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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Postdoctoral	Fellow,	National	Taiwan	University,	2004-2008	(國防役)  	 ƒ Best	Student	Paper	Award:
 楊得年 De-Nian Yang  	 ● Ph.D.,	Department	of	Electrical	Engineering,	National	Taiwan	Univer-  De-Nian	Yang,	Wanjiun	Liao,	and	Yen-Ting	Lin,	“MQ:	An	Integrated
                sity,	2000-2004                                      Mechanism	for	Multimedia	Multicasting,”	IEEE	International	Confer-
               	 ● M.S.,	Department	of	Electrical	Engineering,	National	Taiwan	Univer-  ence	on	Multimedia	and	Expo	(IEEE	ICME),	New	York,	Aug.	2000.
                sity,	1999-2000
 助研究員 Assistant Research Fellow   	 ● B.S.,	Department	of	Electrical	Engineering,	National	Taiwan	Univer-
 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University  sity,	1995-1999
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1728
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   De-Nian Yang, Wanjiun Liao, and Yen-Ting Lin, “MQ: An Integrated   15.  Yi-Hong Chu, Ying-Ju Chen, De-Nian Yang, and Ming-Syan Chen,
                 Mechanism  for  Multimedia  Multicasting,”  IEEE  Transactions  on   “Reducing Redundancy in Subspace Clustering,” IEEE Transactions
 研究簡介  Research Description  Multimedia, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 82-97, Mar. 2001.  on Knowledge and Data Engineering, volume 21, number 10, pages
              2.   De-Nian Yang and Wanjiun Liao, “Design of Light-Tree Based Logi-  1432-1446, October 2009.
 在網路領域中,群播通訊為網路電視、視訊會議等多點  In	networking,	multicasting	is	the	key	technology	for	multipoint-to-multipoint	com-  cal Topologies for Multicast Streams in Wavelength Routed Optical
 通訊之關鍵技術。在群播通訊之相關議題中,我們的研  munications,	such	as	IP-TV	and	video	conferencing.	Our	research	results	in	multicast-  Networks,” Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Computer
                 Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), 2003.
 究成果包括區域網路與網際網路之群播國際標準改進、  ing	include	protocol	extension	to	the	existing	IETF	standards	of	LAN	and	Internet.	In
 群播狀態表於路由器之分配、以及於分波長多工光纖網  addition,	we	propose	to	adaptively	allocate	the	forwarding	states	in	routers	of	a	mul-  3.   De-Nian Yang and Wanjiun Liao, “Optimizing State Allocation for
                 Multicast Communications,” Proc. of the IEEE International Confer-
 路、異質無線網路、同儕網路、以及低軌道衛星網路之  ticast	tree.	We	also	solve	the	multicast	network	planning	problems	in	wavelength-  ence on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), 2004.
 資源配置最佳化。除了探討傳統路由路徑之決定,我們  division	multiplexing	(WDM)	optical	networks,	heterogeneous	wireless	networks,	  4.   Wanjiun Liao and De-Nian Yang, “Receiver-Initiated Group Member-
 在群播覆蓋網路之拓樸設計,以及分層多媒體視訊之傳  peer-to-peer	networks,	and	low-earth-orbit	(LEO)	satellite	networks.	In	addition	to	  ship Protocol (RGMP): A New Group Management Protocol for IP
 送,亦有所突破。  multicast	routing,	we	have	breakthroughs	in	the	design	of	the	multicast	overlay	net-  Multicasting,” IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol. 50, No.3, pp.
 works	and	the	delivery	of	layer-encoded	video	streams	in	multiple	multicast	trees.  279-288, Sep. 2004.
 予大量之使用者。在過去採用之研究架構中,伺服器頻  In	mobile	computing,	data	broadcast	is	utilized	to	deliver	the	information	to	a	large	  5.   De-Nian Yang, Wanjiun Liao, and Chang-Jung Kao, “Source Filtering
                 in IP Multicast Routing,” IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol.
 寬使用之下限為客戶端所需之資料量。然而,我們採用  number	of	clients.	In	previous	works,	each	data	item	needs	to	be	delivered	at	least	  52, No. 4, pp. 529-542, Dec. 2006.
 近幾年新興之網路編碼技術打破此下限,其依據客戶端  once,	and	the	number	of	data	items	is	thereby	the	lower	bound	of	the	resource	con-  6.   Chung-Hua  Chu,  De-Nian  Yang,  and  Ming-Syan  Chen,  “Image
 所詢問以及所儲存之資料,將多筆資料以網路編碼方式  sumption.	In	contrast,	we	leverage	an	emerging	technology,	network	coding,	for	  Stablization for 2D Barcode in Handheld Devices,” Proc. of the ACM
 混合成一筆傳送,以有效減少伺服器之資源消耗。此成  data	broadcast.	Instead	of	delivering	each	data	item	directly,	our	approach	mixes	  Multimedia (ACM MM), 2007.
 果為第一個指出傳送之資料量可小於所需之資料量之研  multiple	items	with	network	coding	according	to	the	queried	and	stored	items	of	cli-  7.   De-Nian Yang and Wanjiun Liao, “On Bandwidth-Efficient Overlay
 究成果。  ents.	Our	research	result	is	the	first	work	demonstrating	that	the	amount	of	delivery	  Multicast,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
 information	can	be	smaller	than	the	amount	of	required	information.  Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 1503-1515, Nov. 2007.
              8.   De-Nian  Yang  and  Ming-Syan  Chen,  “Bandwidth  Efficient  Video
                 Multicasting in Multiradio Multicellular Wireless Networks,” IEEE
                 Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 275-288, Feb.
              9.   De-Nian Yang and Wanjiun Liao, “Optimal State Allocation for Mul-
                 ticast  Communications  with  Explicit  Multicast  Forwarding,”  IEEE
                 Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 19, No. 4, Apr.
              10.  De-Nian Yang and Ming-Syan Chen, “Efficient Resource Allocation
                 for Wireless  Multicast,”  IEEE  Transactions  on  Mobile  Computing,
                 Vol. 7, No. 4, Apr. 2008.
              11.  De-Nian Yang and Wanjiun Liao, “Multicast Routing Using Rectilin-
                 ear Steiner Trees for LEO Satellite Networks,” IEEE Transactions on
                 Vehicular Technology, Vol. 57, No. 5, May 2008.
              12.  De-Nian Yang and Ming-Syan Chen, “On Bandwidth-Efficient Data
                 Broadcast,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
                 Vol. 20, No. 8, Aug. 2008.
              13.  De-Nian Yang and Ming-Syan Chen, “Data Broadcast with Adaptive
                 Network Coding in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” IEEE Trans-
                 actions on Mobile Computing, accepted. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 109-125,
                 Jan. 2009.
              14.  Yi-Hong Chu, Ying-Ju Chen, De-Nian Yang, and Ming-Syan Chen,
                 “Reducing Redundancy in Subspace Clustering,” IEEE Transactions
                 on Knowledge and Data Engineering, volume 21, number 10, pages
                 1432-1446, October 2009.

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