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Research Faculty  研究人員

 研究員       研究員
   宋定懿 Ting-Yi Sung    李丕榮 PeiZong Lee

 Research Fellow  Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Operations Research, New York University  Ph.D., Computer Science, New York University

 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1711      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814  Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1812      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
 Email:  Email:

   ● Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2000~)    ● MBA, State University of New York at Buffalo (1983)    ● Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1998/1–present)
   ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1989~2000)    ● BS, Management Science, National Chiao Tung University (1980)    ● Associate Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1989/10–1998/1)
   ● Ten Outstanding Young Women Award (1998)
   ● Ph.D., Operations Research, New York University (1989)

 Research Description  Publications  Research Description       Publications

 My research interest is bioinformatics in proteomics, and   1.  Hsin-Nan Lin, Cédric Notredame, Jia-Ming Chang, Ting-Yi   My research interests are in compilers for scienti c appli-  1.  PeiZong Lee, Chih-Hsueh Yang, and Jeng-Renn Yang, “Fast

 speci cally,  protein  structure  prediction  and  mass  spec-  Sung,  Wen-Lian  Hsu, Improving  the alignment  quality  of   cations, parallel algorithm design, computer architectures,   Algorithms for Computing Self-Avoiding  Walks and Mesh

 trometry (MS)-based proteomics analysis.   consistency based aligners with an evaluation function using   and the interplay among architectures, algorithms, and   Intersections over Unstructured Meshes,” Advances in Engi-
 synonymous protein words, PLoS ONE, volume 6(12), pages           neering Software, volume 35, number 2, pages 61--73, Febru-

 In protein structure prediction area, we have developed   e27872, December 2011.  compilers. The challenge of implementing large scienti c   ary 2004, (Elsevier Science B. V.)
 methods for secondary structure prediction with high   2.  Allan  Lo,  Cheng-Wei  Cheng, Yi-Yuan  Chiu, Ting-Yi  Sung,   applications for current parallel computers is to handle   2.  PeiZong Lee and Wen-Yao Chen, “Generating Communica-
 performance. We further focused on prediction of mem-  Wen-Lian Hsu, TMPad: an integrated structural database for   data locality among memory hierarchies, so that to avoid   tion Sets of Array Assignment Statements  for Block-cyclic

 brane protein structures since membrane proteins are   helix-packing folds in transmembrane proteins, Nucleic Acids   memory con ict on shared memory parallel computers   Distribution on Distributed  Memory Parallel  Computers,”
                                                                   Parallel Computing, volume 28, number 9, pages 1329--1368,
 prominent drug targets and few of their structures have   Research, vol. 39, Suppl. 1 (Database issue), pp. D347-355,   and to avoid communication overhead on distributed   September 2002, (Elsevier Science B. V.)
 been experimentally determined due to experiment dif-  2011.   memory parallel computers. Compilers act as bridges con-  3.  PeiZong Lee and Zvi M. Kedem, “Automatic Data and Com-
  culties.  We have developed e cient methods for pre-  3.  Chih-Chiang  Tsou,  Chia-Feng  Tasi,  Ying-Hao Tsui,  Putty-  necting algorithms and architectures. I am interested in   putation  Decomposition  on Distributed  Memory Parallel

 dicting transmembrane helices and topology, helix-helix   Reddy Sudhir, Yi-Ting Wang, Yu-Ju Chen, Jeou-Yuan Chen,   studying this interdependence.   Computers,” ACM Transactions on Programming Languages
 interaction and contact, lipid exposure, rotational angles,   Ting-Yi Sung, Wen-Lian Hsu, IDEAL-Q: An automated tool   For running on distributed memory parallel computers, if   and Systems, volume 24, number 1, pages 1--50, January 2002.

 classi cation of transmembrane helices. We have also con-  for label-free quantitation analysis using an efficient peptide   a program does not use indirect memory accesses, such   4.  Chih-Hsueh Yang, PeiZong Lee, Yeh-Ching Chung, “Improv-

 structed a knowledge base for all known helix-helix inter-  alignment  approach  and  spectral  data  validation,  Molecular   as subscript array of arrays or pointers, compilers can  nd   ing Static Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous and Homogene-

                                                                   ous Computing Systems,” Proceeding International Confer-
 and Cellular Proteomics, vol. 9, no. 1, pages 131-144, 2010.
 actions in currently available structures. We will integrate   data dependence relations among statements and data   ence on Parallel Processing, Xi-An, China, September 2007.
 all of our prediction methods to further pursue tertiary   4.  Hsin-Nan Lin , Ching-Tai Chen , Ting-Yi Sung , Shinn-Ying   alignment relations among data arrays. Therefore, compil-  5.  Chih-Hung Hsu and PeiZong Lee, “Study of Flow Calcula-
 structure prediction of membrane proteins.   Ho and Wen-Lian Hsu, Protein subcellular localization predic-  ers have enough information to determine data distribu-  tions at All Speeds on Unstructured Grids,” Proceedings 14
 tion of eukaryotes using a knowledge-based approach, BMC          National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Nantou,
 Liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrome-  Bioinformatics, volume 10, Suppl. S15, pages S8, December   tion, execution scheduling, and the generation of commu-  Taiwan, August 2007.

