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Research Faculty  研究人員

 研究員       研究員
   陳克健 Keh-Jiann Chen    陳孟彰 MengChang Chen

 Research Fellow  Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Computer Science, State University of New York at Bu alo  Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Los Angels

 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1510      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814  Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1802      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
 Email:  Email:

   ● Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1989 - )     ● Editor-in-chief, The International Journal of Computational Linguistics     ● Research Fellow (2007 - )    ● Associate Professor, NSYSU (1992-1993)
   ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1981/8 - 1989/7)  and Chinese Language Processing (1996 - 2004)    ● Deputy Director (1999-2002, 2008-2010)    ● MTS, AT&T Bell Labs (1989-1992)
   ● Ph.D., Computer Science, State University of New York at Bu alo (1981)    ● 2nd term president, The Computational Linguistic and Chinese Lan-    ● Associate Research Fellow (1996-2007)    ● Ph.D., Computer Science, UCLA (1989)

   ● Editor, International Journal of Computer Processing of Languages  guage Processing Society (ROCLING) (1991 - 1993)    ● Assistant Research Fellow (1993-1996)
 Research Description  Publications  Research Description       Publications

 My research interests include Chinese language process-  1.  Shu-Ling, Huang and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2011, “Semantic Anal-  Currently, I am working on the following research projects.  1.  “Querying Uncertain Minimum in  Wireless Sensor  Net-
 ing, lexical semantics, lexical knowledge representation,   ysis and Contextual Harmony of Durations”, Journal of Chi-  (1) PLASH: A Platform for Location Aware Services with Hu-  works”, Mao  Ye,  Ken  Lee,  Wang-Chien  Lee,  Xingjie  Liu,
 and corpus linguistics. We had been and continued in de-  nese Linguistics.  MengChang Chen, to appear on IEEE Transactions on Knowl-
 veloping the research environments for Chinese natural   2.  Chen,  Wei-Te, Su-Chu Lin, Shu-Ling Huang,  You-Shan   man Computation.  edge and Data Engineering.
 language processing including CKIP Chinese lexical data-  Chung, Keh-Jiann Chen, 2010,” E-HowNet and Automatic   The PLASH platform is designed to help location-aware   2.  “TSCAN: A Content Anatomy Approach to Temporal Topic
 bases, Sinica corpus, Sinica Treebank, CKIP word segmen-  Construction of a Lexical Ontology” Proceedings of Coling   service providers deploy their applications easily so that   Summarization”,  Chien  Chin  Chen  and  MengChang  Chen,
 tation and pos tagging system, and Chinese parsers. The   2010.  users can contribute their e orts and location-related data   IEEE  Transactions on Knowledge  and Data Engineering,

 current major research topic is compositional semantics.   3.  Chung,  You-shan and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2010, “Analysis of   by using the services, which is the main di erence from   pp170-183. January 2012.

 In order to achieve automatic semantic composition for   Chinese Morphemes and Its Application to Sense and Part-Of-  traditional location-aware services. The collective e orts   3.  “PLASH:  A Platform  for Location  Aware Services with

 Chinese language, we had developed a lexical semantic   Speech Prediction for Chinese Compounds” Proceedings of   Human Computation”,  Yao Hua Ho,  Yao Chuan  Wu, and
 representation system E-HowNet which is a frame-based   ICCPOL conference 2010.  and data generated by humans or sensors (or both) can be   MengChang Chen, IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 44-

 entity-relation model to de ne lexical senses (concepts).   used to help solve di cult location aware problems, such   51, December 2010.

 The major features of E-HowNet are:  4.  Chen,Keh-Jiann and Shu-Ling Huang, 2009, “A Step toward   as real-time tra c estimation, environment sensing and
 Compositional  Semantics: E-HowNet a Lexical  Semantic   city pro ling. An LAS application deployed on PLASH can   4.  “A novel approach for enhancing student reading comprehen-

 a. Word senses (concepts) are de ned by not only   Representation System” Proceedings of the 23  Pacifi c Asia   exploit the functions provided by using the GUI provided   sion and assisting teacher assessment of literacy”, Jun-Ming

 primitives but also any well-de ned concepts and   Conference on Language, Information and Computation, pp.   Chen, MengChang Chen and Yeali Sun, Computers and Edu-
 conceptual relations.  1-8.  by PLASH. In addition, application builders can contribute   cation 55(3), pp. 1367-1382, November 2010.
 b. Uniform sense representation for content words,   5.  Bai, Ming-Hong, Jia-Ming You, Keh-Jiann Chen, and Jason   their mature applications as a service component hosted   5.  “An Adaptive Threshold Framework for Event Detection Us-
 function words and phrases.  S. Chang, 2009, “Acquiring Translation Equivalences of Mul-  in system for other application builders to develop more   ing HMM-based Life Profiles”. Chien Chin Chen, MengChang

