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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Visiting	Student,	Carnegie	Mellon	University.	2007~2008,	18	months	  	 ƒ ACADEMIC	HONORS	AND	AWARDS:
 陳郁方 Yu-Fang Chen  in	total.                                       	 ƒ Recipient	of	the	European	Joint	Conferences	on	Theory	and	Practice
               	 ● PostDoc,	Uppsala	University,	Sweden,	2009/5~2009/10  of	Software	(ETAPS)	Scholarship,	2007,	2008,	and	2009
               	 ● Visiting	Researcher,	Uppsala	University,	Sweden,	2010/2~2010/4
               	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	2009/10~
 助研究員 Assistant Research Fellow
 Ph.D, Informational Management, National Taiwan University
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1514
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   Y.-K.  Tsay,  Y.-F.  Chen,  M.-H.  Tsai,  K.-N.  Wu,  and  W.-C.  Chan,
                 “GOAL: A Graphical Tool for Manipulating Buechi Automata and
 研究簡介  Research Description  Temporal Formulae,” The 13th International Conference on Tools and
                 Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS
                 2007),  Lecture  Notes  in Computer Science, 4424, pages 466--471,
 我主要的研究興趣在自動化驗證軟硬體系統正確性的技  My	main	research	interest	is	on	automatic	techniques	(model	checking)	for	verifying	  2007.
 術。主要有興趣的方法是模型驗證。在過去數年中,我  correctness	of	software/hardware	system.	In	the	past	few	years,	the	main	focus	is	on	  2.   A. Farzan, Y.-F. Chen, E.M. Clarke, Y.-K. Tsay, and B.-Y. Wang, “Ex-
 的主要研究重點包括(1)自動化組合式驗證及,(2)以自動  two	topics:	(1)	automated	compositional	verification	and	(2)	automata-based	model	  tending Automated  Compositional Verification  to  the  Full  Class  of
 機為基礎的模型驗證。自動化組合式驗證的目標是用”  checking.	The	goal	of	automated	compositional	verification	is	to	improve	the	scal-  Omega-Regular Languages,” The 14th International Conference on
 各個擊破”的方式,透過機器學習演算法,把一個複雜  ability	of	model	checking.	In	the	approach,	one	applies	a	compositional	inference  Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
 的驗證問題,自動拆解成數個簡單的子問題。問題的拆  (TACAS 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4963, pages 2--
 解通常是透過所謂的保證-假設式推論規則。過去我們  rule	to	break	the	task	of	verifying	a	system	down	to	the	subtasks	of	verifying	its	  17, 2008.
 提出了許多改善自動化組合式驗證的技巧,其中包含了  components.	The	compositional	inference	rule	is	usually	in	the	so-called	assume-  3.   Y.-K.  Tsay,  Y.-F.  Chen,  M.-H.  Tsai,  W.-C.  Chan,  and  C.-J.  Luo,
 將他擴充至能驗證活性性質,及能找出一個保證-假設  guarantee	style.	In	the	past	few	years,	we	proposed	several	approaches	to	improve	  “GOAL  Extended: Towards  a  Research Tool  for  Omega Automata
                 and Temporal Logic,” The 14th International Conference on Tools and
 式推論規則中最佳環境假設的演算法。相對於	LTL	模型  automated	compositional	verification,	which	include	extending	it	to	allow	the	veri-  Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS
 驗證技術(利用邏輯算式來描述所需要的性質),以自動  fication	of	liveness	property	and	a	new	algorithm	that	guarantees	finding	the	mini-  2008),  Lecture  Notes  in Computer Science, 4963, pages 346--350,
 機為基礎的模型驗證技術允許利用狀態機來描述想要驗  mal	contextual	assumption	of	an	assume-guarantee	rule.	In	contrast	to	LTL	model	  2008.
 證的性質。這是一個研發中的方法,有很多問題都還尚  checking	that	uses	a	logic	formula	to	describe	the	desired	property,	automata-based	  4.   Y.-F.  Chen, A.  Farzan,  E.M.  Clarke,  Y.-K.  Tsay,  and  B.-Y.  Wang,
 待解決(特別是其擴充性)。在去年,我們對於數種不同  model	checking	allows	the	use	of	finite-state	machines	to	describe	the	property	to	  “Learning  Minimal  Separating  DFA’s  for  Compositional  Verifica-
 的自動機,提出了有效率的演算法來最小化一個自動機  be	verified.	This	is	an	on-going	research	area;	many	problems	remain	there	to	be	  tion,” The 15th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for
                 the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2009), Lecture
 及檢測一個自動機的語言是否為另一個自動機的母集。  solved.  Notes in Computer Science, 5505, pages 31-45, 2009.
 這些演算法對於改善以自動機為基礎的模型驗證都具有  Scalability	is	still	the	main	concern.	In	the	previous	year,	we	developed	efficient	al-
 相當的重要性。  gorithm	for	minimizing	and	checking	language	inclusion	of	different	types	of	au-  5.   P.A. Abdulla, Y.-F. Chen, L. Holik, and T. Vojnar, “Mediating for Re-
                 duction (on Minimizing Alternating Buchi Automata),” The 29th An-
 tomata,	which	can	be	used	to	improve	automate-based	model	checking.  nual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theo-
                 retical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2009), 2009.
              6.   Y.-K. Tsay, Y.-F. Chen, M.-H. Tsai, K.-N. Wu, W.-C. Chan, C.-J. Luo,
                 and J.-S. Chang, “Tool Support for Learning Buechi Automata and
                 Linear Temporal Logic,” Formal Aspects of Computing, volume 21,
                 pages 259-275, 2009.
              7.   P. Abdulla, Y.-F. Chen, L. Holik, R. Mayr and T. Vojnar “When Simu-
                 lation Meets Antichains (on Checking Language Inclusion of NFA/
                 TA’s)” The 16th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms
                 for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2010), Lecture
                 Notes in Computer Science, 2010.

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