (AIM), volume 32, number 2, pages 137-149, 2004.
        決包含設計可靠網路、統計表格保密及繪製平面圖在內                       of	the	resulting	graph	increases.		This	problem	has	applications	on	many	problems,	  practical task allocation model, Proc. 7  International Symposium on   21.  Yi-Ting  Chiang,  Da-Wei  Wang,  Churn-Jung  Liau  and  Tsan-sheng
                                                                                                                                        Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), pages 397-406, 1996.
                                                       such	as	the	design	of	reliable	networks,	the	security	of	statistical	tables	and	the
        的許多應用。                                                                                                                                                                               Hsu,  Secrecy  of  two-party  secure  computation,  Proc.  19   Annual
                                                       drawing	of	planar	graphs.                                                     6.   Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ming-Yang Kao, Optimal augmentation for bi-  IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Secu-
        在演算法的設計、分析、實作和效率評估方面,演算法                       Design, analysis, implementation and performance evaluation of algorithms:       partite componentwise biconnectivity in linear time, Proc. 7  Inter-  rity, Springer-Verlag LNCS#3654, pages 114-123, 2005.
        為計算機科學的核心。我們有興趣進行和演算法相關的                                                                                                        national Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), pages   22.  Tsan-sheng  Hsu,  Kuo-Hui  Tsai,  Da-Wei  Wang  and  D.T.  Lee,  Two
                                                                                                                                        213-222, 1996.
        所有層面研究。其中包含設計有效率的演算法及其分                        Algorithm	is	one	of	the	cores	of	computer	sciences.		We	are	interested	in	all	aspects	  7.   Tsan-sheng Hsu, Vijaya Ramachandran, and Nathaniel Dean, Paral-  variations of the minimum Steiner problem, Journal of Combinato-
        析、解決實際應用問題的演算法實作。我們對循序、平                       of	researches	in	algorithms	which	include	finding	new	algorithms	for	interesting	 	  lel implementation of algorithms for finding connected components,   rial Optimization, volume 9, pages 101-120, 2005.
                                                       problems	and	designing	efficient	implementations	to	solve	real-world	applications.
        行和分散演算法的研究都有興趣。                                                                                                                 DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer   23.  Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ming-Yang Kao, Optimal augmentation for bi-
                                                       We	are	interested	in	both	sequential,	parallel	and	distributed	algorithms.       Science, volume 30, pages 23-41, American Mathematical Society,   partite componentwise biconnectivity in linear time, SIAM Journal on
        在巨量資料的運算與管理方面,由於網路及電腦計算和                       Data-intensive computation:                                                      1997.                                                Discrete Mathematics, volume 19, number 2, pages 345-362, 2005.
        儲存技術的日新月異,有越來越大量的資訊可以線上取                                                                                                     8.   Lisa Hollermann, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Dian Rae Lopez, and Keith Ver-  24.  Ping-hsun Wu, Ping-Yi Liu and Tsan-sheng Hsu, An external-memory
        得,如何善用這些巨量資料成為最新的研究課題。現階                       With	the	rapid	development	of	computer	and	communication	technology,	it	has	     tanen, Scheduling problems in a practical allocation model, Journal   retrograde analysis algorithm, Proc. 4  International Conference on
        段研究課題包含資料隱私保護、大型社會網路計算及電                       become	much	easier	to	access	or	store	massive	amounts	of	data	electronically.	We	  of Combinatorial Optimization, volume 1, number 2, Pages 129-149,   Computers  and  Games  (CG),  Springer-Verlag  LNCS#3846,  pages
                                                                                                                                                                                             145-160, 2006.
        腦象棋。在隱私保護上,由於科技日新月異,大量資料                       are	interested	in	the	research	problems	concerning	efficient	usage	of	massive	data	  1997.
        以電子方式儲存,可以快速取用。雖然便利但產生許多                       which	include	data	privacy,	issues	in	large	scale	social	networks	and	computer	Chi-  9.   Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ming-Yang Kao, Security problems for statistical   25.  Cho-chin Lin, Da-Wei Wang and Tsan-sheng Hsu, Bounds on the cli-
                                                       nese	chess.		In	data	privacy,	there	seems	to	be	a	problem	in	mining	massive	on-line
                                                                                                                                                                                             ent-server incremental computing, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, 2006,
        隱私洩露的疑慮。為了在公眾利益和個人隱私這兩難中                       data	for	the	public	goods	for	fear	of	privacy	leakage.	In	view	of	this,	we	are	develop-  databases with general cell suppressions, Proc. 9  International Con-  volume E89-A, number 5, pages 1198-1206, 2006.
