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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

                                                                                                                                      	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2006	–	)
                                                          楊柏因 Bo-Yin Yang                                                             	 ● Taft	Visiting	Scholar,	Mathematical	Sciences,	U	Cincinnati	(2007)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Professor,	Math,	Tamkang	University	(2006)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Associate	Professor,	Math,	Tamkang	University	(1992	–	2006)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Postdoc,	Math,	Academia	Sinica	(1992)
                                                          副研究員 Associate Research Fellow                                              	 ● Ph.D.,	Applied	Mathematics,	Masschusetts	Institute	of	Technology
                                                          Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, MIT                                              (1991)
                                                                                                                                      	 ● B.S.,	Physics,	National	Taiwan	University	(1987)
                                                          Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	2731
                                                          Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

                                                       (including	Analysis	of	Algorithms	and	other	topics).	                         3.	 Other	Combinatorial	Studies:                       ing	with	enumeration	and	analysis	of	algorithms	that	deals	with	itera-
                                                                                                                                                                                            tive	or	recursive	structures	that	can	be	handled	by	standard	combi-
                                                       1.	 It	seems	that	computers	are	ubiquitous,	and	will	soon	be	working	invisibly	and	  I	work	on	many	other	combinatorial	problems	especially	those	deal-  natorial	methods.
                                                         seamlessly	in	many	other	ways;	hence,	security	and	privacy	are	becoming	press-
                                                         ing	issues.		RSA	may	lose	its	dominance	within	5-10	years,	even	without	the	ad-
                                                         vances	of	Quantum	Computing.	Indeed,	because	of	the	need	for	better	security
                                                         in	pervasive	or	ubiquitous	computing,	NATO	is	planning	to	adopt	and	standard-
           研究簡介                                          ize	on	ECC	(ECIES,	ECDSA)	as	the	next	standard.	RSA	is	simply	too	heavy-weight	  代表著作 Publications
                                                         to	fit	all	scenarios.	Even	its	proponents	concede	this	point.
        吾人最近的研究主要可以分為有效的密碼學實作 [特別是特殊硬                    We	 study	 topics	 ranging	 from	 restricted	 linear	 algebra	 and	 resource-limited	  LNCS  is  the  series  of  Lecture  Notes  in  Computer  Science,  ©Springer-  12.  B.-Y. Yang, O. C.-H. Chen, D. J. Bernstein, and J.-M. Chen, “Analysis
        體上的密碼學演算法] 和密碼學理論兩部分。
                                                         arithmetic	to	fast	arithmetic	and	efficient	primitives.		We	are	known	for	design-  Verlag, SCI.                                     of QUAD”, IACR International Workshop for Fast Software Encryp-
        吾人在代數攻擊上的研究相當為人所知,XL	 演算法是一種解                    ing	cryptographical	approaches	for	specialized	hardware,	including	implement-  1.   A. Studer*, C. Studer, H.-C. Hsiao, Y.-H. Lin, K.-H. Wang, A. Perrig,   tion  (FSE  2007,  Mar.  26-28,  Luxemberg  City,  Luxemberg),  LNCS
        方程式的技巧,幫助終結了線性回饋平移暫存器	 Linear	 Feed-             ing	cryptographical	algorithms	on	vector	units	in	CPUs,	FPGAs,	ASICs,	and	GPU	  H.-M. Sun, B.-Y. Yang, A Study of User-Friendly Hash Comparison   4593, pp. 290-307.
