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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Multimedia	Information	Chair	Professor,	National	Chung	Hsing	University	  	 ƒ Young	Investigators’	Award,	Academia	Sinica	(1998)	(中央研究院年輕
 廖弘源 Hong-Yuan Mark Liao  	 ● Professor,	National	Chiao	Tung	University	(國立交通大學合聘教授,	  	 ƒ Associate	Editor,	IEEE	Transactions	on	Image	Processing	(2009-present)
                2003-present)                                      	 ƒ Associate	Editor,	IEEE	Transactions	on	Information	Forensics	and	Security
               	 ● President,	Image	Processing	and	Pattern	Recognition	Society	of	Taiwan	  (2009-present)
                (2006-2008)                                        	 ƒ Editor,	EURASIP	Journal	on	Advances	in	Signal	Processing	(Hindawi
               	 ● Division	Chair,	Computer	Science	and	Information	Engineering	Division	  Publishing	Corp.,	2004-present)
 研究員 Research Fellow  (2),	National	Science	Council	of	Taiwan	(2009-present)  	 ƒ Editor,	Journal	of	Visual	Communication	and	Image	Representation
 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University              (Academic	Press,	2000-present)
               	 ƒ Academia	Sinica	Investigator	Award	(2010-2014)	(中央研究院深耕計畫  	 ƒ Committee	Member,	Multimedia	Signal	Processing	Technical	Committee,
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-	3799	ext.1550	or	1519  獎)                         IEEE	Signal	Processing	Society	(2004-2007),	Information	Forensics	and
                                                                     Security	Committee,	IEEE	Signal	Processing	Society	(2010-2012)
 Fax:	+886-2-2789-3309  	 ƒ Distinguished	Scholar	Research	Project	Award,	National	Science	Council	  	 ƒ Conference	Co-Chair,	IEEE	International	Conference	on	Multimedia	and
                (2008-2011)	(國科會傑出學者研究計畫獎)
 Email:  	 ƒ National	Invention	Award	(2004)	(國家發明獎)  Exposition	(2004)  	 ƒ Distinguished	Research	Award,	National	Science	Council	(2003)	(國科會

 Research Description

 Over	the	past	decade,	my	group	has	developed	a	number	of	novel	techniques	for	  4.   C. J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H. L. Hung, K. C. Fan, and J. W. Hsieh,   “Pedestrian Detection and Tracking at Crossroads,” Pattern Recogni-
 image/video	processing,	3-D	graphics	processing,	and	multimedia	security	and	pro-  “Multiscale  edge  detection  on  range  images  via  normal  changes,”   tion, volume 37, number 5, pages 1025-1034, May 2004.
 tection.	Some	of	them	have	been	successfully	transferred	to	related	industries.	For	  IEEE  Trans.  on  Circuits  and  Systems  II,  special  issue  on  Multi-  19.  H.-Y. Lin, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C.-S. Lu, and J.-C. Lin “Fragile Water-
 研究簡介  example,	a	trajectory-based	event	retrieval	system	developed	by	my	group	has	been	  rate Systems, Filter Banks, Wavelets, and Applications, volume 45,   marking for Authenticating 3-D Polygonal Meshes,” IEEE Trans. on
                 number 8, pages 1087-1092, August 1998.
 transferred	to	HGiga	Inc.	(April	2008)	and	Industrial	Technology	Research	Institute
                                                                      Multimedia, volume 7, number 6, pages 997-1006, December 2005.
 (August	2007),	and	a	people	counting	system	specially	developed	for	an	advertise-  5.   L. H. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao, J. Y. Wang, and K. C. Fan, “Automatic
 在過去十年間,我的研究團隊在影像/視訊處理、三維  ment	machine	has	been	transferred	to	HGiga	Inc.	(April	2008).		The	people	counting	  data  capture  for  geographic  information  systems,”  IEEE  Trans.  on   20.  C.-W Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H.-R. Tyan, K.-C. Fan, and L.-H Chen
 圖像、及多媒體安全及保護等領域研發了幾個重要的核  system	later	won	an	innovation	award	issued	by	the	Ministry	of	Economic	Affairs	  Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews,   “A Motion-Tolerant Dissolve Detection Algorithm,” IEEE Trans. on
                                                                      Multimedia, volume 7, number 6, pages 1106-1113, December 2005.
 心技術。其中有一些技術已成功地技轉給業界。例如:  at	the	end	of	2008.		In	June	2009,	the	same	product	won	the	Best	Choice	Award	of	  volume 29, number 2, pages 205-215, May 1999.
