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Research Faculty  研究人員

 副研究員      助研究員
   蔡懷寬 Huai-Kuang Tsai    穆信成 Shin-Cheng Mu

 Associate Research Fellow  Assistant Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University   D.Phil, Computing Laboratory, University of Oxford

 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1718      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814  Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1730      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
 Email:   Email:

   ● Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Aca-  Science and Engineering, National Ocean University, 2009-    ● 2006 - present: assistant research fellow. IIS, Academia Sinica.  gramming (2011 -- 2014).
 demia Sinica, 2011-    ● Assistant Professor (Joint appointment), Genome and Systems Biol-    ● Member of the IFIP Working Group 2.1 on Algorithmic Languag-    ● 2003 - 2006: postdoc researcher, University of Tokyo.
   ● Assistant Research Fellow (Joint appointment), Research Center of   ogy degree program, National Taiwan University, 2010-  es and Calculi (January 2010 --).    ● 2003: D.Phil, University of Oxford.
 Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, 2006-    ● Associate Professor (Joint appointment), Department of Biological     ● Steering Committee Member of the Workshop on Generic Pro-    ● 1996: Bachelor’s degree, National Chiao-Tung University.
   ● Assistant Professor (Joint appointment), Department of Computer   Science and Technology, National Chiao-Tung University, 2011-
 Research Description  Publications  Research Description       Publications

 My research is in the  eld of computational biology, main-  1.  Wang,  T.Y., Su, C.H. and  Tsai, H.K.* (2011) MetaRank: a   My interest is mainly about formal approaches to program   1.  S-C. Mu, H-S. Ko, and P. Jansson. Algebra of programming

 ly on the regulatory mechanisms and metagenomics.   rank conversion scheme for comparative analysis of microbial   construction. I have been working on functional and re-  in Agda: dependent types for relational program derivation. In
 Since transcription factors (TFs) play an important role in   community compositions, Bioinformatics, 27, 3341-3347.  lational approaches to program calculation. The general   Journal of Functional Programming, Vol. 19(5), pp. 545-579.
 the transcription of genes, I am particularly interested in   2.  Su, C.H., Hsu, M.T., Wang, T.Y., Weng, F., Kao, C.Y., Wang,   aim of the  eld is to stepwise construct, in an algebraic   Sep. 2009.

 inferring the functions of TFs and their recognized bind-  D. and Tsai, H.K.* (2011) MetaABC – an integrated Metagen-  manner, from a problem speci cation to an algorithm that   2.  Z. Hu, S-C. Mu and M. Takeichi, A programmable editor for

 ing sites (TFBSs). I use mainly the baker’s yeast, Saccharo-  omics platform for data Adjustment, Binning, and Clustering,   solves the problem, and to develop concise notations that   developing structured documents based on bidirectional trans-
 myces cerevisiae, as the model organism. In the past years,   Bioinformatics, 27, 2298-2299.  aids such a development.  formations.  Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, Vol
                                                                   21(1-2), pp 89-118, May 2008.
 we developed computational approaches to identify the   3.  Swamy, B.S. K., Chu,  W.Y.,  Wang, C.Y.,  Tsai, H.K.* and   While the relational approach to optimisation problems,
 function and binding sites of TFs. Empirical tests show that   Wang, D. (2011) Evidence of association between nucleosome   developed in late 90’s, was a major achievement in the   3.  S-C. Mu, Z. Hu and M. Takeichi, Bidirectionalizing tree trans-
 our methods are highly accurate and outperform current   occupancy and the evolution of transcription factor binding    eld of program calculation, its natural next step, approxi-  formation languages: a case study. In JSSST Computer Soft-

 sites in yeast, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11:150.
                                                                   ware (コンピュータソフトウェア) Vol. 23(2), pp. 129-141, 2006.
 methods. In addition, we constructed a user-friendly inter-  mation algorithms, was curiously left out. We extended
 active platform (MYBS) for dynamic binding site mapping.   4.  Weng, F., Su, C.-H., Hsu, M.-T., Wang, T.-Y., Tsai, H.K.* and   the theories of program calculation to handle Fully Pol-  4.  R. S. Bird and S-C. Mu, Countdown: a case study in origami
 Based on MYBS, we further computationally investigated   Wang, D. (2010) Reanalyze unassigned reads in Sanger based   ynomial-Time Approximation Scheme (FPTAS), a class of   programming.  In  Journal of Functional Programming Vol.
 metagenomic data using conserved gene adjacency. BMC Bio-
                                                                   15(5), pp. 679-702, 2005.
 several interesting issues on gene regulation, including   informatics, 11, 565.  approximation algorithms having good properties.
 the impact of DNA binding position variants on gene ex-  5.  Su, C.H., Shih, C.H., Chang, T.H. and Tsai, H.K.* (2010) Ge-  5.  Yun-Yan Chi and Shin-Cheng Mu.  Constructing list homo-
                                                                   morphisms from proofs. In the 9  Asian Symposium on Pro-
 pression, the  cis-regulatory modules of divergent gene   nome-wide analysis of the cis-regulatory modules of divergent   We have found a general theory showing that the tradi-  gramming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2011).
 pairs, the association between nucleosome occupancy   gene pairs in yeast. Genomics, 96, 352-361.  tional “thinning” algorithms can be seamlessly extended