        back	Shift	Register	作為加密技術的時代,吾人對它首度作了完          (graphic	processing	units).		One	of	our	record-breaking	results	is	using	GPUs	to	  Schemes, pp. 105-114, proc. ACSAC’09 (December 7-11, Honolulu).   13.  J. Ding, C. Wolf, and B.-Y. Yang, “ l  -Invertible Cycles for Multivari-
        整的分析,並推廣到一些其他地方使用。另外吾人也研究後量                      assist	cryptanalytic	computations.		We	also	study	the	implementation	of	prac-  2.   C.-I Lee, T.-C. Wu*, B.-Y. Yang and W.-G. Tzeng, New Secure Broad-  ate Quadratic Public Key Cryptography”, will appear in IACR Inter-
        子密碼學,特別是多變量的公鑰密碼系統	(MPKC):	這是一種以                 tical	information	security	algorithms,	such	as	using	intelligent	agents	to	assist	  casting Scheme Realizing Information Granularity, J. of Information   national  Workshop  for  Public  Key  Cryptography  (PKC  2007, Apr.
        處理多數的小有限體中的變數,來取代大代數結構中的元素的                      serverless	authenticated	information	exchanges.                                Sci. and Eng., to appear.                            21-24, Beijing, China), LNCS 4450, pp. 266-281. [Prior version at
        想法,被認為是在量子電腦發明之後可能存續的公鑰密碼系統	                                                                                                 3.   A.  I.-T.  Chen,  M.-S.  Chen,  T.-R.  Chen,  C.-M.  Cheng,  J.  Ding,  E.   Post-Quantum Crypto Workshop ‘06, KU Leuven, Belgium.]
        (Post-Quantum	Public-Key	Cryptosystem)	的一個重要分類,該類  2.	 Theory	of	Cryptology:	We	are	known	in	the	following	areas:               L.-H. Kuo, F. Y.-S. Lee, and *B.-Y. Yang, SSE Implementation of   14.  W. Yan, B.-Y. Yang, and Y.-N. Yeh, “The Behavior of Wiener Indices
        系統一般也有高效能的名聲,適合用在小或嵌入式系統上。吾                                                                                                     Multivariate PKCs on Modern x86 CPUs, CHES 2009 (11th Work-  and Polynomials of Graphs under Five Graph Operators”, Appl. Math.
        人在這一方面的研究在世界上目前居於前幾名。                            Post-Quantum Cryptography:	This	term	has	two	major	meanings.	One	is	the	       shop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Sept. 6-9,   Lett. 20(2007) pp. 290-295.
                                                         study	of	cryptosystems	using	quantum	effects	to	establish	security	and	privacy,	  Lausanne, Switzerland), pp. 33-48, LNCS 5747.  15.  I. Gutman, W. Yan, B.-Y. Yang, and Y.-N. Yeh, “Generalized Wiener
        另一方面,吾人特別注重在特殊硬體包括微控制器晶片	(micro-                 such	as	the	famous	BB84	protocol;	the	other	is	the	study	of	cryptography	that	do	                                                   Indices  of  Zigzagging  Pentachains”,  published  online  by,  and  cur-
        controller,	即智慧卡的主要組件),可及時重新程式化的電路陣              not	fall	with	the	advent	of	Quantum	Computers,	which	are	expected	to	become	  4.   Y.-H.  Lin,  *A.  Studer,  H.-C.  Hsiao,  J.  McCune,  K.-H.  Wang,  M.   rently in press at, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry.
        列	(Field	Programmable	Gate	Array,	FPGA)	上面的密碼學演算法。  a	reality	within	two	decades.		Our	research	on	MPKCs	(Multivariate	Public-Key	  Krohn, P.-L. Lin, A. Perrig, H.-M. Sun, B.-Y. Yang, SPATE: Small-
        這些演算法因為資源要求而和一般的不同,例如	RSA	就太耗資                   Cryptosystems)	has	advanced	the	understanding	of	the	field	from	both	the	theo-  group  PKI-less  Authenticated  Trust  Establishment,  Proc.  MobiSys   16.  B.-Y. Yang, C.-M. Cheng, B.-R. Chen, and J.-M. Chen, “Implement-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ing  Minimized  Multivariate  Public-Key  Cryptosystems  on  Low-
                                                                                                                                        2009  (7th  Int’l  Conference  on  Mobile  Systems, Applications,  and
        源,不太合乎全在計算的要求,並因此可能在最近被北約組織                      retical	and	practical	viewpoints.		MPKCs	operate	on	a	vector	of	variables	over	a	  Services, June 22-25, Wroclaw, Poland), pp. 1-14, best paper award.  Resource Embedded Systems”, Proc. 3  Security of Pervasive Com-
        整個用	ECC	(橢圓曲線)	系統取代。本實驗室最近為人稱道的研                                                                                                                                                     puting Conference (SPC’06, Apr. 18-21, York, UK) LNCS 3934, pp.