 我們所研發「軌跡式事件偵測系統」在2007及2008年分  Computex	Taipei	2009.		In	early	2010,	we	developed	an	encryption	domain	event	  6.   Peter S. Deng, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C.-W. Ho, and H.-R. Tyan, “Wavelet-  21.  Y.H. Ho,C.W.Lin, J.F. Chen and H.Y. Mark Liao “Fast Coarse-to-Fine
                                                                      Video  Retrieval  Using  shot-level  Spatio-temporal  Statistics,”  IEEE
 別技轉給工研院辨識與安全中心及桓基科技。另外,一  detection	 technique	 which	 can	 be	 used	 in	 homecare-related	 applications.	 	 This	  based off-line handwritten signature verification,” Computer Vision   Trans.  on  Circuits  and  Systems  for  Video  Technology,  volume  16,
 個可用於計算觀看廣告人數的廣告機也在2008年順利技  technique	has	been	transferred	to	Industrial	Technology	Research	Institute	in	March	  and Image Understanding, volume 76, number 3, pages 173-190, De-  number 5, pp.642-648, May 2006.
 轉給桓基科技。這項觀看廣告人數計次技術後來在2008  2010.  cember 1999.                  22.  H.-Y.  Sean  Lin,  H.-Y.  Mark  Liao,  and  J.-C.  Lin  “Visual  Salience
 年年底為桓基科技贏得2008年經濟部中小企業創新研究  At	present,	I	involve	myself	in	two	big	projects:	the	Taiwan	e-Learning	and	Digital	  7.   C.-S. Lu, , S.-K. Huang, C.-J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao “Cocktail water-  Guided Mesh Decomposition,” IEEE Trans. on Multimedia,volume
 獎及2009年	Computex	Taipei	的	Best	Choice	Award。在  Archives	Program	(TELDAP)	and	the	Construction	of	Vision-based	Intelligent	Envi-  marking for digital image protection,” IEEE Trans. on Multimedia,   9, number 1, pages 46-57, January 2007.
                 volume 2, number 4, pages 209-224, December 2000.
 2010年4月,我們所研發能在加密狀況下偵測不正常事  ronment	project	(VBIE),	which	are	sponsored,	respectively,	by	the	National	Science	  23.  C.-W. Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H.-R. Tyan, C.-W. Lin, D.-Y. Chen, and
 件的系統成功技轉給工研院辨識與安全中心。這套系統  Council	(the	second	5-year	term,	from	2007-2011)	and	the	Ministry	of	Economic	Af-  8.   L.-F. Chen,H.-Y. Mark Liao, M.-T. Ko, J.-C. Lin, and G.-J. Yu, “A   K.-C.  Fan,  “Motion  Flow-based Video  Retrieval,”  IEEE  Trans.  on
                 new LDA-based face recognition system which can solve the small
 能在不影響隱私權的狀況下執行居家照護。  fairs	(the	second	4-year	term,	from	2009-2012).		For	the	TELDAP	sponsored	by	the	  sample size problem,” Pattern Recognition, volume 33, number 10,   Multimedia, volume 9, number 6, pages 1193-1201, October 2007.
 National	Science	Council,	we	need	to	deal	with	a	large	amount	of	digitized	aged	pic-  pages 1713-1725, 2000.  24.  J.-W. Hsieh, Y.-T. Hsu, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and C.-C. Chen, “Video-
 這幾年,我的研究團隊投入兩個大計畫,一個是數位學  tures	and	aged	films.		Since	the	collected	aged	pictures/films	were	taken	long	time	  based Human Movement Analysis and Its Application to surveillance
 習與數位典藏國家型科技計畫,另一個是以視覺為基礎  ago	and	the	sensing	devices	used	were	analog	by	nature,	the	quality	of	these	pic-  9.   C.-C. Han, H.-Y. Mark Liao, G.-J. Yu, and L.-H. Chen, “Fast face de-  Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Multimedia,volume 10, number 3, pages
 的智慧型環境建構計畫。這兩個計畫分別由國科會及經  tures/videos	is	very	poor.		We	call	the	related	techniques	developed	for	improving	  tection via morphology-based pre-processing,” Pattern Recognition,   372-384, April 2008.
                 volume 33, number 10, pages 1701-1712, 2000.
 濟部所資助。前者需要處理大量的數位化老照片及影  the	quality	of	the	above	mentioned	digitized	pictures	or	videos	the	pre-processing	  25.  D.-Y. Chen, Kevin Cannons, H.-R. Tyan, S.-W Shih, and H.-Y. Mark
 片。因為這些老照片及老影片都是多年前拍攝,在品質  techniques.		After	pre-processing,	the	next	step	one	needs	to	do	is	to	develop	useful	  10.  C.-J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and K.-C. Fan “A new image flux conduc-  Liao, “Spatiotemporal Motion Analysis for the Detection and Classi-
                 tion method and its application to selective image smoothing,” IEEE
 上都不是很好。因此,我們必須花費很多心力去研發前  tools	to	properly	store,	annotate,	and	retrieve	the	digitized	multimedia.		Therefore,	  Trans. on Image Processing, volume 10, number 2, pages 296-306,   fication of Moving Targets,” IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, volume 10,
 處理技術,使這些數位化的資料都能使用。為了便利日  I	am	thinking	of	developing	new	image/video	processing	techniques	to	deal	with	  February 2001.  number 8, pages 1578-1591, December 2008.