                                                                                                                                        ference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM),
        取得平衡我們目前的研究重點在設計基本的理論架構,                       ing	formal	models	for	privacy	protection	and	pricing	mechanisms	for	privacy	leak-  pages 155-164, 1997.                           26.  Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, Tsan-sheng Hsu, and Jeremy K.-P.
        希望能精確的定義隱私,也希望能以計價的方式討論隱                       age.		We	also	wish	to	find	efficient	algorithms	for	checking	and	preventing	privacy	  10.  Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ming-Yang Kao, A unifying augmentation algo-  Chen, “Value and Damage of Information: A Data Security Perspec-
        私的價值。最後希望能發展快速的演算法檢查公開資料                       leakage.		In	large	scale	social	network,	we	wish	to	study	various	issues	which	include	  rithm for two-edge connectivity and biconnectivity, Journal of Com-  tive,” International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, pages 179-
        中可能的隱私洩漏及設計補救措施。在大型社會網路計                       efficient	simulation	and	dynamic	processing	of	social	networks.	In	computer	Chi-  binatorial Optimization, volume 2, pages 237-256, 1998.   201, 2006.
        算上,我們希望解決一些大型社會網路模型中的高效率                       nese	chess,	we	study	memory-efficient	algorithms	for	constructing	huge	endgame	  11.  Tsan-sheng Hsu and Dian Rae Lopez, Executing divisible jobs on a   27.  Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “An Epistemic
        模擬計算,以及動態維護大型社會網路等相關研究問                        database,	efficient	algorithms	for	using	these	databases	in	computer	Chinese	chess	  network with a fixed number of processors (extended abstract), Proc.   Framework for Privacy Protection in Database Linking,” Data and
                                                                                                                                                                                             Knowledge Engineering, pages 176-205, 2007.
        題。再另一個研究課題則是電腦象棋。這包括如何在記                       programs,	and	computer	models	to	check	Chinese	chess	tie-breaking	rules.		It	is	  4  International Computing and Combinatorics Conf. (COCOON),
        憶體不足的狀況下,快速產生巨量象棋殘局資料庫、如                       worth	while	noting	that	our	researches	in	massive	data	often	benefits	from	results	  pages 241-250, 1998.                         28.  Bo-Nian  Chen  and  Pangfeng  Liu  and  Shun-Chin  Hsu  and  Tsan-
                                                       obtained	from	our	studies	in	graph	theory	and	algorithm.                      12.  Fred S. Annexstein, Kenneth A. Berman, Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ram   sheng Hsu, “Knowledge Inferencing on Chinese Chess Endgames,”
                                                                                                                                        Swaminathan, A multi-tree generating routing scheme using acyclic   Proceedings of the 6  International Conference on Computers and
                                                                                                                                        orientations, Theoretical Computer Science, volume 240, number 2,   Games (CG), Springer-Verlag LNCS# 5131, pages 180-191, 2008.
                                                                                                                                        pages 487-494, 2000.                             29.  Pei-Chi Huang, Hsin-Wen Wei, Wan-Chen Lu, Wei-Kuan Shih and
                                                                                                                                     13.  Tsan-sheng Hsu, On four-connecting a triconnected graph, Journal of   Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Smallest Bipartite Bridge-connectivity Augmenta-
                                                                                                                                        Algorithms, volume 35, pages 202-234, 2000.          tion,” Algorithmica, volume 54, number 3, pages 353-378, 2009.
                                                                                                                                     14.  Tsan-sheng  Hsu,  Joseph  C.  Lee,  Dian  Rae  Lopez  and  William A.   30.  Pei-Chi Huang, Hsin-Wen Wei, Yen-Chiu Lu, Ming-Yang Kao, Wei-
                                                                                                                                        Royce, Task allocation on a network of processors, IEEE Transac-  Kuan Shih and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Two-Vertex Connectivity Augmen-
                                                                                                                                        tions on Computers, volume 49, number 12, pages 1339-1353, 2000.   tations for Graphs with a Partition Constraint (Extended Abstract),”
                                                                                                                                                                                             Proceedings of the 20  International Symposium on Algorithms and
                                                                                                                                     15.  Tsan-sheng Hsu, Churn-Jung Liau and Da-Wai Wang, A logical model   Computation  (ISAAC),  Springer-Verlag  LNCS#  5878,  pages  1195-
                                                                                                                                        for privacy protection, Proc. Information Security Conference (ISC),   1204, 2009.
                                                                                                                                        Springer-Verlag LNCS# 2200, pages 110-124, 2001.
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