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Research Laboratories  研究群


                                                  Network System

                                                                     and Service                                                      Laboratory

          Research Faculty
          Research Faculty

             Jan-Ming Ho               Ling-Jyh Chen            MengChang Chen            Sheng-Wei Chen                              Wen-Tsuen Chen           Tyng-Ruey Chuang          Jane W. S. Liu
             Research Fellow           Associate Research Fellow  Research Fellow         Associate Research Fellow                   Distinguished Research Fellow  Associate Research Fellow  Chair Research Fellow

               Group Profile

             In this Laboratory, our research address several aspects of net-  algorithms to support spatio-temporal data calculation using   use of data and information from inde-
             work systems and services, including improving wireless and   the compressed data directly. The results of our research have   pendent sources by independently de-
             delay-tolerant network protocols, leveraging human computa-  been implemented in two real-world networked sensing sys-   veloped applications and services and
             tion capabilities to address key challenges, developing critically   tems: One is a mission-critical sensor network, called Yushan-  can readily accommodate new informa-
             needed information and communication technologies for dis-  Net, for hiker tracking, search, and rescuing in Yushan National   tion sources and applications as needed                       Making the world a better
             aster management, and seeking solutions to network compu-  Park, and the other is a mobile phone sensing system, called   in response to unforeseen crisis situa-
             tational problems on providing large-scale financial risk man-  TPE-CMS, for comfort measurement of public transportation   tions. Our work is now supported by an                           place with innovations in
             agement services.                                   systems in the Taipei metropolitan area.                             Academia Sinica thematic project called
                                                                                                                                      OpenISDM (Open Information Systems for Disaster Management). The cur-  network, system and service
             Our work on wireless communication and networking focuses   Applications of human computation range from the exploita-   rent works by members of our laboratory include the development of smart
             on multi-hop wireless communication, mobility management   tion of unsolicited user contributions, such as using tags to aid   cyber-physical devices and applications as elements of disaster-prepared   technologies.
             and network forensics. We are developing techniques to pro-  understanding of the visual content of yet-unseen images, to   smart environment; strategies for crowdsourcing collection of sensor infor-
             vide end-to-end quality of service (QoS) guarantees for com-  utilizing crowdsourcing platforms and marketplaces (e.g.,  Ama-  mation to complement of data from in-situ physical sensors; methods and
             munication flows in wireless mesh networks. We are investigat-  zon’s Mechanical Turk) to micro-outsource to a large population   tools for reducing human efforts in collecting, validating and refining disas-
             ing several mobility and handover management schemes that   of workers  tasks such as  semantic video annotation. Further,   ter related information in social reports; methods and tools supporting com-
             support service at anytime and anywhere and have proposed   crowdsourcing offers a time- and resource-efficient method for   munication and computation infrastructures for gathering, caching, fusion
             architecture and protocols that support seamless handover for   collecting large input for system design or evaluation purposes.   and distribution of ubiquitous and heterogeneous real-time streaming sen-
             both terminal and network mobility. We also study the problem   We are applying crowdsourcing to optimize computer systems   sor data and information to response centers and individual responders and
             of detecting a slow attack by modeling outbound connection   more rapidly and to address human factors more effectively. In   volunteers during disasters; the exploitation of complementary merits of dif-
             attempts of a host as a time series and use spectral analysis to   the past few years, we have performed extensive studies on the   ferent network access technologies, approaches, and network types to make
             discover  recurrent  events  generated  by  the  potential  attack   performance of GWAP (Games with A Purpose) systems and de-  the physical connectivity as robust as possible during and after disasters.
             amid legitimate traffic.  The regularity of these attack attempts   signed a human computation game in order to collect diverse
             is preserved in the time series and can be observed in the fre-  user annotations efficiently. In addition, we have proposed a   We are also parsuevy in studying network computation problems on provid-
             quency domain.                                      cheat-proof framework that can be used to assess the quality         ing large-scale risk management services. Despite of the long history in the
                                                                 of experience provided by multimedia content effectively. We         development of economic and financial theories and practices in financial
             In addition, we study networked sensing systems with focuses   have found that crowdsourcing is indeed a powerful strategy   risk management, the “worldwide credit crisis” in 2008 had manifested the
             on energy efficiency and large-scale sensor data management.   that can draw collective intelligence for AI-hard problems. In   vulnerability of the current financial industry in tolerating risks. Several ex-
             We have developed an adaptive GPS scheduling algorithm to   the future, we will continue to study how to use crowdsourcing   amples show that even the three major rating agencies were unable to re-
             prolong the lifespan of GPS-enabled mobile sensors, and de-  well to overcome challenges in a variety of areas.          port major default events efficiently. In Enron’s bankruptcy case in 2001, its
             signed a context-aware duty cycle algorithm to adjust duty                                                               bonds had maintained “investment grade” ratings until five days before the
             cycles of GPS receivers and radio interfaces of mobile sensor   A disaster management information system (DMIS) facilitates   company declared bankruptcy. In Lehman Brother’s case in 2008, they still
             devices in accordance with surrounding contexts inferred by   the access, use and presentation of data and information by   received “investment grade” ratings on the morning they declared bankrupt-
                                              low-cost  sensors,  application systems and services that support decisions and         cy. The rating companies claim that their rating reports provide a long-term
                                              e.g., accelerometers   operations during all phases of disaster management. State-of-   perspective rather than providing an up-to-minute assessment. In rating
                                              and  thermometers.   the-art systems have several common limitations: They cannot       credit of a company, there are hundreds of firm-specific and macroeconomic
                                              We have proposed   make good use of information sources owned by businesses,            variables. There is no doubt that assessing credit risk in real-time is indeed
                                              a lightweight and   organization, communities, and so on during emergencies; do         a task with high computational complexity. Nevertheless, it is an important
                                              lossless data com-  not exploit synergistically information from networks of things     foundation of maintaining stability of the financial market. Complementary
                                              pression  algorithm   and crowd of people and are not sufficiently agile in response    to the research in economic and financial theories and practices in risk man-
                                              for spatio-temporal   to changes in disaster situation. We are collaborating with re-   agement, we aim at developing computing technologies based on cloud
                                              data, and designed   searchers in Institute of Earth Science and Center for Climate     computing framework towards provisioning of large-scale real-time financial
                                              a set of data query   Changes and Computer Science and Engineering faculty mem-         risk management services, including (1) real-time rating of company credit;
                                                                 bers from several leading universities in Taiwan and USA to de-      (2) real-time rating of personal credits; and (3) pricing and risk measures of
                                                                 velop an open framework for DMIS free of these limitations. A        financial products.
                                                                 system built within the framework can support the access and

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