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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

              DEGREES	RECEIVED:                                   ACADEMIC	HONORS	AND	AWARDS:
 葉彌妍 Mi-Yen Yeh  	 ● Ph.D.,	EE,	National	Taiwan	University,	Taiwan	(2002/09	-	2009/01)  	 ƒ Distinguished	Postdoctoral	Fellowship,	Academia	Sinica,	Taiwan
               	 ● B.S.,	EE,	National	Taiwan	University,	Taiwan	(1998/09	-	2002/06)  (2009)

 助研究員 Assistant Research Fellow  	 ● Postdoctoral	Fellow,	CITI,	Academia	Sinica,	Taiwan	(2009/02	-
 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University  2009/09)
               	 ● Visiting	Scientist,	IBM	T.	J.	Watson	Research	Center,	NY,	USA	(2007/09
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1412  -	2008/07)
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   Bi-Ru  Dai,  Jen-Wei  Huang,  Mi-Yen  Yeh,  and  Ming-Syan  Chen,
                 ”Clustering on Demand for Multiple Data Streams”, In Proceedings
 研究簡介  Research Description  of the IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM),
                 November 1-4, 2004.
 我的研究興趣主要是在資料探勘和資料庫方面的相關議  My	research	interests	lie	in	the	area	of	data	mining	and	databases.	Particularly,	I	have	  2.   Mi-Yen Yeh, Bi-Ru Dai and Ming-Syan Chen, “COMET: Event-Driv-
 題。過去幾年的研究主要是針對多重數值資料流環境,  been	focusing	on	topics	in	a	multiple-data-stream	environment,	including	stream	  en Clustering over Multiple Evolving Streams,” In Proceedings of the
                 10th Pacific-Asia Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
 探討資料摘要、資料叢集、以及相似性查詢處理。資料  summarization,	 clustering,	 and	 similarity	 query	 processing.	 The	 most	 important	  (PAKDD), April 9-12, 2006.
 流的特性是持續收集、快速匯入、且大量累積,該如何  characteristics	of	data	streams	are	continuously	arriving,	of	huge	volumes,	and	with	  3.   Bi-Ru  Dai,  Jen-Wei  Huang,  Mi-Yen  Yeh,  and  Ming-Syan  Chen,
 設計即時、有限次數檢視、以及限量資料儲存的演算法  fast	coming	speeds.	To	accommodate	these	properties	of	data	streams	with	limited	  “Adaptive Clustering for Multiple Evolving Streams,” IEEE Transac-
 便成為重要的議題。  computing	resources	and	bounded	storage,	it	is	important	to	design	approximate	  tions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 1166-
 but	real-time	algorithms.  1180, September 2006.
 不同的位置。對於相似性查詢,若先將所有資料集中再  In	 addition,	 I	 am	 interested	 in	 similarity	 query	 processing	 among	 distributed	  4.   Mi-Yen Yeh, Bi-Ru Dai, and Ming-Syan Chen, “Clustering over Mul-
                 tiple Evolving Streams by Events and Correlations,” IEEE Transac-
 處理並非一個有效率的方法。因此,探討如何直接在分  streams.	In	many	real-world	applications,	data	streams	are	collected	independently	  tions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 1349-
 散式環境底下,有效地節省頻寬使用來傳送資料流摘要  in	a	decentralized	manner.	For	example,	streams	of	climate	measurements	such	as	  1362, October 2007.
 以獲得查詢的答案,是另一個值得研究的問題。  temperatures	are	collected	from	observation	stations	located	over	a	wide	area.	It	  5.   Mi-Yen  Yeh,  Kun-Lung  Wu,  Philip  S.  Yu,  and  Ming-Syan  Chen,
 is	inefficient	to	gather	all	of	the	distributed	streams	to	a	central	site	before	doing	  “LEEWAVE:  Level-Wise  Distribution  of  Wavelet  Coefficients  for
 最後,如何處理含有不確定性的資料,亦是一個重要研  any	query	processing	especially	when	the	available	network	bandwidth	is	limited.	  Processing kNN Queries over Distributed Streams,” In Proceedings of
 究議題。受到儀器誤差影響,或是為保護隱私而受到人  Hence,	there	is	a	need	to	develop	a	bandwidth-efficient	approach	to	processing	  the 34th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB),
 為刻意模糊,我們所獲得的資料並非就是所知的定值,  queries	among	distributed	streams.  August 24-30, 2008.
 而應該是一個可能值的機率分佈。由於資料的不確定  6.   Mi-Yen  Yeh,  Kun-Lung  Wu,  Philip  S.  Yu,  and  Ming-Syan  Chen,
 性,傳統的資料模型和相似度定義將不再適用。因此需  Last	but	not	least,	how	to	do	similarity	query	processing	on	data	with	uncertainty	  “PROUD: A Probabilistic Approach to Processing Similarity Queries
 要藉由機率和統計理論輔助,建立不確定性物體之間距  is	also	a	topic	that	I	concern	about.	Uncertainty	of	data	comes	from	various	sources	  over Uncertain Data Streams,” In Proceedings of the 12th Internation-
 離的模型,定義新的資料相似性查詢模式並設計對應的  such	as	noise	interference	of	equipments	or	man-made	data	perturbation	for	pri-  al  Conference  on  Extending  Database Technology  (EDBT),  March
                 23-26, 2009.
 處理方法。  vacy	preservation.	In	contrast	to	data	with	certainty,	the	data	are	now	regarded	as
 random	variables	with	probability	distributions.	Hence,	new	probabilistic	models	  7.   Su-Chen  Lin,  Mi-Yen  Yeh,  and  Ming-Syan  Chen,  “Subsequence
 and	methods	for	similarity	queries	among	uncertain	data	should	be	designed.	  Matching of Stream Synopses under the Time Warping Distance,” In
                 Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery
                 and Data Mining (PAKDD), June 21-24, 2010.

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