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Research Faculty  研究人員

 副研究員      研究員
 王柏堯 Bow-Yaw Wang  王新民 Hsin-Min Wang

 Associate Research Fellow  Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania  Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext.1717              Fax: +886-2-2782-4814  Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1714        Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
 Email:  Email:

   ● Adjunct Associate Professor at National Taiwan University (2009-)    ● Adjunct Assistant Professor at National Taiwan University (2004-    ● Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2010 - )    ● B.S., EE, National Taiwan University (1989)
   ● Associate Research Fellow (2008-)  2009)    ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2002 – 2010)    ● Editorial board member, IJCLCLP (2004 - )
   ● Invited Professor at INRIA (2009-2011)    ● Assistant Research Fellow (2003-2008)    ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1996 - 2002)    ● Managing editor, Journal of Information Science and Engineer-
   ● Invited Associate Professor at Tsinghua University (2009-2010)    ● Postdoctoral Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1995 - 1996)  ing (2012 - )
              ● Ph.D., EE, National Taiwan University (1995)
 Research Description  Publications  Research Description       Publications

 My research interests include model checking, automata   1.  Yungbum Jung, Wonchan Lee, Bow-Yaw Wang, and Kwang-  My research interests include speech processing, natural   1.  Wei-Ho Tsai and Hsin-Min Wang, “Automatic singer recogni-

 theory, formal veri cation, and computational logic. For-  keun Yi. Predicate Generation for Learning-Based Quantifier-  language processing, multimedia information retrieval,   tion of popular music recordings via estimation and modeling

 mal veri cation is a mathematical and logical method that   Free Loop Invariant Inference. 17  International Conference   machine learning and pattern recognition. The research   of solo vocal  signals,”  IEEE  Trans. on Audio, Speech,  and
 checks properties about computer systems. Among sev-  on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of   goal is to develop methods for analyzing, extracting, rec-  Language Processing, 14(1), pp. 330-341, January 2006.
 Systems (TACAS ‘11). Saarbruecken, Germany. March 28 -

 eral techniques in formal veri cation, I am most interested   31, 2011.  ognizing, indexing, and retrieving information from audio   2.  Wei-Ho Tsai, Shih-Sian Cheng, and Hsin-Min Wang, “Auto-
 in model checking. Given a formal property and a system   2.  Yu-Fang Chen, Edmund M. Clarke, Azadeh Farzan, Fei He,   data, with the special emphasis on speech and music. In   matic speaker clustering using a voice characteristic reference
 description, a model checker veri es whether the system   Ming-Hsien Tsai, Yih-Kuen Tsay, Bow-Yaw Wang, and Lei   the  speech  area,  the  research  has  been  focused  mainly   space and maximum purity estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Au-

 description conforms to the property. The model check-  Zhu. Comparing Learning Algorithms in Automated Assume-  on speech recognition, speaker recognition, speaker   dio, Speech and Language Processing, 15(4), pp. 1461-1474,
                                                                   May 2007.
 ing  problem  in  general  is  computationally  hard.  I  have   Guarantee Reasoning. 4  International Symposium On Lev-  segmentation/clustering/diarization, spoken document

 been developing algorithms and heuristics to improve the   eraging  Applications  of  Formal  Methods,  Verification  and     3.  Yi-Hsiang Chao,  Wei-Ho  Tsai, Hsin-Min  Wang, and Ruei-
 Validation (ISOLA ‘10). Crete, Greece. 18 - 20 October, 2010.

 e ciency of model checking. In order to evaluate the ef-  3.  Yu-Fang  Chen,  Edmund  M. Clarke, Azadeh  Farzan,  Ming-  retrieval/summarization, etc.  The recent achievements   Chuan Chang, “Using kernel discriminant analysis to improve

                                                                   the characterization of the alternative hypothesis for speaker

 fectiveness of veri cation algorithms, I have implemented   Hsien Tsai, Yih-Kuen Tsay, and Bow-Yaw Wang. Automated   include a minimum-boundary-error-based discrimina-  verification,”  IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language

 the model checker OMOCHA.  The model checker sup-  Assume-Guarantee  Reasoning  through Implicit  Learning.   tive acoustic model training and decoding framework for   Processing, 16(8), pp. 1675-1684, November 2008.
 ports both BDD- and SAT-based algorithms. It is used as a   22nd International Conference on Computer Aided Verifica-  automatic phone segmentation, a novel characterization   4.  Hung-Ming Yu, Wei-Ho Tsai, and Hsin-Min Wang, “A query-

 research prototype system in the past.  tion (CAV ‘10). Edinburgh, UK. July 15 - July 19, 2010.   of the alternative hypothesis using kernel discriminant   by-singing system for retrieving karaoke music,” IEEE Trans.

