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Research Faculty  研究人員

                                                 研究員                                                                                  研究員
                                                        何建明 Jan-Ming Ho                                                                      吳真貞 Jan-Jan Wu

                                                 Research Fellow                                                                      Research Fellow
                                                 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University          Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University

                                                 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1803       Fax: +886-2-2782-4814                          Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1610      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
                                                 Email:                                                        Email:

                ● Director General, National Science Council, Division of Planning     ● Adjunct Professor, National Taiwan University, Dept. of Math-    ● Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2011-)    ● Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University (1995)
               and Evaluation, Taiwan (2004/8–2006/7)               ematics, Taiwan (1996/9–1997/6)                                      ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2001-2011)    ● M.S., CSIE, National Taiwan University (1987)
                ● Adjunct Professor, Tong-Hai University, Dept. of Computer Sci-    ● Adjunct Associate Professor, National Chung Cheng , University     ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1996-2001)    ● B.S., CSIE, National Taiwan University (1985)
               ence and Information Engineering, Taiwan (2002/9–present)   Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Taiwan (1991/2–1992/6)       ● Associate Software Engineer, Institute of Information Industry (1987-1989)
                ● Deputy Director, Academia Sinica, Institute of Information Sci-    ● Visiting, IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center, United States (1987/6–
               ence, Taiwan (2000/8–2003/7)                         1987/9, 1988/6–1988/9)
                                                                                                                                      Research Description                                Publications

             Research Description                                Publications                                                         My research interests include parallel and distributed   1.  Ding-Yong Hong, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pen-Chung Yew, Jan-Jan
                                                                                                                                      computing, cloud computing, and virtualization on mul-  Wu, Wei-Chung Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang, Yeh-
             Jan-Ming Ho received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engi-  1.  William W.Y. Hsu, Cheng-Yu Lu, Ming-Yang Kao, and Jan-    ticores. My research in cloud computing focuses on two   Ching Chung, “HQEMU: A Multithreaded and Retargetable
                                                                                                                                                                                              Dynamic Binary  Translator on Multicores,”  International
             neering and computer science from Northwestern Univer-  Ming Ho, “Pricing Discrete Asian Barrier Options on Lattic-      areas: cloud OS (Infrastructure as a Service) and cloud   Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO),
             sity in 1989. He received his B.S. in electrical engineering   es,” Proceedings IEEE Computational Intelligence for Finan-  databases. For cloud OS, we jointly develop a cloud OS   March 2012.
             from National Cheng Kung University in 1978 and his M.S.   cial Engineering and Economics, IEEE, March 2012.             prototype, Roystonea, with National  Taiwan University.   2.  Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu,  Chien-Min  Wang, Jan-Jan
                                                                                                                                      Roystonea provides dynamic provision, scheduling and
             at Institute of Electronics of National Chiao Tung Univer-  2.  Yi-Cheng Tsai, Zheng-Hui Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Yang    management of virtual machines, automatic scaling of    Wu, Ding-Yong Hong, Pen-Chung Yew and Wei-Chung Hsu,
                                                                                                                                                                                              “LnQ: Building High Performance Dynamic Binary Transla-
             sity in 1980. Dr. Ho joined the Institute of Information Sci-  Kao  and  Szu-Lang  Liao,  “Closed-  Form  Mortgage  Pricing   system resources for application service requirements,   tors with Existing Compiler Backends,” Proceedings of the
             ence, Academia Sinica as an associate research fellow in   Formula with Outstanding Principal  as Prepayment Value,”     and dynamic resource management for performance/        40  International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP),
                                                                     proceedings IEEE Computational Intelligence for Financial
             1989, and was promoted to research fellow in 1994. He   Engineering and Economics, IEEE, March 2012.                     energy tradeo . All these functionalities are implemented   September 2011.

