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Research Faculty  研究人員

 研究員       研究員
   廖弘源 Hong-Yuan Mark Liao    廖純中 Churn-Jung Liau

 Research Fellow  Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University   Ph.D., CSIE , National Taiwan University

 Tel: +886-2-2788- 3799 ext.1550 or 1519      Fax: +886-2-2789-3309  Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1713      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
 Email:  Email:

   ● Multimedia Chair Professor, National Chung Hsing Univ. (2009 -     ● Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council (2003 and     ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica(1997-2005)  (Elsevier)
 2012)  2010)    ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica(1992-1997)    ● Member of the Editorial board of Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Elsevier)
   ● Adjunct Chair Professor, Chung Yuan Christian Univ. (2010 - )    ● Academia Sinica Investigator Award, Academia Sinica (2010)    ● Ph.D., CSIE, National Taiwan University (1992)    ● Member of the Editorial board of  LNCS Transactions on Rough Sets
   ● Professor (Joint Appointment), CS, Chiao Tung Univ. (2003 - )    ● Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (2009 - )    ● Associate editor, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning   (Springer-Verlag)
   ● Professor (Joint Appointment), EE, National Cheng Kung Univ.     ● Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security
 (2011 - )  (2009 - 2012 )
   ● Academia Sinica Young Investigator Award, Academia Sinica (1998)    ● Editorial Board Member, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2010 - )  Research Description  Publications

 Research Description  Publications  My research interest is in the investigation of the essence   1.  C.J. Liau, A logical analysis of the relationship between com-
           of rationality and knowledge and its application to arti-  mitment and obligation, Journal of Logic, Language, and In-
            cial intelligence.  We mainly investigate how a rational   formation, 10(2), 237-261, 2001.

 My current research interests are all related to video foren-  1.  C. H. Ling, Y. M. Liang, C. W. Lin, Y. S. Chen, and H. Y. Mark   agent acquires knowledge, represents the knowledge   2.  C.J. Liau, Belief, information acquisition, and trust in multi
 sics,  including  video  inpainting,  people  counting,  visual   Liao, “Human Object Inpainting  Using Manifold Learning-  by logic, and acts and makes decisions based on logical   agent systems — A modal logic formulation, Artifi cial Intel-
 knowledge transfer across heterogeneous camcorders,   based Posture Sequence Estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Image   reasoning. In particular, our most interesting topic is the   ligence, 149(1), 31-60, 2003.
 and forensic evidence mining.  To address the research is-  Processing, volume 20, number 11, pages 3124-3135, Novem-  rationality criteria of logical reasoning under the environ-  3.  C.J. Liau, A modal logic framework for multi-agent belief fu-
 ber 2011.
 sues related to video forensics, image/video processing,   ment of incomplete and insu cient information.  sion, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 6(1), 124-

 computer vision and arti cial intelligence techniques are   2.  Yu-Ming Liang, Sheng-Wen Shih, Arthur C.-C. Shih, H.-Y.   174, 2005.
 Mark Liao,  and Chen-Chung Lin,  “Learning  Atomic  Hu-
 required.  man Actions Using Variable-Length Markov Models,” IEEE   Technically, a major part of our work involves the study   4.  D.W. Wang, C.J. Liau, T.-s. Hsu, and J.K.-P. Chen, Value and

 Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cy-  of properties of di erent types of logic for uncertain rea-
 Since the 911 attacks on the United States, counter-ter-  bernetics, volume 39, number 1, pages 268-280, February   soning, for example, fuzzy logic, possibilistic logic, modal   damage of information: A data security perspective,  Interna-
 rorism strategies have been given a high priority in many   2009.  logic, conditional logic, nonmonotonic logic, etc. Further-  tional Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 43, 179-201, 2006
 countries. Surveillance camcorders are now almost ubiq-  3.  C.-W.  Su,  H.-Y.  Mark  Liao,  H.-R.  Tyan,  C.-W.  Lin,  D.-Y.   more, we have also developed some uniform frameworks   5.  D.W. Wang, C.J. Liau, and T.-s. Hsu, “An epistemic frame-
 uitous in modern cities. As a result, the amount of record-  Chen, and K.-C. Fan, “Motion Flow-based Video Retrieval,”   for these di erent types of logic.  work  for privacy protection in database linking,”  Data and

