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Research Faculty  研究人員

                                                 研究員                                                                                  研究員
                                                        徐讚昇 Tsan-sheng Hsu                                                                   高明達 Ming-Tat Ko

                                                 Research Fellow                                                                      Research Fellow
                                                 Ph.D., Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin                              Ph.D., Computer Science, National Tsing-Hua University

                                                 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1701      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814                           Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1821      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
                                                 Email:                                                       Email:

                ● Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2003-)      ● Ph.D., Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin (1993)    ● Ph. D., Computer Science, National Tsing-Hua University  (1988)  Technology (Feb. 1998 – July 1998)
                ● Director, Computing Center, Academia Sinica (2008-2010)    ● M.S., Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin (1990)    ● M. S.  Mathematics, National Taiwan University (1982)    ● Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Fu-Jen Catholic
                ● Deputy Director, IIS, Academia Sinica (2002-2004)    ● B.S., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National     ● B. S.  Mathematics, National Taiwan University (1979)  University (Aug. 1994 – July 1996)
                ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1997-2003)  Taiwan University (1985)                                  ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1988 – 2000)    ● Associate Professor, Department of Information Education, Na-
                ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1993- 1997)                                                           ● Associate Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and   tional Taiwan Normal University (Feb. 1989 – July 1989)
             Research Description                                Publications                                                         Research Description                                Publications

             My current work concerns graph theory and its applica-  1.  Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, Tsan-sheng Hsu, and Jeremy     My research interest is in the design and analysis of algo-  1.  Yue-Li Wang, Cheng-Ju Hsu, Jia-Jie Liu, Ming-Tat Ko, Fu-
             tions, the design, analysis, implementation and perfor-  K.-P. Chen, “Value and Damage of Information: A Data Secu-      rithms and graph theory with application to the real-world   Hsing  Wang, “The  Composition  Problem and Its  Applica-
             mance evaluation of algorithms, and data-intensive com-  rity Perspective,” International Journal of Approximate Rea-    problems.  The algorithm research has been on the theo-  tions,” To Appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers.
             puting.                                                 soning, pages 179-201, 2006.                                     retical  problems,  such  as  facility  location  problem,  geo-  2.  Chia-Hao Chin, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Chung-Yen

             Graph theory and its applications:                  2.  Da-Wei Wang, Churn-Jung Liau, and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “An            metrical network design, and optimization problems on   Lin,  “A hub-attachment  based  method  to  detect  functional
                                                                     Epistemic  Framework for Privacy Protection  in Database         special graphs, with applications to VLSI design and multi-  modules from confidence-scored protein interactions and ex-

             Graphs model many important applications and are also   Linking,” Data and Knowledge Engineering, pages 176-205,                                                                 pression profiles,” BMC Bioinformatics, volume 11, number

             tools to solve many other theoretical problems.  We often   2007.                                                        media network design.                                   S1, pages S25, January 2010.
             start with probing fundamental theoretical problems such   3.  Pei-Chi Huang, Hsin-Wen  Wei,  Yen-Chiu Lu, Ming-Yang     Recently, my research interests focus on the algorithmic   3.  Lin, C. Y.*, Chin, C. H., Wu, H. H., Chen, S. H., Ho, C. W.,*
             as the structures of graphs with certain properties. With   Kao, Wei-Kuan Shih and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Two-Vertex Con-      problems  arisen  from  bioinformatics,  especially  on  phy-  Ko, M. T.*, “Hubba: Hub Objects Analyzer : A Framework of

             these properties, we then usually design e cient algo-  nectivity  Augmentations  for Graphs with a Partition  Con-      logeny construction and biological network analysis.  Over   Interactome Hubs Identification for Network Biology,” Nucle-

             rithms and solve applications. One important problem we   straint (Extended Abstract),” Proceedings of the 20  Interna-  past few years, we have studied a fundamental phylogeny   ic Acids Research, volume 36, number 2008 Web application

             are interested right now is e cient epidemic simulation.   tional Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC),       construction problem, the Steiner root problem that is to   Issue, pages W438-W443, July 2008.
                                                                     Springer-Verlag LNCS# 5878, pages 1195--1204, 2009.
             Design, analysis, implementation and performance                                                                          nd a phylogenetic tree such that its power contains the   4.  Hsin-Hung Chou, Ming-Tat Ko, Chin-Wen Ho, and Gen-Huey

             evaluation of algorithms:                           4.  Pei-Chi Huang, Hsin-Wen Wei, Wan-Chen Lu, Wei-Kuan Shih          given graph as an induced subgraph.  On the biological   Chen, “Node- Searching Problem on Block Graphs,” Discrete
                                                                     and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Smallest Bipartite Bridge-connectivity                                                              Applied Mathematics, volume 156, number 1, pages 55-75,
             Algorithm is one of the cores of computer sciences.  We are   Augmentation,”  Algorithmica,  volume  54,  number  3,  pages   network analysis, we have studied the topological char-  January 2008.
             interested in all aspects of researches in algorithms which   353-378, 2009.                                             acteristic of protein objects, such as essential proteins,

             include  nding new algorithms for interesting problems                                                                   protein functional module, in protein-protein interaction   5.  Maw-Shang Chang and Ming-Tat Ko and Hsueh-I Lu, “Linear

             and designing e cient implementations to solve real-  5.  I-Cheng  Wang, Chih-Hao Shen, Justin Zhan,  Tsan-sheng         networks of model organisms and tried to yield decent   Time Algorithms for Tree Root Problems,” Proceedings of 10