        究是利用計算機的顯示晶片來做橢圓曲線的計算,在破密上獲                      small	field,	instead	of	an	element	in	a	huge	algebraic	structure	(as	in	RSA	or	ECC).	 	  5.   D. J. Bernstein, T.-R. Chen, *C.-M. Cheng, T. Lange, and B.-Y. Yang,   73-88.
        得破紀錄的速度。我們也做出低電流低耗能可以在射頻電路身                      This	key	characteristic	makes	MPKCs	faster	and	they	have	comparable	design	se-  ECM on Video Cards, Eurocrypt 2009 (April 25-29, Köln, Germany)   17.  Y.-H. Hu, L.-C. Wang, and B.-Y. Yang, “A ``Medium-Field’’ Multi-
                                                                                                                                        LNCS 5479, pp. 483-501.
        份辨識元件	(Radio	Frequency	Identification	Device,	RFID)	上執行  curity;	hence,	they	are	useful	for	low-resource	environments,	such	as	embedded	                                             variate  Public-Key  Encryption  Scheme”,  Proc.  7   Cryptographer’s
        的數位簽章演算法。最近也進行使用智慧型手機或其他類似的                      systems	and	smart	cards.	                                                   6.   J. Baena, M.-S. Chen, C. Clough*, J. Ding, and B.-Y. Yang, Square,   Track RSA Conference (CT-RSA’06, Feb. 13-17, San Jose CA), LNCS
        裝置來協助進行認證的資訊交換,或其他實用上的資訊安全研                      Recently,	we	have	conducted	several	analyses	of,	and	proposed	improvements	    a New Multivariate Encryption Scheme, CT-RSA 2009 (April 20-24,   3860, pp. 132-149.
        究。                                                                                                                              San Francisco), LNCS 5473, pp. 252-264.
                                                         to,	the	design	of	such	primitives.	Today	we	have	one	of	the	leading	research	  7.   A. I.-T. Chen, C.-H. O. Chen, M.-S. Chen, C.-M. Cheng and *B.-Y.   18.  S.-P. Eu, B.-Y. Yang, and Y. Yeh, “Computing the Generalized Wiener
        除了這兩者之外,吾人也進行一些與此有關的組合學或是演算                      teams	in	multivariate	cryptosystems..                                          Yang, Practical-Sized Instances of Multivariate PKCs: Rainbow, and     Indices of Hex Chains”, Int’l J. of Quant. Chem. 106(2006), pp. 426-
        法上的研究。                                                                                                                          l IC-derivatives, PQCrypto 2008 (Second Post-Quantum Cryptogra-  435 .