 4.  Yungbum Jung, Soonho Kong, Bow-Yaw Wang, and Kwang-  analysis for likelihood ratio-based speaker veri cation, a   on Multimedia, 10(8), pp. 1626-1637, December 2008.
 Lately, I apply algorithmic learning to formal veri cation.   keun Yi. Deriving Invariants by Algorithmic Learning, Deci-  new divide-and-conquer framework for fast speaker seg-

 Consider the problem of loop invariant generation. A   sion Procedures, and Predicate Abstraction. 11th International   mentation and diarization, and a probabilistic generative   5.  Yi-Ting Chen, Berlin Chen, and Hsin-Min Wang, “A proba-

 pre-condition for a loop speci es the assumptions before   Conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract In-  bilistic  generative  framework  for  extractive  broadcast  news
 executing the loop; a post-condition for a loop speci es   terpretation (VMCAI ‘10). Madrid, Spain. January 17 - Janu-  framework for extractive spoken document summariza-  speech summarization,” IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and

 intended e ects after its execution. Given an annotated   ary 19, 2010.   tion. The ongoing research includes attribute-detection-  Language Processing, 17(1), pp.95-106, January 2009.

 loop, we want to compute a loop invariant to establish   5.  Yih-Kuen Tsay, Bow-Yaw Wang. Automated Compositional   based speech/language recognition, language modeling   6.  Shih-Sian Cheng, Hsin-Chia Fu, and Hsin-Min Wang, “Mod-

 the post-condition under the assumption of the pre-con-  Reasoning of Intuitionistically  Closed Regular Properties.   for speech recognition/document classi cation/informa-  el-based clustering  by probabilistic  self-organizing  maps,”
 International  Journal of Foundations of Computer Science.

 dition. If a person is asked to  nd a loop invariant, she is   20(4): 747-762 (2009).   tion retrieval, voice conversion, speech synthesis, etc. In   IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 20(5), pp. 805-826, May
 likely to test and rectify several candidates before one is   6.  Yih-Kuen  Tsay  and  Bow-Yaw  Wang. Automated  Composi-  the music area, the research has been focused mainly on
 found. In the setting of algorithmic learning, the person   tional  Reasoning of Intuitionistically  Closed Regular Prop-  vocal melody extraction, query by singing/humming, solo   7.  Shih-Sian Cheng, Hsin-Min Wang, and Hsin-Chia Fu, “BIC-
 is trying to “learn” a loop invariant from counterexamples.   erties . 13  International Conference on Implementation and   vocal modeling, music tag annotation, tag-based music   based speaker segmentation using divide-and-conquer strate-
                                                                   gies with application to speaker diarization,” IEEE Trans. on
 The learning-based loop invariant generation technique   Application of Autoamta (CIAA ‘08). San Francisco, USA.   information retrieval (MIR), etc. The recent achievements   Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 18(1), pp. 141-157,
 automates the process by deploying a learning algorithm   July 21-24, 2008.   include a novel cost-sensitive multi-label (CSML) learning   January 2010.
 instead of a person.  7.  Bow-Yaw  Wang.  Automatic  Derivation  of Compositional   framework for automatic music tagging, a novel query
 Rules in Automated Compositional Reasoning. 18  Interna-       8.  Chih-Yi Chiu, Hsin-Min Wang, and Chu-Song Chen, “Fast
 In compositional reasoning, algorithmic learning is ap-  tional Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR ‘07).   by multiple tags with multiple levels of preference (de-  min-hashing  indexing and robust spatio-temporal  matching
 plied to synthesize contextual assumptions. In this appli-  Lisbon, Portugal. September 3-8, 2007.   noted as an MTML query) scenario and a corresponding   for detecting video copies,” ACM Trans. on Multimedia Com-
 cation, a learning algorithm for Boolean functions infers a   8.  Ming-Hsien Tasi and Bow-Yaw Wang. Formalization of CTL*   tag cloud-based query interface for MIR. We have partici-  puting,  Communications  and  Applications, 6(2), 10: 1-23,
                                                                   March 2010.

 simple contextual assumption to reduce the cost of veri-  in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions. 11  Annual Asian   pated in the MIREX audio tag classi cation task since 2009

  cation. Since contextual assumptions can be succinctly   Computing Science Conference (ASIAN ‘06). Tokyo, Japan.   and achieved top performance.  The ongoing research   9.  Chih-Yi Chiu and Hsin-Min Wang, “Time-series linear search
 December 6-8, 2006.
 represented by Boolean functions, implicit learning can   9.  Bow-Yaw Wang. On the Satisfiability of Modular Arithmetic   includes continuous improving of our own technologies   for video copies based on compact signature manipulation and
                                                                   containment relation modeling,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and

 improve the capacity of formal veri cation in several hard-  Formulae. 4  Automated chnology for Verifi cation and Analy-  and systems, audio feature analysis, semantic visualiza-  Systems  for  Video  Technology,  20(11),  pp.  1603-1613,  No-
 ware examples.  sis. Beijing, China. October 2006.   tion of music tags, and vocal separation, so as to facilitate   vember 2010.
 10.  Bow-Yaw Wang. Modeling and Analyzing Applications with   the management and retrieval of a large music database.   10.  Hung-Yi Lo, Ju-Chiang Wang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Shou-De
 Domain-Specific Languages by Reflective Rewriting: a Case   The future research directions also include real-time music   Lin, “Cost-sensitive multi-label learning for audio tag anno-

 Study. 21  ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Dijon,   tagging and singing voice synthesis.  tation and retrieval,” IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 13(3), pp.
 France. April 23-27, 2006.                                        518-529, June 2011.
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