 and the evolution of TFBSs, and the identi cation of inter-  6.  Swamy, B.S. K.+, Cho, C.Y.+, Chiang, S., Tsai, Z. T.Y., and   to construct FPTAS.  6.  Shin-Cheng Mu and Akimasa Morihata. Generalising and du-
                                                                   alising the third list-homomorphism theorem. In the 16 ACM
 actions between TFs. As to metagenomics, we proposed a   Tsai, H.K.* (2009) Impact of DNA binding position variants   It is known that, once we infer that two functions form a   SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Program-
 series of computational methods to discriminate the dif-  on yeast gene expression, Nucleic Acids Research, 37, 6991-  “Galois connection”, a ubiquitous mathematical structure,   ming (ICFP 2011).
 ferences between distinct microbial communities and to   7001.  many nice properties follow.   7.  Shin-Cheng Mu and José Nuno Oliveira. Programming from
 enhance the accuracy in estimating the taxonomic com-  7.  Chen, C.Y., Tsai, H.K., Hsu, C.M., Chen, M.J. May, Hung,   Galois connections.  In the12   International  Conference  on
 positions of metagenomes. We started by studying various   H.G., Huang, G.T., and Li, W.H. (2008) Discovering gapped   As an on-going project, we have developed theories that   Relational  and  Algebraic  Methods in Computer Science

 well-known distance functions and found that using rank   binding sites of yeast transcription factors, Proc Natl Acad Sci   allow us to construct programs speci ed as the lower ad-  (RAMiCS 12), May 30 - June 3, 2011.
 normalization and considering phylogenetic information   U S A, 105, 2527-2532.  joint of a Galois connection. and are currently extending   8.  Shin-Cheng Mu, Yu-Han Lyu, and Akimasa Morihata. Con-
 yield rational clustering of metagenomic samples. We fur-  8.  Tsai, H.K.*, Chou, M.Y., Shih, C. H., Huang, Grace T. W.,   the theory to deal with more optimisation problems.   structing datatype-generic  fully polynomial-time  approxi-
 ther developed the MetaRank scheme, a series of statisti-  Chang, T. H. and Li, W.H. (2007) MYBS: A comprehensive   While most of the calculations above are traditionally car-  mation schemes using generalised thinning. In the 6  ACM
 cal hypothesis tests, for comparative analysis of microbial   web server for mining transcription factor binding sites in   ried out by hand, I have recently shifted interest to theory   SIGPLAN workshop on Generic programming (WGP 2010),

 community compositions. Empirical tests con rmed that   yeast, Nucleic Acids Research, 35, W221-W226.  and tools of dependently typed programming and theo-  pages 97-108, Sep. 2010.
 MetaRank is able to reduce the e ects of sampling biases   9.  Tsai, H.K., Huang, Grace T., Chou, M.Y., Lu, Henry, H.S. and   rem proving. We developed a library “Algebra of Program-  9.  Kazutaka Matsuda, Shin-Cheng Mu, Zhenjiang Hu, and Ma-

 and clarify the characteristics of metagenomes. In addi-  Li, W.H. (2006) Method for identifying  transcription  factor   ming in Agda”  that allows us to encode algebraic, relation-  sato Takeichi. A grammar-based approach to invertible pro-
 tion, we also built a single platform, MetaABC, which in-  binding sites in yeast, Bioinformatics, 22, 1675-1681.  al proofs into Agda, a dependently typed programming   grams. In 19  European Symposium on Programming (ESOP
                                                                   2010), LNCS 6012, pp 448-467, March 2010.
 tegrates several binning tools coupled with methods for   10.  Tsai, H.K., Lu, H.H. and Li, W.H. (2005) Statistical methods   language, such that proofs can be read by people and also
 removing artifacts, analyzing unassigned reads, and con-  for identifying yeast cell cycle transcription factors, Proc Natl   checked by machine. In an another on-going project, we   10.  S-C. Mu, H-S. Ko, and P. Jansson. Algebra of programming
 trolling sampling biases.   Acad Sci USA, 102, 13532- 13537.   are trying to provide a fully machine-checked proof of an   using dependent types. In Mathematics of Program Construc-
                                                                   tion 2008, LNCS 5133, pp 268-283. July 2008.
           algorithm solving the “maximally dense segment” prob-
           lem.  While the algorithm appears relatively simple, the
           proof turns out to be extremely hard.

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