 後的儲存、註解及擷取,我們也必須發展相關技術來因  these	aged	pictures/films.  11.  C.-S Lu, and H.-Y. Mark Liao “Multipurpose Watermarking for Image   26.  Nick C. Tang, T. K. Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, J. C. Tsai , and H.-Y.
 應這些非常大量的多媒體資料。  Authentication and Protection,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,   Zhong,  “Motion  Extrapolation  for  Video  Story  Planning,”  Proc.
                 volume 10, number 10, pages 1579-1592, October 2001.  16th  ACM  International  Conference  on  Multimedia,  pp.685-688,
                                                                      2008(short paper) .
 代表著作 Publications  12.  L.-F. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao,C.-C. Han, and J.-C. Lin, “Why recogni-  27.  Y.-M. Liang, S.-W. Shih, Arthur C.-C. Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and
                 tion in a statistics-based face recognition system should be based on   C.-C. Lin, ``Learning Atomic Human Actions Using Variable-Length
                 the pure face portion: a probabilistic decision-based proof,” Pattern   Markov Models,’’ IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cyber-
                 Recognition, volume 34, number 5, pages 1393-1403, 2001.
 1.   J. W. Hsieh, H.-Y. Mark Liao, M. T. Ko, and K. C. Fan, “Wavelet-based shape   netics, Part B, volume 39, number 1, pages 268-280, February 2009.
 from shading,” Graphical Models and Image Processing, volume 57, pages 343-  13.  L.-F.Chen,  H.-Y.  Mark  Liao  and  J.-C.  Lin  “Wavelet-based  Optical   28.  Nick C. Tang, H.-Y. Zhong, J. C. Tsai, T. K. Shih, and H.-Y. Mark
 -362, 1995.     Flow  Estimation,”  IEEE  Trans.  on  Circuits  and  Systems  for  Video   Liao, “Motion Inpainting and Extrapolation for Special Effect Pro-
                 Technology, volume 12, number 1, pages 1-12, January 2002.
 2.   J. W. Hsieh, H.-Y. Mark Liao, K. C. Fan, M. T. Ko, and Y. P. Hung, “Image reg-  duction,” Proc. 17  ACM International Conference on Multimedia,
 istration using a new edge-based approach,” Computer Vision and Image Under-  14.  C.-S Lu, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and Martin Kutter “Denoising and Copy   pp.1037-1040, 2009(video demo) .
 standing, volume 67, pages 112--130, 1997.  Attacks  and  Resilient  Watermarking  by  Exploiting  Knowledge  at   29.  K. L. Chung, Y.-H. Huang, J.-P. Wang, T.-C. Chang, and H.-Y. Mark
                 Detector,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, volume 11, number 3,
 3.   S. H. Jeng, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C. C. Han, M. Y. Chern, and Y. T. Liu, “Facial feature   pages 280-292, March 2002.  Liao, “Fast Randomized Algorithm for Center Detection,’’ To appear
 detection using geometrical face model: an efficient approach,” Pattern Recogni-  in Pattern Recognition.
 tion, volume 31, number 3, pages 273-282, 1998.  15.  C.-S Lu and H.-Y. Mark Liao “Structural Digital Signature for Im-  30.  K. L. Chung, Y.-H. Huang, P.-C. Chang, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, ``Re-
                 age Authentication: An Incidental resistant Scheme,” IEEE Trans. on
                 Multimedia, volume 5, number 2, pages 161-173, June 2003.  versible Data Hiding-Based Approach for Intra-Frame Error Conceal-
                                                                      ment in H.264/AVC.’’ To appear in IEEE Transactions on Circuits
              16.  C. -C Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and C.-S Lu “A New Iterated Two-band   and Systems for Video Technology.
                 Diffusion Equation :Theory and Its Application,” IEEE Trans. on Im-
                 age Processing, volume 12, number 4, pages 466-476, January 2003.
              17.  Y.-M. Liang, H.-R. Tyan, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and S.-W. Chen “Video
                 Stabilization for a Camcoder Mounted on a Moving Vehicle,” IEEE
                 Trans. on Vehicular Technology, volume 53, number 6, pages 1636-
                 1648, November 2004.
              18.  C.-J. Pai, H.-R. Tyan, H.-Y. Mark Liao, Y.-M. Liang, and S.-W. Chen,
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