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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2005-	)  	 ƒ Associated	Editor	of	Journal	of	Wavelet	Theory	and	Applications
 黃文良 Wen-Liang Hwang  	 ● Associated	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1999-2005)  (JWTA)	since	February	(2007)
               	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1995-1999)  	 ƒ Associated	Editor	of	International	Journal	of	Wavelets,	Multiresolu-
               	 ● Associate	Post	Doctoral	Researcher,	Department	of	Mathematics,	  tion	and	Information	Processing	since	March	(2003)
                University	of	California,	Irvine	(1993-1994)       	 ƒ Research	Award	for	Junior	Investigators,	Academia	Sinica.	In	recogni-
 研究員 Research Fellow  	 ● Ph.D.,	Computer	Science,	New	York	University	(1993)  tion	of	outstanding	and	professional	achievements	in	researches
 Ph.D., Computer Science, New York University  	 ● M.S.,	Electrical	Engineering,	Polytechnic	Institute	of	New	York	(1998)  for	time-frequency	analysis	with	applications	in	signal	and	image
               	 ● B.S.,	Nuclear	Engineering,	National	Tsing	Hua	University	(1991)  processing	(2001)
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1609
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              Rene  Carmona, Wen-Liang  Hwang,  and  Bruno Torresani,  Practical Time-  16.  Chih-Ming  Fu,  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  and  Chung-Lin  Huang,  “Data-
              Frequency Analysis, Academic Press, 1998 [Book].        Aided Frame Timing Acquisition for Fractal Modulation in an AWGN
 研究簡介  Research Description                                           Channel,” Signal Processing 86, pp. 301-318, February 2006.
              1.   Stephane  Mallat  and  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  “Singularity  Detection  and   17.  Jian-Liang  Lin,  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  and  Soo-Chang  Pei,  “Multiple
                                                                      Blocks  Matching  Pursuit  Update Algorithm  for  Low  Bit-rate  Video
 我的研究領域在小波理論分析與應用,訊號、影像及多  My	primary	research	areas	are	wavelet	analysis,	as	well	as	signal,	image	and	video	  Processing with Wavelets,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,   Coding,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech-
 媒體的處理。我目前的興趣及正在進行的課題如下:  processing.	In	addition,	my	current	interests	and	on-going	research	topics	include,	  vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 617-645, March 1992.  nology, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 331-337, March 2006.
 but	are	not	limited	to:  2.   Wen-Liang  Hwang  and    Stephane  Mallat,  “Characterization  of  Self-  18.  Wen-Yao Chen, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Tien Ching Lin,” Planar Shape
 (1)	影像及視訊壓縮:我的興趣在於提出新的創見以改良  Similar Multifractals with Wavelet Maxima,” Applied and Computa-  Prototype Generation Using a Tree-based Random Greedy Algorithm,”
 並推展目前及未來的壓縮系統。  (1)	Image	and	video	compression	and	transmission:	I	am	interested	in	improving	  tional Harmonic Analysis, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 316-328, September 1994.  IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cyber-
 current	techniques	and	proposing	innovative	ideas	to	add	functionality	to,	and	  3.   Rene Carmona, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Ron Forstig, “Wavelet Analy-  netics, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 649-660, June 2006.
 (2)	紋理分析與合成:雖然紋理在工程上已經有些應用,  enhance	 the	 performance	 of,	 current/next	 generation	 system.	 Meanwhile,	 I	  sis for Brain-Function Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imag-  19.  Cho-Chun  Cheng,  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  Zuowei  Shen,  and  Tao  Xia,
 但從科學研究的觀點,紋理依然是個沒有解開的問題,  study	robust	transmission	of	multimedia	data.  ing, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 556-564, September 1995.  “Subjective and Objective Comparison of Advanced Motion Compen-
 我研究紋理包含紋理的合成與分析而最終的目標是提出  4.   Rene Carmona, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Bruno Torresani, “Characteri-  sation Methods for Blocking Artifact,” IEEE Transactions on Circuit
                 zation of Signals by the Ridges of Their Wavelet Transforms,” IEEE
                                                                      and Systems for VideoTechnology, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 1134-1141, Sep-
 一個紋理的表示法。  (2)	Signal,	image,	and	video	processing:	I	study	signal	and	image	and	video	process-  Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 45, no.10, pp. 2586-2590, Oc-  tember 2006.
 ing	methods	that	can	be	applied	to	noise	reduction,	data	enhancement,	single	  tober 1997.