                                                                     Hsu, Churn-Jung Liau and Da-Wei Wang, “Towards Empiri-
                                                                                                                                                                                              Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT2006),
             world applications.  We are interested in both sequential,   cal Aspects of Secure Scalar Product,” IEEE Transactions on   prediction methods for such protein objects.  The research   July 6-8, 2006, Riga, Latvia.
             parallel and distributed algorithms.                    Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Re-       interest is extended to analysis of large evolving networks
             Data-intensive computing:                               views, pages 440-447, 2009.                                      such as social networks, communication networks.    6.  Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Ming-Tat Ko, Jenn-Kang
                                                                                                                                                                                              Hwang, “Amino acid-coupling patterns in thermophilic pro-
             With the rapid development of computer and communi-  6.  Yen-Chiu  Chen,  Hsin-Wen  Wei,  Pei-Chi  Huang,  Wei-Kuan                                                              teins,” Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, vol.59, is-
             cation technology, it has become much easier to access or   Shih and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “The Bridge-connectivity Augmen-                                                            sue 1, April, 2005, pp. 58-63.
                                                                     tation with a General Partition Constraint,” Theoretical Com-
             store massive amounts of data electronically. We are inter-  puter Science, volume 411, pages 2878--2889, 2010.                                                              7.  Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ming-

             ested in the research problems concerning e cient com-                                                                                                                           Tat  Ko,  “Characterization  of  Efficiently  Solvable  Problems

             putation of massive data which include data privacy, is-  7.  Bo-Nian Chen, Bing-Jie Shen and  Tsan-sheng Hsu,  “Chi-                                                            on Distance-Hereditary Graphs,” SIAM Journal on Discrete
             sues in large scale social networks and classical computer   nese Dark Chess,” International Computer Game Association                                                           Mathematics, vol. 15, No. 4, 2002, pp. 488 – 518.
             games.  In data privacy, we are developing formal models   (ICGA) Journal, volume 33, number 2, pages 93-106, 2010.                                                          8.  Li-Fen Chen, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko, Ja-Chen
             and practical systems for privacy protection. We also wish   8.  M.-T. Tsai, T.-C. Chern, J.-H. Chung, C.-W. Hsueh, H.-S. Kuo,                                                   Lin and Gwo-Jong Yu, “A New LDA-based Face Recognition

             to  nd e cient algorithms for secure multi-party com-   C.-J. Liau, S. Riley, B.-J. Shen, D.-W. Wang, C.-h. Shen and                                                             System Which Can Solve the Small Sample Size Problem,”

             putation.  In large scale social network, we wish to study   Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Efficient Simulation of the Spatial Trans-                                                          Pattern Recognition, vol. 33, 2000, pp. 1713-1726.

             various issues which include e cient simulation and dy-  mission Dynamics of Influenza”, PLoS ONE , 5(11):e13292,                                                             9.  Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu,  Ming-Tat

             namic processing of social networks. In classical computer   2010.                                                                                                               Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, “A Faster Implementation of Parallel
             games, we study memory-e cient algorithms for solving   9.  Meng-Tsung Tsai and Tsan-sheng Hsu, “Scalable Space-effi-                                                             Tree Contraction Scheme and Its Applications on Distance-

             interesting games that may have applications.           cient Algorithms for Triangle Counting,” Proceedings of the                                                              Hereditary Graphs,” Journal of Algorithms, 35, 2000, pp. 50-
                                                                     Third Workshop on Massive Data Algorithmics (MASSIVE),                                                                   81.
                                                                     June 2011.
                                                                                                                                                                                          10.  Jen-Duo Liu, Ming-Tat Ko and Ruei-Chuan Chang, “A Simple
                                                                 10.  Bo-Nian Chen, Pangfeng Liu, Shun-Chin Hsu and Tsan-sheng                                                                Self-Collision Avoidance  for  Cloth Animation,”  Computers
                                                                     Hsu, “Aggregating Consistent Endgame Knowledge in Chi-                                                                   and Graphics, Vol. 22, No. 1, Feb., 1998, pp. 117-128.
                                                                     nese Chess”, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012, to appear.
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