 c. Semantic relations are explicitly expressed.  tiword Expressions by Normalized Correlation Frequencies”   sophisticated applications.  Chen and Ming-Syan Chen, ACM Transactions on Informa-
 d. Semantic composition and decomposition capabili-  Proceedings of EMNLP 2009.   (2) Personalized Auto-Quiz for English Learning  tion System, Feb. 2009.
 ties.  6.  Chia-Hung Tai, Jia-zen Fan, Shu-Ling, Huang and Keh-Jiann   6.  “Using Incremental  PLSI for  Threshold  Resilient  Online
 e. Near-canonical representations for lexical senses   Chen, 2009, “Automatic Sense Derivation for Determinative-  In this research, we study and implement a system to help   Event Analysis”, Tzu-chuan Chou and MengChang Chen, pp.
 and phrasal senses.  Measure Compounds under the Framework of  E-HowNet,”   learner to comprehend their English capability. For a given   289-299, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engi-
 International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chi-  text, (which could be provided by learner or recommend-  neering, March 2008.
 The above features serve for the purpose of semantic com-  nese Language Processing, vol. 14, #1, pp19-44.
 position and natural language understanding. Currently   ed by the system), the system give proper questionnaires   7.  “An Incentive-based Fairness Mechanism for Multi-hop Wire-

 we focus our attention on the problem of semantic deri-  7.  Huang, Shu-Ling, and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2008, “Knowledge   to examine the learner’s English capability and compre-  less Backhaul Networks with Selfish Nodes”, Jeng Farn Lee,
 vation of general compounds, since complex behaviors of   Representation and Sense Disambiguation for Interrogatives   hension on the text. Based on the learner’s scores on the   Wanjiun Liao, and MengChang Chen, pp. 697-704,  IEEE
 semantic composition of morphemes can lead us to know   in E-HowNet,“ International Journal of Computational Lin-  quizzes, the system will adjust the level of learner which   Transactions on Wireless Communications, February 2008..
 better about general problem of semantic composition   guistics & Chinese language Processing(IJCLCLP), Vol. 13,   will be used in the forthcoming questionnaires genera-  8.  ”WF2Q-M :  Worst-case  Fair  Weighted  Fair Queueing  with
 of constituents. To this end, we study morpho-syntactic   #3, p. 255-278.  tion. The related theoretical study includes text readability   Maximum  Rate  Control”,  Jeng Farn lee,  MengChang  Chen
 behaviors of Chinese compounds by representing about   8.  Shu-Ling  Huang,  Shih  Yueh-Yin,  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  2008,   evaluation, learner capability measurement, text under-  and Yeali Sun, pp. 1403-1420, Volume 51, Issue 6, Computer
 4,000 senses of morphemes (characters) in E-HowNet to   “The  Knowledge  Representation  for Comparison  Words in   standing, automatic English questionnaire generation,   Networks, April 2007.
 predict meanings and part-of-speeches of compounds by   Extended-HowNet”, Language and Linguistics, Vol. 9, #2, P.   and personalization scheme.  9.  “A Framework of Handoffs in  Wireless Overlay Networks
 means of semantic composition rules. We hope that the   395-414.  Based on Mobile  IPv6”, Cheng  Wei  Lee,  Leeming  Chen,
 ultimate goal of natural language understanding will be   9.  Hsieh, Yu-Ming, Duen-Chi Yang, Keh-Jiann Chen, 2007,”Im-  MengChang Chen and Yeali Sun, IEEE Journal on Selected
 accomplished after future improvement and evolution of   prove Parsing Performance by Self-Learning”, International   Besides the above the projects, I have worked on some   Areas in Communications, special issue on Wireless Overlay
 the current E-HowNet.  Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language   Networks Based on Mobile IPv6, November 2005.
 Processing, Vol. 12, #2, P. 195-216.  projects, including wireless network, network security and
           mobility management.                                 10.  “ACIRD: Intelligent  Internet  Documents Organization  and
                                                                   Retrieval”, Shian-Hua Lin, MengChang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho,
                                                                   and Yueh-Ming Huang, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
                                                                   Data Engineering, p599-614, vol 14, no 3, 2002.
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