             visited IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center in summer 1987                                                                as pluggable software components. Roystonea has been   3.  Chao-En Yen, Jyun-Shiung Yang, Pangfeng Liu and Jan-Jan
             and summer 1988, the Leonardo Fibonacci Institute for   3.  Yen-Chen Chen, Yun-Ching Chen, Wen-Dar Lin, Chung-Der        used to support production runs of several applications at   Wu, “Roystonea: A Cloud Computing System with Pluggable
                                                                     Hsiao, Hung-Wen Chiu, and Jan-Ming Ho, “Bio301: A Web-
             the Foundations of Computer Science, Italy, in summer   Based  EST Annotation  Pipeline  That  Facilitates  Functional   NTU.                                                    Component Architecture,” International Conference on Par-
                                                                                                                                                                                              allel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), December 2011.
             1992, and the Dagstuhl Seminar on Applied Combinato-    Comparison  Studies,”  ISRN  Bioinformatics,  volume  2012,      With the growth of data size in many application domains,
             rial Methods in VLSI/CAD, Germany, in 1993. In 2004-2006,   pages 5, January 2012.                                       the needs for data management systems are continuously   4.  Meng-Ju Hsieh, Chao-Rui Chang, Li-Yung Ho, Jan-Jan Wu,
                                                                                                                                                                                              “SQLMR: A scalable database management system for cloud
             he had served as Director General of the Division of Plan-  4.  Chien-Chih Chen, Kai-Hsiang Yang, Chuen-Liang Chen and   increasing. We develop a data management system for     computing,”  the  40  International  Conference  on Parallel
             ning and Evaluation, National Science Council.          Jan-Ming Ho, “BibPro: A Citation Parser Based on Sequence        cloud, named SQLMR. SQLMR compiles SQL queries to a     Processing (ICPP), pages 315-324, September 2011.
                                                                     Alignment,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge  and Data                                                                 5.  Li-Yung Ho, Jan-Jan  Wu, P. Liu, “Optimal Algorithms for
             His research interests cover the integration of theory and   Engineering, volume 24, number 2, pages 236-250, January    sequence of MapReduce jobs. Existing SQL-based applica-  Cross-Rack Communication  Optimization  in MapReduce
             applications, including combinatorial optimization, infor-  2012.                                                        tions are compatible seamlessly with SQLMR and users can   Framework,” IEEE International Conference on Cloud Com-
             mation retrieval and extraction, multimedia network pro-  5.  Jen-Ming Chung, Chi-Jen Wu, Cheng-Yu Lu and Jan-Ming       manage Tera to PataByte scale of data with SQL queries.   puting (IEEE CLOUD), Washington DC, USA, July 2011.
             tocols and their applications, bioinformatics, open source,   Ho, “Using Web-Mining Approach for Scholar Measurement     Experiment results demonstrate both performance and   6.  Ching-Chi  Lin,  P. Liu,  Jan-Jan Wu, “Energy-Aware Virtual
             web services, and digital library and archive technologies.   and  Recommendation,” Proceedings  International  Confer-  scalability advantage of SQLMR compared to a number of   Machine Dynamic Provisioning and Scheduling for Cloud
                                                                                                                                      existing SQL/NoSQL data processing systems. Our future
             Dr. Ho has also published results in the  eld of VLSI/CAD   ence on Web Intelligence, IEEE/WIC/ACM, August 2011.         e ort will focus on cloud database virtualization. The goal   Computing,” IEEE International Conference on Cloud Com-

                                                                                                                                                                                              puting (IEEE CLOUD), pages 461-462,  Washington DC,
             physical design.                                    6.  Jen-Ming Chung, Cheng-Yu Lu and Jan-Ming Ho, “Auto-              is to enable applications with SQL queries to run on di er-  USA, July 2011.

             He has served as board member of several NPOs including   matic  English-Chinese Name Translation in Digital  Library    ent NoSQL platforms transparently and e ciently.    7.  Jan-Jan  Wu, Pangfeng Liu,  Yi-Chien Chung, “Metadata
             Institute of Information and Computing Machinery (IICM),   Management by Using Web-Mining and Phonetic Similarity,”      For multicore research, our research focuses on the core   Partitioning  for Large-Scale Distributed Storage Systems,”
                                                                     IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and In-
             Frontier Foundation, Taiwan, Y.T. Lee Foundation Science   tegration, August 2011.                                       technologies that support virtualization, particularly dy-  IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE
                                                                                                                                                                                              CLOUD), pages 212-219, Miami, USA, July 2010.
             Education for All,  WuSanLien Foundation on  Taiwanese                                                                   namic binary translation (DBT) and binary optimization   8.  H.-J. Chang, Jan-Jan Wu, P. Liu, “Job scheduling techniques
             History. He had served as President of IICM in 2007-2009   7.  Jiann-Horng Leu, Shu-Hwa Chen, Yu-Bin Wang, Yen-Chen      targeting multicore systems. Existing binary manipulation   for distributed systems with heterogeneous processor cardi-
                                                                     Chen, Sheng-Yao Su, Chung-Yen Lin*, Jan-Ming Ho, Chu-
             and President of Software Liberty Association  Taiwan   Fang Lo*, “A Review of the Major Penaeid Shrimp EST Stud-        techniques are for single-core platforms and with substan-  nality,” International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algo-
             (SLAT) in 2004-2008.                                    ies and the Construction of a Shrimp Transcriptome Database      tial runtime overhead. Our plan is to extend binary manip-  rithms and Networks (I-SPAN), December 2009 (Best Paper)
                                                                     Based on the ESTs from Four Penaeid Shrimp,” Marine Bio-         ulation techniques to multicore platforms. This is a much   9.  Jan-Jan  Wu, Shu-Fan Shih, Pangfeng Liu,  Yi-Min Chung,
                                                                     technology, volume 13, number 4, pages 608-21, August 2011.      harder problem as we need to deal with parallel applica-  “Optimizing Server Placement in Distributed Systems in the
                                                                                                                                      tions and with much more shared resources on multicore   Presence of Competition,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed
                                                                 8.  Chi-Jen  Wu, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Syan Chen, “Time-                                                                      Computing, volume 71, number 1, pages 62-76, January 2011.
                                                                     Critical  Event  Dissemination  in Geographically  Distributed   platforms. We are currently studying three important and
                                                                     Clouds,” IEEE INFOCOM Cloud Computing Workshop, April            new research subjects: DBT for multi-threaded parallel ap-  10.  Jan-Jan Wu, Yi-Fang Lin, Da-Wei Wang, Chien-Min Wang,
                                                                     2011.                                                            plications, client-server based DBT for cloud and mobile   “Optimizing  Server Placement  for Parallel  I/O in Switch-
                                                                                                                                      computing, and DBT for system virtualization.           Based Clusters,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Comput-
                                                                                                                                                                                              ing, volume 69, number 3, pages 266-281, March 2009.
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