 (3)	多媒體的傳送、隱藏訊息及著作權保護:我的興趣在  channel	 and	 multiple	 channels	 source	 separation	 as	 well	 as	 other	 problems.	  20.  Chih-Ming Fu, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Chung-Lin Huang, “Combined
 於結合資料及通訊編碼,以增加傳送的穩定度,並且研  Many	of	these	problems	must	be	solved	collaboratively	with	machine	learning	  5.   Wen-Liang  Hwang,  Chun-Shien  Lu,  and  Pau-Choo  Chung,  “Shape   Error-Concealment  and  Error-Correction  in  Rate-Distortion Analysis
                                                                      for Multiple Substream Transmissions,” IEEE Transactions on Image
                 From Texture: Estimation of Planar Surface Orientation Through the
 究多媒體的浮水印的使用、訊息的隱藏及追蹤等課題。  Ridge Surfaces of Continuous Wavelet Transform,” IEEE Transactions   Processing, vol. 16, no.4, pp.1022-1035, April 2007.
 methods	as	well	as	graphic	algorithms.	I	am	also	interested	in	developing	rand-  on Image Processing, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 773-780, May 1998.
 (4)	小波轉換理論及應用:從博士論文開始,我便一直研  omizing	algorithm	on	data	analysis	problems.  21.  Chih-Ming  Fu,  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  and  Chung-Lin  Huang,  “A  Sub-
              6.   Rene Carmona, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Bruno Torresani, “Multiridge   space  Approach  to  Timing  Acquisition  for  Wavelet-based  Multirate
 究與小波轉換有關的問題,我目前的興趣是繼續探究這  (3)	Wavelet	analysis:	Having	studied	wavelets	for	many	years	since	obtaining	my	  Detection and Time-Frequency Reconstruction,” IEEE Transactions on   Transmissions,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 55, no. 6,
 個理論中的難題及發展適合的應用。  Signal Processing, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 480-492, February 1999.  pp. 1111-1115, June 2007.
 Ph.D.,	I	am	interested	in	several	advanced	wavelet	techniques	–	both	theoretical	  7.   Wen-Liang Hwang, “Estimation of Fractional Brownian Motion Em-  22.  Jian-Liang Lin, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Soo-Chang Pei, “Fast Match-
 (5)	 影像及多媒體資料處理:我研究可被應用在醫學影  and	practical.  bedded  in  a  Noisy  Environment  Using  Non-Orthogonal  Wavelets,”   ing Pursuit Video Coding by Combining Dictionary Approximation and
 像、微陣列影像、行動電話技術及監視系統的影像及視  (4)	Time-frequency	analysis:	After	co-authoring	a	book	on	this	subject,	I	am	using	  IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 47, no. 8, pp. 2211-2219,   Atom Extraction Design,” IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems
                                                                      for Video Technology, vol. 17, pp.1679-1689, December 2007.
 訊的處理方法。         August 1999.
 time-frequency	and	time-scale	methods	to	analyze	music	signals	as	well	as	fi-  8.   Jen-Chang Liu, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Ming-Syan Chen, “Estimation   23.  Liu-yuan  Lai,  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  and  Paruvelli  Screedevi,  “Per-
 (6)	時頻分析:在共同著作有關時頻分析的書之後,我利  nancial	data.  of 2-D Noisy Fractional Brownian Motion and Its Applications using   formance  Evaluation  of  a  Novel  Sampling-based  Texture  Synthesis
 用時頻及時間尺度方法來分解統計訊號並且分析音樂信  (5)	Texture	representations,	analysis	and	synthesis:	Despite	the	development	of	sev-  Wavelets,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 9, pp. 1407-  Technique  Using  Different  Sized  Patches,”  Signal,  Image  and  Video
                                                                      Processing, pages 1863-1711, February 2008.
