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Technical Faculty  研究助技師

                      莊德明 Der-Ming Juang

           Assistant Research Engineer
           M.S., The Institute of Computer Management, National Tsing Hua University

           Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 2407      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

              ● Assistant Research Engineer, Institute of Information Science,     ● M.S., The Institute of Computer Management, National Tsing Hua
             Academia Sinica (2004/7 - )                          University (1986)
              ● Research Assistant, Institute of Information Science, Academia     ● B.S., Information Science, National Chiao Tung University (1984).
             Sinica (1992/10 - 2004/6)
 研究助技師        ● Technician, Chung-shan Institute of Science and Technology.
             Armaments Bureau. M.N.D.(1986/10 – 1992/10)

           Research Description
 Technical  Chinese characters have been in use for approximately   1.  謝清俊、莊德明、張翠玲、許婉蓉,中文字形資料庫的設計

 Faculty   3,400 years, since the Oracle Bone Inscriptions used dur-  與應用,第六屆中國文字學全國學術研討會,台中,1995
           ing the Shang Dynasty; however, computers and the In-
           ternet only began to play an important role over the past
           two decades. Currently, using computer systems to deal   2.  謝清俊、莊德明,古籍校讀工具「中文文獻處理系統」的設
           with Chinese characters still has many problems to be re-  年7月
           solved, so there is an urgent need for computer scientists   3.  莊德明、謝清俊、林晰,中央研究院古籍全文資料庫解決
           to improve Chinese characters knowledge in computer     缺字問題的方法,第二次兩岸古籍整理研究學術研討會,
           systems.  Therefore, in our research, we aim to create a   北京,1998年5月。
           knowledge database of Chinese characters that are com-  4.  莊德明,中文電腦缺字解決方案,第一屆中國文字學國際
           patible with computer systems, and use that knowledge   學術研討會,天津,2001年8月
           to improve the ability of Chinese character processing   5.  莊德明、許永成、謝清俊,如何使用電腦處理古今文字的
           techniques.                                             銜接─以小篆為例,第十四屆中國文字學全國學術研討
           Generally speaking, a Chinese character can be recog-
           nized by three aspects: a glyph, a sound and a meaning.   6.  莊德明、謝清俊,漢字構形資料庫的建置與應用,漢字與
           On the aspect of glyphs, we constructed Chinese Glyph
           Structure Database. This is a database which records infor-  7.  Der-Ming Juang, Jenq-Haur  Wang,  Chen-Yu Lai, Ching-
           mation of Chinese character glyphs including evolution of   Chun Hsieh, Lee-Feng Chien, and Jan-Ming Ho, Resolv-
                                                                   ing  the  Unencoded  Character  Problem  for  Chinese  Digi-
           shapes, structure analysis and variants. In the latest ver-  tal  Libraries,  Joint  Conference  on  Digital  Libraries  2005,
           sion, 165,653 ancient and modern Chinese characters are   Denver,Colorado,USA, June 7-11, 2005
                                                                8.  莊德明,如何利用風格碼解決古漢字的編碼問題,第三屆
           With regard to the sounds of Chinese characters, we al-  中國文字學國際學術研討會,河南開封,2006年8月
           ready cooperated with Professor Hsiu-Fang Yang (Depart-  9.  莊德明,漢字數位化的困境及因應:談如何建立漢字構形
           ment of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University) to   資料庫,第五屆兩岸三院資訊交流與數位資源共享研討
           establish Chinese Character Reading Database. This is an   會,台北,2007年10月

           online database designed for users to e ciently retrieve   10.  莊德明、鄧賢瑛,文字學入口網站的規畫,第四屆中國文

           ancient and modern sounds with web browsers. At pre-    字學國際學術研討會,山東煙台,2008年8月
           sent, more than one million records have been collected.
           Meanwhile, we are preparing to construct a portal site to
           integrate and utilize network resources relating to Chinese
           character dictionaries.

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