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Research Faculty  研究人員

 研究員       研究員
   黃文良 Wen-Liang Hwang    楊柏因 Bo-Yin Yang

 Research Fellow  Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Computer Science, New York University  Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, MIT

 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1609      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814  Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1731      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
 Email:  Email:

   ● Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (since 2005-)    ● Ph.D. in Computer Science, New York University, U.S.A.(1993)    ● 1987 B.S., Physics, National Taiwan University    ● 2006 Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica
   ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1999-2005)    ● M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Polytechnique Institute of New York,     ● 1991 Ph.D., Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology    ● 2011 Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica
   ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1995-1999)  U.S.A.(1998)    ● 1992 Associate Professor of Mathematics, Tamkang University
   ● Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Mathematics, University     ● B.S. in Nuclear Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
 of California, Irvine (1993-1994)  (1981)
 Research Description  Publications  Research Description       Publications

 Dr. Hwang’s research areas are wavelet analysis, and signal   1.  Stephane Mallat and Wen-Liang Hwang, “Singularity Detec-  I am an applied cryptographer.  I am interested in E ec-  1.  F.-H. Liu, Y.-J. Huang, and B.-Y. Yang, Public-Key Cryptog-

 and image processing. As well as co-authoring one book   tion and Processing with  Wavelets”,  IEEE Transactions on   tive Crypto Algorithms (especially for Low-Resource and   raphy from New Multivariate Quadratic Assumptions, to ap-
 and contributing a chapter to another book, he has had   Information Theory, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 617-645, March 1992.  Pervasive Applications), Post-Quantum Cryptosystems,   pear at PKC 2012 and a volume of LNCS.
 several technical papers published in the leading journals   2.  Chun-Liang Tu, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Jinn Ho, “Analysis of   Algebraic Cryptanalysis, and other algorithmic aspects of   2.  D. J. Bernstein, N. Duif, T. Lange, *P. Schwabe, and B.-Y.
 and conferences, including twenty eight in IEEE Transac-  Singularities from Modulus Maxima of Complex Wavelets”,   Cryptology and Code Generation:  Yang,  High-speed  high-security  signatures,  CHES 2011,
 tions. Dr. Hwang is listed on the ISI Highly Cited Research   IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 51, no. 3, pp.   1.  E ective Crypto Algorithms: Embedded processors and   LNCS 6917, pp. 124-142. Full version to appear in the J. of

 List. In 2001, he received a national award for distinguished   1049-1062, March 2005.  microcontrollers are everywhere, working invisibly.  Se-  Cryptographic Engineering.
 junior researchers in Taiwan.  3.  Rene Carmona,  Wen-Liang  Hwang, and Bruno  Torresani,   curity and privacy becomes more pressing for this ubiq-  3.  P.-C. Kuo, M. Schneider, Ö. Dagdelen, J. Reichelt, J. Buch-

 Dr. Hwang’s main contributions to wavelet analysis are de-  “Practical  Time-Frequency  Analysis:  Gabor  and  Wavelet   uitous computer. RSA is simply too heavy-weight to  t   mann, C.-M. Cheng*, and B.-Y. Yang, Extreme Enumeration
             all occasions, and ECC is “in”.  On the other end, increas-
 veloping various application algorithms to detect singu-  Transforms with Implementation in S,” (Wavelet Analysis and   ing computing resources enables attack larger prob-  on GPU and in Clouds, CHES 2011 (ibid.), pp. 176-191.
 larities and instantaneous frequencies in signals and im-  its Applications, Vol. 9,) Academic Press, U.S.A.,1998.  lems for which e ciency is imperative.  Sometimes we   4.  C. Bouillaguet, H.-C. K. Chen, C.-M. Cheng, T. Chou, R. Nie-

 ages. Dr. Hwang’s other research achievements in the  eld   4.  Rene Carmona,  Wen-Liang  Hwang, and Bruno  Torresani,”   have to develop tools that produce fast assembly code.   derhagen, A. Shamir, and *B.-Y. Yang, Fast Exhaustive Search

 of wavelet analysis include texture and fractal analysis and   Characterization of Signals by the Ridges of Their Wavelet   We study topics ranging from restricted linear algebra,   for Polynomial Systems in GF(2), CHES 2010, LNCS 6225,
 wavelet coding algorithms.  Transforms,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.   cryptographical ASIPs and resource-limited arithmetic   pp. 203-218.
 45, no. 10, pp. 2586-2590, October 1997.  to faster arithmetic for e cient primitives and parallel-