                 1419, August 2000.
 eral	interesting	applications,	texture	is	still	an	un-solved	problem	scientifically.	  9.   Jengnan  Tzeng,  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  and  I-Liang  Chern,  “Enhancing   24.  Jinn Ho and Wen-Liang Hwang, “Automatic Microarray Spot Segmen-
 我喜歡研究新的技術,因為從解決問題中,我得到很大  Although	I	am	interested	in	solving	texture	problems,	my	ultimate	goal	is	to	de-  Image Watermarking Methods with/without Reference Images by Op-  tation Using a Snake-Fisher Model,” IEEE Transactions on Medical
                                                                      Imaging, volume 27, pages 847-857, June 2008.
                 timization on Second-Order Statistics,” IEEE Transactions on Image
 的樂趣。  vise	a	successful	representation	of	textures.  Processing, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 771-783, July 2002.
                                                                  25.  Silong Peng and Wen-Liang Hwang, “Adaptive Signal Decomposition
 I	like	to	study	and	develop	new	methods	because	I	derive	immense	satisfaction	from	  10.  Yao-Tang  Chou,  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  and  Chung-Lin  Huang,  “Gain-  Based on Local Narrow Band Signal,” IEEE Transactions on Signal
                                                                      Processing, volume 56, number 7, pages 2669-2676, July 2008.
                 shape Optimized Dictionary for Matching Pursuit Video Coding,” Sig-
 solving	complex	problems.	  nal Processing, vol. 83, pp. 1937-1943, September 2003.
                                                                  26.  Jian-Liang  Lin,  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  Soo-Chang  Pei,  and  Jenq-Neng
              11.  Ming-Shing Su, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Kuo-Yourn Cheng, “Analy-  Hwang, “A Hybrid Coarse/Fine Layered Multicast Scheme Based on
                 sis on Multiresolution Mosaic Images,” IEEE Transactions on Image   Hierarchical Bandwidth Inference Congestion Control,” IEEE Transac-
                 Processing, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 952-959, July 2004.  tions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, volume 18, number
                                                                      2, pages 1776-1780, December 2008.
              12.  Jian-Liang Lin, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Soo-Chang Pei, “SNR Scal-
                 ability  Based  on  Bitplane  Coding  of  Matching  Pursuit Atoms:  Fine   27.  Cho-Chun  Cheng,  Guan-Ju  Peng  and  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  “Subband
                 Grained and Two Residuals,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Sys-  Weighting  with  Pixel  Connectivity  for  3-D  Wavelet  Coding,”  IEEE
                 tems for Video Technology, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 3-14, January 2005.  Transactions on Image Processing, volume 18, number 1, pages 52-62,
                                                                      January 2009.
              13.  Jengnan Tzeng, Wen-Liang Hwang, and I-Liang Chern, “An Asymmet-
                 ric Subspace Watermarking Method for Copyright Protection,” IEEE   28.  Xiyuan Hu, Silong Peng, and Wen-Liang Hwang, “Estimation of Instan-
                 Transactions on Signal Processing Supplement on Secure Media (Spe-  taneous Frequency Parameters of the Operator-based Signal Separation
                 cial Issue), vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 784-792, February 2005.  Method,” Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, volume 1, number 4,
                                                                      pages 587-600, 2010.
              14.  Chun-Liang Tu, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Jinn Ho, “Analysis of Singu-
                 larities from Modulus Maxima of Complex Wavelets,” IEEE Transac-  29.  Silong Peng and Wen-Liang Hwang, “Null Space Pursuit: An Operator-
                 tions on Information Theory, vol. 51, no. 3, pp.1049-1062, March 2005.  based Approach to Adaptive Signal Separation,” To Appear in IEEE
                                                                      Transactions on Signal Processing.
              15.  Jinn  Ho,  Wen-Liang  Hwang,  Henry  Horn-Shing  Lu,  and  D.T.  Lee,
                 “Gridding  Spot  Centers  of  Smoothly  Distorted  Microarray  Images,”   30.  Paruvelli Sreedevi, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Shawmin Lei, “An Exam-
                 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 342-353,   plar-based Approach for Texture Compaction Synthesis and Retrieval,”
                 February 2006.                                       To Appear in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
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