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                                                  Welcome to the Institute of Information Science (IIS) at Academia Sinica.

                                                  Since the establishment of the Institute of Information Science (IIS) at the
                                                   dawn of the information technology (IT) revolution in Taiwan in 1982, the
                                                   institute has undergone rapid growth. In less than three decades, the IIS
                                                   has emerged as one of the leading research institutes in both computer
                                                   and information science and related technologies in Taiwan. Currently, we
                                                   have 40 research fellows with approximately 43 post-doctoral researchers,
                                                   and 270 full-time research associates and specialists. Many of them have
                                                   received  distinguished  awards  and  honors,  both  nationally  and  interna-

                                                   Many research fellows supervise or co-supervise MS and PhD students in
                                                   top-ranked  Computer  Science  departments  in  Taiwan,  and  collaborate
                 Director’s Message
                                                   very closely with their faculty members. In 2002, a PhD program was es-
                                                   tablished in Bioinformatics under the auspices of the Taiwan International
                                                   Graduate Program (TIGP) of Academia Sinica. It has enrolled about 45 stu-
                                                   dents over the past ten years, which has been to the enormous benefit of
                                                   the biological research conducted at Academia Sinica. Beginning this year,
                                                   we  have  added  a  new TIGP  PhD  program,  Social  Networks  and  Human-
                                                   Centered Computing, which should further attract new talents.

                                                   As the IT industry has long been the crown jewel of Taiwan’s economic
                                                   miracle and the envy of the world, the IIS strives to play a unique role in
                                                   this major endeavor. We have always focused on fundamental and long-
                                                   term  research  to  further  Taiwan’s  competitive  edge  and  sustain  the
                                                   growth of this strategic enterprise. At the same time, the Institute man-
                                                   ages a research portfolio that includes cutting-edge, application-oriented
                                                   information technologies that are unique to Taiwan’s society and culture.
                                                   Our main research areas cover a wide spectrum of fields in both computer
                                                   and  information  science.  For  example,  our  research  in  bioinformatics  is
                                                   cross-disciplinary and requires close collaboration with researchers in bio-
                                                   medical sciences, social sciences, liberal arts, and other major fields.

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