 ed data is enormous, and it is time-consuming to search   IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 9, number 6, pages   Knowledge Engineering, 61, 176-205, 2007
 the digital video content manually.  In the next few years,   1193-1201, October 2007.  Recently, we have also concentrated on the formalization   6.  T.F. Fan, C.J. Liau, and T.Y. Lin, “A theoretical investigation
 my group will put our e ort on video forensics, in which   4.  Hsueh-Yi Sean Lin, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and Ja-Chen Lin,   of  the  logical  properties  of  intelligent  agents.  Based  on   of regular equivalences for fuzzy graphs,” International Jour-

 a major proportion of related research work is to perform   “Visual Salience-Guided Mesh Decomposition,” IEEE Trans-  di erent logical systems like epistemic reasoning, deon-  nal of Approximate Reasoning, 49, 678-688, 2008
 mining for criminal evidence in videos recorded by a het-  actions on Multimedia, volume 9, number 1, pages P46~P57,   tic reasoning, preferential reasoning, etc., we can discuss   7.  Y. C. Chang, S. M. Chen, and C. J. Liau, “Fuzzy interpolative
 erogeneous collection of surveillance camcorders.  To con-  January 2007.  some characteristic features of intelligent agents.  reasoning for sparse fuzzy rule-based systems based on the
 duct crime scene investigations directly from surveillance   5.  C.-W Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H.-R. Tyan, K.-C. Fan, and L.-H   areas of fuzzy sets,” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 16,
                                                                   (5), 1285-1301, 2008
 videos,  forensic  experts  need  to  develop  software  that   Chen, “A Motion-Tolerant  Dissolve Detection  Algorithm,”
 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 7, number 6, pages
 facilitates the automatic detection, tracking, and recogni-  1106-1113, December 2005.  8.  I-C. Wang, C.-H. Shen, T.-s. Hsu, C.J. Liau, D.W. Wang, and
 tion of objects in the videos.  Since the videos are captured   6.  Y.-M. Liang, H.-R. Tyan, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and S.-W. Chen,   J. Zhan, “Towards empirical aspects of secure scalar product,”
                                                                   IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C:
 by heterogeneous camcorders, to perform evidence min-  “Video Stabilization for a Camcoder Mounted on a Moving   Applications and Reviews, 39, 440-447, 2009.
 ing on these videos is more challenging.  We shall start by   Vehicle,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, volume 53,
 addressing the multiple-camera people counting prob-  number 6, pages 1636-1648, November 2004.  9.  M.-T.  Tsai,  T.-C. Chern, J.-H.  Chung, C.-W. Hsueh, H.-S.
                                                                   Kuo, C.-J. Liau, S. Riley, B.-J. Shen, D.-W. Wang, C.-h. Shen
 lem as well as visual knowledge transfer among a hetero-  7.  C. -C Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and C.-S Lu, “A New Iterated   and T.-s. Hsu, “Efficient simulation of the spatial transmission

 geneous collection of surveillance camcorders.  Two-band Diffusion Equation :Theory and Its Application,”   dynamics of influenza,” PLoS ONE, November 2010

 IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, volume 12, number 4, pag-
 es 466-476, January 2003.                                      10.  T.F. Fan, C.J. Liau, and D.R. Liu, “A relational perspective
                                                                   of attribute reduction in rough set-based data analysis,” Euro-
 8.  C.-S Lu, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, “Multipurpose Watermarking      pean Journal of Operational Research, 213, 270-278, 2011.
 for Image  Authentication  and Protection,”  IEEE Trans. on
 Image Processing, volume 10, number 10, pages 1579-1592,
 October 2001.
 9.  C.-S. Lu, , S.-K. Huang, C.-J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, “Cock-
 tail watermarking for digital image protection,” IEEE Trans-
 actions on Multimedia, volume 2, number 4, pages 209-224,
 December 2000.

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