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Supporting Departments  支援部門

 Supporting Departments  Computer Center


 資訊室位於資訊所新館308室,主要任務有:  議室即時動態(5)人薪系統,如:人員到離職、人員相關
 (1)研究與行政業務資訊系統的分析、設計、與撰寫。  誌、公文暨公告管理系統等等,(6)請購審核、及採購驗
 (2)全所共用伺服主機的安裝與維護。  收等系統(7)預算系統及會計、出納、零用金等系統(8
 (3)全所電腦及電話網路的建置與維護。  )物品與財產管理系統(9)機房空間管理如機櫃、電源使
 (4)主要會議室設備正常運作之設計與維護。  用,IP使用等等(10)專屬研究人員的系統有:個人制式
 (5)行政、技術與研究人員電腦之採購與維護。  首頁製作、訪問學人邀請與審核、考績評量、研究經費申
 (6)各類電腦零組件、耗材及多媒體設備提供借、領用。  請與評估核定、老師各類經費執行狀況。
 (8)全所不斷電系統的建置與維護。  (二) 對外服務的系統
 1. 會議系統
 全所網路設備置於新館301室,設有防火牆、虛擬私人網路  上報名與會、信用卡線上繳費等等各式資料管理,及現  name server, DHCP server, mail server, web server, server   tion, attendance, overtime application, daily to do list,
 伺服主機、檔案伺服主機、網域名稱伺服主機、DHCP伺服  場報到的服務與管理。  for both administrative system and research system, CA   announcement, etc. (6) Purchase system: keep track
 主機、電子郵件伺服主機、所內外  WWW  伺服主機、研究  2. 體育館場地預約系統  server, server for attendance system, server for the moni-  of the purchasing process from start to finish. (7) Ac-
 與行政作業系統各伺服主機,身份認證CA伺服主機、考勤  3. 智慧型預約與案件申請系統  tor and real-time conference recording system. Every   counting system: budget management. (8) Equipment
 門禁卡機伺服主機、攝影監控伺服主機、會議實況錄製系  4. 概算申請與審核系統  floor is equipped with network printer. Scanner and   management.  (9)  Machine  room  and  server  cabinet
 統。新舊館各樓層皆備有網路印表機,301室機房門外備有  other facilities are available for all staff members outside   management, distribution of power and IP. (10) Sys-
           room 301. On the second floor of the New IIS Building is
                                                                 tems specifically design for research fellows: managing
 掃描器等公用設備供全所同仁使用。新館2樓機房則為資訊  the newly built machine room.       personal web-page, inviting visiting scholars, evaluat-
 Computer Center is located at room 308 in the New IIS   In order to assist our research fellow with their research,   ing his/her assistants, managing project, managing re-
 Building. Its mission include (1) Administrative system         search funds and budge control.
 為輔助研究人員研究業務順利進行,資訊室將行政與研究  related analysis, design and development. (2)  The in-  we aim to computerize all our administrative and re-
 業務逐步資訊化,擔任起行政、助理與研究人員之間溝通  stallation and maintenance of the institute’s servers. (3)   search process and bridge the gap between administra-  2. Serves for the Public
 的橋樑,所提供的資訊服務系統主要分為以下幾類:    The installation and maintenance of all the internet and   tor, assistant and research fellow. Our serves include:  a. Conference system:
 phone lines. (4) The design and maintenance for the con-  1. Administrative serves  Functions includes online submission, paper review,
 (一) 行政與研究業務資訊化服務   ference rooms’ equipments. (5) Purchase and technical   online registration, credit card payment and infor-
 support of computers for faculties and staffs. (6) Supply   Online system includes: (1) report system on all kinds   mation management, as well as onsite services.
 線上使用的系統有:(1)各類問題回報請修系統如:電  all kinds of computer parts and equipments for faculties   of related issues: telephone and computer support,   b. Gym Reservation system
 腦電話報修、環境問題回報修繕、行政作業系統問題回報  and staffs. (7) The construction and maintenance of the   office environment related support, administrative on-  c. Reservation and case application system.
 與解決等等。(2)各類服務申請如:電子憑證、電腦帳號  machine room for IIS and CITI. (8) The construction and   line system support, etc. (2) application for certificate   d. Budget estimation and approval system.
 申請、英文諮詢服務預約、網路及長途電話申請、物品耗  maintenance for the Uninterruptible Power Supply. (9)   authority, IIS account, English editing service, access to
 材借領用等等(3)考勤、門禁安全管控(4)空間管理系  The design and maintenance for the attendance system,   internet and long distance phone and other computer
             related utilities. (3) Attendance and security manage-
 統如:各老師及實驗室空間使用情形、各會議室預約及會  entrance system and monitor system.
             ment. (4) Space management: Utilization of labora-
 The network device of our institute is located in room   tories pace, reservation and real-time information for
 301 of the New IIS Building. It is equipped with a fire-  meeting rooms. (5) Human resource system: report
 wall, virtual private network server, file  server, domain   and resignation of staffs, related personnel informa-

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