 Dr. Hwang also studies various signal and image process-  ized cryptanalysis.  5.  *Y.-H. Lin, A. Studer, Y.-H. Chen, H.-C. Hsiao, E. L.-H. Kuo,
 ing techniques for data compression and single channel   5.  Rene Carmona,  Wen-Liang  Hwang, and Bruno  Torresani,   J. Lee, J. McCune, K.-H. Wang, M. Krohn, A. Perrig, B.-Y.
 signal separation. For data compression, Dr. Hwang has   “Multiridge Detection and Time-Frequency Reconstruction,”   2. Post-Quantum Cryptography: This is the study of cryp-  Yang, H.-M. Sun, and P.-L. Lin, SPATE: Small-group PKI-less
 applied the multi-objective optimization approach to   IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 47, no. 2, pp.   tography that resists the advent of Quantum Comput-  Authenticated  Trust Establishment, IEEE  Trans. on Mobile
 480-492, February 1999.
                                                                   Computing 9:12(2010), pp. 1666-1681 (SCI).  Invited as Best
 solve the bit allocation problems for scalable video co-  ers.  My team is a world leader in the research in MPKCs   Paper at MobiSys 2009.
 decs. With regard to the single channel signal separation   6.  Wen-Liang Hwang  and Stephane Mallat, “Characterization   (Multivariate Public-Key Cryptosystems).  We have pro-
 problem, he develops an operator-based approach that   of Self-Similar Multifractals with Wavelet Maxima,” Applied   posed several analysis and improvements in the design   6.  J. Ding and *B.-Y.  Yang, On Multivariate  Cryptosystems,
             of such primitives and generally advanced the under-
 can successfully extract local narrow band signals.  and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol. 1, no. 4, pp.316-  chapter  in  Post-Quantum  Cryptography, pp. 193-241, D. J.

 328, September 1994.  standing of the  eld in both theoretical and practical   Bernstein, J. Buchmann and E. Dahmen, eds., Springer 2009,
 Recently, Dr. Hwang is interested in structure derivation   viewpoints, including oninstances of EIP (Extended Iso-  ISBN: 978-3-540-88701-0.
 techniques include: (1) extracting 3D structural informa-  7.  Ming-Shing Su, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Kuo-Yourn Cheng,   morphism of Polynomials) and Multivariate Quadratic   7.  A. I.-T. Chen, M.-S. Chen, T.-R. Chen, C.-M. Cheng, J. Ding,
 “Analysis on Multiresolution Mosaic Images,” IEEE Transac-
 tion from a monocular image; and (2) obtaining the 3D   tions on Image Processing, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 952-959, July   problems.  MPKCs are faster at comparable design secu-  E. L.-H. Kuo, F. Y.-S. Lee, and *B.-Y. Yang, SSE Implementa-
 structure from multiple images of the same scene. The   2004.  rity because they operate on a vector of variables over   tion of Multivariate PKCs on Modern x86 CPUs, CHES 2009,

  rst approach is motived by the needs to derive 3D struc-  a small  eld which facilitates use in embedded systems   pp. 33-48, LNCS 5747.

 ture from the large amount of existing images captured by   8.  Jian-Liang  Lin  and  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  “Efficient  Scalable   and smart cards.
 conventional camera. The second approach is motivated   Video Coding Based on Matching Pursuits,” Edited  by S.   3. Algebraic Cryptanalysis:  We have made practical ad-  8.  D. J. Bernstein, T.-R. Chen, *C.-M. Cheng, T. Lange, and B.-
 Radhakrishnan, InTech - Open Access Publisher, April 2011.
                                                                   Y. Yang, ECM on Video Cards, Eurocrypt 2009, LNCS 5479,
 by the requirement in biological applications that the 3D   vances to system-solving, which is the key step behind   pp. 483-501.
 structure of a biological sample must be reconstructed   9.  Jengnan Tzeng, Wen-Liang Hwang, and I-Liang Chern, “An   algebraic cryptanalysis.  In particular we have estab-
 from images taken at the same view angle.  Dr. Hwang   Asymmetric Subspace Watermarking Method for Copyright   lished  practical  and  asymptotic  bounds  for  methods   9.  C.-H. O. Chen, C.-W. Chen, C. Kuo, Y.-H. Lai, J. McCune, A.
 also interests in developing applications by using sparse   Protection,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Supple-  including Gröbner Bases algorithms and the related XL   Perrig, *A. Studer, and B.-Y. Yang, GAnGS: Gather, Authen-
 representation and compressive sensing. He is using the   ment on Secure Media (Special Issue), vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 784-  (eXtended Linearization) method.  These have led to re-  ticate ‘n Group Securely, Proc. MobiCom 2008, pp. 92-103.
 approaches as well as the operator-based approach for   792, February 2005.  vised estimates for many “provable security” results.  10.  J. Ding, V. Dubois, *B.-Y. Yang, C.-H. O. Chen, and C.-M.
 problems induced by multi-channels data collection and   10.  Silong Peng and Wen-Liang  Hwang, “Adaptive  Signal  De-  4. Other Algorithmic and Combinatorial Studies: I work on   Cheng.  Can  SFLASH  be  Repaired?,  ICALP  2008,  LNCS
 processing.  composition  Based on Local  Narrow Band Signal”,  IEEE   many other combinatorial problems especially those   5126, pp. 691-701.
 Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 2669-  dealing with enumeration and analysis of algorithms   11.  *B.-Y. Yang, C.-H. O. Chen, D. J. Bernstein, and J.-M. Chen,
 2676, July 2008.  that deals with iterative or recursive structures that   Analysis of QUAD, FSE 2007, LNCS 4593, pp. 290-307.
             can be handled by standard combinatorial methods, or
             those that handle cryptography.
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