Page 101 - profile2014.indd
P. 101


               The Administrative Division provides administrative   vices  Division.  The  file  and  bulletin  management
               and  maintenance  services  to  the  Institute.  Admin-   systems  have  been  integrated  with  the  employee
               istration offices are located on the second floor of   white  pages.  Meanwhile,  the  on-line  purchasing
               the old building. The Director’s office and the sec-   sub-system has been designed to integrate all pur-
               retaries’ office are situated in Room 204. The per-   chasing procedures, from purchase order filing, pro-
               sonnel and financial management staff are in Room    curement screening and authorization, to automat-
               206 and 212. The staff in Room 215 are responsible    ic processing by the accounts payable department.
               for procurement, property manage-ment  and mis-      It is our goal to provide high quality, efficient, and
               cellaneous tasks. And also the staff in Room 214 are   transparent services to all colleagues at the Institute.
               responsible  for building maintenance. The editorial
               office of the Journal of Information Science and En-
               gineer- ing is located in Room 203(in the new build-
               ing). It provides editorial services and handles pub-
               lications. We now have staff members dedicated to
               handling issue related to Taiwan international Grad-
               uate Program, located in Room 303. The work of ad-
               ministrative staff is recognized by Academic Sinica
               colleagues and we have been repeatedly ranked as
               an excellent performance unit.

               Most of our administrative and operational services
               are computerized, utilizing systems that have been
               designed and implemented by our Computing Ser-

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