                                                         Algebraic Cryptanalysis:	We	have	made	practical	advances	in	equation-solving	  phy Workshop, Oct. 17-19, Cincinnati, USA) and LNCS 5299, pp.   19.  B.-Y. Yang and J.-M. Chen, “Building Secure Tame-Like Multivariate
                                                         and	algebraic	cryptanalysis,	especially	in	Groebner	Bases	and	the	related	XL	(eX-  95-106.                                          Public-Key Cryptosystems: the New TTS”, Proc. 10  Australasian
           Research Description                          tended	Linearization)	method	and	its	variants.		These	system-solving	methods	  8.   F.-H. Liu, C.-J. Lu, and *B.-Y. Yang, Secure PRNGs from Specialized   Conference  on  Info.  Sec.  and  Privacy  (ACISP  ‘05,  July  4-6,  Bris-
                                                         have	shaken	the	field	of	stream	ciphers	and	researchers	still	look	for	a	replace-  Polynomial  Maps  over Any  GF(q),  PQCrypto’08  and  LNCS  5299   bane), LNCS 3574, pp. 518-531. . Note: a slightly different version is
        My	research	interests	can	be	roughly	divided	into	the	fol-  ment	to	the	venerable	RC4	cipher.		We	are	still	working	on	faster	implementa-  (ibid.), pp. 181-202.                     available at:
        lowing	areas:	Effective	Methods	in	Crypto	(especially	with	  tions	and	more	theory	of	such	system-solvers.	This	also	relates	to	the	previous	  9.   C.-H. O. Chen, C.-W. Chen, C. Kuo, Y.-H. Lai, J. McCune, A. Perrig,   20.  M.  Bardet,  J.-C.  Faugère,  B.  Salvy,  and  B.-Y.  Yang,  “Asymptotic
        respect	 to	 Crypto	 Hardware	 and	 Embedded	 Systems);	  area	since	an	attack	on	an	MPKC	is	equivalent	to	solving	an	instance	of	the	mul-  *A. Studer, and B.-Y. Yang, GAnGS: Gather, Authenticate ‘n Group   Expansion of the Degree of Regularity for Semi-Regular Systems of
        Cryptology	 (including	 Post-Quantum	 Cryptosystems	 and	  tivariate	quadratic	systems	(MQ)	or	the	extended	isomorphism	of	polynomials	  Securely, Proc. MobiCom 2008 (14  Annual International Conference   Equations”, 8  Conférence des Méthodes Effectives en Géométrie Al-
        Algebraic	 Cryptanalysis)	 and	 other	 Combinatorial	 Studies	  (EIP)	problems.                                                 on Mobile Computing and Networking, ACM SigMobile, September   gebrique (MEGA ‘05, May 27- June 1, Porto Conte, Sardinia, Italy);
                                                                                                                                                                                             being re-edited for journal submission.
                                                                                                                                        14-19, San Francisco), pp. 92-103.
                                                                                                                                                                                         21.  B.-Y. Yang and J.-M. Chen, “All in the XL Family: Theory and Prac-
                                                                                                                                     10.  J. Ding, V. Dubois, *B.-Y. Yang, C.-H. O. Chen, and C.-M. Cheng.   th
                                                                                                                                        Can SFLASH be Repaired?, ICALP 2008 (35th International Collo-  tice”, Proc. 7  International Conference on Information Security and
                                                                                                                                        quium on Automata, Languages and Programming, July 6-13, Rey-  Cryptology (ICISC ‘04, Dec. 2-3, Seoul, Korea), LNCS 3506, pp. 67-
                                                                                                                                        kjavik, Iceland), LNCS 5126, pp. 691-701. J. Ding and B.-Y. Yang,   86.
                                                                                                                                        “New  Differential Attacks  on  Rainbow-like  Multivariate  Signature   22.  L.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hu, F.-P. Lai, C.-Y. Chou, and B.-Y. Yang, “Trac-
                                                                                                                                        Schemes, and Improved Designs”,8 Applied Computer and Network   table Rational Map Signature”, Proc. 2005 IACR Int’l Workshop for
                                                                                                                                        Security Conference (ACNS’08, June 3-6, New York, USA). LNCS   Public-Key Cryptography (PKC ‘05, Jan. 26-28, Diablerets, Switzer-
                                                                                                                                        5037, pp. 242-257.                                   land), LNCS 3386, pp. 244-257.
                                                                                                                                     11.  J. Ding and B.-Y. Yang, “Multivariate Polynomials for Hashing”, In-
                                                                                                                                        scrypt’07, Aug. 31-Sep. 5, Xining, China, LNCS 4990.
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