 try has become a predominant technology for large-scale   2009.   nication code using e ective communication primitives.   6.  PeiZong  Lee,  Chih-Hsueh  Yang,  and  Jeng-Renn  Yang,
 proteomics research. The goal of MS-based proteomics is   5.  Allan Lo, Yi-Yuan Chiu, Einar Andreas Rødland, Ping-Chiang   However, if a program does use subscript array of arrays   “Repartitioning Unstructured Meshes for the Parallel Solution

 to identify di erentially expressed proteins in di erent cell   Lyu, Ting-Yi Sung, and Wen-Lian Hsu, Predicting helix-helix   or pointers to implement indirect memory accesses for   of Engine Combustion,” Supercomputing’2003, Phoenix, AZ,
 states, e.g., tumor vs normal cells. As we have developed a   interactions from residue contacts in membrane proteins, Bio-  irregular computation, compilers at the compiling time   November 2003.
 suite of automated tools for protein quantitation analysis,   informatics, volume 25(8), pages 996-1003, February 2009.   cannot determine neither data dependence relations nor   7.  PeiZong Lee, Chih-Hsueh Yang, and Jeng-Renn Yang, “Fast
 we have shifted our research focus to protein identi ca-  6.  Chih-Chiang Tsou, Yin-Hao Tsui, Yi-Hwa Yian, Yi-Ju Chen,   data alignment relations; if compilers only provide naïve   Algorithms for Computing Self-Avoiding  Walks and Mesh

                                                                   Intersections over Unstructured Meshes,” 16 AIAA Compu-
 tion. As reported in the literature, only a small portion, typ-  Han-Yin Yang, Chuan-Yih Yu, Ke-Shiuan Lynn, Yu-Ju Chen,   data distributions, generated code cannot avoid adopt-  tational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2003,
 ically about 30%, of all acquired spectra in an experiment   Ting-Yi Sung, and  Wen-Lian  Hsu, MaXIC-Q  Web: a fully   ing expensive communication primitives which de nitely   AIAA paper 2003-4125

 automated  web service using statistical and computational

 were identi ed by existing identi cation tools. Further-  methods for protein quantitation based on stable isotope labe-  lengthen the execution time and thus degrade the perfor-  8.  PeiZong Lee, Jan-Jan Wu, and Chih-Hao Chang, “Partitioning

 more, since current tools can identify even less modi ed   ling and LC-MS, Nucleic Acids Research, volume 37, Suppl 2   mance of parallel processing.  Unstructured Meshes for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
 proteins, we have worked on improving identi cation of   (Web Server issue), pages W661-W669, 2009.   To  understand  the  techniques  for  compiling  irregular   Parallel Computing Environments,” Proc. International Con-

 proteins with some types of modi cations, e.g., phospho-  7.  Jia-Ming Chang, Emily  Chia-Yu Su, Allan Lo, Hua-Sheng   computation, we analyze real code for scienti c computa-  ference on Parallel Processing, pages 315--322, Vancouver,

                                                                   British Columbia, August 2002.

 rylation, nitrosylation and biotinylation, and will tackle   Chiu,  Ting-Yi Sung, and  Wen-Lian Hsu,  PSLDoc: protein   tion, in which we have to conduct research into unstruc-

 more types of modi ed proteins. In addition to MS-based   subcellular  localization  prediction  based on gapped-dipep-  tured mesh generation; unstructured mesh partition;   9.  PeiZong  Lee,  Chih-Hao Chang, and Jan-Jan  Wu, “Parallel
                                                                   Implicit  Euler Solver on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
 proteomics, we are currently working on MS-based me-  tides and probabilistic latent semantic analysis, PROTEINS:   Computing  Environments,”  15   AIAA Computational  Fluid

 tabolomics to develop tools for quantitation and identi -  Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, volume 72, number   Euler equation and Navier- Stokes equation solvers for a   Dynamics Conference, Anaheim, CA., June 2001, AIAA pa-
 cation of metabolites.  2, pages 693-710, February 2008.  numerical wind tunnel platform, an engine combustion   per 2001-2588
           platform for computing reactive  ows; visualization; and   10.  PeiZong Lee, Chih-Hao Chang, and Maw-Jyi Chao, “A Paral-

           the challenge of using MPI on workstation/PC clusters to   lel Euler Solver on Unstructured Mesh,” Proc. ISCA 13  Inter-
           accelerate irregular computation.                       national Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
                                                                   Systems (PDCS-2000), pages 171--177, Las Vegas, Nevada,
                                                                   August 2000.
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